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Warbreaker: was I the only one to think this?

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I was reading Warbreaker recently, and I had a hunch that Lightsong would become Hoid (until Hoid appeared in the story), but they seemed very similar as characters. I know that he was born on Yolen, and that he's getting his own story, but was I the only person to think this?

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2 hours ago, -Nightblood- said:


I was reading Warbreaker recently, and I had a hunch that Lightsong would become Hoid (until Hoid appeared in the story), but they seemed very similar as characters. I know that he was born on Yolen, and that he's getting his own story, but was I the only person to think this?

The thought never entered my mind, actually. Lightsong does act a lot like Wit though.

I'm assuming you read SA before Warbreaker?

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could it be so hard to beleve that this would be before sa. spoilers for sa 4 epeloge 


hoid uses breaths to store his memories. what if he returned to get all the returned power but misplaced his memory breaths. 

that would explain why lightsong would not remember that he was hoid. it was a theory i had while reading the book. you weren't alone.

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That theory did not occur to me, though after reading your description I see the connections. During my reading I was sure that Dust was Hoid, which would make it difficult (though not impossible) for Lightsong to also be the same person.

I'd assumed that the characters were just similar in their (seemingly) unserious, almost lackadaisical attitude towards the world around them-- convergent personalities, essentially. I think Wayne is in the same category, sans the memory issues that would make the theory compelling.

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I first read Warbreaker free on the website and, since the annotations (also free on the website) are crosslinked there, I was reading the annotations and chapters side-by-side - so I never really expected Lightsong to be other than he was, but then the annotations gave a great reason for why he was so flippant about The Iridescent Tones - Annotations to Ch 52:


Is there a lesson in all of this, as Lightsong accuses Llarimar of teaching? Perhaps. The value of something is indeed in how you treat it. All of the riches in the world could be piled in one place, and they would be unimportant unless you ascribed value to them. I think this is one of the reasons Lightsong has been so flippant all of his life as a god. Before Returning, the things he valued were far more intangible. People, his life’s work, intellectual freedom—all these things were taken from him, then replaced with gold and baubles. To him, they’re inferior replacements, and he can’t help but chafe—unknowingly—at his confines.

I wanted a chance for Llarimar to take off his hat and be just a friend for a time. His belief system is complex, since he knew Lightsong ahead of time. He sees the divine mantle, but he also sees the man.


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