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Other Feruchemical Abilities


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This is pretty simple, but if you could think of another Feruchemical power, what would it be?

Bonus upvotes in fifteen years if you call one that we discover in the third Mistborn trilogy...


For example:

  • Storing Time. This would produce a Cadmium/Bendalloy effect, though only for the Ferring.
  • Storing Experience: Somewhat similar to Copper, this would store practice and experience in a given field as opposed to general knowledge, i.e. a pianist would store his sheet music in a Coppermind and his piano skill in his Thoriummind (The God Metal of an as-of-yet unseen Shard on the Shardworld Valhalla).


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I think some of these are straying a bit outside the Feruchemical paradigm. Storing time is a really tough one since by its very nature that would have to be external. Even if it only affected the user, it seems like too much. Maybe a small variant to store the user's perception of time, actually changing the frames per second he experiences time in, but not actually changing how he moves through time.


Experience is a cool idea. A nice flipside of Copper. Basically storing muscle-memory of a skill. Great for game mechanics in an RPG. 


Emotional state is viable, but I have a feeling that is going to be what the practical upshot of Duralumin storing Connection turns out to  be when we see it in a book. Temporal sight how you describe it is...weird. You're not really storing anything and taking it back by that definition, just looking in different directions. I can't see that as really viable for Feruchemy. Fertility is an interesting concept. Not too sure how that would work though, as storing it doesn't really cost you anything since you aren't constantly having sex (one would hope). 


Sex appeal I think is also a bit too external an idea for Feruchemy. Connection already pushes the boundaries on that a lot, and most of sex appeal is based on the preferences of those observing you rather than any inherent trait of your own. Sex drive is a great idea though. I could definitely see that one.


Height seems too physical to me, but given that all Feruchemy produces something of a physical change I guess it's viable. Hardness is interesting. How would you picture that working? Do you mean skin hardening into built in body armour?



As for my own ideas, I'd say Concentration would be a good one (incredibly distracted and ADD when storing, hyper focused when tapping). Basically Feruchemical Ritalin.


An interesting one could also be storing Conscience. When storing you're basically a sociopath; when tapping you are hyper aware of your own moral choices.


This might be too much like emotions but storing Contentment. When storing you're grumpy and discontented with life, when tapping everything seems perfect and just the way it should be.


Storing Patience/Tolerance? When storing you are very agitated, the slightest thing setting you off. When tapping you can resist all those urges to just sock your annoying friend Wayne in the mouth?


And finally, Wonder. When storing, everything looks drab and the same, nothing special. When tapping you see the beauty inherent in everything around you far more acutely, and can be inspired by innovation and art far more readily.

Edited by killersquirrel59
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An interesting one could also be storing Conscience. When storing you're basically a sociopath; when tapping you are hyper aware of your own moral choices.


I believe this is what storing connection does.




Hardness is interesting. How would you picture that working? Do you mean skin hardening into built in body armour?

Yeah, the density of the body essentially, when storing you could cut yourself on a butter knife, you could tap it in large amounts to deflect bullets.

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At least according to the MAG which as we all know is written in water, connection is more like social connection. It is your ability to connect to other people. So when storing you are almost autistic, unable to understand social cues and showing no social grace, and when tapping you are a perfect social butterfly. I'm proposing a kind of inverse of that for Conscience, turning the same idea inward to your ability to understand yourself and make moral judgments from it.

@king of nowhere

I like hygiene. I'd definitely love to be able to store up a month's worth of showers and shaving all at once and then not have to worry about it for a while.

Also thought of another good one: Specificity. It functions basically like the amount of detail noticed. When storing, everything washes to basically look the same. When tapping you notice all the minute differences and little things most people miss. When tapping a lot at once you see like you have the 3rd Heightening.

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Calm - alloy of electrum, your panicked when storing, calm when tapping.


I'd be surprised if there are metals that store "opposites" like that... it seems like for a trait to be feruchemable, it has to exist on a single axis, with one obvious positive end and one obvious negative one, and you have to "store" the positive. Like, you can already "store" weight, so I'd be surprised if there were a metal that let you "store" lightness. So, I wouldn't expect there to be a metal that lets you "store" injury, so if you get hurt you just store the broken arm in an unobtainiummind, then throw it away and be healed forever. Maybe godmetals?

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I'd be surprised if there are metals that store "opposites" like that... it seems like for a trait to be feruchemable, it has to exist on a single axis, with one obvious positive end and one obvious negative one, and you have to "store" the positive. Like, you can already "store" weight, so I'd be surprised if there were a metal that let you "store" lightness. So, I wouldn't expect there to be a metal that lets you "store" injury, so if you get hurt you just store the broken arm in an unobtainiummind, then throw it away and be healed forever. Maybe godmetals?

I don't know. Feruchemical brass for heat doesn't really have a positive and negative end. It talks about storing heat to cool down in hot conditions.

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I don't know. Feruchemical brass for heat doesn't really have a positive and negative end. It talks about storing heat to cool down in hot conditions.


Heat is the presence of energy, so it makes sense you'd store heat and not store cold. Storing youth as opposed to age is one of those highly questionable ones in my mind, though. For a child Feruchemist, you'd expect them to store age (becoming weaker and less mentally developed) and when tapping become older (gaining more physical strength/a more developed mind) if we followed the "what's positive?" rule.

Edited by Moogle
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Heat is the presence of energy, so it makes sense you'd store heat and not store cold. Storing youth as opposed to age is one of those highly questionable ones in my mind, though. For a child Feruchemist, you'd expect them to store age (becoming weaker and less mentally developed) and when tapping become older (gaining more physical strength/a more developed mind) if we followed the "what's positive?" rule.

I always guessed that Atium either works under the assumption that every person only has that much time they can live, all their time representing their maximum age, and by tapping they take some of that time for later, bring themselves closer to the point where they have no time left anymore, (aging) which admittedly ignores the effects of ones lifestyle on their longevity expectations, or that it works that way because old age "ruins" a person physically and Atium is well physical Ruin.

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Age always struck me as a bit weird as well, but then again God metals are supposed to break the rules to a degree.

Besides, Feruchemical atium doesn't break the normal rules anywhere near as much as Feruchemical nicrosil does (or at least appears to from the small amount of info we have on it currently).

Edited by killersquirrel59
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Gravity (not weight). Instant dark hole at disposal.  :P


On a more serious note, I was actually thinking emotions. When you store with it, you'd become an emotionless, robotic person. Pretty handy and plausible ability, for those awkward scenarios you want to survive with some measure of dignity. When you tap it, you become more emotional, and you probably will break down in tears.  <_<


Edit: Whoops! Didn't see that in your post, Voidus. Sorry for the idea-repeat.  ;)

Edited by Lightsworn Panda
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I was always hopeful that we'd see emotion metalminds someday. I figured it could work like tin. You could store courage for later or tap happiness when you're feeling down. It would be pretty useful in my opinion, sort of like emotional Allomancy you can use on yourself.

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