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What would you ask the Nightwatcher

Bow Tie Bandit

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I am sure that a thread like this has been explored but seeing as I could not readily find it have have come to ask it myself.  


If you came the the Nightwatcher, what would you ask of her?

Even better, what do you think would be what you would get?


I would ask to know all the RAFO.  I would then end up dumb and paralyzed so I could not share the secrets with anyone.  (


/(Well Written Brandon.... well written)

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Hmmmmmm, I'm honestly pretty content right now so that'd be hard.


How about........ hmmmm. Honestly I can't think of anything. I think it'd just be REALLY cool to get to say hello and maybe ask her to give me something she thinks I deserve. Not really how it works, but Hey, In my dreams, in my dreams.

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You become incapable of keeping any connections of any sentimental value. People don't sypathize with you, or feel any real empathy. You lose any object you feel attached to, first small things like wealth, then mementoes, then even basic things like food and clothing slip away from you if you don't seize them right away - a meal will be splattered across the ground, a shirt will be stolen after you get beat unconscious. Your injuries will heal at a normal rate, you won't age, but you will need to sleep and eat or you will grow weak with fatigue, undying and unmoving until some kindly or exploitative soul takes you in and nurses you back to health, despite the effect that tries to brush away any empathy or connection to you. If you break a bone and it heals poorly, it will stay that way. If you take a killing blow, your healing will speed until you are technically alive again - vital organs all functioning. This will occur even if you are burnt to ash - in fact this is the only way that you can heal your scars and infirmities. Drugs have no hold on you, neither poisons nor any other kind. Though you will not age, your mind will eventually cast away its earlier memories, one by one, until you literally cannot directly remember a time when you did not live in an undying hell. Your only option, eventually, is to take. Your only chance to have the pleasures of a true life is to grab and consume them before your ill luck can destroy or remove them from you. You become the wandering thing in the night, the creature mothers tell stories of to make children behave. Your mind breaks and mends itself over and over until the last time you were still unburdened and sane fades from memory. And when, eventually, some kind soul knocks you unconscious, burns you, and buries the ashes, well, you can try not to dig your way back out. It is, after all, so very comfortable in here. But you are starved of oxygen, die, and heal until a death every fifteen minutes drives you mad with the desire to escape, and you dig yourself out in bursts of frantic energy to haunt the night again.

How's that for the price of immortality?

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Her curses though can be really disproportionate; so, if you ask for a Cheeseburger, you'd probably get something ridiculously sucky, say, like hunger that never is satisfied no matter how much you eat...etc.


Of course, those curses are also too logical...


Anyway, I think I would ask to become an intelligent spren with the ability to form bonds with human beings...(probably a Honorspren...)

Edited by Nymp
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The ability to eat whatever I want and not get fat.  Of course my curse would probably be that all food tastes like sweaty socks or something.  Maybe I should just ask for self-control to do the right thing even when it's hard.

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Probably to own and live on a tropical island.  I'd ask without giving it terribly much thought, so the island would probably be completely overrun by beasts, bugs, arachnids, and other unpleasant things, not to mention the fact that getting there would probably mean I'd gotten stranded.  No supplies, no sunscreen, nada. XD


And man, do I burn easily!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I thought all of the curses and boons were primarily cognitive effects (i.e., Dalinar not remembering his wife, etc.).*


Do we know much on this front?


We have seen Dalinar's curse (not remembering his wife), Taravangian's curse (depending upon your interpretation, either his boon is his intellect and curse is his inverse relationship of intellect and compassion, or alternately it is his compassion that is his boon, we do not know) and Lift we could guess it is not being able to count past 10, but that is far from certain.

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Do we know much on this front?


We have seen Dalinar's curse (not remembering his wife), Taravangian's curse (depending upon your interpretation, either his boon is his intellect and curse is his inverse relationship of intellect and compassion, or alternately it is his compassion that is his boon, we do not know) and Lift we could guess it is not being able to count past 10, but that is far from certain.


We also have the guy who saw the world upside down, and the guy who's hands were left completely numb.

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I would not ask her for anything and see if we could just chat. I'm assuming she won't smite me, and it's certainly worth a try. 


On a side note, I bet Lift asked to be awesome. 


But if I HAD to ask for a boon...oh, let's be honest, I would never decide. Eventually I'd take something small (which hopefully has a small curse) like always knowing Hoid's location. Or being able to function normally without sleep. Or being content. Or having a photographic memory (coppermind without the loss or decay). Or being able to step in and influence the plot of books I read. Or maybe I'd go big and wish that Odium be shattered or have his nature changed (probably beyond her power). And I'd also come up with really stupid ideas, like the knowledge of what I wish I had asked for--both a boon and a curse at once. Or I could ask for all people to consider me a friend (Curse: permanently friendzoned). 



Swimmingly, you deserve your place on the list. Truly, you do. 

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The ability to eat whatever I want and not get fat.  Of course my curse would probably be that all food tastes like sweaty socks or something.  Maybe I should just ask for self-control to do the right thing even when it's hard.


I think with your wording on this one she would make you already super fat so you then have the ability to eat whatever you want without getting fat.

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So on the lighter side: boon, to become a mistborn, curse, never have the metals to burn lol

On the greyer side: boon, to become a mistborn, curse become an inquisitor (ya never said HOW to become a mistborn....)

On the truly dark side: boon, to become a mistborun, curse, become an inquisitor, but the spikes used are from spiking all your loved ones (Kratos anyone?)

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