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Silver in the Cosmere

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I've been thinking about how silver works in the Cosmere, and realized that we know that it interrupts investiture. My thoughts are that silver is allomantically inert due to needing to be an alloy with another metal to be burned by a Mistborn or else it just does nothing as it has the ability to interrupt investiture. 

In addition, we know that Electrum (45% gold, 55% silver) is able to block the godmetal of Ruin (Atium). Do we know if the other godmetals have a silver counter part that can interrupt them as well? 


Can someone tell me if I am just slowly losing my mind or if I'm on to something with silver, because the amount of disruptive power that it seems to have for the few times it has shown up I think could be huge and we as a fan base are just overlooking it. 

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1 hour ago, SilverShard said:

I've been thinking about how silver works in the Cosmere, and realized that we know that it interrupts investiture. My thoughts are that silver is allomantically inert due to needing to be an alloy with another metal to be burned by a Mistborn or else it just does nothing as it has the ability to interrupt investiture. 

In addition, we know that Electrum (45% gold, 55% silver) is able to block the godmetal of Ruin (Atium). Do we know if the other godmetals have a silver counter part that can interrupt them as well? 

Can someone tell me if I am just slowly losing my mind or if I'm on to something with silver, because the amount of disruptive power that it seems to have for the few times it has shown up I think could be huge and we as a fan base are just overlooking it. 

You are not losing your mind. WoBs:



Does silver break Connection or bonds? If silver does have this effect, does it get used in the creation of unkeyed metalminds?

Brandon Sanderson

These are good questions. Silver, as I have it right now, is not capable of that. What silver's doing is is disrupting. It's more like interference. You know how, in White Sand, people can have these columns of sand. If you swiped silver through that, they would fall; but then they would be able to do it again. It's this little nullification for a short time. It's very dangerous to things like shades, and stuff like that. It's more disruptive. If you hit a spren with this, it would be like hitting them with a Shardblade. They're gonna come back together. They're not dead; they're gonna reform eventually, and probably won't take too long. So it's not severing Connection; you're gonna need anti-Investiture to do really destructive stuff. But you can disrupt with some silver. It's specifically bad for Shades for reasons maybe I'll get into someday.

Dragonsteel 2023 (Nov. 21, 2023)


It seems there is a special interaction between silver and investiture, in at least certain places in the Cosmere. We've seen how silver interacts with aethers, and we've seen over on Threnody. So that makes silver the second really really special metal to interact with investiture. Is the plan now to have aluminum block investiture, and silver destroy investiture?

Brandon Sanderson

Yeah, that's the way I'm going with it. To make a distinction between them, that's where we're going.


But silver is still non-allomantic. No silvereyes.

Brandon Sanderson

No, non-allomantic, yup. No silvereyes. This is my nod towards silvereye-ness, and yeah, there we go.


So would [silver] be effective against spren, just like [anti-Investiture]?

Brandon Sanderson

Well, you'll have to find out. RAFO!

Footnote: Argent tried. He also horribly mangled his last question, but it got RAFO'd, so that doesn't matter...
Shardcast Interview (July 30, 2023)



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1 hour ago, SilverShard said:

In addition, we know that Electrum (45% gold, 55% silver) is able to block the godmetal of Ruin (Atium). Do we know if the other godmetals have a silver counter part that can interrupt them as well? 

That's not how Allomantic electrum works - it just shows you YOUR future, while Atium shows you the future of others. Anytime you can see the future, you can react to it, thus you can change the future and react to it changing it again and again and again - this means someone with Atium looking at you will see all those different shadows showing them all different paths you can take. That's what A-electrum does, it just allows you to see the future and that alone disrupts the future sight of others. 

You look into the future by using Fortune and looking into the Spiritual Realm - that's what both Atium (in its pure and alloyed version) and Electrum does. However, Allomantic gold shows you your past (or alternative present), and it likely works via the same mechanism - by drawing Fortune and looking into the Spiritual Realm. That's why I think silver is unrelated to what's happening with electrum, because other metals without it can do more or less the same thing - peer into the Spiritual Realm. Feruchemists tapping Fortune from chromium would also counter A-Atium by splitting their shadows - this is not unique to electrum, it's just a general rule of future sight. HoA ch 3:


Vin burned electrum. This created a cloud of images around her, shadows of possible things she could do in the future. Electrum, the Allomantic complement of gold. Elend had started calling it "poor man's atium." It wouldn't affect the battle much, other than to make her immune to atium, should the Inquisitor have any.




How does electrum work?

Brandon Sanderson

Electrum can see future shadows only as far in the future as is done with atium in the books. They use it to counter atium in that they see their own future shadow fighting, and if they see their shadow get hit by an attack, they know to avoid that attack, and they change their own future. This compounds the future shadows they see, which makes it practically as effective at countering atium as atium itself.

While the scope of an electrum shadow is very limited, it could be useful in many situations. Like if you were playing tennis, you’d be able to look at your shadow and tell if you managed to hit the ball or not, and adjust accordingly. That would still take a lot of practice to master, but it could be very effective.

Miscellaneous 2016 (July 15, 2016)




What would a Hemalurgic spike granting atium do for an Allomancer already able to burn atium? Does it function similarly to bronze, granting enhanced atium-ing? Along this line of thought, would enhancing electrum burning via spike be of any advantage?

Brandon Sanderson

A spike of something you have would enhance your ability, giving your more strength. With atium, more strength makes for a minimal edge--the length you can push out the atium shadows. However, there's a certain breaking point where you kind of crack the whole system, peer straight into the [Spiritual Realm], and kind of have a "It's full of stars" moment.

Electrum could reach this same moment, potentially, though there's more interference to fight through. Extra strength in electrum isn't going to be terribly useful up to that point.


Is that what happened when atium was burned with duralumin?

Brandon Sanderson


Footnote: In his original response Brandon mistakenly said burning atium and duralumin would cause the Allomancer to peer into the Cognitive Realm, rather than Spiritual Realm. He has since confirmed that this was a mistake.
/r/books AMA 2015 (Aug. 1, 2015)




Can a person compounding Luck defeat a Mistborn burning atium?

Brandon Sanderson

*Hesitantly* Yes. That is theoretically possible. I would say the emphasis on, "Could there?" But it is plausible that that could get around it.

Legion Release Party (Sept. 19, 2018)


1 hour ago, SilverShard said:

I've been thinking about how silver works in the Cosmere, and realized that we know that it interrupts investiture. My thoughts are that silver is allomantically inert due to needing to be an alloy with another metal to be burned by a Mistborn or else it just does nothing as it has the ability to interrupt investiture. 

In addition, we know that Electrum (45% gold, 55% silver) is able to block the godmetal of Ruin (Atium). Do we know if the other godmetals have a silver counter part that can interrupt them as well? 


Can someone tell me if I am just slowly losing my mind or if I'm on to something with silver, because the amount of disruptive power that it seems to have for the few times it has shown up I think could be huge and we as a fan base are just overlooking it. 

While silver is Allomantically inert, it can still be steelpushed despite its disruptive properties. I highly doubt you can alloy silver with any of 16 base metals, it doesn't really make sense, silver is not a god metal like Atium is (which can be alloyed with all 16 base metals and produce different effects). If that would work in this way it would mean that electrum is NOT a real pair for gold and there exists another metal that should be paired for gold - this was already disproven because Sazed gave Scadians tables for Metallic Arts with metals unknown to them and they contain electrum as one of the base 16 metals. I'm sure Brandon would not want to make another blender like he did with Atium retcon, and hid from us that electrum doesn't belong where it do.

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Yep, nope, you are 100% right on the HoA quote. I just completely forgot and got way to wrapped up with Stormlight and re-reading Shadows for Silence that my brain went full red string. 


I still think there's something about silver and the interruptions in investiture it seems to cause, but I might be looking in the wrong places and reaching way too much. 

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