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A Memory of Light Release Date


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I started around Christmas last year, when I got 1-10, 12, and 13 (I still have to get the 11th). I was thinking it was convenient timing that the last one was almost out, but I guess I was a little early.

I'm kind of the same, but I started in the summer. I was trying to time it so that I read the 13th a couple months before AMoL came out. But then two things happened: I read through the middle books really fast, and then the date was pushed back.

But I just look at it as time to reread some of the books before the last one comes out.

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WoT is the seriies that has been on my to-read list for forever. When it was going to be released this fall I was planning on reading the series over the summer.... Maybe I'll start winter break now?

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I think you should start before the winter break. It's a very long series, and based on what you said, it will be your first time reading it. I don't know how fast you read, but I would start at least in the fall.

Probably a good point... I can read incredibly fast, like WoK in a weekend fast, but I don't know how long I can keep up that rate. Can't say I've tried reding thirteen epics in a row. Burnout is a possiblity too.

Yeah, I'll prolly start in fall and allow myself a couple breather books interspersed. Plus school :/

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Every one was hoping it would be published for the chinese new year, as it is the year of the dragon. I wonder will they release the final book of the series, just as the year of the dragon ends instead.

The year of the Dragon doesn't end until February 10 2013, so AMoL will still fall inside of it, just towards the final days.

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Probably a good point... I can read incredibly fast, like WoK in a weekend fast, but I don't know how long I can keep up that rate. Can't say I've tried reding thirteen epics in a row. Burnout is a possiblity too.

Yeah, I'll prolly start in fall and allow myself a couple breather books interspersed. Plus school :/

During high school last year I read about 1 book a week until I finished them all. . . and I really didn't have very much to do besides reading.

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I will probably start my reread sometime in July or August this year just to make sure. There are a couple more books I really want coming out this year, so I will probably have a few breaks in there, but that is usually good on such a long series. The old cover art has me worried though. They said it was a funeral pyre for Rand, but I hope it isn't really that.

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The cover for A Memory of Light is out. You can see both Darrell K Sweet's unfinished cover and the actual cover

Unfinished cover: http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/uploads/6813a8d84d17a3de40e26673b7da30c6.jpg

Actual cover: http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/ccs_files/book_images/Memory_of_Light/AMOL_full_cover.jpg

What do you think? I think they're pretty awesome.

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I think it's pretty great. I think that Whelan did a great job of channeling DKS in his rendition for the cover. I am curious as to where in the book this takes place because I am sure that Michael Whelan does as he always does, reads the book and finds a scene that captures the essence of the book and uses that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

In case anyone missed it, Tor is letting fans download the AMoL cover art for free. You don't have to be a member of the site to do it, it's open to all.

My link

In additional news, during the Superstars Writing Seminar I overheard Brandon saying that he's trying to convince Tor to include Darryl's sketch in the hardback edition of AMoL. What he's proposed is a pull out similar to the map in the EotW hardbacks. I hope Tor listens to him. It's only fitting that it be included so he can be involved from beginning to end.

Also in memory........(of light) :P

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Thanks for that link! I like them a lot.

Who do you think the two women are? Personally, I think they're Moiraine and Nynaeve, and that they are linked with Rand to help him control Callandor. My reasons:

  1. Look at the 2560x1600 versions, and you can see what they have on their foreheads. Nynaeve has a Ki'sain, and Moiraine her blue stone.
  2. Rand trusts those two more than any other woman who can channel (besides Elayne and Aviendha, who he wouldn't take into this fight for anything).
  3. Their dresses are the same color as their ajahs.

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You are probably right about the women. Those are probably the only two that it could be anyway. Avi does not have a color as she is not AS. Elayne is about to pop. There is no way he would let her risk it by going in there. Min has no power usable in that situation. Not to mention that he wouldn't trust anyother AS to go with him.

The other cover has me concerned though. Supposedly, it was a funeral pyre for Rand. I got into the series very late, but for those that have been reading for 20+ years, the hero dying would be a major disappointment. Sanderson does have a fairly good history of killing off the main hero though, but it should be tempered some by Jordan's wishes (well, there is probably no way that Harriet would allow him to die unless Jordan had it explicitly stated).

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I'm not a huge WoT fan but I basically think that there is a 0% chance that Brandon will kill off Rand if Jordan's notes dictate otherwise. I've read many interviews with him talking about his fervent desire to stay true to Jordan's vision of the Wheel of Time. He's said he only makes changes to the outline if Robert Jordan himself hadn't made up his mind or if there was some sort of plot contradiction. As matter of fact Robert Jordan himself wrote the ending, and Brandon is putting it in as untouched as possible. So Im certain whatever Rand's fate is, it will be the same one Jordan chose.

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