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Quick Fix Game 68: Devil Has Come To Carry Me Home


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2 hours ago, Matrim's Dice said:

Backreading proved mostly useless because Pyro's vote was a poke and Violet died, but I don't super love Ravenclaw's. It's definitely the worst of the bunch. Hard to tell with a train entirely comprised of new players. I still don't think e!Exp ever posts that reads list and stays on me, though. Even in writing the wrong thing. That interaction looks very good for him, and based on how his train didn't prompt any change in the VC (expect maybe Violet voting Wiz, and that obviously is a fruitless path of analysis) I'm fine chalking him up as village.

This in turn makes Sart's push look bad, and I don't like his phrasing in calling out my logic-- "Your process of elimination seems off" doesn't seem like something a villager (who knows I'm wrong) would say.

So I'll vote Sart despite my history with just e reading him regardless of everything, because I really don't have anything else (unless people vote TKN) and I do think Exp is village.

For me, it was in part a poke vote that I kept, as I had no better suspects.

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18 minutes ago, Ravenclawjedi42 said:

For me, it was in part a poke vote that I kept, as I had no better suspects.

Would you have called Wiz a suspect? Or in other words, what was the other part of the poke vote was ‘in part’

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3 minutes ago, Sart said:

Vote Count:
Experience (1): Sart
Sart (1): Matrim's Dice


You guys going to do anything?

Fine, let's make it interesting.

I shot Violet.

Do with that what you will.


I'm fine with changing my vote to TKN or Raven, but have to self pres right now.

Also what's the point in lying about who you shot?

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18 minutes ago, Matrim's Dice said:

That changes nothing, except make me wonder why it took you so long to claim. Why shoot Violet?

That VC was funny though ngl

I thought the late vote on Wizard was odd, and thought it might be a protect on Experience.

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woah woah woah Sart

putting some breaks on this train

38 minutes ago, PyroPhile said:


Same question-- why? 'because he shot violet' doesn't count, he had to shoot someone, and honestly his reason isn't that bad.

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9 hours ago, Matrim's Dice said:

Could you pinpoint what about his posts made you think that?

The way he immediately started pointing fingers in a method that seemed extreme for only a poke vote. I’ll look back at Cycle One and add what else made me think that later, but I don’t have time now.

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Ok I'm like 99% sure that pyro is village xD

1 hour ago, Ravenclawjedi42 said:

The way he immediately started pointing fingers in a method that seemed extreme for only a poke vote. I’ll look back at Cycle One and add what else made me think that later, but I don’t have time now.

Best I can remember he just poked me and had some RP, right?

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Cycle Three: Warning Shot

There were two more gunshots in the night.

The surviving stragglers of the Band surged out to find Warn glowering over the cooling bodies of Mat and Jenv. “I told you,” he said, calmly. “This is a matter of life and death, you lot. Try to look lively. Our lawman problem ain’t going away if we close our eyes and ask them nicely. Lawmen ain’t nice like that.”

He nodded to the lot of them, arms folded across his chest. “So tell me. What’ve you all got for me?”

“I think Mud is suspicious,” Lark said, regarding the Lurcher with narrowed eyes. “Adze and Mud used to tangle, on account of Adze’s shootin’ skills. Ain’t it weird that Adze’s dead now and Mud’s still alive?”

“What sort of basis for suspicion is that even?” Mud shot back. “You diggin’ for a reason to get me killed, Lark? Maybe on account of you bein’ a lawman?”

Lark laughed, harshly. “I shot Violet ‘cause it looked like she was anglin’ to shield you, Mud. Don’t think I ain’t got it in me to take you out.”

“Honestly Chief,” said Doug, “I…think Lark looks mighty suspicious to me?”

He quailed a little as Warn regarded him with a flat stare. “Really,” said Warn.

“Yeah…yeah Chief! Mat thought so too!”

“Hmm,” Warn said, and shot Lark preemptorily.

“Rust,” Lark cursed, staggering and clutching at the wound in his arm. “I’m not a rusting lawman, what will it take for you to rusting believe me?”

Warn shrugged. “Since you ain’t dead, you have one last shot,” he said, unmoved. “Do try not to disappoint me, will you?"




Sart (2): Experience, PyroPhile
Experience (1): Sart

Lark / @Sart was exed but survived! Mat / @Matrim's Dice and Jenv / @JNV were both killed! They were both Scoundrels!

Cycle Three has begun! It will end on Tuesday, 17th October 2023, at 2300hrs SGT (GMT +8).

Edited by Kasimir
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Rule Clarifications:

  • A koloss-blooded player who has not burned that extra life and fails to use the Smoking Gun will not die. This is due to how the koloss-blooded survival works.
  • The Smoking Gun will be soft RNGed. If a player who has already received the gun is tipped to get it again, I will reroll once.
  • There are no action limits.
  • The Smoking Gun lets you kill.

Player List:


1. Matrim's Dice Scoundrel
2. Fifth Scholar - Adze, best shot in the Band Scoundrel
3. @Experience - Mud, a Lurcher (RIP)
4. @The Known Novel - Danji, a dirt-poor Coinshot
5. The Wandering Wizard - ???, an unnamed Aboleth cultist. Scoundrel
6. JNV Scoundrel
7. @Ravenclawjedi42 - Rajib Urbain, recent refugee from the Set
8. @PyroPhile - The Doug
9. @Sart
10. Violet - Scoundrel

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