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Cosmere Alphabet

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Do not be deceived by the title, his isn't some profound theory on the similarities between alphabets in the cosmere world or something


This, my friends, is... a Cosmere ABC


So my littlest brother just learned his alphabet and has been walking around singing the song non-stop, so I thought, why not make a Cosmere ABC? Here goes....


Note: I haven't thought of something for everything, so if you have anything to fill in the blanks, or anything to add, please tell me!

Note 2: I don't want to include anything to specific, such as character names or place names, (Shattered Planes, Elntris, Kaladin, Vin, etc) unless they're "big" things like Ati or Hoid

Note 3: I havent read Shadows for Silence or Sixth of the Dust, so sorry can't include much from them


A is for Adonalsium, Ati, Allomancy, Ashyn and Ars Arcanium too too. 

B is for BioChroma and Braize

C is Cultivation and Cosmere and Cognitive

D is for Dominion and Devotion

E is for Endowment

F is for Feruchemy and Forgery and First of the Sun

G is for ...?

H is for Harmony, Honor, Hemalurgy, and Hoid too

I is for Investiture

J is for....?

K is for...?

L is for Leras

M is for MIstborn

N is for Nalthis, and Nazh

O is for Odium

P is for Preservation

Q s for...?

R is for Roashar, Ruin, Rayse and Realmatic theory

S is for Shard, Sel, and Scadrial

T is for Threnody and Taldain

U is for...?

V is for...?

W is for Worldhopping

X is for....?

Y is for Yolen

Z is for...?


That's what I have so far. Hope you all like it!

Edited by Atilium
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V is for Voidbringer, Z can really only be Zane or I guess Zinc, Xaka is a city in Warbreaker I think, J: Jesker, Jaddeth, K for Kandra, Quellion is the only thing I can think of for Q, U: Urithiru, Unmade

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