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Anniversary Game 10/Anonymous Game 14: Tyrian Falls Apocalypse

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12 hours ago, Amethyst Scorpion said:

Because voting wrong is somehow e!indicative? This isn’t a good point until a Hyena countertrain flips e.

It's not exactly about being wrong, since I voted on Hyena as well. My thought is more that an effective team of Spiked would likely want to bring up Hyena early in the day to draw attention to them. That way the Spiked don't have to worry about getting caught with one of their members leading the vote.

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15 minutes ago, Coral Swan said:

It's not exactly about being wrong, since I voted on Hyena as well. My thought is more that an effective team of Spiked would likely want to bring up Hyena early in the day to draw attention to them. That way the Spiked don't have to worry about getting caught with one of their members leading the vote.

I guess. But it wasn’t like I brought up Hyena out of nowhere. I’d clearly established my feelings of them from early on in the game.


Ugh who to even vote


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3 hours ago, Oxblood Beagle said:
8 hours ago, Amber Vulture said:

I was targeted right after reading Dragon as a villager, so that could have been a deflect.

What do you mean? 

[OOC: I was thinking that, if Heron is e!Coinshot, this behaviour would be in line with that. I probably should not have lead with that, though, as it was one of the points I was less certain about.]

3 hours ago, Oxblood Beagle said:

Can you please answer my earlier question about why you v!read Heron last cycle? Apologies if I missed the explanation somewhere. 

[OOC: My logic was (and I am beginning to wonder if this is a flaw in my thinking) that the amount of engagement Heron showed by trying to analyse every post from the first four pages of D1 (with a promise of more to come) seemed more v!leaning than e!leaning. Because it is preferable for elims to just make a safely medium number of posts, while villagers would be more invested in a thorough analysis, right? Now I don't really know what I believe.]

4 hours ago, Oxblood Beagle said:

Why are you assuming whoever targeted you must be an elim? 

[OOC: Because, as I pointed out, there are a couple of reasons why they could overlap (if any of those are unclear, you can ask me, though I might not get back to you until tomorrow morning) Honestly, though, I am uncertain what to do, and struggling to read several people, so I just went with what seemed like the simplest option.

Also, as a heads up, I am busy this evening, and probably won't even be able to read the thread until after rollover. If I am not executed, I will try to post something then]

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Just now, Salmon Meerkat said:

what do you mean by that?

Penguin is almost certainly an Elim 

Just look at this post: there is like negative logic in here. 

10 hours ago, Chartreuse Penguin said:

For now, honestly, I'm voting Pearl Chameleon. The Seeker's got your flip, but honestly your flip is important for so many different things, and revealing so much after only a slight push is throwing me off a little bit. There's plenty of other suspects - I should probably put together a readslist soon - but I'm also waiting for a few more things to perhaps come to light.

Plus, we have the insane logic of:

3 smokers ≠ 3 mistborn (false)

Vulture got shot by e!mistborn!chameleon who had a stroke one day and decided to put himself in thread and therefore vulture's also an Elim if chameleon is. (False)

Somehow chameleon was connected to the trains of D2. (False, at least in my opinion)

As seen below.

10 hours ago, Chartreuse Penguin said:

That's fair, I suppose.

I like having information around, even if I have to spend time digging to get it. Sometimes it helps people who are smarter than me, sometimes it helps me find places to start. And there's a lot of places to start, now.

There's the vote messes of D1, which - in my opinion and with my alignment, hence why I only colored myself - is probably best to leave alone outside of some smaller cases. The only major trains of D1 that haven't either flipped or had more expansive votes D2 are Elephant (which I'm curious about, but it also connects to Chameleon), Penguin (hello! most of the people who voted me seemed to trust me after), and Swan (which was only by 2 votes, so I'll put a pin in it). So until we get more flips - probably going to leave that be for a moment.

There's the vote messes of D2, which IMO are more interesting - Meerkat getting just close enough to the exe to fear for their lives before safely lowering, and Iguana not even getting that far. That's mostly what the vote analysis is for. And, conveniently enough, that also ties in to Pearl Chameleon. Other notable strange votes were partially outlined by Albatross earlier, but include Zebra and Beagle (Zebra being the one to start a Iguana flash-train then being first to abandon it, and Beagle being the one to widen the Hyena-Meerkat gap).

There's the fact that Amber Vulture somehow survived a Coinshot/Mistborn-Coinshot attempt, when there were much more valuable Lurcher targets and @Amber Vulture has yet to really acknowledge it. There were also, likely, more tempting Coinshot targets - Vulture's not incredibly village read, but more strongly village read than others, like perhaps Meerkat. Or perhaps my idea of people's reads are out of date.

There's Pearl Chameleon's claim of Mistborn under duress, and claim of being Seeked. Both things I think we weren't expecting, and that threw me and others for a loop.

And lastly, there's both of those last two things together: Vulture being attacked by an ostensible Third Mistborn at the same time Chameleon claims Second Mistborn and reveals a Seeker. Combined with two to three (I think Mouse mentioned three) circulating Smoker claims/flips, I'm really doubting we have three Village Mistborn (or two and a delayed Coinshot) and a Village Seeker. Or at least, that we have that kind of power versus an Elim team that doesn't have the power to answer it, and I don't think we've necessarily seen that power. (Not that we would have, depending on things, but... yeah.)


For now, honestly, I'm voting Pearl Chameleon. The Seeker's got your flip, but honestly your flip is important for so many different things, and revealing so much after only a slight push is throwing me off a little bit. There's plenty of other suspects - I should probably put together a readslist soon - but I'm also waiting for a few more things to perhaps come to light.

Also Murph has gotten good at killing Mistborn, would hate to not use his skills.


10 hours ago, Chartreuse Penguin said:

There's also the distinct possibility that E!Mistborn!Chameleon shot at Vulture and chose to lie about it, because there's really not too much reason not to with this level of fog-of-war seemingly still in place and the Village trying to figure out how to read that kind of shot.

Yeah yeah I'd totally out myself in thread. 

More on this later

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23 minutes ago, Pearl Chameleon said:

Penguin is almost certainly an Elim 

Just look at this post: there is like negative logic in here. 

Plus, we have the insane logic of:

3 smokers ≠ 3 mistborn (false)

Vulture got shot by e!mistborn!chameleon who had a stroke one day and decided to put himself in thread and therefore vulture's also an Elim if chameleon is. (False)

Somehow chameleon was connected to the trains of D2. (False, at least in my opinion)

As seen below.


Yeah yeah I'd totally out myself in thread. 

More on this later

hmmm... well, fair point. Chameleon if you had a plan with mouse, imma let you guys play it out. and those are good points. also, how do 3 smokers equal 3 mistborn? 

Penguin answer for your crimes/j

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4 hours ago, Oxblood Beagle said:

an aside, why are so many people village reading Albatross? I know Mouse v!read them on the logic that they wouldn’t have killed Falcon. And that reason is fine for putting Alb aside momentarily, but I dont think that logic alone is sufficient to continue v!reading them 2 cycles later? @ Ostrich and other players I don’t remember. Chameleon, I think?

They're the vote analyst, and they've been doing more analysis on votes than anyone else. Again, it hasn't been the best activity-wise, but I find it comes from a village mindset, not a Elim mindset.

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I too thought there were 22 players, so we can potentially revise our elim player count upwards as high as six! 

That elim doc must be a zoo! 

The implication is you could all be correct! But I am instinctively distrustful of those who lock in on a single target because that's easier for an elim to do than creating a broad suspect pool without a teammate in it! 

Your perfect target means nothing if you can't get consensus! So could we all please post a list of people we'd be okay voting for! Bonus marks if you list who you won't exe that is up for death! 

Would vote:




Wont Vote That Has Been Discussed:





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Guys penguin is an Elim 

I'm almost certain

Would vote:


Would not vote:

Quartz Zebra, Oxblood Beagle, Fuchsia Ostrich, Iguana, Amethyst Scorpion, Opal Lion.

17 minutes ago, Salmon Meerkat said:


hmmm... well, fair point. Chameleon if you had a plan with mouse, imma let you guys play it out. and those are good points. also, how do 3 smokers equal 3 mistborn? 

That's the thing: They don't. Penguin is just trying to vote me, but has this whole spiral of thoughts that just don't make sense to try and justify it, and it just doesn't work.

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Just now, Pearl Chameleon said:

Guys penguin is an Elim 

I'm almost certain

Would vote:


Would not vote:

Quartz Zebra, Oxblood Beagle, Fuchsia Ostrich, Iguana, Amethyst Scorpion, Opal Lion.

That's the thing: They don't. Penguin is just trying to vote me, but has this whole spiral of thoughts that just don't make sense to try and justify it, and it just doesn't work.

huh- interesting. i presume the almost is because you arent 100 percent certain bc this is se?

also, could you explain a little what you meant by that last bit, if i may ask? im not quite getting the point.

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7 minutes ago, Salmon Meerkat said:

would: penguin, zebra

would not: cham, heron, myself.

He hates you. 

No, this it's progress! We've revealed this person only has two suspects! 

1 minute ago, Pearl Chameleon said:

Guys penguin is an Elim 

I'm almost certain

Would vote:


Would not vote:

Quartz Zebra, Oxblood Beagle, Fuchsia Ostrich, Iguana, Amethyst Scorpion, Opal Lion.

That's the thing: They don't. Penguin is just trying to vote me, but has this whole spiral of thoughts that just don't make sense to try and justify it, and it just doesn't work.

Might as well put it out there that the reason I've soured on Chameleon is they made a passionate argument for killing Meerkat all of yesterday in PMs! Only after the group it was in made several rebuttals did they back down and self diagnose as having been 'tunneling'! I find their lack of self awareness now that they've latched onto a new shiny toy they are convinced is evil unbelievable!

There's at least five elims and you refuse to consider anyone but single suspects in a vacuum! If you're convinced Penguin is evil, then build on that and tell me who their teammates are! 

It reads more as protective of other people under stress, such as Heron, without wanting to tie themselves to them in case they flip! 


somewhat agree with mint Heron here in an underlying point: people are getting distracted by Heron suspicions that seem to be coming from who knows where? I'd say that it's trying to divert the exe from Salmon Meerkat, who I'm confident is elim.

Grabbing this Cham quote from page two, we see some lovely FUD! 

Their whole strategy is to push a better target and claim opposing wagons are distractions! 

Again, locking in on one person makes little sense when multiple choices could be correct! 


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44 minutes ago, Amber Vulture said:

OOC: I was thinking that, if Heron is e!Coinshot, this behaviour would be in line with that. I probably should not have lead with that, though, as it was one of the points I was less certain about

Just by the way, if heron is the village coinshot, you've outted them in thread. 

Besides, a game with 3 mistborn vs Elim Coinshot is going to have a lot of RNG. I doubt the GMs would choose that kasayana of a distro, but who knows I guess?

1 hour ago, Salmon Meerkat said:

who is the seeker? would you mind pming me? also, Chameleon if i havent already.

I think I have already said I will not be outing the seeker in thread.

4 hours ago, Oxblood Beagle said:

v!read Penguin as well. Though I’m starting to think I’m almost certainly misclearing people.

And why?

4 hours ago, Oxblood Beagle said:

saw Chameleon’s action claims and the C1 scan. These sure are some results. There is 100% an elim between Chameleon and the Seeker. If Chameleon is an elim the seeker does not exist, and if Chameleon is village the Seeker needs to die in my opinion.

Okay, but I think you're overlooking some major points:

1. If there is an Elim between me and the seeker, then why haven't I outted them in thread? It's far more beneficial to me (for either alignment) if I did that. 

2. If I am the Elim, why on earth would I put myself in thread for no reason? Shouldn't e!chameleon imply the seeker exists, because otherwise, I'm throwing away a valuable tool to the elims? And if e!chameleon means that the seeker exists, wouldn't I just NK the seeker N3? Or try and push the vote towards them? I seriously don't see a world in which e!chameleon claims in thread over a fake seeker, and I don't see a world in which e!chameleon claims anyways.

3. And why would the seeker need to die? I can only see one reason why, and that would entail an Elim seeker, but then and again, why would they claim seeker to me? It's much more beneficial to just NK the person, and keep scan results hidden in the Elim doc in the back. In other words, I don't think an Elim seeker would make that kind of play.

4. While we're on the topic of it, in which world does v!chameleon claim in thread? Again, beagle outlined the best course of action, which would be to a) contact someone about the seeker privately and b) play along, and their alignment will be revealed eventually? You tell me what conditions you think v!chameleon would threadclaim in.

11 hours ago, Opal Lion said:

Heading out for a bit but before I do

Penguin, You think that Amber is a strange coinshot target since you see people to be village reading them. your assumption from that is that it's time to kill the claimed mistborn?

I don't really think pearl is a villager. I also don't think they're the right exe at all for today.

If you think Amber is a strange coinshot target, why would you not assume that an Elim mistborn rolled and shot him? why is your assumption that instead the claimed mistborn is an Elim?


12 hours ago, Opal Lion said:

It's just that I wouldn't call that analysis, just information. The only non-flipped role you colored was you, and you didn't out any opinions or findings from it. So I was wondering if you were working on findings that you were going to post after that.

And fortunately this is not a problem for me, as I'm not in any trust groups. In my opinions PMs should be used only if you need to share information with someone that you can't share with Elims. Seeker results fall into that.

Still that's not analysis, so that's why I was asking.

Who are you going to vote, Penguin ?

I like this reasoning and line of questioning. I think it comes from a village mindset.


3 minutes ago, Quartz Zebra said:

at least five elims and you refuse to consider anyone but single suspects in a vacuum! If you're convinced Penguin is evil, then build on that and tell me who their teammates are! 

You asked me who I would vote on, not who five people I think are elims are. I think you have misinterpreted my response.

16 minutes ago, Salmon Meerkat said:

huh- interesting. i presume the almost is because you arent 100 percent certain bc this is se?

also, could you explain a little what you meant by that last bit, if i may ask? im not quite getting the point.

Basically it feels like that big post where penguin makes negative logic and extremely disjuncted conclusions comes from the mindset of "I will vote Cham no matter what but let me attach a big note onto it to make it look better"


5 minutes ago, Quartz Zebra said:

Grabbing this Cham quote from page two, we see some lovely FUD! 

Their whole strategy is to push a better target and claim opposing wagons are distractions! 

If you read my reads from before, at that time I had been reading Heron as Village. Similar to how I said something similar d1 about the scorp train, I am more inclined to defend my village reads.

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6 minutes ago, Pearl Chameleon said:

Just by the way, if heron is the village coinshot, you've outted them in thread. 

Besides, a game with 3 mistborn vs Elim Coinshot is going to have a lot of RNG. I doubt the GMs would choose that kasayana of a distro, but who knows I guess?

I think I have already said I will not be outing the seeker in thread.

And why?

Okay, but I think you're overlooking some major points:

1. If there is an Elim between me and the seeker, then why haven't I outted them in thread? It's far more beneficial to me (for either alignment) if I did that. 

2. If I am the Elim, why on earth would I put myself in thread for no reason? Shouldn't e!chameleon imply the seeker exists, because otherwise, I'm throwing away a valuable tool to the elims? And if e!chameleon means that the seeker exists, wouldn't I just NK the seeker N3? Or try and push the vote towards them? I seriously don't see a world in which e!chameleon claims in thread over a fake seeker, and I don't see a world in which e!chameleon claims anyways.

3. And why would the seeker need to die? I can only see one reason why, and that would entail an Elim seeker, but then and again, why would they claim seeker to me? It's much more beneficial to just NK the person, and keep scan results hidden in the Elim doc in the back. In other words, I don't think an Elim seeker would make that kind of play.

4. While we're on the topic of it, in which world does v!chameleon claim in thread? Again, beagle outlined the best course of action, which would be to a) contact someone about the seeker privately and b) play along, and their alignment will be revealed eventually? You tell me what conditions you think v!chameleon would threadclaim in.


I like this reasoning and line of questioning. I think it comes from a village mindset.


You asked me who I would vote on, not who five people I think are elims are. I think you have misinterpreted my response.

Basically it feels like that big post where penguin makes negative logic and extremely disjuncted conclusions comes from the mindset of "I will vote Cham no matter what but let me attach a big note onto it to make it look better"


emphasis on in-thread. 

9 minutes ago, Quartz Zebra said:

He hates you. 

No, this it's progress! We've revealed this person only has two suspects! 

Might as well put it out there that the reason I've soured on Chameleon is they made a passionate argument for killing Meerkat all of yesterday in PMs! Only after the group it was in made several rebuttals did they back down and self diagnose as having been 'tunneling'! I find their lack of self awareness now that they've latched onto a new shiny toy they are convinced is evil unbelievable!

There's at least five elims and you refuse to consider anyone but single suspects in a vacuum! If you're convinced Penguin is evil, then build on that and tell me who their teammates are! 

It reads more as protective of other people under stress, such as Heron, without wanting to tie themselves to them in case they flip! 

Grabbing this Cham quote from page two, we see some lovely FUD! 

Their whole strategy is to push a better target and claim opposing wagons are distractions! 

Again, locking in on one person makes little sense when multiple choices could be correct! 


i dont have enough brainpower to spare on that atm.

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13 hours ago, Fuchsia Ostrich said:

Sure. Part of it originated when Mouse and I began exploring a v!Meerkat world. We ended up looking at Heron and I posited that e!Heron would have no need to join a train on a 3rd Villager (Iguana). (Also, if in an e!Meerkat world, I believe they would be more likely to bus rather than risk tying their alignments). If you look at the chain of events:

  Reveal hidden contents


@08:03 Mouse signals Albatross to check their PM

@08:18 Quartz introduces a third Iguana train

@08:19 Albatross naked votes Iguana

@08:26 Within 7 minutes Heron piles on with them

I find this progression very natural and would expect an elim in a similar position to not make noise and get involved when there are two perfectly ripe ML's practically guaranteed. Or, if they did, I would expect it to be more reserved, or stilted, or inquisitive. Not to mention the fact that Heron's been on Iguana's case since nearly ~24 hours before that, as evidenced by this the following reads list, which I find both genuine and thorough.

Additionally, here are some more posts that reflect their interest in solving, whether it be via pointed questions at other slots or spewing any thought that seems to surface:

  Reveal hidden contents


It was their approach to N2 that clinched it for me personally. I feel that most elims play nights more passively. Perhaps they might attempt to push certain narratives based on the flip, but rather Heron is put on the defense from two fronts (Zebra and Beagle) and rather than fold, they reply confidently, continue to press Quartz, engage Iguana (who they are consistently suspicious of), and even follow up on Chameleon's reply to a Beagle question:

  Reveal hidden contents



Overall this slot just seems overtly towny to me. Ironically enough, for many of the same reasons I'm v!reading you, Lion.

Hmmm. Lion/Ostritch/Heron not e/e/e. Is what I'm getting from this.

13 hours ago, Magenta Albatross said:

Alright, finally getting back to this. 

So some of the votes are fairly reactionary - (Meerkat to put Hyena ahead of themselves, Chameleon voting Hyena after Beagle voted Chameleon (although Beagle had moved off by that point, but the turn around is very quick). Other were just bandwagonning

I don't really have the energy to dive into each player right now, so there's limited info I think that can then actually be drawn from the above. I'd want to know why all the people jumping on Hyena were doing so, but they may already have been answered. Probably where I'll start looking next.

Would be curious about that if you did have names. (Ah, I see you link them here. Thanks)


Doing a read through of thread, feel like I'm like Heron's responses to the Scorpion interrogation. But I do need to read through their posts in more detail. Will try do that next.

Would like to hear from Vulture about what their deal is though.

Who was Zebra on before flipping to me?

13 hours ago, Fuchsia Ostrich said:

An elim also wouldn't vote their previously unpressured ally there imo (let alone fixate on them), so it wasn't a consideration. But yeah I have no idea what to make of Iguana myself (despite being a pseudo-chaos player, I have lots of difficulty forming confident reads on chaos players), so I do get Heron's constant heckling of the slot.

Boo I'm not even a chaos player idt. I'd like to see an attempt though; I hate being null-read :[. Also thought out progression is a + in my book :P.

13 hours ago, Opal Lion said:

Flamingo, Vulture, Penguin, Kangaroo, Albatross, Chameleon, Dingo, Elephant, Weasel, Rhinoceros

Chartreuse, Kangaroo, [Albatross, Chameleon], Elephant, [Rhinoceros, Weasel, Dingo]

Flamingo, Vulture, Kangaroo, Elephant, [Rhinoceros, Weasel, Dingo]

Still not helpful, but where I am. If there's a team of 5 there's no more than 4 in the groups. If there's 6 then there's no more than 5.

I do think that Chartreuse is most likely not on a team with Flamingo and Vulture.

@Opal Lion Can you explain why you think Penguin/Vulture not e/e? And also if you have any other reads like that lmk, I'm trying to keep track of them ;_;.

13 hours ago, Coral Swan said:

I guess I'll switch my vote from Beagle to Scorpion. I do think one of the early voters on Hyena has a decent chance of being an eliminator.

@Coral Swan Why? Do you have any other reads?

12 hours ago, Opal Lion said:

Finally figured out this post, I'll answer here instead of in PMs since I've never really liked PMs.

I find it interesting first of all that your low tier is mostly inactives. But I'll trustfall


Tuatara has no content, yeah. But they also don't give any cares.
After you (Iguana) voted them at EoD1 for lurking, their only response was to vote you, tell you to stop watching who was reading up, and then continue lurking.
If they were an Elim, why would they just go back to that and not care? Did they think they were protected enough to not have to try? Did they think antagonizing you more was an action that would take heat off them?
They just don't seem to care how they are percieved.


Another person with no content, but I mean no content.
They did vote mouse on D2 though. Why? If they were an Elim, wouldn't you expect more TMI to come from a slot like that? a low posting non-existant Elim is more likely to have their few posts be more TMI filled than a normal posting Elim. Voting mouse like that shows that they have no clue what's really happening or people's opinions.


Uh. Pretend I C/P Ostrich's post. Or something.


Hopping back onto Hyena when you know they're going to flip village is a strange move for an Elim to make at the end of the cycle.
Not only that but Zebra was trying to find other wagons and bring up other wagons at the end of the day when Hyena wasn't being challenged at all.


Meerkat hasn't really said anything, but how blatant they've been with everything they've done is villagery. Yes, it was their CR, but specifically how they played D1 with not wanting to "make enemies" is something that Elims will do, yes, but not as blatantly as meerkat played it.
Not only that but claiming to be vanilla while being a soother is townier of them, since if they were an Elim they would most likely either not claim anything or claim their role in an attempt to save themselves.


why'd you ignore cham LOL. i guess claim is reasoning enough for now but meh.

Hmmmmm noted. Which of these is least likey to stick do you think? Also noted abt inactives- ugh im probs misclearing like 3-4 people. who do you think ive miscleared potentially?

11 hours ago, Chartreuse Penguin said:

That's fair, I suppose.

I like having information around, even if I have to spend time digging to get it. Sometimes it helps people who are smarter than me, sometimes it helps me find places to start. And there's a lot of places to start, now.

There's the vote messes of D1, which - in my opinion and with my alignment, hence why I only colored myself - is probably best to leave alone outside of some smaller cases. The only major trains of D1 that haven't either flipped or had more expansive votes D2 are Elephant (which I'm curious about, but it also connects to Chameleon), Penguin (hello! most of the people who voted me seemed to trust me after), and Swan (which was only by 2 votes, so I'll put a pin in it). So until we get more flips - probably going to leave that be for a moment.

There's the vote messes of D2, which IMO are more interesting - Meerkat getting just close enough to the exe to fear for their lives before safely lowering, and Iguana not even getting that far. That's mostly what the vote analysis is for. And, conveniently enough, that also ties in to Pearl Chameleon. Other notable strange votes were partially outlined by Albatross earlier, but include Zebra and Beagle (Zebra being the one to start a Iguana flash-train then being first to abandon it, and Beagle being the one to widen the Hyena-Meerkat gap).

There's the fact that Amber Vulture somehow survived a Coinshot/Mistborn-Coinshot attempt, when there were much more valuable Lurcher targets and @Amber Vulture has yet to really acknowledge it. There were also, likely, more tempting Coinshot targets - Vulture's not incredibly village read, but more strongly village read than others, like perhaps Meerkat. Or perhaps my idea of people's reads are out of date.

There's Pearl Chameleon's claim of Mistborn under duress, and claim of being Seeked. Both things I think we weren't expecting, and that threw me and others for a loop.

And lastly, there's both of those last two things together: Vulture being attacked by an ostensible Third Mistborn at the same time Chameleon claims Second Mistborn and reveals a Seeker. Combined with two to three (I think Mouse mentioned three) circulating Smoker claims/flips, I'm really doubting we have three Village Mistborn (or two and a delayed Coinshot) and a Village Seeker. Or at least, that we have that kind of power versus an Elim team that doesn't have the power to answer it, and I don't think we've necessarily seen that power. (Not that we would have, depending on things, but... yeah.)


For now, honestly, I'm voting Pearl Chameleon. The Seeker's got your flip, but honestly your flip is important for so many different things, and revealing so much after only a slight push is throwing me off a little bit. There's plenty of other suspects - I should probably put together a readslist soon - but I'm also waiting for a few more things to perhaps come to light.

Also Murph has gotten good at killing Mistborn, would hate to not use his skills.

whos we? I mean I kind of think that might make sense in terms as far as... claims go lol. i dont rlly think that reading into the coinshot gives too much atm esp as it failed. would rather see what happens later bc idk if its indicative of either vulture or the coinshots alignment given how middling vultures been.

4 hours ago, Oxblood Beagle said:

What do you mean? 

Can you please answer my earlier question about why you v!read Heron last cycle? Apologies if I missed the explanation somewhere. 

Why are you assuming whoever targeted you must be an elim? 

2) I saw the village case on Heron. I’m not convinced, especially because in my experience elims often just latch onto one suspect (Iguana, in Heron’s case) that they weakly push for as long as they can. Their readslist from C2 also felt half-heartedly put together and I couldn’t really detect a process to them What I will give you is the point about their vote being left on Iguana in v!Meerkat worlds. Though sometimes elims just…do weird things. 

As an aside, why are so many people village reading Albatross? I know Mouse v!read them on the logic that they wouldn’t have killed Falcon. And that reason is fine for putting Alb aside momentarily, but I dont think that logic alone is sufficient to continue v!reading them 2 cycles later? @ Ostrich and other players I don’t remember. Chameleon, I think?

2) I think Vulture straight up wanting to find and execute whoever shot them is mildly villagery. They’re incorrectly assuming that this must be an elim, but I don’t think an elim would confidently take that leap in logic in the thread. 

I v!read Penguin as well. Though I’m starting to think I’m almost certainly misclearing people.

I saw Chameleon’s action claims and the C1 scan. These sure are some results. There is 100% an elim between Chameleon and the Seeker. If Chameleon is an elim the seeker does not exist, and if Chameleon is village the Seeker needs to die in my opinion.


@Sapphire Elephant why did you dislike the Hyena train? I was unable to find an explained Hyena read in your posts prior to this one; your read there had essentially been "nothing AI" during D1 and an unexplained categorization into V- during D2.


1) kinda where im at at the moment too- tunnels are generally seen as towny but weaker ones without putting much on them is kind of meh @Mint Heron if you think I'm an elim, could you scumcase me? Show me why and where your head is at. It better be good~!

2) agree with bolded lol. villagery entitlement or whathave you.

37 minutes ago, Pearl Chameleon said:

If I get ML'd today then this will be one of the most depressing things of all time.

Penguin is certified Elim

 Case on him later 

EDIT: ❤️



Hi. Don't do this. I'm very much in the opinion that I don't think you're a good exe today, in the hopes you can draw a scan overnight and be more helpful (kinda doubt elims kill you when ur contested tho LOL). You're effectively not my problem, you're the elims problem. Don't make that easier for them. Aye?

15 minutes ago, Pearl Chameleon said:

Penguin is almost certainly an Elim 

Just look at this post: there is like negative logic in here. 

Plus, we have the insane logic of:

3 smokers ≠ 3 mistborn (false)

Vulture got shot by e!mistborn!chameleon who had a stroke one day and decided to put himself in thread and therefore vulture's also an Elim if chameleon is. (False)

Somehow chameleon was connected to the trains of D2. (False, at least in my opinion)

As seen below.


Yeah yeah I'd totally out myself in thread. 

More on this later

I'm ID outing myself saying this; but are you willing to tout yourself as a difference check with penguin?

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1 minute ago, Saffron Iguana said:

whos we? I mean I kind of think that might make sense in terms as far as... claims go lol. i dont rlly think that reading into the coinshot gives too much atm esp as it failed. would rather see what happens later bc idk if its indicative of either vulture or the coinshots alignment given how middling vultures been.

"We" probably refers to the Elim team lol since penguin is elim

2 minutes ago, Saffron Iguana said:

why'd you ignore cham LOL. i guess claim is reasoning enough for now but meh.

Opal Lion gave their read on Chameleon later, I recall.

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50 minutes ago, Pearl Chameleon said:

They're the vote analyst, and they've been doing more analysis on votes than anyone else. Again, it hasn't been the best activity-wise, but I find it comes from a village mindset, not a Elim mindset.

ehhh wagonomics are probably the easiest thing for a wolf to manipulate results with tbh. It's def something ive done before, recently even.

46 minutes ago, Quartz Zebra said:

1) I too thought there were 22 players, so we can potentially revise our elim player count upwards as high as six! 

That elim doc must be a zoo! 

The implication is you could all be correct! But I am instinctively distrustful of those who lock in on a single target because that's easier for an elim to do than creating a broad suspect pool without a teammate in it! 

2Your perfect target means nothing if you can't get consensus! So could we all please post a list of people we'd be okay voting for! Bonus marks if you list who you won't exe that is up for death! 

Would vote:




Wont Vote That Has Been Discussed:





1) usually its 1 elim for every 4 villagers, 25 makes it a kinda of clean 5 elims as a guess.

2) working around with heron/croc at the moment as my main focus, but im a bit unsure everywhere else? probably not voting meerkat/cham today.

43 minutes ago, Salmon Meerkat said:

would: penguin, zebra

would not: cham, heron, myself.

@Salmon Meerkat  Would you not vote me 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺? what happened :[? Also weren't you suspecting cham before? Can you tell me your progression on them?

36 minutes ago, Pearl Chameleon said:

Guys penguin is an Elim 

I'm almost certain

Would vote:


Would not vote:

Quartz Zebra, Oxblood Beagle, Fuchsia Ostrich, Iguana, Amethyst Scorpion, Opal Lion.

That's the thing: They don't. Penguin is just trying to vote me, but has this whole spiral of thoughts that just don't make sense to try and justify it, and it just doesn't work.

nobody else on that go list? like at all? where are you looking if penguin flips v?

7 minutes ago, Pearl Chameleon said:

"We" probably refers to the Elim team lol since penguin is elim

Opal Lion gave their read on Chameleon later, I recall.

hm. Are you willing to tout yourself as a difference check to penguin? @Pearl Chameleon? And oop- can you link that? I must have mist it- pardon the pun.


Also I'm honestly kind of side-eying whoevers claiming for the seeker to claim. You want the rolecop/cop to claim?? here??? with presumably a greenpeek??? because otherwise they'd have outed chameleon to the thread as a red. come on guys./ lol. dont give the elims a target.


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12 hours ago, Opal Lion said:

don't really think pearl is a villager. I also don't think they're the right exe at all for today.

@Saffron Iguana

3 minutes ago, Saffron Iguana said:

hm. Are you willing to tout yourself as a difference check to penguin? @Pearl Chameleon? And oop- can you link that? I must have mist it- pardon the pun.

I don't understand what this is asking

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Just now, Saffron Iguana said:

ehhh wagonomics are probably the easiest thing for a wolf to manipulate results with tbh. It's def something ive done before, recently even.

1) usually its 1 elim for every 4 villagers, 25 makes it a kinda of clean 5 elims as a guess.

2) working around with heron/croc at the moment as my main focus, but im a bit unsure everywhere else? probably not voting meerkat/cham today.

@Salmon Meerkat  Would you not vote me 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺? what happened :[? Also weren't you suspecting cham before? Can you tell me your progression on them?

nobody else on that go list? like at all? where are you looking if penguin flips v?

hm. Are you willing to tout yourself as a difference check to penguin? @Pearl Chameleon? And oop- can you link that? I must have mist it- pardon the pun.


Also I'm honestly kind of side-eying whoevers claiming for the seeker to claim. You want the rolecop/cop to claim?? here??? with presumably a greenpeek??? because otherwise they'd have outed chameleon to the thread as a red. come on guys./ lol. dont give the elims a target.


was. they seem very convicted in their penguin read, and mouse trusted them somewhat, and cham brought up good points in my eyes.

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2 minutes ago, Pearl Chameleon said:

@Saffron Iguana

I don't understand what this is asking


are you willing to put your life on the line to say that you/penguin is v/e?

1 minute ago, Salmon Meerkat said:

was. they seem very convicted in their penguin read, and mouse trusted them somewhat, and cham brought up good points in my eyes.

hm, why can't an elim be convicted like that? As of late, cham was in mouse's ??? tier iirc. What points did cham bring up that you think are good?
and what about me?

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4 minutes ago, Saffron Iguana said:


are you willing to put your life on the line to say that you/penguin is v/e?

hm, why can't an elim be convicted like that? As of late, cham was in mouse's ??? tier iirc. What points did cham bring up that you think are good?
and what about me?

No. But I am confident of Penguin being an Elim. I have additional evidence, if anyone cares.

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5 minutes ago, Saffron Iguana said:


are you willing to put your life on the line to say that you/penguin is v/e?

hm, why can't an elim be convicted like that? As of late, cham was in mouse's ??? tier iirc. What points did cham bring up that you think are good?
and what about me?

im willing to risk it here. 

for you, i say your village based on how much youve contributed. also, youve run me through my paces and then some, which i think is appropriate.

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