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Having a Bad Day? Stop here for a Good Rant!


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Seriously? That's really unprofessional.

Mind if I ask what happened with the original Thor?

Saw it in 3D- and they either didn't align the screen right or forgot to open the curtains, because a section of the (3D) film was projected on the curtains instead.

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So, apparently my 20-year high school reunion is this Saturday.


When did I find out about this?  This morning, via text message from the class president.  Yup.  Sure makes me feel like anyone gave a flying frell as to whether I attended or not.


I'm not actually all that upset; many of those people were absolutely miserable to me when I was in high school.  But we all grew up, and I don't particularly feel like holding a grudge, either, so I was actually thinking of going.  Except, you know, I thought I'd have more than three days' notice to make plans to attend.  It's not like they should've had any trouble getting ahold of me; my mother teaches at the school for frak's sake.


Mostly at this point I'm just boggling by the planning fail / rudeness of it all.

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So, apparently my 20-year high school reunion is this Saturday.

When did I find out about this? This morning, via text message from the class president. Yup. Sure makes me feel like anyone gave a flying frell as to whether I attended or not.

I'm not actually all that upset; many of those people were absolutely miserable to me when I was in high school. But we all grew up, and I don't particularly feel like holding a grudge, either, so I was actually thinking of going. Except, you know, I thought I'd have more than three days' notice to make plans to attend. It's not like they should've had any trouble getting ahold of me; my mother teaches at the school for frak's sake.

Mostly at this point I'm just boggling by the planning fail / rudeness of it all.

Show up late and refuse to answer to anything but Miss Doctor Professor Lady Ruler. Even then, speak only Old Gallifreyan.

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Show up late and refuse to answer to anything but Miss Doctor Professor Lady Ruler. Even then, speak only Old Gallifreyan.




Honestly, I don't think that anyone would be surprised.  But given that it's a 3 1/2 hour drive and I already have plans that day, I'm afraid it isn't happening.

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Honestly, I don't think that anyone would be surprised. But given that it's a 3 1/2 hour drive and I already have plans that day, I'm afraid it isn't happening.

Not that it should, in my opinion. They treated you like an afterthought, so I think they deserve to have their reunion treated like an afterthought. <_<

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Not that it should, in my opinion. They treated you like an afterthought, so I think they deserve to have their reunion treated like an afterthought. <_<


Yeh, that's kind of where I am at this point.  It's their loss, really, not having me grace them with my awesomeness.

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Show up late and refuse to answer to anything but Miss Doctor Professor Lady Ruler. Even then, speak only Old Gallifreyan.


Where does one find a textbook for learning Old Gallifreyan? :ph34r:



Yeh, that's kind of where I am at this point.  It's their loss, really, not having me grace them with my awesomeness.


It's quite a loss for them.


Fortunately for us, now we have you all to ourselves. :ph34r:

Edited by Kobold King
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Where does one find a textbook for learning Old Gallifreyan? :ph34r:




It's quite a loss for them.


Fortunately for us, now we have you all to ourselves. :ph34r:




Yeh, that's kind of where I am at this point.  It's their loss, really, not having me grace them with my awesomeness.


Hah!  This post earned me my 1000th upvote!

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What is the best time to pick up your car?

A. During normal business hours

B. A few minutes after close

C. Thirty seconds after I've just finished totaling all the reciepts for the day so I'll have to start over to factor in yours




I'd take 'A' personally, but I get the feeling 'C' is a common answer. :mellow:

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Just started a new course in Intelligent systems (AI), entirely new programming language with completely different syntax, all good I like a challenge. Then I discover that the standards are completely different. Statements end with a full stop and a semicolon is used for OR statements.

To those not used to most programming language imagine that someone insisted that you type by capitalizing every letter EXCEPT the start of sentences and proper nouns and you'll receive a somewhat similar experience. My borderline OCD probably doesn't help but I think I almost had an anxiety attack in the middle of class.  :unsure:

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To the young man in the Oldsmobile who drove 15 miles under the speed limit, refused to let me pass, and flipped me off when I finally managed it: I hope you're not doing that to attract women, because no one in their right mind would date someone who does that. 


I know, right? Oldsmobile....ewww... 

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I've never used this thread because on bad days, or weeks, I try to tough it out or maybe talk with friends, but I'm too exhausted for the first and the second isn't an option right now.

It's not been a good month, and today capitalized it. First, it's just as hot as braize right now. The humidity is awful and our ac's aren't working up to snuff so it's hard to escape it.

What with the weather and a general return of my depression, I haven't been running and working out like I should, which would probably help with the depression. I really needed to run today, but I wouldn't make myself with the heat.

I've been trying to get a part time job for months, and I almost had one at the Y as a lifeguard, which was my plan J or something after librarian and others. I had to turn the job down though because I was going to have to work Sundays, and I'm not okay working on the sabbath. My mums wanted me to with at the Y for ages because my older sister did, but I really didn't want to because I'm not comfortable having to be in a position where it's my job to keep people's life's safe. So I waited as long as I could before applying, and the Y got a new aquatics director from the one who was my sister's boss, and she changed it so that I'd have to work on Sundays.

I'd let that go, but mum said something along the lines of "if you'd just done what I wanted months ago you wouldn't be having any trouble with a job right now" which just really Really was the wrong thing to say. I didn't react very much because making a rude retort wouldn't help much.

She sent me out to apply to another place today, and I'm just like Delightful about people, so what with everything else, that was fun.

Like I said, I'd normally talk to a friend or something, but none live anywhere close to nearby, Im not super fond of texting, and my list of friends has been getting a little shorter over the past six months. I really miss all of them and wish I could hang out more, or at least call more often, but over an hour drive and them being busy shuts those out a fair amount.

I really need to be busy, and the long failure to get a job and the unending summer are leaving me with less and less to do, so I'm just kinda imploding right now with all the stuff that I can't or haven't learned to control raining down on me. It just feels like I do nothing but play video games, even though I try hard to do other things, and when I play I make it a point to always have some kind of literature or non fiction audio book playing. Feels like I'm turning into a basement gamer, even though I know that I'm no where near it and that things'll get better in another week or two.

Sorry, that went on waaay longer than I meant it to, but it does say Rant in the title, so I guess it's okay?...

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I've never used this thread because on bad days, or weeks, I try to tough it out or maybe talk with friends, but I'm too exhausted for the first and the second isn't an option right now.

It's not been a good month, and today capitalized it. First, it's just as hot as braize right now. The humidity is awful and our ac's aren't working up to snuff so it's hard to escape it.

What with the weather and a general return of my depression, I haven't been running and working out like I should, which would probably help with the depression. I really needed to run today, but I wouldn't make myself with the heat.

I've been trying to get a part time job for months, and I almost had one at the Y as a lifeguard, which was my plan J or something after librarian and others. I had to turn the job down though because I was going to have to work Sundays, and I'm not okay working on the sabbath. My mums wanted me to with at the Y for ages because my older sister did, but I really didn't want to because I'm not comfortable having to be in a position where it's my job to keep people's life's safe. So I waited as long as I could before applying, and the Y got a new aquatics director from the one who was my sister's boss, and she changed it so that I'd have to work on Sundays.

I'd let that go, but mum said something along the lines of "if you'd just done what I wanted months ago you wouldn't be having any trouble with a job right now" which just really Really was the wrong thing to say. I didn't react very much because making a rude retort wouldn't help much.

She sent me out to apply to another place today, and I'm just like Delightful about people, so what with everything else, that was fun.

Like I said, I'd normally talk to a friend or something, but none live anywhere close to nearby, Im not super fond of texting, and my list of friends has been getting a little shorter over the past six months. I really miss all of them and wish I could hang out more, or at least call more often, but over an hour drive and them being busy shuts those out a fair amount.

I really need to be busy, and the long failure to get a job and the unending summer are leaving me with less and less to do, so I'm just kinda imploding right now with all the stuff that I can't or haven't learned to control raining down on me. It just feels like I do nothing but play video games, even though I try hard to do other things, and when I play I make it a point to always have some kind of literature or non fiction audio book playing. Feels like I'm turning into a basement gamer, even though I know that I'm no where near it and that things'll get better in another week or two.

Sorry, that went on waaay longer than I meant it to, but it does say Rant in the title, so I guess it's okay?...


I'm sorry. That all sounds awful. :(


Don't feel bad about using this thread for its intended purpose, though. It's more healthy to talk things over than to "tough it out," and we'll be your friends to the best of our ability here. :)

Edited by Kobold King
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I'm sorry. That all sounds awful. :(

Don't feel bad about using this thread for its intended purpose, though. It's more healthy to talk things over than to "tough it out," and we'll be your friends to the best of our ability here. :)

Thanks :)

I've been learning a balance between toughing it/venting healthily/ venting unhealthily the past year, which is why I decided that I should probably go ahead and use this thread.

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She sent me out to apply to another place today, and I'm just like Delightful about people, so what with everything else, that was fun.


Is there somewhere you could volunteer, at a library or charity or something? It sounds like you've been looking for water related jobs, but have you tried retail, or restuarants?

You could pick up a skill, like, I don't know, cooking or crafts or learn how to dance or draw.

Could you go back to that job offer and say "hi I'd love the job but I can't work on Sunday"? They might respect that, give you the job and then get someone part time to fill in for you on a Sunday.

If it's too hot to run - why don't you swim, or find an air conditioned gym -It'll be cool and the exercise will probably help with the depression.

You're more than welcome to rant here, Head Scholar and Baron of Newcago. This is practically the 17th Shard support group. :)

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Thanks :)

I've been learning a balance between toughing it/venting healthily/ venting unhealthily the past year, which is why I decided that I should probably go ahead and use this thread.

Frankly I think I need to learn how to do that. Because of my dad I always feel like I need to toughen through every single bad thing in my life. While my life is ok, I feel like it's getting worse. I'm getting anxiety about everyday things that I have never had anxiety for before. I think it might be from holding back more then ten years of anger and sadness. Don't get me wrong it's not like I was mad or sad every minute of my life, It's just I hold back anger and sadness whenever I feel like I'm about to show emotion. Those moments tend to stick in my memory longer.

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So my 35th bd is Friday and my ex wife was teasing me saying in 5 more I ll be 40. We got a kick out of that but thinking about me turning 40 is alarming. I still feel I have the mind of a 21 yr old male lol

As someone in their early twenties (I keep forgetting how old I am without counting, apparently I'm 23 :S) I feel like I have the mind of an 80 year old. I dream fondly of the days I can buy a cane and yell at kids to get off my lawn :P

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I've never used this thread because on bad days, or weeks, I try to tough it out or maybe talk with friends, but I'm too exhausted for the first and the second isn't an option right now.

It's not been a good month, and today capitalized it. First, it's just as hot as braize right now. The humidity is awful and our ac's aren't working up to snuff so it's hard to escape it.

What with the weather and a general return of my depression, I haven't been running and working out like I should, which would probably help with the depression. I really needed to run today, but I wouldn't make myself with the heat.

I've been trying to get a part time job for months, and I almost had one at the Y as a lifeguard, which was my plan J or something after librarian and others. I had to turn the job down though because I was going to have to work Sundays, and I'm not okay working on the sabbath. My mums wanted me to with at the Y for ages because my older sister did, but I really didn't want to because I'm not comfortable having to be in a position where it's my job to keep people's life's safe. So I waited as long as I could before applying, and the Y got a new aquatics director from the one who was my sister's boss, and she changed it so that I'd have to work on Sundays.

I'd let that go, but mum said something along the lines of "if you'd just done what I wanted months ago you wouldn't be having any trouble with a job right now" which just really Really was the wrong thing to say. I didn't react very much because making a rude retort wouldn't help much.

She sent me out to apply to another place today, and I'm just like Delightful about people, so what with everything else, that was fun.

Like I said, I'd normally talk to a friend or something, but none live anywhere close to nearby, Im not super fond of texting, and my list of friends has been getting a little shorter over the past six months. I really miss all of them and wish I could hang out more, or at least call more often, but over an hour drive and them being busy shuts those out a fair amount.

I really need to be busy, and the long failure to get a job and the unending summer are leaving me with less and less to do, so I'm just kinda imploding right now with all the stuff that I can't or haven't learned to control raining down on me. It just feels like I do nothing but play video games, even though I try hard to do other things, and when I play I make it a point to always have some kind of literature or non fiction audio book playing. Feels like I'm turning into a basement gamer, even though I know that I'm no where near it and that things'll get better in another week or two.

Sorry, that went on waaay longer than I meant it to, but it does say Rant in the title, so I guess it's okay?...


From minor complaints to major existential crises and everything in between - whatever you need to vent about, that's what this thread is for.  I'm not sure what your options or circumstances are right now, but I second the volunteering idea.  If it gets you out of the house and lets you do something worthwhile, then at least you can feel like you've accomplished something.  It'll help.


I'd also say try not to feel too bad about not going out for a run.  As hot as it has been, there's a real risk of heatstroke, especially if you're not acclimated to it. 


Frankly I think I need to learn how to do that. Because of my dad I always feel like I need to toughen through every single bad thing in my life. While my life is ok, I feel like it's getting worse. I'm getting anxiety about everyday things that I have never had anxiety for before. I think it might be from holding back more then ten years of anger and sadness. Don't get me wrong it's not like I was mad or sad every minute of my life, It's just I hold back anger and sadness whenever I feel like I'm about to show emotion. Those moments tend to stick in my memory longer.


Humans aren't meant to bottle up emotions; learning to let go can be hard, but it's healthy.  You know why we cry when we're sad?  It's the brain's mechanism for getting rid of stress chemicals - squirt 'em out the tear ducts.


So my 35th bd is Friday and my ex wife was teasing me saying in 5 more I ll be 40. We got a kick out of that but thinking about me turning 40 is alarming. I still feel I have the mind of a 21 yr old male lol


According to my husband, 40 didn't feel that different from 39, nor did 41 from 40.  Of course, he also says that if you just make the count in a different number base, then the milestones are farther apart.  Go ahead, calculate your age in hexidecimal!  That'll make you feel better!

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So, I've been thinking of finally coming out of the closet on being a brony. On facebook. However, when I brought this up, my mom shot down the idea, because she's afraid that people will start throwing insults at me. How do I change her mind on this?

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So, I've been thinking of finally coming out of the closet on being a brony. On facebook. However, when I brought this up, my mom shot down the idea, because she's afraid that people will start throwing insults at me. How do I change her mind on this?

Introduce her to the 17th shard where every second member is a brony? :P

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