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Fifth Heightening Immortality and Feruchemy


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I was just thinking that Hoid could potentially have been using the fifth heightening for a while to get around not growing old. Then I though about the fact that he has Feruchemy as well.


As we know Fifth Heightening allows for functional immortality in terms of aging, furthermore there is the disease and poison resistance. Now the question is, what would the affect of constantly storing age and health while under fifth heightening? Would they notice as significant effects?


I imagine Hoid or some other Feruchemist-Awakener could potentially become immortal in all regards by having vast health/age reserves just after a few years or more without the disadvantages of compounding gold or atium and their savantness even when bereft of their breaths



Edited by Darkarma
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Hmm interesting... If we changed immortality to agelessness, would you be able to store age? Assuming you don't age anymore, maybe you wouldn't be able to put any age in because supernatural agelessness prevents you from changing?

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Are we even sure that Hoid is immortal? I had thought he had been around so long because he found a way to skip all the boring parts of history and jump straight to novel worthy plot lines.

He does skip some time but he's still older than should be possible.

Can Hoid jump through time? If so, can Shards jump through time?
Hoid, so far, has only moved forward in time. He has not 'lived' all of those years, but has used some time dilation techniques. That said, he is far older (both in relative and real time) than a normal person can live.


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Are we even sure that Hoid is immortal? I had thought he had been around so long because he found a way to skip all the boring parts of history and jump straight to novel worthy plot lines.


Well, I think we know he's been alive longer than a normal human lives. Although we do know he hasn't lived all of the history he should have. 







Edited by Savanorn
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Well Returned have immortality but when a child Returns they continue to develop until maturity so I doubt that the Feruchemist would be unable to Store Age.

What are you basing this on if I might ask?


I'm not sure I understand how you are relating being able to store Age to maturity. Returned though aren't the only ones that reach fifth heightening though. It only takes roughly 3500 breaths.


Hoid in his particular case I'm thinking used his light weaving to earn them or most of them. If he gained them during the time we saw him in Warbreaker I imagine he could have up to 340 years to have put them to good use filling it Metalminds if you go by the fact that the time between Mistborn and Stormlight is that same amount of time with warbreaker happening somewhere in it.


Also based on how long the human population of Roshar has been around for thousands of years even with skipping it Hoid has to have been alive for a very very long local time to himself.

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Feruchemy should be sufficient to ensure long-livedness if nothing else. You can use Feruchemical nicrosil to provide the raw Investiture and do a weak sort of Compounding of age (assuming the MAG is anywhere near correct, which it most definitely should be). If Hoid spent the time figuring out the sixteen metals (which he may have), then he'd be able to use that without any other systems.


As to the problem of storing age, I imagine someone with Breath would be able to. Breath stops the natural progression of age, not necessarily the addition or removal of it. A Surgebinder can choose to be affected by their own Full Lashings if they want, and so Breath should allow you to change your own age if you want it to.

Edited by Moogle
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Hoid in his particular case I'm thinking used his light weaving to earn them or most of them.

After I read this line I suddenly pictured Hoid as this decrepid decaying old man/walking corpse in a wheelchair connected to IVs that lightweaves his appearance to a younger version of himself.

On a more serious note, how exactly does Hoid have Feruchemy? Is it a Yolish version?

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On a more serious note, how exactly does Hoid have Feruchemy? Is it a Yolish version?


Unknown, but there's this WoB:

Q. For Feruchemy, can you only inherit that? Or is there another way to get it?

A. You could obviously get it through a Hemalurgic spike.
Q. Yeah, but that’s kind of a different thing.
A. It is hereditary, but it came from somewhere. [...] Which is a RAFO, but it’s not a big RAFO. There’s not something you missed in the books, or anything like that. It originally came from Preservation long ago. And there are other ways to get it, but you have not missed any major plot points regarding that. Good question.
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What are you basing this on if I might ask?


I suppose you might be able to ask.


Hopefinder was two when he Returned and he continued to grow until maturity


No idea where this is in the book. My computer version is from Brandon's website in Notepad.


Hopefinder the Just, god of innocence and beauty, stood up as they approached. He appeared to be about thirteen years old. By apparent physical age, after all, he’d Returned when his body had been two,

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I suppose you might be able to ask.


Hopefinder was two when he Returned and he continued to grow until maturity


No idea where this is in the book. My computer version is from Brandon's website in Notepad.

I mean that someone growing can't store age or that the returned/fifth heightening can't store age. Sorry for the misunderstanding.

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