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An Invention Invention?

Child of Hodor

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We have this WoB from Brandon about who made Canticle. 



So, what's up with Canticle? You've got the sunlight, it appears to be Invested and then the planet's core is trying to suck it up. And you know, where does it go after it does that, and...

Brandon Sanderson

Yeah, Canticle was built for a very specific purpose by a very powerful being in the Cosmere, that I will someday get to. You're going to see some more stuff like this. Basically, megastructures that take planets or other sort of heavenly bodies.


So it's not like some avatar of Autonomy or anything like that?

Brandon Sanderson

It's not an avatar of anything, it was built for a specific purpose, yes.

Just wait til I get to the Grand Apparatus, you're gonna love that. What was that voice that talked about a future Cosmere planet? Hmm!

Dragonsteel 2023 (Nov. 21, 2023)

My guess is that Invention made the planet. Mostly because you basically need advanced technology to survive on it for very long and it encourages you to keep making better technology. The sun hearts provide portable fuel source. 

I'm mostly working backwards from the result of the Chorus being created. A bunch of beings that are already dead so they don't need to sleep or eat who are constantly making advanced technology. A long time ago I made meme of how Invention would want to create a scenario where people had to constantly innovate to survive. I was thinking Invention have a giant spaceship society.  Everyday is this scene from Apollo 13:


The Grand Apparatus sounds like something Invention would be associated with. I don't know what voice Brandon is referring to. Who mentioned a future Cosmere planet? Ati saying Vax? 

The planet is being slowly destroyed by the Sun and the life expectancy of the planet can't be very long so that fits with Ruin.  But we know Ruin can't create much on it's own which is why a Preservation team up was necessary.  Did they make Canticle? I don't think that makes sense. Again I can't recall another voice mentioning a future planet. 

Edited by Child of Hodor
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34 minutes ago, Child of Hodor said:

We have this WoB from Brandon about who made Canticle. 

My guess is that Invention made the planet. Mostly because you basically need advanced technology to survive on it for very long and it encourages you to keep making better technology. The sun hearts provide portable fuel source. 

I'm mostly working backwards from the result of the Chorus being created. A bunch of beings that are already dead so they don't need to sleep or eat who are constantly making advanced technology. A long time ago I made meme of how Invention would want to create a scenario where people had to constantly innovate to survive. I was thinking Invention have a giant spaceship society.  Everyday is this scene from Apollo 13:

The Grand Apparatus sounds like something Invention would be associated with. I don't know what voice Brandon is referring to. Who mentioned a future Cosmere planet? Ati saying Vax? 

The planet is being slowly destroyed by the Sun and the life expectancy of the planet can't be very long so that fits with Ruin.  But we know Ruin can't create much on it's own which is why a Preservation team up was necessary.  Did they make Canticle? I don't think so that makes sense. Again I can't recall another voice mentioning a future planet. 

I love the idea that Canticle is a megastructure made by Invention. It fits well both with the intent and the WoB presented. I wonder what's its purpose, what kind of giant megastructure it is. 

If Invention made Canticle it may mean that Invention doesn't care about people, they didn't do that to make people invent or anything like that, but they have some big futuristic plans for all of their structures, and Threnodites landing and settling on Canticle was just an accident they didn't plan for. Not every Shard might want to include people in their plans. They are just pawns, why bother with them when you can replace them with giant machines?

And I don't get what he meant at the end, he worded it weirdly. Was he referencing Ati and Vax, or did somebody from the audience shouted "Vax" or "a future Cosmere planet" or something like that and Brandon was responding to that person? If he's talking about Ati and Vax then I find it very weird that he calls him "a voice" not a person or a character. If Vax is a giant megastructure then why would Ati be familiar with it? He was stuck on Scadrial with his mind imprisoned for most of the time since the Shattering. And if Vax is related to Invention, then is Senna the name of Invention's Vessel? Leras said her name. Maybe they're all connected?

Lastly, what the hell is the Grand Apparatus??? It's the most vague name possible! What if Canticle is some sort of giant battery that collects investiture for the Grand Apparatus? Otherwise I see no purpose for what's happening on Canticle and why it would collect investiture in its core.

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On 11/27/2023 at 10:46 AM, alder24 said:

Lastly, what the hell is the Grand Apparatus??? It's the most vague name possible! What if Canticle is some sort of giant battery that collects investiture for the Grand Apparatus? Otherwise I see no purpose for what's happening on Canticle and why it would collect investiture in its core.

Perhaps it's a Bomb? To destroy the cosmere?

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12 hours ago, Ookla the Silver said:

Perhaps it's a Bomb? To destroy the cosmere?

No. Even a supernova wouldn't be able to do that.

It's a planet. I would guess it's about Shards - a device to Splinter Shards, or trap them, or merge them forcefully?



What is the Grand Apparatus?

Brandon Sanderson

The Grand Apparatus is a reference to a planet in the cosmere you haven't seen yet that is completely... it's very obviously constructed for a certain purpose.

By the way, that's not my canon name for it. It probably will be, but I haven't Googled that to make sure someone else hasn't used it. "Did you not know that Microsoft has a thing called the Grand Apparatus?" That happened to me once; I've got Silverlight, they're like, "Like the Microsoft program?"

Dragonsteel 2023 (Nov. 21, 2023)


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15 minutes ago, alder24 said:

It's a planet. I would guess it's about Shards - a device to Splinter Shards, or trap them, or merge them forcefully?


That could be neat, remake ado with tech.

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  • 1 month later...

I thought the same thing when he mentioned the Grand apparatus and totally think that is something a shard called invention would make. If invention is trying to hide out from Odium and Autonomy so he is not splintered settling on a planet and hiding away would be a smart way to do it especially if he influences the plant to make a weapon to scare off other shard. I think that invention is just hiding out from all the other shards so he isn't splintered or manipulated. 

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I think the safe bet is that Canticles core is a battery of some kind. Nomad mentions a couple things that supports this although I don't have the quotes

-power seems to be drawn to the core, sun hears are created when they get in the way of the energy getting to the surface/core. This is when he gives the lightbulg analogy

-Nomad also mentions that the planet behaves strangely for something so small. He theorizes that there must be something strange about the core but doesn't give us any other ideas.


If its a battery then it could really mean anything and makes it hard to predict what it could be. My best ideas for what this power source could be used for 

-A Death Star-style weapon to destroy things

-a extra life for a shard. My current theory is that canticle is a device that once it has enough energy it will be able to revive ambition. There is almost no evidence for this besides the presence of threnodites. This idea could be true though or it could be a backup if something were to happen to invention and it needed to be revived. 


Any other ideas for what a shard could do with a giant battery? 

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13 hours ago, Elite01 said:

-a extra life for a shard. My current theory is that canticle is a device that once it has enough energy it will be able to revive ambition. There is almost no evidence for this besides the presence of threnodites. This idea could be true though or it could be a backup if something were to happen to invention and it needed to be revived. 

Interesting. What if it actually collects Ambition's investiture to restore the Shard? Threnodites are there and just like we saw in TLM, where a large concentration of Metalborn spawned a perpendicularity, here a large concentration of Threnodites might help attract even more of Ambition's investiture.  Of course they can't be the vital point of this machine because it existed and worked before they arrived, but they might have arrived there because of their Connection to Ambition.

13 hours ago, Elite01 said:

Any other ideas for what a shard could do with a giant battery? 

It doesn't need to be a battery. It can be a weapon to splinter Shards, a tool to merge Shards, a tool to attract investiture of every Shard to find out if it's possible to recreate Adonalsium on a small scale, or just an attempt to make a black hole out of pure investiture. Truthfully it can be anything. 

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