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Question 2


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They're 19, isn't 21 the legal age in the US? I'm in Aus, so this may just be a cultural thing in which case just pass it off as a prank on their part :P

Oh. Right.


I'm slightly embarrassed that an Aussie knows my country's laws and customs better than I do, so I'm going to stay silent in an attempt to save face. :P;)

Edited by Kobold King
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Huh, Ray's real name is Rachel? I did not realize that I broke the One Steve Limit with Rachel. Apologies.


Mailliw, feel free to take control of any of the reckoners. Describe them however you want.


Mail-Mi. When does Timeport plan on joining CorpseMaker?


And I just realized, in my last Sightline post, I called Altermind Mailliw...

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Paladin and his followers would, I am fairly certain, have rather strenuously objected to Koschei's rule. Paladin, in particular, would have seen Koschei as a complete vindication of his conspiracy theory-like beliefs about Epic-worshiping cults, and would have stopped at nothing to eliminate Koschei and his worshipers. Dark!Paladin would have taken this so far as to kill every person who had ever been willing to call Koschei their god, no matter the amount of duress they were under.


Even if it meant killing every person in Portland. Guardian and Ranger might have been able to stop him from doing that. And, of course, he might have died and reincarnated in the process of trying to kill Koschei, which would have tempered his executioner's tendencies.


Whether or not he would have been successful at the attempt to dethrone Koschei...that's another matter. Probably not on his own. Koschei alone would have been hard if not impossible to kill, and being surrounded by the Epics who served him...well, three powerful but not High Epic level folks just aren't enough to handle that. (Although I do have a hilarious headcanon of Paladin trying to play whack-a-mole with Koschei's continually resurrecting body.)


Koschei the Deathless lay at his feet, blood congealing on the stump of his neck. That had been almost too easy. Paladin turned away, feeling content.


"You pitiful fool. You think that slaying a God is so easy?" He turned back. The rusting Epic had somehow risen. After losing his head. He knew it had been too easy. Killing an Epic was never that easy. Calamity. Why did I get myself into this?


He swung again, rewarded by the wet thump of a body nearly cut in two. The seemingly dead body started to heal even as it slid off of his blade, however.


Paladin gritted his teeth as he set down to the work of cutting down the supposed god every time he rose. This was going to be a long day.


This post. This post is one of the greatest things I have ever read. :D

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Huh, Ray's real name is Rachel? I did not realize that I broke the One Steve Limit with Rachel. Apologies.


Mailliw, feel free to take control of any of the reckoners. Describe them however you want.


Mail-Mi. When does Timeport plan on joining CorpseMaker?


And I just realized, in my last Sightline post, I called Altermind Mailliw...

We defy the One Steve Limit's tyranny! THIS. IS. OREGON!


Let's try not to confuse players with their characters. It would hardly be fair to poor Edgedancer. :P

This post. This post is one of the greatest things I have ever read. :D

Agreed. That was awesome. :D

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Thanks, all y'all! I appreciate it.

It's one meeting I would actually want to see. Additional Koschei headcanon meetings include....

Koschei/Sam ("Nice tiara. Doth Mother knowest thou wearest her drapes?")

Koschei/Saccharine ("You'll enjoy my tea parties. And unlike my last guest, you'll keep coming back for more.")

Koschei/PP ("It's okay if you're jealous of my beard. Everyone is.")

Koschei/Funtimes ("You look like you need a hug.")

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It's one meeting I would actually want to see. Additional Koschei headcanon meetings include....

Koschei/Sam ("Nice tiara. Doth Mother knowest thou wearest her drapes?")

Koschei/Saccharine ("You'll enjoy my tea parties. And unlike my last guest, you'll keep coming back for more.")

Koschei/PP ("It's okay if you're jealous of my beard. Everyone is.")

Koschei/Funtimes ("You look like you need a hug.")


Lightwards: Leave this city, Koschei. There is only room for one piece of epic headwear here.

Koschei: Oh, that's fortunate. Because only one of us actually has one.

Sam: Lookin' for your ibuprofen, Lightwards? 'Cuz you just got burned.

EDIT: I just saw the edited-in Trimmer post. I get the feeling I'm going to enjoy his segments. :D

Edited by Kobold King
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Lightwards: Leave this city, Koschei. There is only room for one piece of epic headwear here.

Koschei: Oh, that's fortunate. Because only one of us actually has one.

Sam: Lookin' for your ibuprofen, Lightwards? 'Cuz you just got burned.


Koschei/Trimmer ("Think you're all big and bad? Well take a look at this FLAMING TOPIARY! Yeah, not so tough now, are ya? You're going—hey, don't just walk away from me! We ain't finished, pal!") 

Koschei/Mommy ("DIE DIE DIE!!!!!!")

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As for how Koschei treated Lucentia, it would depend on whether she attacked or waited for him to come to her. If she attacked, he would declare war and give her an ultimatum (serve me or die). If he went to her, there is a good chance he would be impressed with Astoria and request an alliance.

Nighthound and Voidgaze....that sounds about right. ;) How would Ray react?

 Lucentia would not make the first strike.


Ray would lay low, she isn´t exactly important enough to bother with for Koschei and it´s not like her situation with Nighthound, were she just wants to get away... unless Koschei decides to gift her to his trusted lieutenant, in which case you have already seen how she would react.


Warning: Lightwards intends to start assigning the dinosaurs to permanent guard duty in the Museum. He knows he'll be a major target soon, so he intends to station them around all doors and windows in the Museum with orders to attack anyone they haven't been specifically commanded not to harm.

Good thing that Aldo dropped in beforehand. ;)


Oh. Right.


I'm slightly embarrassed that an Aussie knows my country's laws and customs better than I do, so I'm going to stay silent in an attempt to save face. :P;)

If it makes you feel better, they would be legal where I live.

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Koschei/Trimmer ("Think you're all big and bad? Well take a look at this FLAMING TOPIARY! Yeah, not so tough now, are ya? You're going—hey, don't just walk away from me! We ain't finished, pal!") 


I like to think that Trimmer has roamed the Fractured States, erecting his topiaries in defiance of all the world's most powerful Epics. Steelheart, the Coven, Obliteration, Night's Sorrow, Möbius... all have faced the wrath of the Trimmer!


(Out of curiosity... what can the Trimmer actually do? I assumed he had some sort of powerful telekinetic control over plants, but he seemed to need a brush saw to construct his topiary.)

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I like to think that Trimmer has roamed the Fractured States, erecting his topiaries in defiance of all the world's most powerful Epics. Steelheart, the Coven, Obliteration, Night's Sorrow, Möbius... all have faced the wrath of the Trimmer!


(Out of curiosity... what can the Trimmer actually do? I assumed he had some sort of powerful telekinetic control over plants, but he seemed to need a brush saw to construct his topiary.)


"You wanna piece of me, Firefight? Well, check out this FLAMING TOPIARY! Looks just like you! Even more so because….because….it's on fire….and…you're on fire….I'm just gonna walk away now." 


(I was thinking he uses the saw to get the basic outline, then molds the finer details with his hands.) 

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"You wanna piece of me, Firefight? Well, check out this FLAMING TOPIARY! Looks just like you! Even more so because….because….it's on fire….and…you're on fire….I'm just gonna walk away now." 


(I was thinking he uses the saw to get the basic outline, then molds the finer details with his hands.)

"You know what, Steelheart? Vacationing with the Reckoners isn't sounding so bad any more. I'll take the job."

(Ah, that makes sense. Is the Trimmer joining any of the current factions, or is he just going to stay outside the city limits making topiaries out of everyone? :P)

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"You know what, Steelheart? Vacationing with the Reckoners isn't sounding so bad any more. I'll take the job."

(Ah, that makes sense. Is the Trimmer joining any of the current factions, or is he just going to stay outside the city limits making topiaries out of everyone? :P)


(He can't very well make topiaries out of everyone if he joins a faction, now can he? :P And yes, this is totally an excuse for him to make topiaries out of CorpseMaker, Altermind, and Lightwards and Funtimes. :D)

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'While no one knows exactly how or why Oregon was destroyed as no records remain from that time, we do have a remarkably well preserved set of Topiaries. Our historians believe these were set up by ancient Oregonians as idols to their gods to protect them from whatever apocalyptic event levelled the state.'
-What happened in Oregon Page 1000

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"The Topiaries gave us valuble information on our precursours religious-system. They had very ingenious rituals, such as the pancake rain of Funtimes, Lucentian burrial rites and (from what we could gather the most loved of all) the "and the Nigthound died" ritual.

However something still puzzles us till this day, it appears that their afterlive ensued after someone climed into the eye of a human snake hybrid, where they all got weird hats and had to dance with leprechauns."

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"The Topiaries gave us valuble information on our precursours religious-system. They had very ingenious rituals, such as the pancake rain of Funtimes, Lucentian burrial rites and (from what we could gather the most loved of all) the "and the Nigthound died" ritual.

However something still puzzles us till this day, it appears that their afterlive ensued after someone climed into the eye of a human snake hybrid, where they all got weird hats and had to dance with leprechauns."


"The phrase 'Serving the Leprechaun King' remains a euphemism for death to this very day, despite the fact that it makes absolutely no sense to modern ears. It is assumed that our ancestors lived in a very... unique era of history."

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"The phrase 'Serving the Leprechaun King' remains a euphemism for death to this very day, despite the fact that it makes absolutely no sense to modern ears. It is assumed that our ancestors lived in a very... unique era of history."

"Despite many writings from the time period, our ancestors seem to have placed little value on literacy. There are multiple references to 'Reading' as a punishment of some sort, and a 'Reader' is spoken of with derision."

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"The phrase 'Serving the Leprechaun King' remains a euphemism for death to this very day, despite the fact that it makes absolutely no sense to modern ears. It is assumed that our ancestors lived in a very... unique era of history."

A part of their culture that is most loved in our modern media are the stories of the creation goddess Revolution Sunburst Jones, who on her own created the entire universe out of the sun, Remington Springfield, a demoinc creature that slaughtered several gods in it´s wrath and the supernal judge Sam, whose cruelty could only be surpassed by her wit.

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A part of their culture that is most loved in our modern media are the stories of the creation goddess Revolution Sunburst Jones, who on her own created the entire universe out of the sun, Remington Springfield, a demoinc creature that slaughtered several gods in it´s wrath and the supernal judge Sam, whose cruelty could only be surpassed by her wit.


"Reaching still further into the depths of ancient Oregonian mythology, we find myriad references to the One Who Unicycles, an entity so strange, so absurd, that any god who gazed upon it's featureless black mask would be rendered speechless for hours at a time. His consort was the beautiful fiery-haired goddess, Ray Creepsbane.


"Another reference of note is of the religion's high priest, Joe of Chicago. A statue of the man is still situated in our most secure museum, shown off for the masses. A curious superstition regarding the statue is the claim that it has periodically come to life through the centuries, asking puzzled museum guards whether a drink called 'whiskey' had been re-invented yet. While the story is no doubt fanciful, it speaks of the strange and bewildering assortment of lore surrounding our distant past."

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"Often times scholars try to link him with the Cuthulu mythos but the connections get confusing when they reach the scriptures of the flying spagethi monster."


Say Kodold, how much of Sam pushing Ray´s buttons was intended?

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"Reaching still further into the depths of ancient Oregonian mythology, we find myriad references to the One Who Unicycles, an entity so strange, so absurd, that any god who gazed upon it's featureless black mask would be rendered speechless for hours at a time. His consort was the beautiful fiery-haired goddess, Ray Creepsbane.

"Another reference of note is of the religion's high priest, Joe of Chicago. A statue of the man is still situated in our most secure museum, shown off for the masses. A curious superstition regarding the statue is the claim that it has periodically come to life through the centuries, asking puzzled museum guards whether a drink called 'whiskey' had been re-invented yet. While the story is no doubt fanciful, it speaks of the strange and bewildering assortment of lore surrounding our distant past."

"Joe of Chicago is the subject of many strange, often contradictory legends. One myth claims his devotion to a substance called 'whiskey' surpassed even his devotion to his wife. However, another legend insists he was of such powerful magic that every woman in a city he visited, if she was of age, would be unable to resist his charms. Consequently, some murals depict him with his ever-present whiskey bottle, while others portray him surrounded by a veritable army of beautiful women."

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Say Kodold, how much of Sam pushing Ray´s buttons was intended?


As the writer, I suspected that she would irritate Ray to no end. In character...


One of the things that separates Sam and Revolution is that Revolution shares a lot of beliefs with the Faithful; she believes in good Epics. Sam doesn't. Sam has a hatred of Epics that might not be as fierce as Remington's, but has deeper roots because they were instilled in her at such an early age. Right now she pities Ray, even deciding to strike up a friendly conversation with her, but in her mind Ray's as bad as any other Epic. She'll admit that Ray hasn't committed any heinous atrocities, but mentally she tags the admission with a big "yet."


That's actually one of the reasons I haven't posted the next segment yet. Sam's more inclined to see Ray losing her temper not as a traumatized woman lashing out from abuse, but as an Epic contemptuously dismissing a perceived inferior. I'm trying to figure out a way to write Sam here that doesn't come across as a Kick the Dog moment enough to make her completely unlikable.

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Huh, Ray's real name is Rachel? I did not realize that I broke the One Steve Limit with Rachel. Apologies.

Mailliw, feel free to take control of any of the reckoners. Describe them however you want.

Mail-Mi. When does Timeport plan on joining CorpseMaker?

And I just realized, in my last Sightline post, I called Altermind Mailliw...

There's two Max's, so...

Okay, cool!

Hahah wow. I didn't even notice until you said that.

Trying to decide if Chicago Joe would love Intervention or not. :/

Edited by Mailliw73
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As the writer, I suspected that she would irritate Ray to no end. In character...


One of the things that separates Sam and Revolution is that Revolution shares a lot of beliefs with the Faithful; she believes in good Epics. Sam doesn't. Sam has a hatred of Epics that might not be as fierce as Remington's, but has deeper roots because they were instilled in her at such an early age. Right now she pities Ray, even deciding to strike up a friendly conversation with her, but in her mind Ray's as bad as any other Epic. She'll admit that Ray hasn't committed any heinous atrocities, but mentally she tags the admission with a big "yet."


That's actually one of the reasons I haven't posted the next segment yet. Sam's more inclined to see Ray losing her temper not as a traumatized woman lashing out from abuse, but as an Epic contemptuously dismissing a perceived inferior. I'm trying to figure out a way to write Sam here that doesn't come across as a Kick the Dog moment enough to make her completely unlikable.

Yeah, I guessed as much. Problem is, given what Nighthound put Ray through, the way she phrased her greeting would still have been insensitive, her ear is afterall still visibly injured and bloody.


Sadly, I got nothing. On the upside I could tell you that asking Voidgaze about grappe juice would have send her into a rant detailing her favorite kind of juice.

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