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Mistborn Movie Concerns


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A Mistborn movie has potential, but Hollywood can be pretty hit or miss on book to movie adaptations. While I'm sure Brandon will be heavily involved with the process and try to keep it as true to the book as possible, What are you worried Hollywood will mess up if they make a Mistborn movie?

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I worry most that they'll do Kelsier wrong.  He's the heart and soul of the first book, and I think if the Mistborn movies get off the ground after the first one, it's gonna ride or die on the Kelsier actor.  I've heard that Sanderson will likely cast Ham as a women, which I think makes sense condsidering how few females are in the series and could work if done right, but I still want the character to feel like Ham.

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Last I heard from Brandon on Intentionally Blank is that Hollywood won't even listen to him on narrative decisions. Until that issue is cleared up my answer is everything could go wrong but probably won't because Brandon doesn't want it to be ruined as much or more than us. Brandon's been patient so far and will likely remain so until a genuinely good opportunity comes along that won't give Hollywood the opportunity to wreck the Cosmere outside of his own control.

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On 1/10/2024 at 10:13 AM, Duxredux said:

Last I heard from Brandon on Intentionally Blank is that Hollywood won't even listen to him on narrative decisions. Until that issue is cleared up my answer is everything could go wrong but probably won't because Brandon doesn't want it to be ruined as much or more than us. Brandon's been patient so far and will likely remain so until a genuinely good opportunity comes along that won't give Hollywood the opportunity to wreck the Cosmere outside of his own control.

This is great to hear. I would rather not ever see a movie version of anything cosmere than to see it get destroyed to push an agenda... no matter what that agenda is... other than to entertain and be true to the books.  Vin is strong. Vin is great. But Hollywood has a bad habit of ruining great strong female characters by neutering and embarrassing the male cast. 

I know its a controversial opinion to have but I think the worst possible thing that could ever happen to a Mistborn movie would be to make Breeze some sleezy greasy manipulative guy that noone is supposed to like. Or... if they make Ham a big himbo energy fellow.  Those 2 HAVE to be gotten right or else half of her teachers will be wrecked. But they are my favorite characters in Era 1 so it makes sense that I don't want them to receive that. I mean Breeze does come off like a stuck up fellow but I can just imagine how Hollywood would treat a male character who schmoozes everyone and has the perfect power to let him get away with it even if he had the charisma of a rock. And Ham absolutely needs to be a philosopher. If he isn't they might as well not make the movie. 

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Breeze has always been one of my favorite characters from Mistborn! I love how you get to see as the books progress that he is actually a good person and cares about his friends, even though he pretends not to. His and Ham's dynamic is very entertaining, I love them. 

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On 1/20/2024 at 7:50 AM, XaliaStormblessed said:

Breeze has always been one of my favorite characters from Mistborn! I love how you get to see as the books progress that he is actually a good person and cares about his friends, even though he pretends not to. His and Ham's dynamic is very entertaining, I love them. 

Exactly. As well as I enjoy reading the Wax and Wayne dynamic... I think I would have preferred a series devoted to Ham and Breeze haha. They didn't get enough screen time. 

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