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Pre-Cytoverse Hunger Games RP


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  1. 1. Flights

    • Phantom - Flightleader: ‘Whiplash’- Flight 358
    • Obsidian - Flightleader: ‘Lord’ - Flight 359

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57 minutes ago, SmilingPanda19 said:

He growls. Suddenly destructor blasts shoot, they are red. Lethal destructors.

”Kitty kitty kitty…” He hisses and maxes out his GravCaps- speeding in and hitting the tail ship ship with destructor fire.


The tail ship ship?

you don’t get to hit meeeeeee I won’t shoot you but you can’t hit meeeeeeeeee 🙏 

30 minutes ago, Lotus Blossom said:

"Redirecting target once more," Junior smiled as he swerved his ship in an Ahlstrom loop.

He hear Aria reply over his headset: "On route for Jock."
He nodded. "Copy that."

They reached pivotal altitude, gaining high groundspeed. 

"Lord, we're coming up from behind him," Junior said across his communication headset.

He was waiting for an affirmative from his flight leader, and as soon as he got it he was prepared to blast the GravCaps. His right hand lay on one of the levers, agitated.

“I hear you, Junior,” Lord said. “Be safe. I can hold my own, watch for the meteors.”

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Not to keep correcting people, but:

GravCaps are an internal part of the ship that protect the pilot from experiencing full G-forces, and I don't think they ever get destroyed in the series outside of the entire ship get destroyed.

also HOW is there a meteor shower? last I checked, detritus had a cyto-shield that protected it from attacking ships and presumably metoers. it could be a debris fall, those happen

and in case anyone asked

it's a helmet, not a headset (although they're kind of the same thing) and the destructors are fired with buttons, not a lever.

I don't mean to be offensive, but it really irks me when details don't make sense. I wish the coppermind had more info about some of this stuff.


Not as if, I have an account and could edit if I wasn't too lazy...



11 minutes ago, Just-A-Stick said:



Silvers practicing some maneuvers somewhere, you could join him. he might be a bit condescending though.


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29 minutes ago, Lord Spirit said:




Thanks for the corrections. I know I’m not good with a lot of the details here, which is why I’ve been trying to be vague, but I’ll try to work on that. 


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3 minutes ago, SymphonianBookworm said:




Noooooo we’re just here to make sure you guys have fun, we shouldn’t even really be doing anything but then SOMEONE went and challenged my right to the sky, so…


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Blue light struck Seven's ship, and the engines died. For a moment, his heart stopped.

The ship did not fall, however. Nonlethal blasters, he realized. Of course. Even in the hardest days of the war, the DDF would never needlessly endanger cadets.

He should have known. He would have known, but...


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8 hours ago, xinoehp512 said:

When he flew, Seven was one with the stars. There was no distinction between him and the ship and space- there was just freedom.

Just... freedom...

Shots. Ugly red wounds in the sky.

His breathing quickened.

'Seven!' Supernova screamed. But it wasn't him.

One with the stars. One with the stars.


Seven's knuckles were white on the controls. The computer was shouting warnings at him, but he couldn't hear them. 

Have to get out. Have to get out.

He pushed forwards, shooting away from the battle. Away from the noise. Away from the memories.


We can call my character Novah for right now if you need to distinguish between yours and mine.

Nova(h) was still target practicing. It appeared that the battle had slowed down, except for Lord and Jock, who were very much still fighting.

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23 hours ago, Edema Rue said:

“I hear you, Junior,” Lord said. “Be safe. I can hold my own, watch for the meteors.”

Jock looks around for a moment and hums. 
This won’t be the hill I die on. Not today.

”Phantom flight, head in for docking. The dining hall should open for dinner in an hour.” He starts to descend.

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17 minutes ago, SmilingPanda19 said:

Jock looks around for a moment and hums. 
This won’t be the hill I die on. Not today.

”Phantom flight, head in for docking. The dining hall should open for dinner in an hour.” He starts to descend.

Lord watched him dock and nodded slowly, though he stayed in the air. “Obsidian, stay in the air for now.”

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He docks hopping out of his Poco. He lets the ground crew deal with the rest, he is steaming with anger.

Stupid street boy…

He walks into his shared room. Without a word to anyone else he throws his helmet down, picks up a pencil, and storms out. He walks down the halls, going to the docking area, right by where the ships are put in for repair.

Edited by SmilingPanda19
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Seven leaned over his controls, eyes closed, inhaling and exhaling slowly.

Once he felt like a person again, he sat up. With some consternation, he realized that he had no idea how to reactivate his ship.

He turned on the communicator. "Hello?" he called. "How do I un-stun my ship?"

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10 minutes ago, Lotus Blossom said:

"Copy that," Junior replied, "In the air on standby."

10 minutes ago, SymphonianBookworm said:

"Any orders?" Aria asked, lazily maneuvering her ship to better have a view of the retreating Phantom crew.

Lord flew to a large open space. “Come gather next to me. We’re going to go through some techniques without Phantom here to distract us.”

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1 minute ago, Edema Rue said:

Lord flew to a large open space. “Come gather next to me. We’re going to go through some techniques without Phantom here to distract us.”

Aria positioned her Poco next to Lord and Junior. "What techniques will we be doing?"

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*realizes I don’t know anything about anything*


1 minute ago, Lotus Blossom said:

Junior swerved in nearby to Lord's aircraft, holding altitude right by Aria's poco.

Just now, SymphonianBookworm said:

Aria positioned her Poco next to Lord and Junior. "What techniques will we be doing?"

“We’ll see what you need…you two, act as each other’s wingmates for now. Practice working together; your team is what keeps you alive.”

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