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First Sanderson?  

1255 members have voted

  1. 1. Which was your first Sanderson book/series?

    • Mistborn (The Final Empire, The Well of Ascension and The Hero of Ages)
    • Stormlight (the Way of Kings and Words of Radiance)
    • Elantris
    • Warbreaker
    • The Rithmatist
    • Steelheart
    • Legion
    • The Emperors Soul
    • Other?

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2 hours ago, Orderbound said:

damnation you've read more than me. How much do you know about the Cosmere?

I'm pretty behind in Cosmere theory, but I know just about all there is to know from the books I've read. So I'm armed with all the basic information, but nothing that the fans have dreamed up while I was off re-re-reading. 

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Just now, RustAndRuin said:

I'm pretty behind in Cosmere theory, but I know just about all there is to know from the books I've read. So I'm armed with all the basic information, but nothing that the fans have dreamed up while I was off re-re-reading. 

Yeah, some of these guys are extremely hardcore about theories. How about you slap on a safari hat and become a nerd anthropologist like me! We can catalog these amazing creatures.

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2 minutes ago, Orderbound said:

Yeah, some of these guys are extremely hardcore about theories. How about you slap on a safari hat and become a nerd anthropologist like me! We can catalog these amazing creatures.

Sounds good to me! Psychology is closer to my area of expertise. The Cosmere is fascinating, but I really prefer studying the characters. 

Whoops... you may have to catalog me too... 

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1 minute ago, RustAndRuin said:

Sounds good to me! Psychology is closer to my area of expertise. The Cosmere is fascinating, but I really prefer studying the characters. 

Whoops... you may have to catalog me too... 

Great! Happy to have you on board.



...Nerd took the bait...waiting further instructions...

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  • 2 months later...

My first time reading a Brandon Sanderson book was the Way of Kings about one year ago.


I was always a huge fantasy/sci-fi book reader. It started with the Harry Potter series which I've read at least 7 times growing up. I've read the Eragon series (Book 4 was the biggest blue balls ever), Rangers Apprentice, Asoiaf, the two King Killer books, LoTR etc. 

I've enjoyed all of those series in one way or another besides the 4th Eragon book... When I started WoK, I expected a generic fantasy story because I've never read a Sanderson book in my life. 

None of those other series (ASOIAF was close) gave me the "high" that I felt reading WoK, WoR, and Era 1 of Mistborn. Ive lost count of the amount of times I've said "alright that's enough reading for today" and continued reading. 

What I would give to read the Tower, the Arena duel, Kaladin's 3rd oath moment completely fresh. Those moments were some of my favorite throughout any books that I've ever read.

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The first time I ever heard of Brandon Sanderson was through my father, who had downloaded a random fantasy novel on his kindle, and told me, "Alena, you have to read this book!" He introduced to me the general idea and theme of it, and I agreed to try it out. My first ever Sanderson novel was Mistborn: The Final Empire, and I immediately fell in love. I was told that "it might be a little slow to start" but I had quickly fallen head over heels for the unique world system, the totally original and fantastic idea of Allomancy, and how he managed to make the characters and world seem real with intriguing politics and in-depth character development. Ever since, I could never put down a Sanderson novel. It awed me how he could turn the whole entire plot of a story by one minuscule detail. His mind and genius are absolutely fantastic, and ever since I learned of the Cosmere idea, I was totally shell-shocked. I am a huge Tolkien fan, and for me, Sanderson is the living representation of him, and I have thoroughly enjoyed his work ever since I picked up Mistborn.

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  • 1 month later...

I found this post:


on reddit, and how freaking cool that was just blew me away. If whoever this Sanderson guy is was willing to do that for a fan, then I should at least check him out right? So, I went and picked up The Way of Kings. I have become addicted and have read everything he's written that is cosmere related (most a few times) and almost everything else as well.

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I found this post:


on reddit, and how freaking cool that was just blew me away. If whoever this Sanderson guy is was willing to do that for a fan, then I should at least check him out right? So, I went and picked up The Way of Kings. I have become addicted and have read everything he's written that is cosmere related (most a few times) and almost everything else as well.

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On 4/2/2017 at 10:30 PM, jakethehawk said:

I found this post:


on reddit, and how freaking cool that was just blew me away. If whoever this Sanderson guy is was willing to do that for a fan, then I should at least check him out right? So, I went and picked up The Way of Kings. I have become addicted and have read everything he's written that is cosmere related (most a few times) and almost everything else as well.

Oh wow. How awesome is that?! 

Brandon is just so, so cool!!

I really love what he's doing for his fans.

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I was basically bullied into reading Mistborn by my english teacher who wouldn't stop annoying me with it ("Read it! You have to read it! It's the best fantasy ever!!!" - for like a month).

...I happily returned the favour with Era 2 which he was reluctant to start so I kept pestering him via email until he promised to read it... :D 

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I went to a bookstore to get books for s trip. The guy who ran the fantasy section was slightly crazy for several reasons, including the fact that he claims to own over 2,000 books. He hates libraries for some reason. Maybe he rips up his books like Vin? Anyways, he gave me tFE and WoK and was actually really awesome. If you're on the site, I want to give you a huge thank you for giving me the cosmere! 

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  • 4 weeks later...

My dad googled "good fantasy books" because he had run out of things to read, and bought The Way of Kings and Words of Radiance. He kept telling me how good this book was, how good the world-building was, and random facts about the culture. ("Everyone's divided by eye color, so you would have to call me Brightlord and be my scribe, you lowly darkeyes! Mwahaha. Also, your safehand is showing.")

I told him I would probably give the book a try when he was done with it. Then we went on a plane trip together, the book I had brought wasn't keeping my interest, my dad was in the washroom and the Way of Kings was lying on his seat. So I picked it up and opened to the middle of the book to get a sense of this guy's writing style.

My life was changed forever. Just one sentence about Dalinar trying to preserve his reputation had me hooked. I wanted to keep reading from there, find out about the character's problem and who he was, but I forced myself to start at the beginning of the book like a normal person. I looked at the size of the book and remember thinking "I'm going to devote myself to reading this and understanding everything that happens, even if the plot is super complex!"

I read WoK and WoR, then I think I started with Warbreaker next because I remember being surprised that actual mammals existed in this world and it wasn't also a rocky wasteland. I can't remember though if I made the connection between Nightblood and Szeth's new sword. After that I read the Mistborn series, and sometime at that point I looked something about the books up online and found myself on the Coppermind, and from there I discovered the Cosmere, though it took me a while to figure out what it all was. Since then I've read the Wax and Wayne series, Elantris, the Reckoners series, The Rithmatist, Alcatraz, and Arcanum Unbounded, and I've loved all of them!

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  • 3 weeks later...

So, I'm not sure exactly when this was, but I think it was in eighth grade. I was looking for a new book in the library, and the libraria, a really nice slightly older lady, pointed out Steelheart to me. I was hooked, and from there I went on to read The Rithmatist. I didn't read any other Sanderbooks for awhile, until last December, I remembered The Reckoners and started searching up stuff about it, mainly because I'd heard about Apocalypse Guard. Then I discovered this website, the Cosmere, and finally Mistborn (and the rest of the Cosmere).

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I'm guessing this was about 9 years ago? I've always been an avid fantasy reader. I was out of things to read, and in line for groceries at a Safeway. Saw Mistborn (it was just plain Mistborn then, didn't have the subtitle) in paperback on the checkout shelf. Picked it up, read the back thought it sounded interesting. I devoured it in a matter of hours and searched out the rest of the trilogy (believe HoA had just come out in paperback, not sure). Read Elantris. A few months pass and Brandon is announced to be finishing WoT.

All around I was astounded that I discovered such an awesome author on a grocery store checkout shelf. 

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I started with Elantris.  It was, at the very instant I finished the last page, my favorite book.  Every Sanderson book after that was then the most perfect book there could ever be.  I've read SA thrice this year:ph34r:, and I've noticed that whenever you open up to a random page, there is always something interesting happening.  Even during Kaladin's depression stages, Brandon pulls you on.  Brandon Sanderson is amazing and there is no one here that shall ever disagree with me!!

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@RuneweaverNever!!! :lol: And I actually read SA first, even though person mentioned above advised me to start with one of his other books. I didn't listen. :ph34r:




I couldn't find out how to get rid of those. There is nothing in them.

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@Runeweaverwas the one who first told me about them. Then one day, I am fairly young, I went to Barns and Nobel and bought a copy of Way of Kings. As soon as I finished it, easily my favorite book. And if you want to know how young fairly young is...


10+5-6+4+5-3+2-5 :)

Oops. I didn't realize I had something else up there. Sorry!

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On 4/2/2017 at 3:28 PM, jakethehawk said:

I found this post:


on reddit, and how freaking cool that was just blew me away. If whoever this Sanderson guy is was willing to do that for a fan, then I should at least check him out right? So, I went and picked up The Way of Kings. I have become addicted and have read everything he's written that is cosmere related (most a few times) and almost everything else as well.

This is the coolest thing ever!!!! :o I wanna be in one of his books!

I heard about Brandon Sanderson from my brother who found his book through a New York Times best sellers list. He found Steelheart and then recommended it to me because he knows that I love superheroes. He started reading ALL of Sanderson's books and before I knew it, his books were my brother's obsession. I knew if he loved them that much then they must be awesome, because he usually likes cool series like LOTR, and the Inheritance, etc. So I finally got around to them, and I think I actually started off by listening to the Rithmatist on audio book. Then I read Steelheart, and I have since read many of his books, and am a HUGE fan as well!! :lol: My favorite series is the Stormlight! :D And my favorite book character is Hoid! ;) When I first found out that he was planting Hoid in all of the Cosmere books, I freaked out and was like "Ah! He's pulling an Avengers universe on us!". I was too excited tbh haha. I can't believe I'm gonna have to wait forever before Hoid's series finally comes out, but until then I'll look forward to finding him in every series in the Cosmere! :D 

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Ah so my brother had discovered Alcatraz through his psychatrist (who's daughter I'm now dating. Which is weird) but I never really was all that interested. Then we went out west to BYU, and went to the BYU book store, and mom told me "oh this book has great reviews you should read it!" I was waffly (she's made me read too many stuffy classics at this point) but eventually I started reading it. 

I soon realized this was the best book I'd ever read. And I read A LOT. Like to the point where I'm told to go spend time outside instead of reading. Anyway I devoured the rest of the series. Warbreaker was offered to me, but I thought it looked weird. Oh how little I knew. 

Next, I noticed the word Roshar in the Aars Arcanum. I looked it up, discovered Way of Kings. That day I posted a picture of instagram saying "look at this giant book im about to read!" I spent all day reading it. Read the whole thing in a day. And it was transcendent. I started reading every thing I could get my hands on by him. But it didn't explode into a full on obsession until one day I was looking him up online and a wiki article mentioned the reality of the cosmere. It was then I realized that not only were his books far and away the best books I've ever read, but that he is on a whole different level. Eventually I discovered the 17th shard, joined after some struggling with the math question they asked you (it was really annoying) and now here I am. Waiting for Oathbringer to come out. 

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On 9/16/2010 at 9:34 PM, Swifftalon said:

I love hearing personal stories and hearing people's opinions and comments on them, so I wold like for all of you to leave an account on how you first heard about Brandon Sanderson and what kept you with him as his career has taken off.

I went to a writer's conference last year in Provo, UT. I was given the tickets last minute and hadn't read up on any of the speakers, teachers, etc. BS happened to be the keynote speaker and was teaching a class as well. The class was SRO, so I didn't get in on that one (storms!). After I got home, I thought, "well, if he was the keynote, he must be pretty good". I picked up WOK and almost went cross eyed with the switching POVs in the first 5 chapters. I stuck with it though and by the end I was in awe of his world building and story writing capabilities. I had no idea just how great he was, even then. After that, I read everything Sanderson has ever written (with the exception of his Evil Librarian series, I've only read book one in that). Several of his other books/series I've read twice.

The icing on the cake though was going back to the same Storymakers writing conference this year and getting to meet him. He wasn't slated to speak or even show up for the book signings. So, when he showed up at the author signing I was totally geeking out. In fact, after he signed my book, my sister left her phone on his table. She had already lost it once during the conference, so I grabbed it up for her. I walked around with that phone in my hand for five minutes before realizing it wasn't my sister's phone. Yeah. I stole Brandon's phone. I was so embarrassed when I returned it.

Anyhow, that's how I became introduced to the world of Brandon Sanderson. I'll always be a fan.

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The conference was LDStorymakers? I was there last year and he was the keynote speaker. I went there this year too. That's honestly pretty awesome and a really cool story to tell people. Sadly I missed the class last time and the signing this year. I did get a copy of Elantris signed last year though.

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