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Who would win. Kaladin (end of RoW) or vin (Middle of HoA)


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Ok so this is my first post so please excuse anything I do wrong. I also don’t know how much spoilers need to be marked so I’m just going to tag the entire thing. 


The idea behind this is a Kaladin Vs. Vin hypothetical battle. 

Kaladin: Has shardplate and sly ready to shape into whatever weapon he needs. He has enough stormlight to last about 15 minutes. 

Vin: full allomantic storages, including duralumin. 2 small knives and a pouch full of coins. She wearing a mistcloak. 

The battle takes place on a decent size plateau in the shattered plains. The weather is clear and it is about 6:00. There are no creatures nearby except for a few cremlings.


So this thread is basically you guys’s opinions on this battle. (Who would win and why)

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35 minutes ago, WhispersOfWit said:

Ok so this is my first post so please excuse anything I do wrong.

This is the Community section (general non-book discussion, forum games, etc.). This more properly belongs in the Cosmere Section > Cosmere Discussion forum. 

As mentioned above, this can be reported to ask a Mod/Admin to move the post (I have already done so).

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1 hour ago, WhispersOfWit said:

Ok so this is my first post so please excuse anything I do wrong. I also don’t know how much spoilers need to be marked so I’m just going to tag the entire thing. 

The idea behind this is a Kaladin Vs. Vin hypothetical battle. 

Kaladin: Has shardplate and sly ready to shape into whatever weapon he needs. He has enough stormlight to last about 15 minutes. 

Vin: full allomantic storages, including duralumin. 2 small knives and a pouch full of coins. She wearing a mistcloak. 

The battle takes place on a decent size plateau in the shattered plains. The weather is clear and it is about 6:00. There are no creatures nearby except for a few cremlings.

So this thread is basically you guys’s opinions on this battle. (Who would win and why)

It's really hard to break through a living Shardplate and Vin has no Atium. A metalless, flat plateau doesn't help Vin at all. Kaladin would win, he doesn't really need to use his Stormlight. Mistborn Vin is an assassin, not a frontline soldier like Kaladin.

Here are Brandon's answers to this question, but those are all before Kaladin got his Shardplate:



Who’d win, Vin or Kaladin?

Brandon Sanderson

On a battlefield Kaladin, off a battlefield probably Vin.

Calamity Seattle signing (Feb. 17, 2016)




Who would win in a fight? Vin or Kaladin?

Brandon Sanderson

It depends on if you convince Vin the need to *inaudible*. Kaladin's a soldier. He wins on the battlefield. He does not win if you sneak up on him at night.

Arcanum Unbounded Hoboken signing (Dec. 3, 2016)




If two of your characters from two different worlds were to duel, which would be the most interesting and exciting to watch, which two characters.

Brandon Sanderson

If they were to duel, like in a "we're not going to kill each other, we're just going to duel", because...I would say that a Vin / Kaladin duel would be the most interesting visually. You gotta pick two different magics, but that can go toe to toe with each other.

Arcanum Unbounded Seattle signing (Dec. 1, 2016)
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22 minutes ago, alder24 said:

It's really hard to break through a living Shardplate and Vin has no Atium. A metalless, flat plateau doesn't help Vin at all. Kaladin would win, he doesn't really need to use his Stormlight. Mistborn Vin is an assassin, not a frontline soldier like Kaladin.

Here are Brandon's answers to this question, but those are all before Kaladin got his Shardplate:

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Who’d win, Vin or Kaladin?

Brandon Sanderson

On a battlefield Kaladin, off a battlefield probably Vin.

Calamity Seattle signing (Feb. 17, 2016)


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Who would win in a fight? Vin or Kaladin?

Brandon Sanderson

It depends on if you convince Vin the need to *inaudible*. Kaladin's a soldier. He wins on the battlefield. He does not win if you sneak up on him at night.

Arcanum Unbounded Hoboken signing (Dec. 3, 2016)


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If two of your characters from two different worlds were to duel, which would be the most interesting and exciting to watch, which two characters.

Brandon Sanderson

If they were to duel, like in a "we're not going to kill each other, we're just going to duel", because...I would say that a Vin / Kaladin duel would be the most interesting visually. You gotta pick two different magics, but that can go toe to toe with each other.

Arcanum Unbounded Seattle signing (Dec. 1, 2016)

I have to agree. This one seems pretty one sided.  Its the vs battle everyone wants to know about but its always presented in a way that really highly favors Kaladin.   

I think there are better representatives of the Scadrial powers at this point. 

Vin at end of HoA might be a bit different story but then we would be talking a vessel vs a radiant.  

But I always cringe at any vs battle including shardplate against a glass dagger wielding mistborn.

@WhispersOfWit I don't want to steal a topic but what do you think would happen between Wax at the end of TLM with his guns vs Kal at 4th?  Inside Elendel where there are actually some good anchors? 

Granted I guess if you are anywhere other than Roshar the Radiants have some serious disadvantage as well. 

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37 minutes ago, Tamriel Wolfsbaine said:

But I always cringe at any vs battle including shardplate against a glass dagger wielding mistborn.


The daggers don't need to be glass, because Kaladin's not a mist born so it would favour Vin to bring weapons that she can manipulate.

Not that ut makes a difference though, Kaladin would win. Vin doesn't have a good way to break his shardplate.

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54 minutes ago, Ookla the Sibling said:

The daggers don't need to be glass, because Kaladin's not a mist born so it would favour Vin to bring weapons that she can manipulate.

Not that ut makes a difference though, Kaladin would win. Vin doesn't have a good way to break his shardplate.

I mentioned that due to OP specifying that is what she had. 

I think she could do some damage with a Koloss sword.  Heavy heavy weapon with pewter strength behind it could mess up plate.   

Even if it gets cut in half a hundred times that still leaves a bunch of anchors for pushes and pulls. 

Still doesn't fix the flat arena. 

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Variations of these kinds of versus matches have been done for years. If you're interested in this kind of conversation, @WhispersOfWit, then in the advanced search look for the tags "versus" or "vs" and you'll get threads with huge numbers of posts. Allomancer vs Jedi, Fullborn vs Radiant, etc. etc.. At least one had over 400 posts. That said, one rather important aspect of reading historical threads is the forum policy of not posting on old or outdated threads. This is referred to as "necro-ing" a thread. We've seen a lot of people new to the forum come and post on some of the really old threads responding to a post over 2-3 years old, sometimes older. The issue with this is that in many cases the information has changed, books have come out, things that Brandon had kept heavily under wraps for years are now common knowledge. When reading old threads, it's well worth keeping this in mind when someone apparently says something obviously wrong or incomplete.

I'll also note that what might seem like a fairly balanced loadout for Kaladin and Vin in this scenario can actually heavily favor one or the other. Open space favors the flier, home turf familiarity for Kaladin, no metal sources for the Allomancer, little cover for the one without magic power armor trying to go evasive, a mistcloak will standout like a sore thumb on a clear day on the Shattered Plains, all of these can dramatically alter the fight. Even details like what is meant by full Allomantic storages? Does this mean that Vin has just swallowed a standard Mistborn metal vial or does this mean that she had the loadout she was frequently carrying in HoA with multiple vials kept on hand specifically to replenish her metal reserves after using Duralumin? Vin's best bet (not a great one) might be hurling a boulder Kaladin wouldn't believe she could possible budge via Duralumin enhanced Pewter, but that's a terrible option if doesn't have backup vials. Another detail is that at any other point in RoW, a Duralumin enhanced Soothing might give Kaladin serious problems when he's at his worst with depression and burnout. Kaladin is either one of the best at fighting though paralyzing depression, or the worst, depending on the day, but this is specifically just after he turned a corner with how he handles his depression and gained armor that shields him from Emotional Allomancy. It might have felt like a fair scenario presentation, but nearly every parameter of the scenario favors Kaladin except for the Stormlight limitation. Allomancy doesn't have a shelf life like Stormlight does (other than purging her internal stores at the end of the day), so if it weren't for the power armor and the summonable soul reaping Blade, Vin could get a leg up if she could avoid a flying Shardbearer for 15 minutes in a open plateau with no metal to push off of other than her bag of coins. Give her a field of Koloss swords, let her fight in Luthadel with places to hide, give her opportunities to utilize her Tin and Bronze to evade Kaladin, fight in the mists at night, or plenty of charges for Duralumin and she will have much better odds as she can use hit-and-run tactics and take potshots at Kaladin's Plate and then the 15 minute Stormlight limit starts making much more of a difference if he can't repair it after 15 minutes.

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