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Long Game 7: The Annealing of Luthadel


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Hmm. I'm throwing my vote at Raccine. If we lynch her then we get some information back to unravel this mess. It could be a set up, but there's no way to know for certain until she dies.

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I'm going to vote for Cat. I will explain it after the write up.


Uhh, and what happens if Cat doesn't get lynched? If you have damning evidence, I implore that you share it before it's too late. The fact is, you can potentially come up with any number of excuses as to why you voted for her, depending on how the lynch goes.

If you have a hunch, that's fine, just say so. But if there's an actual reason to vote for somebody, then that should be explained with the vote.

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So, I've gotten back from a long, tiring, and draggy committee meeting and have finally scrounged up the energy to go through these things.


My question is how much we want to leave this open to Emotional Allomancers and injuries playing merry Braize with the votes. Just as importantly, I point out that three GH Lords have voted. Gamma has claimed House Urbain does not have a kandra, and none of his House have gainsaid him. But Cat and Asyr are also both HLs and have stacked votes together on Fain.


I suggest we consider that to be 3 votes just to be safe as we don't know who TelZaan is with.


As I've said previously (maybe not in this game, too exhausted to check), there's no real rush for a Day One lynch. But so far, we've gotten lots of dross from the Informant action. Sifting things out is proving to be problematic. For me, the key players this right sorry mess points to are Racine and Cat.


...In all honesty, I think Aonar is right, and the more I look through the situation and the arguments, the more I think Racine is innocent. The problem with Informant information at the moment is that we have two layers of testimony to question: 1. Is the person in the thread reporting truthfully? 2. Has the person who originally submitted the information now under examination lied?


While I will say that our current evidence seems to indicate Racine did go to the Informant (and yes, I will confirm now that Racine's evidence reflects the information I gave the Informant), Cat could be right. Based on the rules about the Informant pool, Racine could be giving out information another skaa found out. But the fact remains that for Ren to have received a GM fact about Racine being skaa (that is to say, if we assume that fact is true), Racine had to have given no information out at all. That strikes me as a strange move for skaa, unless Racine had used that action slot to make a skaa kill. What then do we make of the two other facts (necessarily so, given the rule about the Informant action and the initial assumption that Racine is skaa) raised in this thread?


On the other hand, I find Cat's recent post most suspicious; disingenuous even. I note that while she points out flaws in Aonar's defence of Racine, she is content to side-step having to press a lynch for Racine entirely and instead votes Fain for information, when Fain already had a vote on him. Given 24 hours more in this cycle, I would happily place my vote for Cat. ...But it is 2am. I need sleep, and I am dead exhausted. I am not absolutely certain about Racine, but my priorities at this point would be to stabilise the vote, avoiding shenanigans. In addition, we need information. This would, for me, boil it down to Racine or Cat, in order to sift out the dross.


If Jae would like to share with the class why he voted for Cat, I'd swap my vote over if he can convince someone else to swap to Cat. At this point in the Turn, I'm not sure I can :/

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Oh, alright. I thankfully just realized I was going to make a huge mistake. Thankfully it is not the case.


I'm what I believe to be the last Rioter. I was planning on pairing 3 votes so to see what Soothers were going to do, see what Tulir was going to do and maybe prove him a rioter, and then maybe find out the kandra. It was a bit too much considering I forgot I'd lose my vote in process.


As such I'm going to retract my (useless) vote to Cat.

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When Asyr spoke up, Mesist's hand automatically went to the side of his stomach, as if he were checking on something. He glared daggers at the HouseLord. 


"That was you? Why you sneaky, low-down... why, you're no better than Fien or Cadri put together! So now you're just taking shots at someone before finding out anything about them? This is after I even told you all that my House wasn't very large and yet you suspected me? If I could gather the support to lay you low, I would, you scoundrel!"


He turn away from Asyr, but kept him in view. Fool me once, he thought. He wasn't about to let the man get the drop on him again.


"Luckily for you, now is not a time for us to be divided. With people being shot in the back and other people" -*cough*- "Tonul" -*cough*- "using their allomancy when they shouldn't, we can't afford to let another day go by like the last. While I'd rather Tonul was on the chopping block, we'll have to save that for another time.

"Racine, it's time for you to fess up. If you have any last words, you best be sayin' them."





I far less convinced than I was. Aonar keeps making a decent case for Twei, but that's also part of the problem. Shouldn't Twei be making these cases himself? Now, if Twei actually is Skaa, Aonar is going to look incredibly evil for defending him as much as he has. 


I'm only half joking about being willing to lynch you instead Smart. You attacked me without knowing whether I was Skaa or not just because if I was bad, then that would be a bad thing? And since I'm not Skaa, you'd rather deprive the good Faction of a good player just because? That's not very solid reasoning, IMO. Add to that your vote. Somehow, someone who isn't here, that hasn't said a word since day 1, is somehow influencing events in thread? Again, not very convincing. 

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While I will say that our current evidence seems to indicate Racine did go to the Informant (and yes, I will confirm now that Racine's evidence reflects the information I gave the Informant), Cat could be right. Based on the rules about the Informant pool, Racine could be giving out information another skaa found out. But the fact remains that for Ren to have received a GM fact about Racine being skaa (that is to say, if we assume that fact is true), Racine had to have given no information out at all. That strikes me as a strange move for skaa, unless Racine had used that action slot to make a skaa kill. What then do we make of the two other facts (necessarily so, given the rule about the Informant action and the initial assumption that Racine is skaa) raised in this thread?

Wouldn't there be no information about Racine in the pool (which would necessitate facts from the GM) if she gave a lie about someone else, not just if she made the skaa kill? It's possible that the skaa spread lies around instead of covering themselves with truths.


On the other hand, I find Cat's recent post most suspicious; disingenuous even. I note that while she points out flaws in Aonar's defence of Racine, she is content to side-step having to press a lynch for Racine entirely and instead votes Fain for information, when Fain already had a vote on him.

I was hoping to convince Fain to speak when it seemed like he was on. Asyr posted shortly before I did, and I was in too much of a hurry to really look at his post, so the doubling was an accident. In addition, I had every intention of switching my vote from Finch Fain to Racine later if he didn't post, but I didn't want to mention that for in case he actually read my post and figured there wasn't a point in speaking. Now, I'm worried that this vote for Racine is a bandwagon, which just makes it look even more like she's being set up (in which case, I'll probably be the next to go).

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Night 2


“So, I ask you – Who killed Quitania Elariel?”


At once, the discussion started between the nobility. The question was not so much who the Elariel was killed by, but why they were killed. Hadrian Penrod was immediately bursting into action, launching into a few possible scenarios that could or could not have happened. Well, Lord Heron had to admit that the boy was eager, though his motives were just as questionable as everyone else's in the room.


“Lord Ren, of House Garde!” one of the doormen announced, bowing to make way for him. As one, the entire room turned to the entrance, though they just changed from questioning each other to Lord Garde, particularly on the nature of his absence.


“Um… hello!” Ren announced to the ballroom. Everyone quieted. “You may not know me that well, but I went to an informant yesterday, and I got something back from him that might be of interest to you.” Ren stopped, taking a deep breath. “He said that Lady Racine… is a skaa.”


The silence persisted another few seconds, before it was broken with raucous laughter. “Lady Racine, Skaa?” Lord Urbain laughed, spilling his wine slightly on his shirt without noticing. From the side of the room, Gamad sighed. “Why, you know you can't believe everything an informant says, lad!” He gestured at Ren, his wine swirling in a dangerous manner.


“No, indeed,” Mesist said, surprising the assembled as he agreed with the drunken Lord. “Why, one of them suggested that orange was a good colour for Lord Urbain, and that speaks for itself.”


“It's worth seeing if it's a lie or not though,” Ren suggested, ignoring Urbain's retaliatory outbust.


“And what if she isn't?” Alden asked. “That's rather brazen of you, killing one of us off under the guise of them being a Skaa. We should question her though, certainly.”


“I also see no reason to send her to the Inquisitors,” Hadrian said. “Yet,” he added, the word hanging menacingly in the air before he continued to outline his thoughts.


“Lord Urbain, do you happen to have a Kandra under your command?” Alden continued, looking to him. “I shall not explain why I ask this, but...”


“Rust, Izenry, do you think I'd tell you even if I did? ...But considering the circumstances, I guess the Skaa would already know all this anyway. I don't have one, at the moment.”


Alden paled a little as Fien reminded him of the infiltration of the Houses. He was right, there was no need to hide everything. He proceeded to explain how he reached the conclusion that it all depended on the Kandra, when Mesist grabbed his shoulder. It was more amusing when it was happening to others than when it happened to him, Lord Heron thought.


“I'm afraid you're wrong there, Alden,” he said with a grin that was a bit more cheerful than he felt. “I was told that Tonul here used some kind of Allomancy on the weird boy yesterday. Try again, perhaps?”


Alden sighed and reached across the table he was at, grabbing a piece of paper off of Kassel and starting to write out again. He lifted his head when Jain accused him, though it didn't last for long.


“Why are we glossing over the fact that Ren supposedly got information back that specifically named someone as Skaa and going after someone else?” Mesist asked, tapping his fingers on a table as he failed to keep his irritation in check. “Surely that's what matters here!” It was this Keep. It was arrogant and brutal, and it was having an effect on them all. They needed to solve this problem with intelligence, not by browbeating each other in a shouting match.


The nobles once more descended into a heated discussion, with names being thrown out in every direction as they each tried to find holes in either side's information.


“This might be hard to believe,” Cat Elariel, neé Lekal, said as she stepped forward, a small cat in her arms. “But I too visited an Informant and asked about Racine.”


This merely added more fuel to the fire. Voices began to be raised in the ballroom, as the duelling dais almost became the sight of drawn weapons once again - though hardly any of the nobles here needed a weapon to be dangerous. People began to doubt, and cast accusations in other directions.


Alden stood up again, brandishing his piece of paper as Kassel scowled at him for stealing it without so much as a by-your-leave. Well, Alden reasoned, it was his fault for being distracted by the strange Mistborn. “Whatever is the truth here, someone is lying to us,” he said. “Ren is the only one of the accusers to attempt to prove his information – I am indeed a Soother.”


Lord Heron sighed to himself as he watched the nobles fall into discussion once more. He'd have an easier time getting the Prelans and Inquisitors to agree on something than this lot. Luthadel's high society truly was a wonderful thing, at times.


“Seems to me,” Mesist interjected as he pushed off from the wall he was leaning against and made an in-road to the middle of the conversation, “that we should send 'em both to the Inquisitors, if we could do that.”


“One is enough,” Heron interjected. “My aim is to root out the Skaa, not to destroy my close allies. If I wanted to just find them, I'd send an Inquistor to each of your Houses.” That thought sobered even Fein.


At this point, Cadri Raisaal, their host, entered the ballroom, listening into the conversation from afar. It seemed as though both Lady Morinthe and Lady Lekal were acting suspiciously. “One moment... Cat Lekal, who was just made the head of Elariel? Does that not seem a mite suspicious to you? It seems to me as though someone is trying to eliminate Elariel...”


It seemed as though things were at least headed in a more useful direction today. It was likely that they would get somewhere, though Lord Heron couldn't say whether it would be forwards or backwards. ...And then they started requesting songs from the band. He sighed and cradled his head in his hands. Lord Ruler, why were these people his father's allies again?


Are you people going to decide?” He finally shouted at them. Lord Ruler, he should not be losing his temper at them. You'd think that the nobles here would be more than willing to off one-another like this, but apparently not. At least some of them were trying. But no, they weren't really listening. With great vexation clearly written across his face, he took a coin out of his pocket and Pushed on it. It shot over the heads of the crowd into the band, and smashed through one of the instruments. At least that got their attention. If only because he had used Allomancy before them.


Well?” he asked. “I'll ask you again – Who killed Quitania Elariel?”


Suddenly, one of the footmen from the coaches ran into the hall towards Cadri, almost tripping over the steps to the dais in his rush. “L-Lady Raisaal, another guest has arrived...”


Another guest?” she repeated, looking at the man, with distaste on her face. “One of your friends, Urbain? I wouldn't be surprised that anyone you know would gatecrash.”


...I should send him away, My Lady?” The poor young man looked terrified at the thought.


Of course! The only people who should be allowed here are those that I invited.” She caught eye of Urbain and A'lees. “Oh, and people that Lord Heron deemed fit to arrive, I suppose.”


Well, that's good,” Heron smiled. “Because I did invite him.”


Cadri said nothing, then sighed and opened her fan. “Very well then, let him access the ballroom,” she said as she waved her fan at herself.


The footman nodded and ran off again. Shortly after, the same doorman as before raised his voice to the crowd. “I... Inquisitor Belmark!” he said, flinching as the great robed figure entered the room, heedless of the announcement and of true propriety.


Belmark,” Heron said, smiling as he stepped off the dais and shook hands with the man. It was just a little unnerving to see someone happy at the presence of an Inquisitor – even someone who worked with them on a daily basis. “I trust you are in good health? May I offer you a glass of wine? Lady Raisaal has an excellent vintage for us today.”


Inquisitor Belmark raised a hand to stop him. “My thanks, Lord Heron,” he replied in a dry and raspy voice, “but I will decline.” He dropped his hand and surveyed the crowd. “I am sorry for the loss of your father. He was a man who understood many things...” He trailed off as he continued to scrutinise them, his steel spikes for eyes meeting theirs in turn, searching for something within them.


Lady Racine, it is claimed, is a Skaa,” Heron said. “Though I have not looked into the matter closely myself. Who claims this?” he asked, turning back to the nobles. Half a dozen hands or so shot up in response. "Then we shall examine this more closely."


Inquisitor Belmark turned to the wheelchair-bound noble who, to her credit, showed no fear. “You have a son...” He said, as if remembering something he didn't quite know. “I shall enjoy hunting him down like a dog, if you are one of those filthy peasants.”


Do your worst,” Lady Racine Morinthe said defiantly. “I saw how things were going here, and I have already sent my servants to force him to flee the city! Keep Morinthe shall burn in the night sky.”


You think that will be enough to save him?” The Inquisitor asked, a sneer flashing across his face. “You think we cannot find out where he fled to? With all of our methods? The Lord Ruler's servants will find him, I can guarantee you that!”


As I said, do your worst. I will not break.”


We shall see...” Belmark said, as he took a handle of the wheelchair in each arm and started to roll her away, out of the ballroom. “We shall see...”




An hour later, Lord Heron's Terrisman slipped into the ballroom, and handed him a note, before slipping out again, almost entirely unseen.


Lord Heron unfurled the note, and read it. Then he waved the other nobles over and read in a clear voice. “Lady Racine Morinthe was... Of noble blood. But she was guilty of other crimes against The Final Empire, including the adoption of Skaa filth in a vain attempt to disguise her infertility to her late husband, amongst other charges. For this, she has been executed.”


He closed the note, and stored it in his pocket. Looking over the crowd, he saw Alden, her greatest supporter, with his head in his hands. It was understandable – He'd defended her, after all. But his father had worked with her for almost all their lives, and never suspected anything.


Heron walked over and put a hand on Alden's shoulder, not in an unkind way. “Sometimes, it really is that simple.”


Lady Racine Morinthe was a Tineye, as well as a Skaa Sympathiser, belonging to House Racine!


Racine Morinthe (6) - Kassel Erikell, Fien Urbain, Hadrian Penrod, Kal Fathvell, Mesist A'lees, Cat Lekal

Finch Fain (1) - Asyr Tuy

Cat Lekal (1) - Mailu Willen

Hadrian Penrod (0) - Tonul Venture

Alden Izenry (1) - Ashette Cett


Night 2 begins! It will end on Wednesday, at 9PM BST (GMT+1), as an extension has been granted.


Remember that Steel is still poisoned this Night Turn.


The next House Ball will be at Keep A'lees, so if Metacognition has any ideas for his Keep and ballroom that he would like to pass on to me, similar to how Shivertongue did for this, please let me know.


Player List

House Tuy

Asyr Tuy (a smart guy)


House Elariel

Quitania Elariel (QuiteContrary) - Unknown Rioter

Cat Lekal (luckat)


House Seeris:

Sylina Serris (Theorymaker)


House Urbain:

Fien Urbain (Gamma Fiend)


House Morinthe:

Racine Morinthe (twelthrootoftwo) - Skaa Tineye


Unknown Affiliation:

  1. Kassel Erikell (Kasimir)
  2. Tonul Venture (Tulir)
  3. Alden Izenry (Aonar Faileas)
  4. Jain Phantomhive (Lightsworn Panda)
  5. Hyrun Tormander (The Only Joe)
  6. Ashette Cett (Ashiok)
  7. Hadrian Penrod (Araris Valerian)
  8. Kaldin Fathvell (Kal Dell)
  9. Finch Fain (QuiteLeftInch)
  10. Wandrin Nuvidas (New One)
  11. Cadri Raisaal (Shivertongue)
  12. Mesist A'lees (Metacognition)
  13. Mailu Willen (Mailliw73)
  14. Ren Gardre (Renegade)
  15. Jae Kastner (jaelre)
  16. TelZaan (Kandra NPC)

Edited by Wyrmhero
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Fien jumped up into the air triumphantly and moon-walked out of the ballroom, exulting with glee.




Gamad stood in the corner and silently facepalmed at yet another ridiculous antic performed by Fien.




Whew! That was an awesome result (and write-up!). Now we can start looking back at who has all made what claims about Raccine and figuring out more from there! Great job, everybody!

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Hello all, I am back.  Ash was speaking the truth, we are members of the same House, and that is why I attempted to Riot Jain, because I didn't trust people not to switch a vote to Ash.  I chose not to Riot anyone before I left wifi, so someone Soothed my vote on Hadrian

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I'm a bit confused. She's a Noble, but also a Skaa Sympathizer? Is that a hidden role type thing or just a way to justify that she won't be returning?


Mesist wasn't sure what to make of the results. It seemed like they were correct and yet, unless her "son" was involved with this Skaa rebellion, they had been wrong as well. 


His frown deepened as he saw Fien drunkenly celebrating and cavorting all over the place. 


That man is entirely too happy following a death. Of course, it's nothing more than I should expect from him. He probably views this as a chance to take out a few rivals rather than with the seriousness that he should. 


His mood soured even further when he found out that he was next in line to host a House Ball. Keep A'Lees was a small thing here in Luthadel; barely worthy of the name. The only reason they kept it was for purposes like Mesist was here for; to gain new contracts and renegotiate trading terms. They'd never had to host before because they were rarely in Luthadel long enough to be added to the roster!


It wasn't until he had stepped outside and was mounting up that in idea came to him and a grin started to spread across his face. Yes, it could work and he'd have to start planning immediately, but it would work!


Best of all, he knew that Cadri and Fien would absolutely hate it! 


He whistled as he rode off into the mists, planning. 

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Well. I guess I can't say I told you so. :( (I was seriously expecting a different result.) And I'm feeling more than a little foolish now, trying so hard to defend a Skaa. Honourary Eliminator Award, here I come, : P.
So, Cadri, Ren, Mesist, Hadrian, Cat, Kassel, Kaldin, Finch and Fien are likely true Nobles.  
Everyone probably figures I'm a Skaa now, and that's fine. It's not as if I actually expect to live through these things anymore. :P 
For the record, I wasn't the one who Soothed Tonul. Once again, I'm assuming that was the Skaa Soother, if neither Tonul nor Jae are Skaa.


I've found myself with a bit of uninterrupted free time, so here's some RP:

Despondent, Alden sat watching the other Nobles slowing filing from the keep, celebrating their supposed victory. Lady Morinthe, helping the Skaa? Being party to Lady Elariel's murder? Had she been a part of the plot to kill his family -her own family- as well? Rust. After the plantation Skaa revolted, House Morinthe, under the guidance of his Aunt Racine, had taken him in; giving him means to escape the Central Dominance and the memories there. She'd worked personally to secure contracts for him in the Outer Dominances. It had seemed a kindness then, but maybe it had been an attempt to keep him from discovering the truth.


Why? After what I'd done... why not just kill me like the others?


Alden felt a fool. He'd let past kindness blind him to the point where he nearly let a murderer go free. He didn't completely agree with how the Skaa were treated, but violence like this helped no one. Events like these, the Skaa's infiltation attempts, the Noble's purge, they never actually changed anything. They only ever repeated themselves, given time. Lord Ruler knows I learned that lesson well enough.




The ash fell steadily as Alden’s barge made its pondering way downriver to Luthadel. Staring out towards the red glow of the Ashmounts and doing his best not to think of anything at all, Alden was started by a scream that echoed from the riverbank. It was shill and scared, too high to belong to any but a young girl.


Snapped out of his reverie, he rushed to the side of the barge. The scream cut short, ending in a horrifying gurgle. Two soldiers, wearing his own livery, were holding the body of a girl no more than twelve. Blood stained her ragged dress, and still more poured from the knife wound in her throat.


Suddenly lightheaded, Alden was struck by an image of his own sister, bound and beaten, burning in her own home.
He leapt from the barge, landing heavily on the riverbank as the soldiers set the girl down. “What in the Lord Ruler’s name is going on here?!”


“We’re carrying out your orders, sir.” The soldiers looked confused, incredulous at the idea that their lord would care one way or another over a Skaa’s life.


“This girl can’t be more than twelve! It’s not as if she could have participated in the rebellion!” Alden was shocked. How could they take the murder of a child so lightly?


The soldier who had spoken shrugged. “She was found in possession of items from the Manor, m’lord.”


Rust. They’d killed a child, merely for having been brought an item from his home, and they’d done it on Alden’s orders? He found himself shaking. “I hereby rescind my orders, then. Find a place, and bury her. As respectfully as you are able, please.”


The talkative soldier shrugged again. “Whatever you say, m’lord. I believe she was one of the last, anyway.”


“…The last?”


“The last of the plantation Skaa.”


Alden felt hollow. There had been hundreds, if not thousands of Skaa on the Izenry plantations. And he was responsible for all of them. A huge number, some guilty, and likely far more innocent, dead or dying; bleeding out into the ash.



Resam came down from the barge as Alden watched his men bury the girl. Once again, the tall Terrisman bore a peculiar expression on his face.


“Do you think I made the right choice, Resam? Quelling the rebellion with violence?”


“It is what your father would have done.”


“You know that’s not an answer.”


The steward sighed. “No. I don’t believe you made the right choice, m’lord. However, I think you already know that.”


“I don’t think I can do this anymore. I don’t think I can run the plantation.”


Resam gave him an appraising look, and seemed satisfied by whatever it was that he saw. “No Alden… I don’t believe you can.”


Alden nodded, feeling oddly calm. “One of the cousins can be welcome to the place. I need to do something else. Something that gets me as far from here as possible, I think.”


The Terrisman briefly clasped Alden’s shoulder, and then turned away, heading back to the barge. “We’ll need to be on again fairly soon, if you plan to reach Luthadel before morning. You do have some time though. It’s not as if they’ll leave without you, even if you won’t be their lord much longer.”


“Thank you, Resam.”


He stayed watching the girl’s burial until the soldiers began shoveling dirt and ash back into the hole. It was nothing special, and nothing like what she deserved after the wrong he'd done, but it was the best that Alden could give.

Edited by AonarFaileas
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The Eliminators in this game are the Skaa Rebellion. Just like Breeze in Kelsier's group, not all of them are Skaa, but may be Nobles who sympathise with the Skaa. To clarify, Racine Morithe WAS an Eliminator.

The greentext was meant to be a subtle hint towards the fact that the Skaa Rebellion are technically the good guys in TFE, fighting for freedom from oppresion and what have you.

In this game, the Villagers are red, Eliminators are green, Unknown Alignments are blue.

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Eh, Aonar, I wouldn't exactly say that the 6 of us who voted for Raccine are cleared as being Nobles. We have very much so in past games had Eliminators jump onto the lynch of one of their own when they know they weren't worth saving anymore. Of course I'm not saying that that means some of us are indeed skaa, but just keep it an open possibility. Nor would I say your defense of Raccine necessarily makes you a skaa, automatically. It just doesn't look very good, is all. ;)

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The Skaa could definitely have jumped on Raccine as it became more obvious she was getting lynched. Voting for a Skaa does not clear your name.

Edit: Azul

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I'm not saying they are proven by any means. I'm saying that they are less likely to be Skaa. There's a difference. Anyway, Meta and Lukat have other reasons they are unlikely to be Skaa. So does Gamma. Kal, Hadrian and Kas, on the other hand, do not. However, speaking in terms of probability, they are still lower down on the list than those who did not vote for Racine. 

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To be accurate, I never managed to actually vote for Racine. I state suspicions in RP and in the OoC text beneath the RP, but I missed the vote deadline...


I am a noble, though, as you say. In fact, I'm pretty certain that Cadri, Fein, and Mestis will all turn out to be nobles, because then fate would have it that none of us get to see one of the others die. xD

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I suspect the ska will go for Cat tonight since they only need a couple kills to finish off her house. Do you guys think that it is worth putting in some effort to stop her from dying? Of course, the skaa could also use the kill to implicate someone from today's conversation that is really innocent. Also, in the event that Cat does die, would it be worth it to lynch the new heir simply to preserve the power from a skaa kill?

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