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Long Game 6: Daes Dae'Mar, The Great Game

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I really would like to join, but recent experience shows that that would be a bad idea. At the moment I simply do not have the time and I don't want to sign up just to go inactive. I've barely managed to be active in Rubix's game except for this burst of activity at the end :/


I hope it goes well!


Hopefully I will have time to join the next one.

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Quitecontrary, on 16 Jun 2014 - 01:40 AM, said:

I've never joined an RP before but this is WOT.

Are you still accepting signups, and can someone be patient enough to go through the mechanics with me if I get lost?

Woohoo! We have our last player! Eh, it should be fine. It's not like most of us here have that many games under our belts either...

Edited by Kasimir
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Woohoo! We have our last player! Eh, it should be fine. It's not like most of us here have that many games under our belts either...

Thank you, for both the acceptance and the handicap. I honestly feel like a victim being given a headstart just so people can start shooting and hunting me down. Oh well.

Rishi put down the mug of ale in front of a thug-looking visitor. The inn was packed today, and Gade's greed would not let him turn away a customer. They were shorthanded and now worked double shifts. She went and took some more orders before proceeding to the kitchen in her usual swaying walk, eyes following her as she went.

No matter, she thought, thinking about the tips she will earn at the end of the day.

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WOOT! We got out 25 players! I will leave sign-ups technically open til around 7-8PM but I'm not really expecting any more sign-ups before then, so I'll start working on getting this Current List assigned their Roles/Factions. I'll try and get everything done and sent out before Game of Thrones starts tonight, but there's no promises I won't get distracted by the Season Finale. ;)

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WOOT! We got out 25 players! I will leave sign-ups technically open til around 7-8PM but I'm not really expecting any more sign-ups before then, so I'll start working on getting this Current List assigned their Roles/Factions. I'll try and get everything done and sent out before Game of Thrones starts tonight, but there's no promises I won't get distracted by the Season Finale. ;)

GM Almighty, GoT is a perfectly legit reason ;) Also, at least for those of us coming off QF2, I don't think we'd protest at not immediately going into Game 6 ;)

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I'm really excited for this game to start! It looks to be one of the most fun models we've seen yet. I will definitely be hard for the Villagers, which isn't a bad thing. :) I promise to not totally ignore this game like I may or may not have the Quick Fix Game...

Happy birthday Awesomeness, by the way! :D Missed it.

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In before somebody else signs up and ruins all my hard work at assigning all the Roles and Alignments. :P

Sign-ups are Closed! PM's will be being sent out in the next couple hours, and (hopefully) a Day 1 Write-up will follow shortly after.

Edit: If some people want a small breather after the Quick-Fix game that just ended, then I can hold off with the write-up until tomorrow.


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If no one minds, I would prefer the write-up wait till some time tomorrow, since I will not be able to get on to really do anything till late in the day tomorrow and don't want to have a lot of catching up to do. But if everyone else wants to start ASAP, then by all means.
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I MIND! But ok. We should be fair. Who else is going to be using White text in this Game? And I'm going to say we lynch someone on Day 1.

I don't really care all that much about when it starts. I am excited too! I wouldn't have said anything had Gamma not asked if anyone wanted to wait. And I agree on Day One lynch.

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All PM's are sent out! Phew, that took a little longer than I thought. Much props to past GMs who have done this before! I will try and start working on the Write-up as soon as I can, but will probably wait til later tonight to post it. (Read as: After Game of Thrones)

Good luck, everybody!


To clarify a few things:


1) The Darkfriends get one to two kills, depending on whether or not the Forsaken uses his extra kill.

2) The Dreamwalker being alive means any player can start a PM with any number of people.


Am I correct?

Edit: Yes to both of those questions,

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You all will be happy to know, your humble GM has been hard at work trying to get a fantastic write-up going. I might have gone a little overboard, but eh. One problem I encountered: I looked at the time and realized I had been writing on and on and forgot about Game of Thrones. O.o Apologies for any extra temporary delay, but I will try and get the write-up posted by a reasonable time. If I can't get it posted until some odd-morning hours, and that conflicts with people's schedules a little bit, I could extend the Day Cycle a little extra to put it on track for a reasonable time for future write-ups.

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Asphodel, hands off the toy panda. Do no name it. You may only use it in your RP if I give you expressed permission, and I haven't.


Maybe you'll get it. In fact, if I die, Kas can use it, or, if he's dead, Ashiok can use it.

So much fuss for this panda. Is this the same toy panda you gave me as a gift, which is sitting on my shelf, observing the goings on of my kitchen? This panda does get around!

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Day 1: Time to Toss the Dice: Day Cycle Ends Wednesday, June 18th, ~5AM EST

The Wheel of Time turns, and Ages come and pass, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the Age that gave it birth comes again. In one Age, called the Third Age by some, an Age yet to come, an Age long past, a wind bellowed forth from the peak of Dragonmount. The wind was not the beginning. There are neither beginnings nor endings to the turning of the Wheel of Time. But it was a beginning.

(edited in the classic Jordan intro. Something felt like it was missing. Sorry for making it even longer.)
Mayor Twim Cabalen was busy working late into the night, he had stayed up alone to set up the Town Hall for the meeting that was to take place tomorrow, but he kept getting distracted for some reason. A rustling sound from outside, or a cold stiff breeze that was unnatural for this time of year blowing through the open window. Not for the first time that night his hand strayed to his hip, where he now carried his sword. It had been almost twenty years since he had strapped it on, but the weight was surprisingly comfortable. As if it was a part of him that he had just been without for all that time. At first he hand been reluctant to bring the blade out but he now knew it was the right thing to do.

Seeing this will help the Villagers' morale, he thought as he stroked the heron-mark etchings that were on the blade. It was a sign that he was a Blademaster. He had fought and rose to prominence during the Aiel War, and for his bravery and skill he exhibited at the Battle of the Shining he had been awarded the rank by a council of other Blademasters. So caught up in the memory of that ferocious battle that for a second he thought he could almost smell it.

The sulfurous reek of the vile wind that poured forth from the top of Dragonmount, that single horrible mountain that almost touched Tar Valon with it's shadow. He could almost even smell the dull, metallic stench of the buckets blood that had spilled upon the battlefield and stained the white snows red! It wasn't until he heard a noise behind him that he realized something was wrong. He quickly turned, falling into Leopard in the Tree, a stance with his hand on the hilt of his sword, ready to strike.

“Oh, Light!” He exclaimed as something that defied belief happened in front of his very eyes.

“The Light can't help you now.” A deep, distorted voice chuckled as a figure shrouded in a cloak of shadows stepped from a shimmering door-frame. From the glowing frame came a fierce, warm wind carrying with it that heavy, pungent smell of sulfur, and looming in the background was that fierce peak that thrust towards the heavens. Dragonmount.
Mayor Twim was speechless, but only his honed reflexes that had earned him the rank of Blademaster saved his life as the shadow moves forward in a liquid motion and struck at him with a sword made out of smoke with the sword form Viper Flick's It's Tounge. He was too surprised to say anything else and only his body's instincts allowed him to automatically counter with Cat Dances on the Wall. His opponent knocked aside the strike and returned with Board Rushes Down the Mountain, a series of overhead aggressive blows that drove him backwards.

“Your worthless village of Drell's Crossing will be destroyed.” Gloated the shadow. “The Great Lord has commanded us to spread Chaos. We will kill and spread agony all across this land so when
Tarmon Gai'dan finally comes, you pathetic mortals will kneel down and beg for the Lord of Chaos to release you from your suffering!”

Mayor Twim let go of his fears and emotions and fed them into The Void. The single flame in the centre of his mind he could float in, not distracted by his thoughts or feelings, he fed it with his anger rising up inside of him. He stoked the fire with his rage, letting it flare up but he kept it all contained within that single point within the Void. And with that he focused all of that onto the monster in front of him.

He planted his spun out of the way as his opponent ended the rain of blows with Threading the Needle, a quick jab at his shoulder. He countered with The Swallow Takes flight, forcing the Darkfriend to counter with Parting the Silk and driving them backwards. The blade may have been made from smoke, but it had met his sword blow for blow and the wielder was easily a Blademaster with practiced, well maneuvered sword forms.

“I don't care what your bloody master has ordered you to do! You shall not have this town! Light burn you!” Roared Twim as he surged forward with Striking the Spark, using the fuel from the tempest of his emotions inside the void. He was almost out of control, his whole body slick with sweat and he trembled slightly.

“I am Doom,” the Darkfriend replied as they quickly stopped, parried the strike, and side-stepped around him. “I am death for you and yours. I am

Mayor Twim gasped was so startled by the delcaration that he didn't see the Forsaken raise their other hand as a second blade appeared into it and pierced his heart it. He screamed out in pain as his blade slipped from his fingers and dropped to the ground with a clang. He fell to his knees and began to gasp for breath.

The smoke formed sword dissolved from inside his chest in a misty vapour, and he began to feel the blood pooling out from him, his body still too in shock to feel the pain just yet.

“I will watch this city burn.” The Forsaken cried with glee. “Me and my followers will make it a pyre and the cacophony of the screams and cries of mercy will echo from here to The Blight itself!
Blood feeds blood. Blood calls blood. Blood is, and blood was, and blood shall ever be."
The darkness that was hiding at the edge of Twim's vision began to creep in and the dull burn began to spread from his chest."The Dark One and all the Forsaken are bound in Shayol Ghul," he panted in between sharp, painful breaths, "bound by the Creator at the moment of Creation, bound until the end of....." He began to trail off. "-bound until the en-... the en-...." He closed his eyes and drifted away to the sound of laughter.

"The End of Time." The voice whispered in reply.


Outside, sitting in the darkest reaches of the shadows, Padan Fain watched on in amusement as the so-called "Chosen One" played with their victim's corpse, making an even bigger mess of the entire town hall. Padan Fain had different sorts of plans. Why murder people when you could recruit them instead?
Thick, rolling fog began to blanket the town, burying it in a shrouded veil off in the distances wolves could faintly be heard, howling at the moon.

The following morning Mayor Twim's remains were found, his corpse had been hacked to pieces and strewn about the Town Hall, and over on the wall was a message written in blood.
Dovie'andi se tovya sagain."

OOC: Apologies for the delayed Write-up. Since there will be 48 hours, hopefully that should be enough time for everybody to get on and get some discussion going. There is at least one of each Role, so PM's are a go and everything else. Any questions, just ask in here or via the PMs you received your Roles in and I'll get back to you as soon as I can! If you have any other problems or questions, Meta will be the mod sitting out for this game so feel free to go to him with anything. Good luck and enjoy, everybody!
Day 1 Cycle ends 5:00AM June 18th EST

ListTM of Players:

1)(Kasimir) - Kaim, a retired Thief-Taker
2)(Little Wilson) - Witless, the Town Fool
3)(Lightsworn Panda) - Jain, Random Traveler
4)(TheoryMaker) - Nath, an Average Guy
5)(Kal Dell) - Dellan, Quiet Countryman
6)(Alvron) - Ralv, a Passing Wanderer
7)(Only Joe) - Joel, Antisocial Hermit
8)(Leonardus) - Lam, Street Sweeper
9)(Shivertongue) - Khamsi Zareef, Domani Gleewoman
10)(Mailliw73) - Malai, Horse Breeder
11)(Grey Pilgrim) - Grimlar al'Pil, Town Drunk
12)(Renegade) - Gade, Innkeeper
13)(Adolin Dustbringer) - Jim Bob Dirt,  Dirt Salesman
14)(AonarFaileas) - Leas Fel, Aiel War Veteran
15)(Lev) - Bela, A Shaggy Mare?
16)(New One) - Newan, a Seanchan morat'raken
17)(Awesomeness Summoned) - Weas, Cobbler
18)(Ashiok) - Trimat, Manure Salesman
19)(twelfthrootoftwo) - Douza, Blacksmith Apprentice
20)(Sphinx) - Senna, Village Weaver
21)(Jaelre) - Jae, Inn Hall Boy
22)(Aspren) - Sprell Hanaar, Village Carpenter
23)(Binnut) - Bunnt Nibbel, Quiet Farmer
24)(Sir Jerric) - Erik, Homesick Borderlander
25)(QuiteContrary) - Rishi, Tavern Maid

Edited by Gamma Fiend
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