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Yes indeed! Brace yourself...

We live on a farm, but unlike OP we only have three cats (my dad and one of my brothers is allergic). I love them though. Domino, a very grumpy beautiful fat Siamese-Burmese mix, and then the two sisters, Sargent Pepper and Princess Frankensitne, or King Dom (that's a pun), Pepper and Frankie all for short. The sisters I raised from the time they were seven says old, bottle-feeding them, and I adore them.

We also have two dogs, Bailey, a who-knows-what whom we got as a puppy from a rescue home, he was abused from birth and is brian-damaged and half dead, an absolute idiot but a lovable one. There's also Abigail, a young border collie, whom we got from a nearby farm for free to keep Bailey company after Doodle (our other dog) was run over two years ago. There's actually a joke behind her name - my mother fell pregnant the same month we got her, and my grandmother has been begging my mom since she got married to name one of her daughter Abigail but my mother hates that name, so my sister sarcastically suggested we name the dog Abigail (my grandmother hates dogs) and it kind of stuck. Yeah... my mom doesn't like her mother-in-law :P

Then we have the guinea pigs, fat and greedy Fonella who has the skill to create a portal to outside of her cage and skinny Taffy, who we thought was a boy until Fonella failed to get pregnant.

We also go two black rabbits whom we named Nova a Comet a few days after we got them Comet randomy died. Then we got two baby white rabbits my brothers named Olaf and Elsa. Elsa ran away. (All I can imagine is this white rabbit running happily through our farm fields singling, Let it go, Let it go..)

Last but not least we have 38 chickens, none of whomw e have named except for Houdina, who has insanle escapists skills, and four nanny goats - Trixy, MIlly-Molly, Purdy, and... I can't remember the last ones name.

That's it! If you read all that.... you get a cookie.

Wow! That's a lot of pets!! :)

That's pretty awesome.

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Yes indeed! Brace yourself...


We live on a farm, but unlike OP we only have three cats (my dad and one of my brothers is allergic). I love them though. Domino, a very grumpy beautiful fat Siamese-Burmese mix, and then the two sisters, Sargent Pepper and Princess Frankensitne, or King Dom (that's a pun), Pepper and Frankie all for short. The sisters I raised from the time they were seven says old, bottle-feeding them, and I adore them.


We also have two dogs, Bailey, a who-knows-what whom we got as a puppy from a rescue home, he was abused from birth and is brian-damaged and half dead, an absolute idiot but a lovable one. There's also Abigail, a young border collie, whom we got from a nearby farm for free to keep Bailey company after Doodle (our other dog) was run over two years ago. There's actually a joke behind her name - my mother fell pregnant the same month we got her, and my grandmother has been begging my mom since she got married to name one of her daughter Abigail but my mother hates that name, so my sister sarcastically suggested we name the dog Abigail (my grandmother hates dogs) and it kind of stuck. Yeah... my mom doesn't like her mother-in-law :P


Then we have the guinea pigs, fat and greedy Fonella who has the skill to create a portal to outside of her cage and skinny Taffy, who we thought was a boy until Fonella failed to get pregnant. 

We also go two black rabbits whom we named Nova a Comet a few days after we got them Comet randomy died. Then we got two baby white rabbits my brothers named Olaf and Elsa. Elsa ran away. (All I can imagine is this white rabbit running happily through our farm fields singling, Let it go, Let it go..)


Last but not least we have 38 chickens, none of whomw e have named except for Houdina, who has insanle escapists skills, and four nanny goats - Trixy, MIlly-Molly, Purdy, and... I can't remember the last ones name. 


That's it! If you read all that.... you get a cookie. 

Atilium, loving ALL the pet names, especially Sgt. Pepper, Doodle (my old cat used to have the nickname of Fenny Fenny Doodle Bug), Olaf and Purdy, for some reason.  Purdy is just an awesome name for some reason.  :D

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My girl pug, Mollie, seems intent on eating every piece of scrap metal in the house. Tinfoil. Candy wrappers. Earrings. 


Do you think she's an Allomancer? 


She could have an iron deficiency... my friends dog always licked the skirtings along the bottom of the wall because she liked the metal in it. 

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Come to me than friend. I have sugar that then gets deep fried and then gets plopped in melted sugar and then gets sprinkled with powdered sugar and then sprinkled with larger chunks of sugar.

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We have three cats. Phoenix is the smart one, she is also the most affectionate around people she knows, and the most skittish among people she doesn't. Banshee is loud, persistent, and playful, she is always asking for attention. Shadow is very relaxed and likes everyone and is ... not smart. I wrote a ketek about her when she was a kitten (it's in the keteks thread). 



Phoenix and Shadow




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By the way, animal lovers, new episode of Too Cute! comes on tonight (at least in the States)!


You know you have it bad when you tear up and "awwww" your whole way just through the advertisement. :D

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  • 3 months later...

I have several cats named after Cosmere characters--Blackthorn and Jasnah come to mind immediately.


Of late, however, little Jasnah's prone to very un-princesslike behavior. She was allowed to spend the night indoors for the first time after being spayed, but soon abused the privilege by keeping the house awake with her raucous habit of running along bookshelves and knocking knick-knacks across the floor. She's even taken to biting people's feet in the middle of the night, lending her the nickname of "Jasnah Toe-bane."


She's generally a sweet cat, though. She's sitting in my lap purring up a storm as I write this.  ^_^

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Kobold: I've decided that when I get my own dog, I will name him TenSoon. And talk to him like a person. You're not the only one crazy enough to name their pets after Cosmere characters. Oh, a cat would be Vin...heh.

Agreed...Cosmere names are going to happen for any future pets in our house.  Right now our little fluff ball (cat), Shion, enjoys her video game inspired name (from the game Xenosaga).  My old cat was named Fenny after Fenchurch/Fenny in Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, though.


(Edited for clarity.)

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Agreed...Cosmere names are going to happen for any future pets in our house. Right now our little fluff ball (cat), Shion, enjoys her video game inspired name (from the game Xenosaga). My old cat was named Fenny after Fenchurch/Fenny in Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, though.

(Edited for clarity.)

I've always thought Slartibartfast would be a great name for a pug.

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I've always thought Slartibartfast would be a great name for a pug.

Ha!  Imagine what that would sound like a. if the pug could talk and b. if he tried to say his name through that cute, smooshed little face!!

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