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The Forgotten Ones

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One day I decided to go for, like, a three hour walk through my neighborhood/forest, and when I returned, nobody had even noticed I was gone.

Another time, we traveled a long way to go to the beach, and my family almost left five year old me behind.

And a bunch more. But even I have forgotten some of those.

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1 hour ago, The Honorable One said:

One day I decided to go for, like, a three hour walk through my neighborhood/forest, and when I returned, nobody had even noticed I was gone.

Another time, we traveled a long way to go to the beach, and my family almost left five year old me behind.

And a bunch more. But even I have forgotten some of those.

I know what you are feeling. For I have felt it many a times.

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As an edgedancer, I try very hard to…well…remember those who have been forgotten. Listen to those who have been ignored. Interestingly enough, though, I still end up forgotten far, far too often.

*hugs for all*

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1 hour ago, Edema Rue said:

As an edgedancer, I try very hard to…well…remember those who have been forgotten. Listen to those who have been ignored. Interestingly enough, though, I still end up forgotten far, far too often.

*hugs for all*


1 hour ago, TheRavenHasLanded said:

i- uh- when i was pretty young, at least 6 years ago, likely more, i told my mom that i felt like a teddy bear whom nobody wanted anymore unless it was convenient. yeah, mental health wasnt good at all.

That is... the saddest thing I have heard for, like, a long time.


*offers comfort to all*

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There was this one concert... we were doing so well, and we were doing instrument demonstrations, right? And we got to my instrument... AND THE BAND DIRECTOR SKIPPED OVER IT ENTIRELY AND COMPLETELY FORGOT ABOUT US!!! Then they didn't mention it the next day, and my friends who played the same instrument laughed at me, along with my other friends. Oh, and also like every single time I'm around. Like the Threnodite Hunger Games, like the Stormlit Hunger Games when they were talking about the remaining contestants, the fact that my band director still owes me lunch... just like all the time really.

*Hugs everyone* I know your pain. Because I feel it everyday.

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23 minutes ago, Canada Lover said:

There was this one concert... we were doing so well, and we were doing instrument demonstrations, right? And we got to my instrument... AND THE BAND DIRECTOR SKIPPED OVER IT ENTIRELY AND COMPLETELY FORGOT ABOUT US!!! Then they didn't mention it the next day, and my friends who played the same instrument laughed at me, along with my other friends. Oh, and also like every single time I'm around. Like the Threnodite Hunger Games, like the Stormlit Hunger Games when they were talking about the remaining contestants, the fact that my band director still owes me lunch... just like all the time really.

*Hugs everyone* I know your pain. Because I feel it everyday.

Oh yeah, I remember that.


You know you're never getting that lunch, right?

Edited by The Honorable One
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There are two kinds of blindness

There's the kind that prevents you from seeing the physical world

And then there's the kind that prevents you from seeing others


All of us have the second kind

There are many things about people that we miss

And it causes so much sorrow and loneliness

Because each of us have it


Each of us has a unique kind of blindness that leaves us blinded

To the incredible and wonderful traits in those around us

And leaves many of us



Left in the dark

Wishing someone, anyone 

Will come and talk or notice us

Silently crying in the dead of night

Or deep in a fantasy world

Tucked away from the pain of a world that can not

Will not, see us

So yeah, that came out...and I'm finally done just stalking this corner :P

*hugs everyone*

I honestly think you all are wonderful in your own ways and I'm going to meet you all one day. 

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2 hours ago, Ookla the Raveness said:


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There are two kinds of blindness

There's the kind that prevents you from seeing the physical world

And then there's the kind that prevents you from seeing others


All of us have the second kind

There are many things about people that we miss

And it causes so much sorrow and loneliness

Because each of us have it


Each of us has a unique kind of blindness that leaves us blinded

To the incredible and wonderful traits in those around us

And leaves many of us



Left in the dark

Wishing someone, anyone 

Will come and talk or notice us

Silently crying in the dead of night

Or deep in a fantasy world

Tucked away from the pain of a world that can not

Will not, see us

So yeah, that came out...and I'm finally done just stalking this corner :P

*hugs everyone*

I honestly think you all are wonderful in your own ways and I'm going to meet you all one day. 

*Hugs* beautiful talk.

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  • 2 months later...

Last year, my drama class would play a game where one person would leave the room, three of us would hide, and the first person would return and guess who was missing. While everyone who hid was forgotten at least once, I was the only one whose absence was never noticed. 

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9 hours ago, TheRavenHasLanded said:

There are oftentimes where i wish i could just... be forgotten. Its really weird. im not like, self harm-forgotten, but just like... just not be here for a bit i guess.

I definitely feel that way sometimes. I think what hurts most about being a forgotten person is in not being able to choose when I am forgotten and when I am not.

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I find myself here less and less the more the shard turns into a place where people try and gain the attention of others and where happiness is measured in reputation and popularity. It truly is sad how much the shard has changed since 2020, and how much it has turned into a bad environment, with things like status updates and popularity contests.

This place is, in my heart, a place for those who try to go beyond what the shard has become, and are ignored because of it.

I don't know if Canada Lover is still around, but I still remember them. And for all of you who are forgotten, I will remember you.

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31 minutes ago, Aeoryi said:

I find myself here less and less the more the shard turns into a place where people try and gain the attention of others and where happiness is measured in reputation and popularity. It truly is sad how much the shard has changed since 2020, and how much it has turned into a bad environment, with things like status updates and popularity contests.

If the Shard is a bad environment, then I'm pretty sure almost every other place in existence is a bad environment. I don't really see any of the things you mentioned too much. The reputation, I can kinda get, since I've mentioned before that in a few isolated circumstances I posted specifically to get rep, unfortunately. I said in a reply to one of your SUs that I like to watch the number go up on the leaderboards, and I don't know if that influenced your writing of this post, but when I said that I didn't mean "I care and want my reputation to grow!" What I meant was that, as people give rep for things, I like to see bigger numbers for the sake of the fact that I like numbers growing bigger gradually. 

Then again, you could mean like winning the day. Yeah... I personally agree there. I think it kinda sucks that there's that thing. It's a fun thing to have, and I don't think it would be bad normally, but there's the fact that there's a counter on the profiles devoted to it... Idk.

Anyways, what did you really mean when you said those things? I would really like some clarification because I'm probably misunderstanding what you're saying here. 

Edit one: idk about my phrasing... hmm.

Edit two: okay, ima just restructure this fully. *muttering under my breath as I angrily type about not being a jerk when I'm not trying to be.*

Edited by Thaidakar the Ghostblood
removed a lot because I realized the way I was going with it was far more contentious than I meant to come across as
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1 hour ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

If the Shard is a bad environment, then I'm pretty sure almost every other place in existence is a bad environment. I don't really see any of the things you mentioned too much. The reputation, I can kinda get, since I've mentioned before that in a few isolated circumstances I posted specifically to get rep, unfortunately. I said in a reply to one of your SUs that I like to watch the number go up on the leaderboards, and I don't know if that influenced your writing of this post, but when I said that I didn't mean "I care and want my reputation to grow!" What I meant was that, as people give rep for things, I like to see bigger numbers for the sake of the fact that I like numbers growing bigger gradually. 

Then again, you could mean like winning the day. Yeah... I personally agree there. I think it kinda sucks that there's that thing. It's a fun thing to have, and I don't think it would be bad normally, but there's the fact that there's a counter on the profiles devoted to it... Idk.

Anyways, what did you really mean when you said those things? I would really like some clarification because I'm probably misunderstanding what you're saying here. 

Edit one: idk about my phrasing... hmm.

Edit two: okay, ima just restructure this fully. *muttering under my breath as I angrily type about not being a jerk when I'm not trying to be.*

A lot of people on the shard seek validation and attention, whether that be through status update replies, winning a day, or getting up votes. The problem isn't when it happens, it's when it doesn't. When you don't get attention or rep on the shard, it tends to feel bad, because there comes a point where you expect it. And that's where the negative environment of the shard comes from. The dependence on the shard to get validation and attention makes it so you when you don't get that, you feel bad. And feeling bad isn't good! 

As for what motivated me to write this, I would say it's the status updates I see every single day. I obviously don't want to single anyone out or anything like that, but there are some status updates that suggest that other people are struggling in this negative environment, and I don't think it needs promotion.


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12 minutes ago, Aeoryi said:

A lot of people on the shard seek validation and attention, whether that be through status update replies, winning a day, or getting up votes. The problem isn't when it happens, it's when it doesn't. When you don't get attention or rep on the shard, it tends to feel bad, because there comes a point where you expect it. And that's where the negative environment of the shard comes from. The dependence on the shard to get validation and attention makes it so you when you don't get that, you feel bad. And feeling bad isn't good! 

As for what motivated me to write this, I would say it's the status updates I see every single day. I obviously don't want to single anyone out or anything like that, but there are some status updates that suggest that other people are struggling in this negative environment, and I don't think it needs promotion.


Ahhh... yeah, I see that. How would you propose that could change? I don't see it pulling down the Shard a lot, I still think this is one of if not the best community out there to be a part of online. Far less negative than any I've seen, been a part of or heard about. Maybe we should like start a petition to remove "winning the day."

Also, what do you mean by "Struggling in this negative environment"? Is there any sort of general example that brings together what you've seen? Struggling in what way? Is it the. same as you mentioned in the previous paragraph or something else? 

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