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So....who wants to play some D&D?


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Not scrOlls :) a permed magic feat, the one that takes a slot 8 levels above.

well, if you did that you wouldnt get that many spells of it, then, since you only have 4+bonus spells of 9th level spells per day at max level.

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This feat allows a spell to be cast at will, without limits, by permanently taking a spell slot of +8 level, so I'll get as many castings as needed :) But will lose one slot forever

oh, ok. I was thinking it let you cast a spell but gave it a permanent duration :P

Which would take quite a number of days to cast 10,000 times (and would require you to invest in stalls, feeding, grooming, etc. while you built up your horse army) :P

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Hm.. There is a persistent spell metamagic feat. Does it work on summons? Also, of I lose control of a skeleton, what does it do? It is supposed to be only following commands, so it is not like it can turn and attack by itself...

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Hm.. There is a persistent spell metamagic feat. Does it work on summons? Also, of I lose control of a skeleton, what does it do? It is supposed to be only following commands, so it is not like it can turn and attack by itself...

off hand, im not sure if persistent works on summons. It might.

Also, skeletons on their own are mindless. Mindless undead, if given no particular command, do nothing. so if you were to lose control of a mindless undead creature, it would stand around until it comes under the control of someone else (control undead, rebuke, etc.), or gets killed


Bit of a funny D&D story related to this. Back when me and my group were running this same module (world's largest dungeon), my younger brother played a necromancy focused wizard, and took the skeletal familiar alternate class feature.

We basically started using the creature as a pack mule to carry our junk, and because he didnt want to lose him in a fight, my brother gave him the command to "follow the party, but don't attack", so he did. Eventually, my brother's character died, but his skeleton was still alive, so the skeleton continued to follow out the orders to the best of his abilties.

Further down the line, the skeleton sort of became a standard for the party, and we stopped explaining to new characters as characters died off (and new ones introduced for the player) why it was following us beyond "it carries our stuff". So right about level 6 or so, the last character who KNEW the origins of the skeleton died off, so now everyone in the party just knew there was a random skeleton following the party that was carrying our suff. We ended up naming him "Skelly Belly" and would dress him up in any funny clothing we found.

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Ah, good. I have some rather unpleasant suspicions about what may go "wrong" with summon spells in dungeon(based on my in-char research, of course :P) Good to see at least some fears allayed. Also, I had a question in hear ye

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How man feats does an elf ranger have?

1 feat that you get to choose for being level 1

Martial Weapon Proficiency feats for the longsword, rapier, longbow, and shortbow for being an elf (which is overriden by ranger anyways)

The following for being a ranger:

simple and martial weapon proficiency with all weapons of that category

light armor and shields proficiencies


What kind of aberration can shapeshift into human?

Off hand, i dont know of any creature that can do that. However, he could have a template on him! Such as corrupted creature (which could explain his general lack of hygiene in a more sinister way) , which makes him into an aberration. And since this makes it fun way to introduce a character, i certainly have no problem with it! :P

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I don't know what type of aberrations can shapeshift into humans. But my character thinks they can. And, I'm pretty sure that Emaralis00's appearance isn't normal

Erongal, Don't I also get Track?

Edit: As soon as I saw Favored enemy fro ranger, I really wanted to introduce my character like this. How many feats per level?

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I don't know what type of aberrations can shapeshift into humans. But my character thinks they can. And, I'm pretty sure that Emaralis00's appearance isn't normal

Erongal, Don't I also get Track?

Edit: As soon as I saw Favored enemy fro ranger, I really wanted to introduce my character like this. How many feats per level?

Oh, sorry, yeah, you get track. Forgot that one.

You get a feat every third level, plus one at first level (not including bonus feats that your class states you get). So the next "normal" feat you would get is at level 3, then level 6, then level 9, etc.

Also: the drunk is now a corrupted creature (though still a level 1 commoner), and thus an aberration, because it's certainly sounds like a VERY fun idea.

Edit: also, you can certainly believe that Umieri is the aberration. Makes for a much more fun RP scenario.

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OK. Eerongal, do you want to keep it as it is (the drunk thought that he was addressed), or edit?

I just went and did a quick edit to the post so that the drunk "sees" him address Umieri, but kept the post mostly the same.

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This could come out quite interesting. Sorry for interrupting the negotiations, but this seemed like a good time to come i

Edit: Do I count my weapons and their weight in the equipment and gear section? And how much does a backpack hold?

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Corrupted creature template reads:

Powerful good, unchecked and rampant, can horribly alter any aspect of the physical world, and creatures are no exception. Twisted by goodness, corrupted creatures take on a hideous appearance and gain goodly powers and dire intent.

Now, what Knowledge do I need to recognize one?

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Ok, in Faerûn aberrations are quite common and some look like humans and my character hasn't yet completely adjusted.

edit: Need to leave, should have my character app up tomorrow

I can stay for a little

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Eero: In the interest of getting SOMETHING done sometime in the near future, I would appreciate anything you may consider useful for building the sort of Artifacer that you might consider a mad scientist/alchemist with an army of clockwork minions. That is my preferred concept, anyway.

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Eero: In the interest of getting SOMETHING done sometime in the near future, I would appreciate anything you may consider useful for building the sort of Artifacer that you might consider a mad scientist/alchemist with an army of clockwork minions. That is my preferred concept, anyway.

Artificer has that baked directly into the class. :)

At level 1, they get item creation, it allows them to basically pretend they have any spell for crafting purposes, and then you just need to take the crafting feats, like brew potion.

They also, at 4th level, get "craft homunculus" which gives you the ability to craft constructs. The rest is pretty much just roleplay.

here is a guide to building artificers, it may help you refine down exactly how you want to build your character, and gives recommendations on the homunculi to build. It also lists a couple of good PrCs, like alchemist savant, and what books they're in.

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Link's no go. Takes me to a blank page, and trying to find it on the wiki site just leads to some prestige class by the same name.

huh. weird, apparently part of the link got chopped off. Here it is unlinkified:


Edit: which, oddly enough, was apparently automatically linkified. Incorrectly. Oh well.

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