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NOODLES!!!(mistborn and stormlight archives spoilers)

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Which world does Hoid enjoy visiting the most?

Brandon Sanderson

Scadrial almost has instant noodles. So he's very interested in Scadrial.

Questioner #2

Is he doing anything to push that along?

Brandon Sanderson

He is not as involved in that as certain other forces are.

Questioner #2

There are forces involved in the developing instant noodles?

Brandon Sanderson

Yes, oh yes.

Shadows of Self Chicago signing (Oct. 12, 2015)

so... who is pushing for the creation of instant noodles?

I would like to submit... 




great question!

we know that Kelsier likes instant noodles:


Sparkle Hearts

Kelsier, does he like noodles?

Brandon Sanderson


Legion Release Party (Sept. 19, 2018)

so CLEARLY he wants them to be made, and this is why Hoid dislikes him so much. they are both competing to get instant noodles first. this is why the ghost bloods were formed, to get enough power to scadrial to power their magical ramen production plants, making the best Ramen in the whole comer. 

Edited by hoid without wit
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  • hoid without wit changed the title to NOODLES!!!(mistborn and stormlight archives spoilers)

I think Taldain is supposed to be the furthest along, so they might be aware of it and pushing it elsewhere. 

Or anyone Old enough to have been around for Yolen, like all the dragons.  Or anyone with enough Fortune and/or Spiritual Future Sight; I have to assume Instant Noodles would shine like a beacon in the SR, as a true Milestone of Civilization.  

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Taldain has had instant noodles for a while, so it's probably Trell that wants them:






What's the deal with Hoid and instant noodles?

Brandon Sanderson

...He likes his ramen, right? Like any sane person, he likes his instant noodles. Nothing more than that.


...Has he ever had instant noodles?

Brandon Sanderson

Yeah, he's had instant noodles before. They have them on Taldain, yeah.

Oathbringer release party (Nov. 13, 2017)


Or Khriss


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5 hours ago, Quantus said:

I think Taldain is supposed to be the furthest along, so they might be aware of it and pushing it elsewhere. 

Or anyone Old enough to have been around for Yolen, like all the dragons.  Or anyone with enough Fortune and/or Spiritual Future Sight; I have to assume Instant Noodles would shine like a beacon in the SR, as a true Milestone of Civilization.  

Similar to having Doug as a name being a milestone for a species.

Someone should really figure out Hoid’s levels of civilization, similar to the 5 levels that we came up with as humans. Obviously peak Doug and Instant Noodles herald an advanced civilization

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that should be a score

take the percentage of people named Doug versus everyone else in the world then multiply it by the percentage of instant noodles versus the rest of the foods

a 100% perfect society has everyone named Doug and only eats ramen

.016% of people in our world are named Doug(according to the ten seconds of research I did)

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Ok let’s do the math

(All of these stats are from a quick google search) 


The average person eats something like 1500 pounds of food each year. Let’s multiply that by the number of people in the world. That gives us a total of 1500 * 8,100,000,000 equaling 16,167,600,000,000 pounds of food consumed annually in the world.


There are approximately 100,000,000,000 packs of ramen produced and eaten each year. If each ramen pack weighs 3 ounces, and there are 16 ounces in a pound, that means that the world consumes 18,750,000,000 pounds of ramen each year.


18,750,000,000 ramen pounds / 16,167,600,000,000 food pounds = 0.011597269 


This means that 1.159 percent of all food is ramen noodles. If 0.16 percent of people are named Doug, then our world is a 0.00000185556304 on the Hoid Enlightenment Scale (HES).


We’ve got a while to go guys

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we are doing very poorly as a civilization

On 2/5/2024 at 4:11 PM, Treamayne said:

Taldain has had instant noodles for a while, so it's probably Trell that wants them:

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Or Khriss


sooo.... not only is this the goal of the ghostbloods and Hoid, but also of trell?

Edited by hoid without wit
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11 minutes ago, hoid without wit said:

sooo.... not only is this the goal of the ghostbloodsband Hoid, but also of trell?

The OP theorized that the Ghostbloods wanted Instant Noodles because Kelsier likes normal noodles.

My counter consideration was that it might not be the Ghostbloods pushing for Instant Noodles on Scadrial, it is Trell using Kell's love of noodles to push Taldain Instant Noodles as a mechanism for converting and controlling the Scadrial population through food. 

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I just realized, odium wants to get out of the rosharan system so that HE can have instant noodles first!!!!!

harmony is making scadrial develop noodles quicker

devotion and dominion OBVIOUSLY were killed by odium because they were on the brink of revolutionizing noodle technology

ALL of the shards must have been in on it

the sixteenth shard, the one that is in hiding, the one that nobody knows yet, is the shard of NOODLES, the most important and powerful piece of adonalsyum

the shard is carried by the vessel, Doug(obviously)


here are all the WOBs that I could find on noodles for anyone who wants to know the meaning of the cosmere as well

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