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Hey all, I've just been looking at the chronology on the wiki and there seem to be quite a few gaps that I'm sure we could fix up a bit, so if anyone finds a quote on something that could be of any use to a timeline could you post it on this thread? I'll try to compile everything into as coherent a timeline as I can.

Edit: The biggest problem I have right now is trying to fit in the events on Sel, I can't find any reference to what kind of time period we are looking at between Elantris and any other book, so any information on that would be great.

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Blood and bloody ashes! I've been trying to figure it out from the time when Aona and Skai were shattered and any reference to a time when Odium wasn't on Roshar but I came up with nothing. (Although I did see that entry to Odium not being native to Roshar which is interesting.

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I guess we do have the fact that Aona and Skai were splintered before Seons exist (or the splintering caused it), and the fact that Odium went to Elantris before the Letter Writer and Receiver last met. But we don't really have a timeline for that.

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Yeah they still don't tie in with the overall timeline yet. Ah well I'll keep trying but I suspect we'll have to wait until either stormlight 2 (If there are any more references to Sel) or more likely if someone asks :P

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Honestly, for that Chronology article, what's important right now is trying to get all that information listed in a way that doesn't make me stab my eyes out. This one is sinfully bad.

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Honestly, for that Chronology article, what's important right now is trying to get all that information listed in a way that doesn't make me stab my eyes out. This one is sinfully bad.

Yeah I'm just trying to get at least an estimate on Elantris but I can't find anything. Do you mind if I just re-write the entire format? Use Sazed's ascension as year 0 and work in both directions from there?

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Yeah I'm just trying to get at least an estimate on Elantris but I can't find anything. Do you mind if I just re-write the entire format? Use Sazed's ascension as year 0 and work in both directions from there?

Go ahead and reformat the page; it needs some serious polish to look pretty.

I'm not sure I really like the idea of using Sazed's ascension as year 0, but I don't have strong opinions on what you should do, so sure, why not?

In addition, I'd recommend either at the top or bottom of the full event chronology, we have an explicit Book Chronology in a table or something which lists which order the books are in. I think that's what people will go to that page for 90% of them, not every other cosmere event.

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Yeah, I was thinking that as well, personally I think that the breaking of the Oathpact works better as a year 0 but I thought I'd try it this way.

We can always shift it around once the Chronology is in a proper, pretty format. That'll make things easier.

Hmmm, idea which no one may like. Do you think we should have a separate chronology for big series like Stormlight and Mistborn? It could be something beneficial. There's a lot of chronological details in Stormlight, and I know my fake Mistborn timeline is something I use all the time for MBI.

(Not saying you should do this now; I'm just rambling about future article ideas)

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We can always shift it around once the Chronology is in a proper, pretty format. That'll make things easier.

Hmmm, idea which no one may like. Do you think we should have a separate chronology for big series like Stormlight and Mistborn? It could be something beneficial. There's a lot of chronological details in Stormlight, and I know my fake Mistborn timeline is something I use all the time for MBI.

(Not saying you should do this now; I'm just rambling about future article ideas)

Indeed, a pretty in-depth timeline for each planet might be a better way of doing things, and then the current timeline can just provide a cosmere-wide perspective.

It might even be possible to plug some code into mediawiki (I know, I doubt it too) that formats each planet as a line and lies each line out relative to each other. With points on each line linking to event articles and such. That'd be superduper far down the line though, if ever.

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Choosing what event to make year zero is a tough one. I think that Oathpact would be tough to use for year 0, since we only know when it happened relative to Way of Kings. A truly comprehensive timeline will be tough to make, since the Shardworlds' years probably aren't all perfectly equivalent. I'm pretty sure TWoK and Warbreaker both have years around the same length as our own.

I think that eventually, years down the line when we have a better idea of when everything is in relation to each other, either the Shattering or the Creation of of the cosmere would be good year zeros. I think Creation would probably be better, so we don't have to divide time periods into BS (Before Shattering) and AS (After Shattering).

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It depends on how much shtuff happens pre shattering, I mean there's at least 2 generations worth of story there (Hoid and Midius/Hoid-2.0) but compared to how long the cosmere's been around, that's probably less than epsilon.

And indeed, are the years even the same on Scadrial pre/during/post Final Empire?

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I think that since the time between books is so huge and that the events inside each series only comprise a few years, that the relative length of a year shouldn't matter too much, after all if the events take ~330 earth days that would probably just be rounded up to 1 year.

Okay so I'll just try and make a timeline for each story and then a seperate timeline for when the events of each book occur (still not sure what to do with Elantris on that one, guess it will just be put before mistborn with an unknown time elapsing.

Edit: Ok finally done, tried out splitting it into sections to include a timeline for each series, WoK, AoL and Warbreaker haven't been changed because I didn't have my books with me to check when everything happened, I'll add to it and put references in when I get the chance. (I hope that I didn't put too much info in on Elantris and Mistborn :P )

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  • 1 month later...

I realize this is a bit of topic necromancy but it wasn't worth starting a new one. Brandon answered my questions about when Warbreaker (who's time period shifted due to behind the scenes plots) and Emperor's Soul are chronologically.

Thanks for the kind words! Emperor's Soul is after Elantris, but not too long after. It is before Mistborn.

Second question is that I've moved things so that TWoK is around the same time as AoL, forced by some behind-the-scenes events. Warbreaker now happens before AoL.

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  • 7 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

The Way of Kings takes place in 1173. This is verified by several sources, the best being the caption to the diagram of the Battle of the Tower, which is listed as being circa 1173. The other piece of evidence is the first death quote.

It is but a thousand days and the Everstorm comes.

This is dated 1171, and we know 500 days is a Rosharan year, close enough. So that puts the arrival of Wit's visitor in the epilogue as being in 1173.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well I've finally finished citing everything, took a few months but we got there in the end. One reformatted and cited Chronology. Does anyone know where those dates for Nightblood and Emperor's soul came from? I couldn't find anything at all for those.

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