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Steelheart Vs. Hulk?


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I think that Hulk would win most of the time, although Steelheart would win occasionally. (I'm thinking of a scenario where you get a couple hundred Hulks and Steelhearts, separate them into seperate areas and have a couple hundred fights so that you get a better idea of what would happen most of the time.)

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Depends if Steelhearts energy ball things could pierce the Hulk I think, if so then he has the advantage of a ranged attack mixed with flight, if not then there's no way for him to hurt Hulk so then he'd obviously lose.

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The angrier The Hulk becomes the more powerful he is, the more potent his abilities become. Doesn't really matter how much damage Steelheart can deliver The Hulk will heal becoming more and more powerful until he can rip him apart.

Edited by SmurfAquamarineBodies
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Getting his head blown off by an energy bolt would probably still kill him, if it came down to strength v strength then obviously the Hulk would win but Steelheart has a random assortment of other abilities too, flying being particularly useful, doesn't matter how strong you are if you can't reach the other guy.

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His durability, regeneration, and endurance also increase in proportion to his temper. Hulk is resistant to injury or damage, though the degree to which varies between interpretations, but he has withstood the equivalent of solar temperatures,nuclear explosions, and planet-shattering impacts. Despite his remarkable resiliency, continuous barrages of high-caliber gunfire can hinder his movement to some degree while he can be temporarily subdued with intense attacks with chemical weapons such as anesthetic gases, although any interruption of such dosages will allow him to quickly recover. He has been shown to have both regenerative and adaptive healing abilities, including growing tissues to allow him to breathe underwater, surviving unprotected in space for extended periods, and when injured, healing from most wounds within seconds, including, on one occasion, the complete destruction of most of his body mass. As an effect, he has an extremely prolonged lifespan.

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Well, depending on the incarnation the Hulk´s healing-factor is so insane that Steelheart couldn´t take him out and the Hulk doesn´t know fear. All Steelheart could possibly do to not be smashed is to fly away as fast as possible.


Our in other words: I agree with Twilyght, puny Epic.

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