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Three word story (forum game)


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Becoming pure energy.

ha HA! Now the physical cannot affect me! making me effectively purely invulnerable to everything, and immortal!

*was waiting for just such a chance, especially with "disintegrations" being thrown around*

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he absorbed Emeralis.

Muahaha, we are now one. Now my welfare is intertwined with yours!

We are Eerongalis!

Edit: Now we need another candidate to become a super-merged hyper being, so we can have an awesome godly showdown later. I pick andrew, since he's all ready been being picked on for a while, or mycoltbug since he's been pretty hostile towards pretty much everyone appearing in the story so far :3

Of course, we have to pick on the person as they defend themselves to power, otherwise its not as fun.

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It was then

I'm kinda agreeing with Eero here. Enough with the Eerocide, it's getting old. Moving on.

If you want to fight me as I work my way to godlike powers, I'm cool with that. I'll probably need to lurk a bit more, which pretty much rules out anything happening this weekend, but after that, it could happen.

*Begins planning*

Also, a showdown like that would be epic. It's like the games little kids play where they suddenly have a million and a half new powers, except like five times as awesome because you only three words in which to gain your awesome powers.

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