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Mid-Range Game 2: Servants of Honor


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The strange red storm cam up fast, but like most wise fishermen, Serji and I hadn't gone far from the town. Between the carefully rigged sail and a heavy hand with the oars, we hit the beach with several minutes to spare. Serji set to gathering the catch and the nets, while I rolled the boat hull-stormward and chained it down.


The wind shifted unsteadily with oncoming storm, bringing with it a distinctive scent. My head snapped up, looking past Serji and up to the crest of the rocks over the beach. Serji and I both stared at the whitespine, and it glared back. Serji had an empty net draped over one arm, but a fisher's net is far too heavy for throwing, and he had a large bundle of fish stooping his back.


The whitespine growled, haunches curling to leap. A burst of wind caught at my sleeves, and I saw Serji stagger under his burden.


Claws scraped on rock, overlapped by a heavy thunk. The whitespine lunged out at Serji, and crashed into the sand with a massive arrow through its head. I turned to see Mallaw standing dozens of strides closer to the town, dropping a second arrow back into his quiver.


I knew the old man liked his bow, but putting an arrow in that thing's head would have been a challenge in a calm. I'd have to repay him for this somehow. But first, best to be off the beach.




I've been scanned? Spiffy. I just wish someone else was scanned so I'd have some new information to work with. =)


Sent one message to Wurum and received one message this time. I'm sure mine will be recognizable by the five digit sequence number and the absurd title I signed it with.


Full Lashings take effect first, so unless Tulir was a Squire, or if there is another henchman squire, I am guessing that Tunnib or Naihar was the Full Lashing target?

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That is not dead which can eternal lie...


Well, that's a somewhat surprising but pleasing writeup. I guess it does make sense that Tulir would implicate Ashiok like that - assuming that he did send that message, of course. I also have news to report - Despite acting strange this game, Mailliw is not a Skybreaker (though as Rulit proved, he could be a Henchman. But I find it unlikely that there would be more than four Eliminators). So let's look at the possible candidates.


Of these, I am willing to cross Jain, Binnut, Naihar and Ashiok off the list as well, due to circumstances:

  • Jain - He messaged me Cycle 2, same one he would have had to attacked and tried to kill me on.
  • Binnut - Voted for Joe and Rulit
  • Naihar - Helped to confirm the lynch against Rulit when it was still derailable
  • Ashiok - Assuming Binnut is honest, then he must have received the message implicating Ashiok.

Skybreaker Candidates

1. Serji (Sir Jerric)

2. Jain (Lightsworn Panda)

3. Kaladen (Kal Dell)

4. Aladdin (Ashiok)

5. Twlv (twelfthrootoftwo)

6. Wurum (Wyrmhero)

7. Madame Quismet (Quitecontrary)

8. Rulit (Tulir) - Henchman

9. Mallaw (Mailliw73)

10. Jeno (The Only Joe) - Henchman

11. Faisan (AonarFaileas)

12. Famed Gamin (Gamma Fiend) - Truthwatcher

13. Metam (Metacognition) - Skybreaker

14. Tunnib (Binnut)

15. Gart (a smart guy)

16. Tahrin Resten (Theorymaker)

17. Naihar (Alvron)

18. Lyce (luckat)


This leaves us with Kaladen, Twlv, Quismet, Gart, Tahrin and Lyce.


Now... Anyone else find it strange that I was attacked this Cycle? I was defended on Cycle 2 as well, so the Skybreaker should have known that I would almost definitely be protected. This suggests that the last one is someone who hasn't been paying too much attention to the game, someone mostly or partially inactive. Of course, this is just an assumption, and it only really removes Twlv and Gart from that list. Maybe Tahrin, but I'm not sure.


So I wouldn't mind hearing from them Kaladen, Quismet or Lyce this Cycle. I'd also like to know why Gart never changed his vote.


For what it's worth, I received five messages last night, and one was not signed. Gamma, did you send me that link?

Edited by Wyrmhero
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I must admit, the lynch result was a pleasant surprise. Rulit was my #2 guess (after Jain) going in, but after doing the analysis I decided it was less likely than the others I called out. Kudos to Naihar for making the right choice!

I'm not so certain the attack on Wurum indicates our SB hasn't been paying attention. I would have taken that as playing protection roulette between him and Gamin. Wurum is protected => better to hit Gamin, who might be protected by squires => WR guesses this and protects Gamin => hit Wurum. And so on. So yeah, don't discount people (including me) just because it looks like the SB made a mistake.

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I'm with twelfth on this one, I do not think that hitting you makes it more likely that it is one of the inactive,. Not that the opposite is true either.


When I got on today and saw that the votes had started to pile on, I started to doubt what I had started, but it seems that I once again found voted for a henchman. I'll just have to trust myself more from now on.


I really hope that we can keep this up, I'm not sure that we can, but let's hope!


Wurum's list looks good to me. What do you have to say for yourselves?


Edit: And I'm so relieved that I was allowed to post the message, I was scared that you would lynch me when I saw the reactions to my summary of them. I'm also glad I voted right the first cycle, otherwise, I might just have been done.

Edited by Binnut
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I'd like to hear Gart's reasoning for continuing to vote Ashiok, as stated before. Might as well make it an official vote.

Edit for the sake of expediency: I would like the Squire who contacted me that I have responded to already to Basic Lash me this Cycle.

Edit2: Is it worth Gamma revealing who he will target this Cycle so we don't double up?

Edit3: Smart has read the thread but not responded.

Edited by Wyrmhero
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Sorry everyone for being inactive. College intro stuff has kept me busy for all of yesterday and most of today. I'm not going to be on long enough to post anything important about the game. I've been messaging Rulit (which I now feel stupid for doing), and I don't think he said anything about anyone else in his messages but I'll have to go check. I have to go now but will hopefully be on some time tonight.


Edit: We didn't talk about other people, sorry. :(

Edited by Theorymaker
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Unfortunately there's not been too much activity in there either. Seems like most of us keep missing each other and aren't able to get in there that often.

I would be down with people in the thread discussing who the best possible candidates would be for Illuminating, though, so it's not just down to my "executive" decision on who I hit with it. I would appreciate people's input on that. But seems how there's been not that much discussion of who we should even lynch yet, right now, I don't see that conversation being too enlightening yet either.

One idea I did recently propose in there would be maybe going over all of the Claimed Messages in the game so far, so to see who has been sending Messages to other players. The idea behind that is running off the assumption that the Skybreakers would have been mostly messaging each other or their Henchman, so regular players wouldn't have received Messages from them. So if we can narrow down that list, that could possibly lead us to the last SoB.

Was just a suggestion I had earlier, and I would love some feedback on that to see if it potentially has any merit or not.

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Hmm... Well it's worth a shot, except that the WRs would also have strange PM shenanigans... But before that, I really wanna hear from Gart

I saw him on the thread after Wurum called him out, and he has yet to respond. Maybe three total votes (Wurum, Me, Inactive) will entice you.


EDIT: What I mean by the whole thing about WR shenanigans is that the SB and Henchmen/henchman would also be able to tell who the second WR is by who they PM...

Edited by Ashiok
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So, in the Squire Doc I came up with this idea.

All Squires with Lashings PM me tonight with your Lashing, so I can try and get things coordinated going forward.
But don't sign the message with your name. Instead, give yourself a Codename to use, that I can refer to you as in the thread the next cycle, along with a Password that you want me to post in-thread to confirm that I received your message. And then, once I post the Password in the thread, I would also ask each of you to include a Keyword that you will use in one of your posts, so I can actually determine who is who.

I will keep your identity confidential, of course, and that's why I would say you only post with your Keyword after I have given the appropriate Password to your Message. I would also then ask everybody else to Spam my inbox tonight as well, just to make sure there's no Reverse Lashing shenanigans, just in case. (we shouldn't have to worry about that, but it's better to be safe).

So: Everybody messages me, either Spam or with your Lashings. Include:

  • Codename
  • Password
  • Keyword


Does this plan sound good to everybody? I hate to have it set-up where one person or a small group start to dictate who uses what, but this is the best way I can think of to coordinate things going forward while still being safe and keeping things anonymous to the thread (and thus the SoB).

Oh, and I would of course have to rely on somebody Basic Lashing me to keep me alive, of course. :P


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Also both WRs should do this so that you can dictate to them too. Next cycle, send this all to Wurum, and set up a code for each type of lashing so that you can dictate to WRs, and share between the two of you who the new squires are and what lashings they have.

I like this plan.

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Mallaw had gone back to his cabin after his practice and saw that he had received a message from his old friend, Alys. She warned him of strange things she had heard happening in smaller towns. Too late, Alys. Too late. Strange things had already begun.

I agree to that plan. I'll be doing so now.

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The Famed Gamin wandered through the streets, seeing the bleak despair The Final Desolation had brought with it. People were silent and brooding in their dark thoughts, and despite the success of the villagers so far, it seemed like the peoples' spirits weren't that high still, with no immediate next suspect.

Suddenly, a bright idea struck The Famed Gamin and her ran over to the lake where the man known as Serji had been casting his nets. After a brief discussion, and an even briefer apology from The Famed Gamin for suspecting the man, he rushed back into town, in his arms carrying a net full with fish for the villagers to feast on.

People were able to hear The Famed Gamin before they could see him, as he hummed and sang a nonsense song, hopping along in his yellow boots and oblivious to the odd looks he was receiving.

Hey, dol! merry dol! Fear not the famine
Ring a dong, hop along, bringing folk some salmon.
Fam Gam, Merry Fam, For I'm The Famed Gamin!


After dropping the load of fresh fish off at the Eye of the Storm Inn, The Famed Gamin bowed out of the tavern and turned around, skipping away and continuing his silly song.

Hey! Come merry dol! Derry dol! Light-blinding
Light goes the storming-winds, set the spheres-a-shining!
Down along, under hill, glowing in the moonlight
Waiting in the Valley, for Radiant Stormlight.
There my pretty lady is, known as the Nightwatcher
Fair as the highstorm, and nicer than Stormfather!
The Young Famed Gamin, boon-and-curse-a-bringing.
Comes hopping home again. Can you hear him singing?


Plan Update: Also, when people Message me with their Lashings tonight, let me know what you're using tonight as well, if you can, so I can know who can actually use what next Cycle.
But one thing about this plan is, we'll still need to get something figured out for tonight, to prevent as much possible overlap, and I still don't really have an idea for that yet. Any thoughts, anybody?


Edit: I'm not aware of any codes or anything set up between people yet, and I have none established myself. But I suppose it's safe to let Wurum know he should be protected tonight, so he can go ahead and Basic Lash me, if he'd be so kind. Don't make me ask in rhyme format! (Please don't, I suck at poems and singing! :P)

Edited by Gamma Fiend
Fixing up the RP a little bit
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In the squire doc, have one person w/ a basic lashing available use it on Wurum (they may or may not have to reveal themselves.

Also, what was the deal with wurum's code last cycle. Did he explain it to you? I don't need to know what it means, just if something like that could be used by you to dictate to the WR, because they probably know the code already. (This being for cloak and dagger full lashings and stuff...)

I dunno, I'm probably not making much sense any more...

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Mallaw saw that Wurum had been attacked again. And, luckily saved again. While thinking, Mallaw was playing with a thick rope. It was used to keep his horse tied to his post in front of Mallaw's house. Someone had cut the rope and taken his horse though. Maybe the Skybreakers would find them and give them some Justice. Mallaw picked up his round buckler and, with his bow on hand, went to talk to Wurum in the inn.

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Update to the Plan:

Any Non-Squires, along with Spam, or instead of it, you all can Message me with 4 possible different Keywords to give along with a Codename and password for yourselves. This will be for in-case any of you get Squired tonight. The 4 Different Keywords can be for any possible Lashings you receive if you're Squired, or just use the 4th if not.

So everybody send me an anonymous Message with just a Codename, a Password, and whatever eligible Keyword(s). So those with Lashings already still need to only send me one, with what Lashing they have in the Message. And remember to only post your Keyword once I have posted the appropriate Password in thread. So to keep whoever has what anonymous just in case of interception.

Oh, and to also get things going lynch-wise, I'm going to throw a vote up on Kaladen to prompt him to come post a better defense than "I'm innocent and inactive" :P


Edit: Redacted Vote.

Edited by Gamma Fiend
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To get today's lashings coordinated, Gamma, you may want to ask in the doc how many of the squires can send a coded message with their lashings. Or, we could have all of them post "coded" messages and then translate after all are posted to suppress kill targeting.

Your updated plan sounds good to me. As long as the messages match the lashing types to the keywords.

I personally would like to hear more from the semi-active Quismet, who has yet to post her thoughts since last cycle.


Edit: Retracted Vote

Edited by Sir Jerric
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I'm really sorry that I've been inactive and never got around to posting last cycle. Today was supposed to be the day that I had to catch up on the game, but I suddenly had other things I had to do.

I don't really have a defense for myself since the accusation is mostly that I haven't been verified or done much that was helpful. So I'll just move on to my current thoughts.

I think Gamma's plan sounds good. I'll be sure to remember to send him something.

We need to figure out who to vote for now. The fact that most of the current suspects are the less active players is probably hard on discussion right now. I'm not sure who I suspect, other than crossing the verified players off my list.

We might want to look for holes in message-sending for suspects. Also, looking back at what Rulit said could be useful.

Tahrin, would you tell us exactly which days you sent messages to Rulit and which days he sent them to you so that we can get a better idea of how a henchman was using them and where holes in message-sending might be?

Vote Tally:

Lyce (1): Tunnib

Gart (3): Wurum, Aladdin

Kaladen (1): Gamin

Quismet (2): Serji

Faisan (1)

Naihar (1)

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Gamma: Sounds like a good plan!

In terms of Illumination, I mostly think that the list Wurum have done would be leading for trying to find the eliminator(s). I think Kaladen or Quismet could be a good choice, Kaladen, since he has posted comments but not more two times since becoming less inactive and Quismet because she has been semi active.

In terms of lynching, It's mostly the same list in my mind, but I do not really suspect one over the others.

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Tahrin, I would very much like to hear some more about your messaging patterns. Were you really messaging Rulit every cycle and still not discussing other players? Or were you also contacting other people that you haven't told us about?

I'll add my name to the list of supporters for Gamma's plan. A note for everyone participating: just because we all have keywords doesn't necessarily mean it's alright to make those keywords obvious. If the SB intercept your message and they're all easy to spot, they can identify you because your posts don't have a keyword.

I'm not saying it's necessary for everyone to have 'hidden' keywords, just that we will need a couple. (At the other extreme, I doubt Gamma will appreciate having to look for subtle hints in thirteen RPs. Not that I'm putting words in his mouth or anything :P)

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Currently catching up. Went offline for a time (to rest). Posting here because I saw my name in red when I scanned the posts. Haven't read enough to comment for now, except, that as much as I want to be Team Evil, the fates have not made it so. I can't really defend myself more than that primarily because I have not been in touch with a single person in the game via PM's received (zero), and I didn't send a PM last cycle. I seriously need to sit down and read the posts. 

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Sorry about not responding to the thread. I was going to, but then I got busy with real life. I continued to vote for Ashiok because I wanted to see if anyone in the Squire doc would want to talk me out of it. Yes, I am a squire. I won't say my lashing, but it's not that great. Here's what I've learned from that little experience. The other squires have no idea who to vote for. That's not that bad, but it means we're going to have a large pool of suspects. Let's end the game quicker, shall we? I'm voting for red: Quismet. I don't think you've done anything wrong, but we need to take out some people who are suspicious. Edited by a smart guy
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