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Anniversary Game 10/Anonymous Game 14: Tyrian Falls Apocalypse

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Hello, everyone! I'm excited to be here! 

Your fear is palpable

Shut up! No, not you guys! Never mind! 

When they discover what you did, they will kill you. 

I heard animal facts, focus on the animal facts! The coolest Vultures are the stinky ones, that's cool! You should know 

Only I can protect you. 

You should know that elephants can sense earthquakes, but they rarely do anything to stop them! 

Kill the Elephant in the room. 

Elephant! No! Stop, I need to go, goodbye! 

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Dragon was a good dog. Or, at least that's what he had thought yesterday. Now his best friend Onidsen was dead. That must mean he was a bad dog, right? Because what good dog would let something like that happen to their best friend.

Dragon slowly wandered the dusty streets of Tyrian Falls. He was lost, both literally and figuratively. He had nowhere to go and nobody who would care for him. He was friendless. He didn't really like the thought of that.

The now stray dog decided to do the only thing he thought could possibly cheer him up. He sniffed the air and began to follow his nose to what could only be a tavern of some sort. Taverns meant food. And food always found a way of cheering the beast of a dog up.

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9 minutes ago, Opal Lion said:

At this point best to let Rhino off the hook, Although it did seem like he was going to reappear and say something before. 

Looking at Azure Mouse as of this moment.

I was, I apologize. Lasagna was calling my name, and I had to listen. EDIT: then I forgot and started watching YouTube.

Salmon Meerkat for now. No proof, no nothing, but I need something up and floating in the air, dripping a little oil on my gears. Y’know, so they can start turning. Gah, I almost cooked for a second there. But not really. 

Edited by Plum Rhinoceros
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Azure mouse has had no real thoughts of their own in posting- Seemingly choosing to follow emerald around in a way that I find interesting based on their both non-verbal communication. This has shown itself both in their voting Salmon after Emerald hinted at suspicion on them for their Villager claim, as well as them posting a response to Onidsen's death immediately after Emerald.

Azure is therefore not teamed with Emerald (Who they may be pocketing), nor are they teamed with Salmon.


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2 minutes ago, Opal Lion said:

Azure mouse has had no real thoughts of their own in posting- Seemingly choosing to follow emerald around in a way that I find interesting based on their both non-verbal communication. This has shown itself both in their voting Salmon after Emerald hinted at suspicion on them for their Villager claim, as well as them posting a response to Onidsen's death immediately after Emerald.

Azure is therefore not teamed with Emerald (Who they may be pocketing), nor are they teamed with Salmon.


Dang that’s a lot deeper than I was looking 

very interesting. 

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Bartleby eyed the dropper cautiously. The wrong dose of tin, and the whole concoction would come undone.  He watched it plip, plip, plip, into the mixture. His concentration was ruined however, by a messenger appearing at the door. Apparently, murder was going on. He scowled irritably at the news, and realized he had lost count of the drops, ruining all his hard work. He swore under his breath. Why were they bothering him about this? Shouldn't they ask the detectives? He saw Sasha de Vries @Amber Vulture lurking about, and hoped they would do their job. There was supposed to be another man investigating though. Where had Barney (Amethyst Scorpion) gone off to? They needed that lot on the case. In the meantime, he would be content working at his laboratory, taking any requests for potions and tinctures.

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Barney woke up. He put on his trench coat, grabbed a magnifying glass, and slipped on a pair of glasses that gave Tyrian the proper noir colours. He was a detective, after all. Even if he didn't remember what exactly he was supposed to be finding, discovering, et cetera. Besides the obvious, that is.

He checked the cliff notes.

He agreed regarding Azure Mouse, due to a dislike of their initial vote. Barney noted particular agreement with Opal Lion, and less so with regards to Plum Rhinoceros, mostly due to a healthy respect for playstyles. That didn't make Mouse's vote any better in his eyes though, he could find no fault with Salmon Meerkat at the current moment. [Edit: In fact, Barney misremembered that Rhinoceros was voting Meerkat, not Mouse. Perhaps a split agenda is the foot...?] [Ed2t: He also found it worth mentioning that the aspect that he agrees with Lion regarding is not the Falcon connection, but simply a dislike of the Meerkat vote to begin with. In fact, Barney thought that Lion was entirely wrong about Mouse following Falcon.

Wow, these animals are going to get confusing fast, huh.]

Swan ran past him just then, squawking something about being chased by detectives. So there are others, he thought as the monochrome shifted darker, enveloping his eyes under the false shadow of his hat. At least, I certainly am not after a simple thief.

At least he remembered that much.

Edited by Amethyst Scorpion
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Plum Rhinoceros

This is both a protest vote and an excuse to unvote Mouse because I realized on my second pass I don't actually agree with Lion about that anymore. I'll unvote in the morning.

Barney whisked off to bed once more, because after being awake for ten minutes he was already tired of it.

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