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Best Brandon character *spoilers*


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Sadeas is probably my favorite villian ever. Just because he's such a jerkface and every time I read WoK, he convinces me that he's not going to betray Dalinar this time.

Me too! I just reread WoK and when Sadeas was showing interest in Way of Kings and starting to act understanding about it all, I was like, maybe I remembered the end of this book wrong...? :P

Vivenna is actually one of my favorite characters (see:username), because of the same reason spacemonkey mentioned - her growth as a character. She was super annoying at first, but once she got away from Denth and got her act together, she changed radically. The moment when she swoops in through the window to save Vasher from Denth was full of win. Especially since she couldn't do much to help (couldn't really fight, and only had minor Awakening abilities), but went to save him anyway.

On that note, I love Vasher too.

Hrathen is definitely awesome too - he's really the only character in Elantris that I'm very interested in. He's a super awesome villain, and then does a 180, which is good, because otherwise he might have been a bit flat.

I like Kelsier and Vin, but Marsh I like a whole lot more. Shows up to save the day at the end of Mistborn. Shows up to save the day at the end of HoA.

Kaladin is definitely my favorite from WoK, though Dalinar is up there too, and I actually like Adolin quite a lot too - he annoyed me at first, but he also comes around, and I really wasn't expecting him to, so that made me like him a lot. So far I don't care for Shallan that much, though she has a lot of potential. I could see her being like Vivenna for me, annoying me at first but eventually becoming super awesome.

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I'm trying to figure out how many people that would be... 5 because Gandalf and Dumbledore was played by the same person? Oh wait, I can't forget about the original Dumbledore, so that's six. Oh! And I can't forget about Gandalf the Grey and Gandalf the White. And what about the doctors? How many doctors have there been? 10? 11? And according to some, there was an original Hoid who died, and then the current Hoid. That puts us at about 18?

So I'm not sure if the Universe would explode from concentrated awesomeness or from Mistaken Identity Crises.

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5 because Gandalf and Dumbledore was played by the same person?

Gandalf (white or grey)= Sir Ian McKellan. Old Dumbledore= Richard Harris. New Dumbledore= Micheal Gambon.

Sir Ian McKellan > Micheal Gambon.

If we're counting actors, then Hoid doesn't make the list, and there are countless film adaptions of Merlin. If we count characters that share the name, it falls thusly:

Hoid: 2

Gandalf: 2

Merlin: 1

Dumbledore: 1

Belgarath: 1

The Doctor: 11


Yeah. Although it can be argued that Merlin's different mythological incarnations ought to be counted separately.

Anyway, the universe would explode even if all eleven doctor got together, not to mention everyone else here.

And what bar is this? I want to go there...

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Add John Uskglass (the Raven King, from Jonathan Strange and Mr Norell) to the list.

Also note that one of the names missing from the list [Midius, Olorin, Emrys, ...] apparently causes the universe to explode on its own (according to the Silence, anyway).

EDIT: In other news, somehow I get the feeling that Leras is going to be (even more) awesome when we meet him in person. (Presumably in Dragonsteel?)

Edited by Rayonn
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  • 1 month later...

Why hasn't anybody mentioned Galladon? He's definitely better than Raoden, because he survives in Elantris longer than him WITHOUT any help. Plus, he's got fun words like Kolo(understand?) and kanzada (crazy). He's snarky, but less so than Wayne or Wit/Hoid. (See:Username) B) therefore, he is the best character in Elantris.

In Mistborn, I like TenSoon. He is bold, and (in my opinion) a genius. He's the only reason Vin didn't get killed by Zane, and stopped Ruin just by giving a speech. :P Plus, he survived the remaking of the world, like Marsh, and now works for Sazed/Harmony. Finally, he's a kandra, which, in and of itself, makes him a boss. (NOT TO MENTION he is the best/fastest at creating/manipulating his body out of ANY of the kandra!)

In Warbreaker, I liked Parlin. He was honest and naive, and I was upset when he was killed. All he did was help Vivenna and his country (and wear a funny green hat) :P Unlike most Idrians, he was cheerful instead of depressed. Clod is close 2nd-almost-human Lifeless that saves Vivenna's life several times.

In Alloy of Law, I liked Marsh/Ironeyes. He survived the world's remaking (like the kandra) and works for Sazed/Harmony. He can Compound Atium, and is, because of diluted bloodlines, the strongest Mistborn/Feruchemist alive. That, and alot of his awesomeness carried over from Mistborn. (saving Vin's life/destroying Ruin's plans with a single push)

The Way of Kings, liked Dalinar's youngest son, Renarin. He's the more temperate of Dalinar's sons, and does his best despite his disabilities. I hope he plays a stronger part in the next book, now that he has Shardplate. He keeps Adolin in check, and could be a strong player throughout the series.

Just don't ask me to pick from among these guys... :D

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After re-reading Mistborn, I have to say that Leras was the best, by FAR!!(And Ati second) As someone said in the first couple of pages, the lying, cheating, oathbreaking force of good was awesome! Ati is also epic because he is the only Shardbearer(or is it Shardholder?) that we have met that has been completely taken over by his Shard's Intent, but still shows human emotions, like the need to brag to Vin. Overall, Leras is awesome and I hope we see him in one of the earlier Cosmere books.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay, Spook is not getting nearly enough love in this thread. He spends two books being completely unimportant and then all the sudden he's just this force of pure awesome!

The scene where he rescues that little kid from the burning building is one of the best scenes in the trilogy, challenged only by Kelsier battling the Inquisitor in book one.

Survivor of the Flames FTW.

'Nuff said.

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Gandalf (white or grey)= Sir Ian McKellan. Old Dumbledore= Richard Harris. New Dumbledore= Micheal Gambon.

Sir Ian McKellan > Micheal Gambon.

If we're counting actors, then Hoid doesn't make the list, and there are countless film adaptions of Merlin. If we count characters that share the name, it falls thusly:

Hoid: 2

Gandalf: 2

Merlin: 1

Dumbledore: 1

Belgarath: 1

The Doctor: 11


Yeah. Although it can be argued that Merlin's different mythological incarnations ought to be counted separately.

Anyway, the universe would explode even if all eleven doctor got together, not to mention everyone else here.

And what bar is this? I want to go there...

The Restaurant At The End Of The Universe, obviously. ;)

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  • 1 year later...

Maybe this is illegtimate, since the novellas came after the game, but I would say my personal favorite is Radriar. In the Infinity Blade: Awakening we see how intelligent and controlling he is, and that layer of a sinister character underneath that calm nature. In the second book, we learn how he see's his so called oppressed subjects, and we see that even though he's a tyrant immortal, he considers his duty as a King more important than his life truly being destroyed. We see intelligence, charisma, twisted kindness, and in then, loyaty from Radriar.


Also his armor is badass.

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