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Duralumin Feruchemy and Selish Magic

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Could a duralumin ferring/compounder use their powers to create a connection to place on Sel and become eligible for Initiation in that area's magic system? For example, could one use this method to be recognized as from Arelon and then be selected as an Elantrian after spending enough time in the area?

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50 minutes ago, KelsierFortnite said:

Could a duralumin ferring/compounder use their powers to create a connection to place on Sel and become eligible for Initiation in that area's magic system? For example, could one use this method to be recognized as from Arelon and then be selected as an Elantrian after spending enough time in the area?

Idk, but that’s a cool idea.

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13 hours ago, KelsierFortnite said:

Could a duralumin ferring/compounder use their powers to create a connection to place on Sel and become eligible for Initiation in that area's magic system? For example, could one use this method to be recognized as from Arelon and then be selected as an Elantrian after spending enough time in the area?

It's possible, or rather it's a start, but this doesn't guarantee you will be chosen for the Sheod:



Could someone Feruchemically storing connection in an Aonic nation become an Elantrian?

Brandon Sanderson

It's a little tougher than that, but it would be a start. And for some people, it would be enough.


Is it tougher because of some inherent difficultly with the selection process of Elantrians? Or because of something to do with using connection?

Brandon Sanderson

I'm getting a few too many 17th Shard style questions on the thread. I'm going to start curtailing them, as waking up to an hour' or two's worth of detailed cosmere questions each day is going to seriously impact my ability to actually write. So I'm going to liberally apply RAFO from here out.

So RAFO. :)

Stormlight Three Update #4 (Oct. 5, 2016)




In Bands of Mourning we saw the medallions that can give people Connection to the area that they are in.  Two thoughts on that.  One… if a person were to get a connection to one of the areas from Elantris would they be able to gain the powers from the area?

Brandon Sanderson

Yeah that’s a good question, it’s not that easy.  But it is an excellent question.


And if there was an area where the primary language was sign language, would a person gain the ability to speak sign language to the people present by using that connection?

Brandon Sanderson

Yes.  It is definitely related to the Cognitive Realm and how people are thinking about language.

Calamity Seattle signing (Feb. 17, 2016)


If you already are an Elantrian and have F-duralumin, you can tap Connection to Elantris to overcome location limitation of Selish magics and that will allow you to use Aons anywhere:



So, AonDor is super versatile and powerful.

Brandon Sanderson

Yes, but region-locked!


Yes, it is region locked, exactly. If a full Feruchemist using nicrosil were to create an unlocked medallion that allowed an Elantrian to store Connection to Elantris' location, would it let them use AonDor at full power as long as they were tapping that Connection?

Brandon Sanderson

Yes. That should work just fine.


Just understand that the medallion's going to have to be usable by everyone in order to work. You're going to have to jump through some hoops, but I think what you want there would work. And for those of you listening, that would be the harder way to unlock AonDor. There are easier methods.

DragonCon 2019 (Aug. 31, 2019)


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