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The mystery of the Valley of Mist


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1 hour ago, Ookla the Silver said:

Mike laughs "you just wait hun!"

The walls start to melt, and everything starts to spin faster and faster. You see the entirety of your past and future roll past you in only moments.


You see your birth/ you are in labor giving birth to your daughter/ you watch your wife give birth, "Chiyo" you think.


You see a child triping on a rock as the rock and as the ground to which you fly. "AAAAHHH" is the only thing going through your head.


You see yourself arriving at the tavern, Mike opens the door/ you open the door, you walk through, you watch Chiyo walk though.


You see yourself impaled on a tree while wolves lap at your blood. You lap at the blood of the trespasser who has crossed your land.


You are back in the present. Pain lashes through you, like lightning. Everything burns. 

Your heart bears faster and faster the rush of blood in your ears sours.

Everything goes black

Chiyo faints.

Mike catches her.

"Someone doesn't show much restraint! She's gonna have a killer hangover!"

"Quit the odds ey?" He watches Chiyo collapse. 

"She'll be vomiting soon"

"Well that was a bit anticlimactic! What do you reckon that bloke running off toward the forest is up to?"

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14 minutes ago, Canada Lover said:



Alrighty then

Area 30

After walking down the riverside for a while, you notice a roar in the distance and a massive splash. Turning towards the noise you see a tall man on a horse. Stag antlers rise from his head and his eyes are the purest green.

"Hello little one. What are you doing out on the dusk of the Hunt?"


Yes it's dusk rn


16 minutes ago, Ookla the Erased said:

"Well that was a bit anticlimactic! What do you reckon that bloke running off toward the forest is up to?"

The guard shrugs and orders some mead.

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The old man sat down in his hut. He set the natal spike in the dordframe, setting the trap. Some called him paranoid, but he thought he was careful. They knew not to come at night, however, anyone dangerous…

He sta on his bed, and as always felt the short string of gold on its underside before dropping to sleep.

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3 minutes ago, OokIa the Believer said:

The old man sat down in his hut. He set the natal spike in the dordframe, setting the trap. Some called him paranoid, but he thought he was careful. They knew not to come at night, however, anyone dangerous…

He sta on his bed, and as always felt the short string of gold on its underside before dropping to sleep.


The what spike


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10 minutes ago, Ookla the Silver said:

Area 30

After walking down the riverside for a while, you notice a roar in the distance and a massive splash. Turning towards the noise you see a tall man on a horse. Stag antlers rise from his head and his eyes are the purest green.

"Hello little one. What are you doing out on the dusk of the Hunt?"


The guard shrugs and orders some mead.

"I am looking for my parents. Why are you out?" Quinn instinctively hid, but came out after a few seconds.

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6 minutes ago, Canada Lover said:

"I am looking for my parents. Why are you out?" Quinn instinctively hid, but came out after a few seconds.


"These woods are mine."

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2 minutes ago, Canada Lover said:

"Okay. Will you allow me in?" Quinn stepped out of the woods into the river.


"Ahhh, a polite one at last! Since you asked so nicely, you may... For a price!"

He grins like a shark.


The rest of you can go into the forest too...


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4 minutes ago, Canada Lover said:

"Um... Quinn. That's the name Sarah gave me."

You feel a pang of loss.... 

You no longer remember your name.

He steps back "Splendid, you may walk free in my forest, unbotherdd by me and my hunt. But a word of advice. Touch not the circle, nor the taint of the shade. If I sense either on you, a new deal must be made." 

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3 minutes ago, Ookla the Silver said:

You feel a pang of loss.... 

You no longer remember your name.

He steps back "Splendid, you may walk free in my forest, unbotherdd by me and my hunt. But a word of advice. Touch not the circle, nor the taint of the shade. If I sense either on you, a new deal must be made." 

"Okay! I don't believe I got your name?"

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1 minute ago, Canada Lover said:

Quinn continued following the river, not trying to stray too far away from what she knew.

You come to a split in the river, and a bridge. One branch goes north and the other goes east

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2 hours ago, Ookla the Silver said:

Area 30

After walking down the riverside for a while, you notice a roar in the distance and a massive splash. Turning towards the noise you see a tall man on a horse. Stag antlers rise from his head and his eyes are the purest green.

"Hello little one. What are you doing out on the dusk of the Hunt?"


The guard shrugs and orders some mead.

"Well maybe we should follow, just in case?"                                               Then he turns to Mike. 
"Have anything for me to fix, to pay for my drink?"

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3 hours ago, Ookla the Silver said:

Mike takes the coin, chuckling.
The tree is now drunk. It starts to tip towards you....

Laegon covers his head with his hands and takes a few steps backwards, out of the tree's reach. Then a few more.
Before long, Laegon made it back to the tavern. He sets down his cup and lets out a sigh. "Your distilled, weird juice still makes the trees angry and upset at me. What doesn't anymore."

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The old man feel asleep. By morning he was dead. He had died by the one thing that he had never expected, and couldn’t prepare for, nature. However his house remained, fully, and very set up with many many traps. Seeking the ones he had feared. 


Yes he dies, if one of you goes into the house, ping me, also, this would have repercussions. He is the blacksmith, and so if anything metal breaks or is needed, he would be sought out.


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11 hours ago, Canada Lover said:

She continued to follow the river north.


You cross the river and exit the forest. Up ahead you see a massive rock beyond which is... Nothing.

10 hours ago, Ookla the Erased said:

"Well maybe we should follow, just in case?"                                               Then he turns to Mike. 
"Have anything for me to fix, to pay for my drink?"


"The old Blacksmiths been coughing lately, go check on him and the drinks on the house."

10 hours ago, Ookla the Bees said:

Laegon covers his head with his hands and takes a few steps backwards, out of the tree's reach. Then a few more.
Before long, Laegon made it back to the tavern. He sets down his cup and lets out a sigh. "Your distilled, weird juice still makes the trees angry and upset at me. What doesn't anymore."


7 hours ago, OokIa the Believer said:

The old man feel asleep. By morning he was dead. He had died by the one thing that he had never expected, and couldn’t prepare for, nature. However his house remained, fully, and very set up with many many traps. Seeking the ones he had feared. 



Uh OK? What's your plan here?


Edited by Ookla the Silver
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