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Aon lightsaber

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I’ve thought about this a lot, scratch a complex Aon Daa (as long as I’m right and that’s the power Aon) into a lightsaber hilt, with modifiers to turn on when a part of it is pushed, and others to make  the energy go out two feet then stop, and send energy out constantly. It should be able to be continuously powered because we know other Aons can stay on until turned off. I’m bad at explaining, but would this work?

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I think I'd go with a shape-modified Aon Edo:

"Aon Edo creates a thin wall of light. The wall serves as a barrier, drawing more power from the Dor to resist anything pushing against it with equal strength." 

It already creates a solid object of light that draws additional Dor to resist physical forces.  Just modify the shape to be a rod of adjustable length and some sort of Off switch.  Daa would work for a gun/bow/ranged weapon, but I think it's too explosive to be easily made into a melee weapon.  

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8 hours ago, Lightweaver2 said:

I’ve thought about this a lot, scratch a complex Aon Daa (as long as I’m right and that’s the power Aon) into a lightsaber hilt, with modifiers to turn on when a part of it is pushed, and others to make  the energy go out two feet then stop, and send energy out constantly. It should be able to be continuously powered because we know other Aons can stay on until turned off. I’m bad at explaining, but would this work?

I don't think Aon Daa is the right Aon to use as a base, maybe Aon Ehe, the one that shoots fire, would be better.

Add some Aon Raos to amp up the heat and somehow figure out how to make an Aon Equation that compresses the fire spray into a small beam of pure heat. 

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  • 5 months later...

Maybe use Ashe to create light, power it up with Rao, and focus it with Nae? I guess Shao might also help. Depending on implementation, Soi seems like it could be useful as well, and I guess Dio and Dao fall into the same category.

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Okay, basing this off of the ars arcanum and  the coppermind. I say we use either Daa or Ehe as the base. If we use Ehe we modify with Daa to add some extra kick. We focus it with Ela and hold the beam together with Are and Dao. Now, I do not believe Aon Rao boosts the power of AonDor. I believe that Rao binds the Elantrians together. It is the shape of Elantris because that is the center of the elantrian order, which binds them together. Aons are at full strength when Elantris is functional because the Dor can connect to all the Elantrians. That’s just what I think. Anyway. Lightsaber. It’s gonna take a crazy amount of modifiers to make the whole thing do exactly what it needs to to be a lightsaber, but the Aons above are the ones I think would work best as a base. 

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