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What Happened in Portland

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Gordon stepped forward after Max finished speaking and spoke himself, "I've already agreed to help him. But even so, you shouldn't decide until the others are back. And we also need to get out of here. CorpseMaker attacked my church, trying to kill me. And we don't know if Seth told him anything. We should probably move to Attica. Seth was new enough that he wasn't told. Actually Charles, did we ever tell you about Attica?" Attica? Some secret base, Max assumed.

Charles frowned, then shook his head. Rachel looked up at that idea. "Good Idea. I'll grab as much stuff as I can carry, and load it onto the bus. Dr., can you contact the others, and tell them to meet us at Altamont Park." She came over to Max and said, "You have my vote, but the others are going to be harder to convince. They'll want an actual plan. Be prepared." Max nodded as she walked away to gather their things.

Gordon stepped up, swinging his arm over Max's Shoulder. "You did good kid. You convinced me, Rachel and William. But Charles and Moses are going to be the hard ones. Good luck." He hurried after Rachel, leaving Max bristling at being called kid. He was no kid. Gordon was older than him, but that didn't make him a kid. He was well past his majority at the age of 27. He wasn't a kid at all. But Max decided to move past it. He needed to pound out a solid plan before they met up with the others.

Max got into the passenger seat of the War-Wagon this time, letting Gordon drive. He had no idea where they were going and didn't want to mess it up. He needed to think anyways. Rachel rode in the back with Gordon's information folders and some of her equipment. The other Reckoners were in their bus with the rest of their belongings they took from the airport. Kyle was on Normality, a little ways ahead to scout out the area in front of the Reckoners.

They arrived at a cemetery after a little time had passed and they had just left the city borders. A cemetery was not what Max had expected. A secret lab facility was what he had imagined. Maybe an old office building. Not a cemetery. "Where's the secret base?" Max asked Gordon. Gordon smiled at him, "You'll see," he said.

When they got out of the War-Wagon, the Reckoners exited their bus. An older hatchback came down the road towards them. The others seemed to expect it, so it must hold the other members of the Reckoner cell. Two people got out of the car; a large African-American man with a Marines baseball cap and cargo pants with a tight black tee shirt and a woman with curly, light brown hair that reached her shoulders. The man was carrying a rifle and had two machetes sheathed at his hips. The woman carried herself with an air of confidence and only a small pistol.

They approached the group and the man introduced himself, "Moses Raine, ex-marine, now close combat specialist. Who are you?" He stuck his large hand out towards Max.

Max shook it and replied, "Max Kennon, leader of the Black Fist rebellion. You'll hear more about that soon." Max saw the question forming on the dark man's lips and answered it before it was asked. "What's your name?" He asked the woman.

"I'm Sierra. Con-woman and researcher," she smiled and said. She was cute, Max had to admit. And happy as well. He needed some of that in his life. Ever since Mel had been killed-Mel. How could he even be looking at another woman? Mel had died just a couple days ago.

"Well are you guys all the rest?" Max asked, suddenly curt. Sierra looked a bit offended and more than a bit hurt. Max felt a twinge of guilt at the hurt he caused, but he still loved Mel. He couldn't allow himself to even think of another woman. He was about to be too busy with the rebellion.

"Luke and Frank haven't shown up yet. They're our information specialist and heavy weapons specialist respectively," Moses said, noticing the tension between Sierra and Max and not wanting it to go farther. "They should be here soon." As he finished his sentence, a large van drove up. Out came two men. One was a tall, lanky Asian man in a nondescript tee shirt and jeans. The other wore a tight tank top that had obviously been a regular shirt, at some point, but had now had the sleeves ripped off. Max was pretty sure that the shirt was intentionally a size too small, so as to show off the man's large muscles.

Mr. Tank Top, whom Max assumed was Frank, carried out a large machine gun, complete with a fancy scope and camera, to record footage from the scope. Frank also had an assault rifle slung over his shoulder. He grinned as he approached the group and yelled a loud, "Hey!" He brushed past Sierra, purposely flexing his large biceps as it nudged her arm. She shook her head at him with a small grin. "I'm not going to feel your muscles, Frank," she said jokingly. Frank pretended to be hurt and went over to Pace to report something.

While Frank hadn't said anything to Max, and probably hadn't noticed him at all, the other guy, Luke, approached him immediately. "Why are you here?"

Moses wanted to avoid more tension, so he again intervened for Max. "Luke, this is Max Kennon. He's here to talk to us about some type of rebellion. As soon as we go to wherever this safe house is, he'll tell us about it."

Max nodded and shook Luke's hand, "Nice to meet you." Luke moved his mobile computer to the other arm and shook Max's hand.

"We'll see," he said. Max could tell that Luke was very calculating and untrusting. He seemed like someone who would need proof before he agreed to a plan like Max's.

Edited by Mailliw73
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Some time after the battle with Voidknight, Chimera had been working on some ideas for new Chimerans. He realized now that with the state of the city currently, he'd need more spies and more combat-suited creatures. While he worked and drew, a guard from the front gates, Thomas, came and told him that three people, most likely Epics, had come to the gate seeking a meeting with Chi. One called himself Refill.


Chi accompanied the guard, followed by Argo, to the gates to speak with these newcomers. When he got to the gate, Chimera asked the guard to open it and let the three into the entrance area of the zoo. The gates opened and three men came in. Chi welcomed them, "Hello. I am Chimera. How can I help you fellows today?" Argo stood just behind him to one side, ready to fight if the newcomers showed signs if aggressiveness. 

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An hour had passed. After meeting with Zip and being officially included in the Empire, he'd called in an Epic who called himself Sidestep to show Mommy around. He'd taken her on a tour of the school, then finally taken her to the room where her children had been put. 


Many of the children squealed and ran to her when she walked in. Mommy smiled and cleaned them all up, fixing dirt in their hair and mud on their clothes. She'd given away the two littlest ones during her scouting of the city, so all of her children could walk. She smiled at them, then looked around the room. This is hardly suitable for children, she thought, looking at the not-very-soft carpet and the desks pushed against the walls, especially as a sleeping place. But it will have to do. "Thank you for bringing my children in safely." She said sweetly, turning around to Sidestep. 


He blushed faintly. "Oh, it wasn't even me. But you're welcome anyway." He looked kinda cute, though Mommy pushed that aside. 


"So," Mommy said, walking over to one of the desks and taking a seat on top of it, "you said something about an attack." 


"Right," Sidestep said, sitting next to her. "Well, see, we're planning an attack on all three of the other factions in the town. Corpsemaker, the Empire of Light, and Thoughttown." 


None of those sound very good, Mommy thought. "What is each faction like?" 


"Well," he said, taking a deep breath, "First there's Corpsemaker, and he does just what his name says: makes corpses. He can just look at someone intently, and they die. He can even...." And so he continued for the next about half an hour, describing each Epic he knew of in each Faction. 


Mommy was revolted. None of them sounded very good, except perhaps for Doctor Funtimes and her partner the Traveler, but by far the worst-sounding one was Lightwards. "Wait," she said. "He just takes people, kills them, and reanimates them, and takes control of them?!" 


Sidestep nodded. "Yup."


"Even children??" 


Sidestep looked around the room. "Yes. Even children." There was a moment of silence, then Sidestep continued. "So we'll all be splitting up and attacking each of the factions. Are you in?" 


Attacking did not sound good. Attacking sounded like something evil Epics would do. But, if they were getting rid of even worse Epics... "I want to attack the Empire of Light. Lightwards must be ended." 


Sidestep nodded, though he looked a little crestfallen. "That sounds great. I'm helping take on Corpsemaker." Another silence. "I hope you survive the attack." 


Mommy nodded and smiled. "Me too." She stopped, then laughed. "I mean I hope you survive." 


He smiled. Yet another moment of silence. This one stretched out into the awkward range. "Well," Sidestep said suddenly, standing up. "I...I'd better go tell Zip what you want." 


Mommy stood up too. "Yeah. I should put the children to sleep it's getting late." 


Sidestep nodded, then walked out of the room. Mommy picked up one of the children and started to rock him, singing a soft lullaby. He fell asleep quickly, and Mommy put him gently onto the ground, making sure he didn't bonk his head too hard and was comfortable. She moved onto the next child, all the while thinking of how the attack would go, and how in Calamity she could make herself useful. 

Edited by mail-mi
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Refill took in Chimera with a critical eye, he'd met and judged a lot of Epics that day, but this one may just have topped them all.
To hold such a large area by himself, still unaffiliated with any of the alliances. Interesting.

"Greetings Chimera, I am Refill, these are my companions, we are a group of Epics who have formed a new faction in the city, we seek to return power to all the so-called 'minor' Epics in Portland" Refill had spent the entire trip planning his speech, unfortunately this time it was ruined when a bird high overhead decided to evacauate it's bowels directly onto his coat.

Refill looked down in disgust, thrown off of his rehearsed speech by the unplanned for event.

"Uh.. yes, to um... return power to those Epics, now that the er... the tyrants of Corpsemaker and Altermind have expanded their rules, we think, um.. we believe that no Epic should rule over another, we are all blessed by Calamity"

Having finally found a napkin in a pocket he scrubbed the leavings off of his coat.

"So Chimera, will you join the Minor Epic Empire?"


Purple Phoenix descended the last few feet to the ground, his wife in his arms he dismissed the pair of shadowy wings he'd used to depart the museum.

With his arm around Marigold he guided her gently towards the house he'd made a temporary shelter of last night. So much had happened.

A torrent of questions that he'd been holding in all day burst from his mouth as they walked the quiet streets.

"Where have you been? What have you been doing? How did you escape? Oh I missed you, you have no idea, I felt that I was barely alive these last months."

He held her close, resolving to never let her go again.

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The man in front replied first, "Greetings Chimera, I am Refill, these are my companions, we are a group of Epics who have formed a new faction in the city, we seek to return power to all the so-called 'minor' Epics in Portland" Chi already began prepping his diplomatic refusal when a bird flying above, not one of his, excreted onto Refill's jacket.

The Epic looked unsettled and disturbed. He continued his speech, "Uh.. yes, to um... return power to those Epics, now that the er... the tyrants of Corpsemaker and Altermind have expanded their rules, we think, um.. we believe that no Epic should rule over another, we are all blessed by Calamity." Chimera had to contain his grin. Refill was so thrown off by the bird droppings that he couldn't deliver his speech effectively.

Refill found a napkin in his pocket, and with a small sense of triumph at the find, wiped the dung from his coat. "So Chimera, will you join the Minor Epic Empire?"

Chimera decided to think about it. He had to at least pretend to so he might as well actually do so. Take power from the rulers of Portland and give it to all Epics? The idea had merit, but Chi had never been interested in power. He had always wondered why, as almost every Epic he met was obsessed with power. Except for him. He had his children and that was all he needed.

"Refill, it is a pleasure to meet you. This Minor Epic Empire you have formed sounds very intriguing and promising. However, I stay out of conflicts such as these and don't take part. I have no interest in dominion. I will gladly supply you with some of my Chimerans, if you so desire. I will not actively help you fight though. I apologize for your time you lost here and offer you a small Chimeran, free of charge, in repayment." Chi knew how to be diplomatic. He had to be. He served everyone, whether they fought each other or not. Diplomacy had been necessary.

Chimera told one of his guards to retrieve a poison frog with the ears, shrunken of course, of a dog. It had fantastic hearing and could act as a spy as well as assassin. When the guard returned, Chi told Refill, "This is Juinita. She is a poison frog with the ability to hear from far away because of her special ears. She will respond to any verbal commands you give her. She can report what she heard in your mind if you ask her to." Chimera offered the frog to the Epic.
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“A Hot Chocolate please. With Whipped Cream. But make sure it’s not actually hot, let it cool down first.” Last Time Murphy had tried to drink a Hot Drink, his power had caused it to spill on someone’s computer, presumably to prevent him from burning his Mouth.


“Alright, will that be Large, Medium or Small?” The woman behind the counter asked, writing down his Order on a notepad.


“Uh, I’ll have a Medium.” He didn’t carry much Cash, and CorpseMaker had tipped, so he should to, probably. He wasn’t sure why CorpseMaker had tipped anyway.


She smiled and clicked a button on the Register. “That’ll be 2 Dollars, and 25 Cents.” She ripped the Receipt off the machine, and exchanged it for his Money. He gave her an Extra dollar as a tip, then leaned back against the Window as she worked. He found himself contemplating his Boss again. CorpseMaker had ordered a Deathwish Coffee, supposedly lethal if you didn’t have a Resistance. The Man laughed at death, but smiled at the Coffee-Shop Woman. He radiated Malevolence, but easily switched it to likability whenever needed. It was amazing.


CorpseMaker was looking through the plans for tomorrow, writing a something here and there, crossing something out. He frowned as he worked, his eyebrows bunching up in between his eyes. He really believed that he should Rule Portland.


“Here you go, It’s still warm, but you won’t need a sleeve.” The Woman slid the Cup across the Counter, before turning away to talk to the next Customer, a Short man with Large glasses, whose eyes kept looking new ways.


Murphy grabbed his drink, and walked across the room to the booth that CorpseMaker was sitting in. He slid across the bench, to where he could rest an arm on the window pane. “So what did you mean by let loose? You let loose by drinking lethal Coffee?”


CorpseMaker put his pen down and looked up, regarding Murphy. “No. I’ll be doing that after this. I came here for Phase two. And for Coffee.” He took a Sip of his drink, before returning to his Work. “And It’s Lethality is what makes it good. Lesser Coffee doesn’t even affect me anymore.”


Murphy nodded. “Alright, that makes Sense. So, you wanna hear my the Idea I had?”


CorpseMaker didn’t look up, but grunted in a kind of affirmative way.


“Collaborate. He’s an Epic who grows in Strength the more-” CorpseMaker took a sheet out from the Folder, and slid it across the table to Murphy.


“According to Streetwise, he’s a member of the the Minor Epic Empire. I’m actually thinking of sending you to recruit them Tomorrow. You’re the only one whose power will keep you protected.”


Ok, so he already had that Idea. “I can do that. Sure.” He had wanted to be at his side for the Opening Salvo, whatever it was.

CorpseMaker nodded absently, then started sliding Papers back into the Folder. He withdrew one, then moved over, as if getting up.


“Where are you going?”


CorpseMaker glanced down at him, then pointed to where a middle-aged Woman was reading her Newspaper, while her son colored in a book. “I’m going to have that kid look for flaws in my Plan. Evil Overlord List 12. I’m going to go out like Palpatine.” He stood up, and walked over to the other booth, sliding in across from the surprised woman.


Murphy looked on Confused. Evil Overlord List? He watched as The Woman and CorpseMaker talked, eventually growing Bored. He took another drink of his warm Chocolate, before remembering the File. He looked over at it, then slid it across to himself, righting it, and opening it up to the First page of the plan. He nearly gagged. The sheer audacity, the death Toll. In the Opening Salvo, CorpseMaker would destroy everything. It was almost beautiful, yet sickening. Suddenly, Murphy was glad he would be recruiting, rather than at his side during the Speech.


He hurriedly put everything back how it was, then stood up, then sat back down. He hesitated,looking across at the fearful woman, and her son, who was coloring on the paper that CorpseMaker had brought over. He stood up again. He needed to talk to Streetwise.


As he hurried out the door, the woman behind the Counter flagged him down. “Hey, Murphy was it? Come over here.” he hesitated, but walked over to the counter. She smiled at him in a conspiratorial way. “You two are Epics, aren’t you? I recognized your confidence when you walked in.”


“Ah yes.” He nodded. “I’m Murphy, a breaking Epic. Great Hot Chocolate by the way.”


Her Smile widened. “Thanks, so who’s your friend?”


Murphy hesitated, thinking. “That, is CorpseMaker. The man who will unify this City, and make it as it once was.”


The woman’s smile faded a bit. She pulled back. “Really? Um, how did he like the, uh, Coffee?”


“He loved it. Best he’s ever had. Said he might put this place under his Protection.” He had said it earlier, when Quota had mentioned it. “Now, I need to go. Also, I recommend staying inside tomorrow. If you hear anything about a speech, don’t go, tell everyone that, would you?” She nodded, a bit Confused. He tried to smile back at her, but couldn’t quite manage it. He turned and walked out the door. He needed to think.

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Her name was Alice, and she didn't talk much. 


It was a twenty-minute drive to the cemetery, and that was the most Remington had learned about her. It wasn't for lack of questions on his part. 


"What's your name?" 




"Who shot you, Alice?" 




He glanced around, but saw no one else. "Look, it's not safe out here. Get in the car, and I swear I'll keep you safe. I don't want to hurt you." 


There was no way for her to know he was telling the truth, and part of him hoped she would assume he wasn't. Nearly any other woman would have shot first and taken off down the street, praying as she ran that he wouldn't be in any condition to follow. She didn't have a weapon, but she could still run. Maybe whatever had dragged her out from under Lightwards' thumb had restored her sense of self-preservation. 


After a pause, Alice approached the truck. 


He bandaged her arm quickly—Funtimes had been only too willing to stuff his pockets with bandages and first-aid ointments, after insisting on dying them all garish shades of purple and orange—then checked his watch. He could make it to the cemetery in plenty of time. "I've got two meetings to get to. You wouldn't mind tagging along?" 




"I'll take that as a no," he said with a sigh. Not that she would have argued. He started up the engine and pulled out into traffic. She might have gone with anyone. Walked up to CorpseMaker and stared until he killed her. Wandered past Thoughttown and been shot for trespassing. God forbid she run into Lightwards. 


"You all right, Alice?" 


This time, her answer was quick, spoken in that same monotone. "All right." 


"That arm hurting?" 




Maybe they were getting somewhere. "Sorry 'bout the orange. It was that or purple." 




Or maybe not. 


How did you get away from Lightwards? How long have you been like this? When did he kill you, and how long did it take you to realize he's a slontze? What can I do to….


Try as he might, Remington couldn't quite word that last question. What can I do to help? What can I do to get you away from him, keep him from ever taking you again? 


How can I make you Alice again? 


He watched her out the corner of his eye. She stared out the window at passing houses and blurring trees as though she had never seen them before. Looked down at the dashboard as though expecting it to speak. Looked at him as though shocked he wasn't Lightwards. But aside from turning her head, she barely moved. He wanted her to reach out and touch the glass or the console, but she sat and stared with her hands in her lap, as though awaiting permission. 


A surge of anger made Remington tighten his grip on the steering wheel. For the first time he could recall, he hoped Funtimes would turn his gun into a pool noodle before the meeting. 


If she left it the way it was, he would shoot that necromancer in the chest. When he revived, he'd go for the head. 


When they reached the cemetery, he pulled off onto an old dirt road, parked as far from it as he could, and helped Alice out of the car, mindful of her arm. Instincts buried since Laurie's death screamed for him to take her hand, but he gave her his hoodie instead. Chill air nipped at his skin through his plaid work shirt. 


"'Lo there," he said when they approached a small group gathered further in. "Got room for two more?" 

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Wraith happily munched on his cookie. The cookie was goo, but it just couldn't match the pure goodness of hi white chocolate macadamia nut cookies Wraith used to make before Calamity. I wish it was back them, Wraith thought unhappily, Everything was so much simpler back then. 


Wraith looked around trying to find a secluded spot to sit down and think. He found a big tree in an area that was mostly dinosaur free. He finished his cookie and wiped the crumbs off his hands on his pants. His thoughts traveled back a few minutes ago when he had been offered the cookie. That was after Dr. Funtimes had threatened that he would be eaten alive by a teapot though, but anyone who offered him cookies was good in his books. Wraith pulled out a notebook that had been strapped to his back and began to draw. Drawing helped him clear his mind and focus. 


Wraith didn't pay much attention to what he was drawing, instead he thought about his position in this new alliance. A few months earlier Wraith didn't even think he would ever ask to be in one, and now he was part of an alliance. He still couldn't believe that he had summoned up that much courage to go into an unfamiliar place and ask to join. Now all Wraith had to do was gain everyone's trust. Simple when you said it like that, but Wraith knew from experience that it was never that easy to gain acceptance form all the members of a group. It could take years. I could bake them a cake? He thought to him self and then imitatively dismissed the idea. Dr. Funtimes could just change a piece of wood into a cake, why would they want his? I could... Wraith's mind went blank. I could... Wraith tried to think of something but failed. Well guess I'll have to put that one on the back burner. Wraith thought to himself.


Wraith looked down at the drawing he had made. It was a face, he didn't recognized it at first but when he did he almost jumped in shock. I thought I was over her. I told my self I would never think of her again.He told himself. How good have you been with that promise? A tinny voice seemed to whisper in his head. She will always follow you... always. Wraith jumped up and ripped the paper into tinny shreds. He then dug a small hole and buried the paper inside. 


Never again. He thought to himself Never again. 

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Image of a knife and drink here.

Intervention didn't much like Altermind. He wasn't a cruel man, though. He didn't kill for fun. That's why Intervention had joined his group and not the others. This Emperor Lightwards they were going to meet sounded much like someone that Intervention would hate. If he got a chance, he would kill Lightwards. For now though, Altermind had told him to keep the other Epics they were meeting with slightly tipsy. He had set up signals to indicate someone who needed to be more intoxicated and to show how drunk they needed to be. Intervention enjoyed intoxicating people; they were always more talkative and easier to kill.

The group of Epics from Thoughttown had driven a variety of bullet bikes, ATVs, and, in Summoner and Smoky's case, a sports car. Altermind had chosen Flashpoint, Sightline, Summoner, Smoky, Mare, and Intervention to accompany him to the meeting as well as some guards. Altermind had provided mobiles with a secure link for each of the Epics. He gave some of the Epics accompanying him directions to approach the house where the meeting was taking place from different angles. Intervention and two guards were coming from the south, Sightline and pony-girl from the west, Flashpoint and the two lovebirds from the north, and Altermind from the east with the rest of the guards.

Intervention could've found the house even without Altermind's directions. There was only one house with dinosaurs and vacant humans outside. Intervention parked his bike next to a dinosaur, leaned on his staff, and waited for the others to show up.


Flashpoint was glad the couple had driven their Viper. That way he didn't have to talk to them as he flew. He was normally an amiable guy, but these two, Smoky in particular, we're just too touchy and flirty for Flashpoint to swallow. She'd kiss Summoner on the cheek and then lean on him and just make an overall mushy, gushy scene.

Summoner didn't seem like her though. He was strong and quiet. He thought things through before he acted. Flashpoint wondered how the two had hooked up. They seemed to be quite opposite, but he saw the love in Summoner's firm eyes. He cared for Smoky, for reasons Flashpoint couldn't fathom. She was a ditzy attention seeker. Summoner was a warrior. There had to be something, something that kept them together. Flashpoint wondered what it was as he flew along side the green Viper towards the meeting place.

He had never had a real girlfriend before Calamity, and after he'd been too busy to find an Epic girl. Flashpoint never had thought much about it, but seeing Smoky and Summoner, he became a little jealous of the relationship. He'd never felt love like that before. The closest he'd ever felt was a brotherhood with those soldiers who he fought with at the Southwest Gate.


Altermind kept an illusion of himself ahead of the group of soldiers around him, hoping to catch any traps Lightwards may have set up. He didn't trust the professor one bit. Corpsemaker was the greater threat, and Altermind knew how to prioritize. That was the only reason he was even willing to work in conjunction with this 'Empire'. The matter manipulator, crazy as she may be, would be of use in supplying Altermind with weapons necessary for the war. He had already created a list of items he wanted fulfilled in exchange for his help fighting. His spies had reported about Corpsemaker's newest recruits. Of them all, Streetwise and Upgrade seemed the most dangerous. If there wasn't an easy way for Altermind to get Upgrade on his side, that would be top priority. Streetwise, and his ability to spy on them, was a problem too.

Altermind had ideas for countering Streetwise and Quota, but Upgrade and Murphy were wild cards. Death would be necessary, most likely. He knew now why Corpsemaker had killed Scorch so quickly. He had already gained resources far surpassing Scorch's help.

Altermind arrived at the house to see Intervention waiting next to his bike. Flashpoint landed next to him as a green Viper pulled up too. Mare on one of her shadow horses came galloping around the corner, and Sightline blinked steadily closer until he arrived. That was everyone. Altermind nodded and sent an illusion to open the door as he stayed a few feet back. No gunfire was heard, so Altermind led the group inside, leaving most of the human guards outside, bringing two in with him. They were to watch Funtimes and Lightwards and be ready to shoot at a moment's notice.

"I'm here," Altermind said. He took a seat at the table and looked to the professor to begin.
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“Can the Necromancer guy turn your soldiers to Zombies? ‘Cause that’d be cool. They all die, then stand up and kill the other guys.” The young boy looked at CorpseMaker with eager eyes. “If I were Epic, I’d totally be a Necromancer! Or maybe Superman. Hey! Did ya ever read the Comic where Superman got turned into a Zombie? That was sweet!” When CorpseMaker shook his head, the boy continued. “It was Awesome! Batman had to go to this old Krypton Outpost to find a Cure, but the Sinestro Corps were already there.”


The boy prattled on about his Comics, while his Mother grew increasingly worried. Not that there was a reason to. CorpseMaker had no plans to kill these people. He gathered up the few papers he’d brought over, then stood up. “Thank you for reading that. It was most helpful.” He hadn't considered that. What if Lightwards could raise the Toys? The Evil Overlord List was proving very Helpful. He dropped a Twenty on the Table, enough to pay for the confused Woman’s meal.  He didn’t smile, simply walking back to where he had left his papers. Murphy had already left, but now there was somebody else sitting in his booth.


A short man, wearing glasses. He was staring nervously, but determinedly, at CorpseMaker. CorpseMaker raised an eyebrow at that. The man hadn’t touched the Papers left there. The folder was still closed. He slid his paper into the Folder, then sat down in the booth. “What do you want?”


The man broke Eye contact. “I’m Mr. Harmon Sir. I want to join your Empire.” Before CorpseMaker could make a Reply, the man launched into a narrative. “You see, I used to work for Altermind, in Thoughtown. I was an accountant for one of his Power plants. It made good money, and my Family was kept safe. But, about a week ago I came to him with an idea. It would have increased efficiency and Output, but he disliked it, and threw me and my family out. Since then, I’ve simply done what work I could find. But Since you’re planning on Conquering the City, I decided on offering my help against Altermind. I worked there for a long time. I know a lot about him. Please Sir, I want to help my Family, and you’re my only Option.”


CorpseMaker had started grinning about halfway through. This man was a Missile. One pointed right at Altermind’s image. Phase 2 just got significantly easier. “You’re hired. Bring your family to the Kliever Armory as soon as you can. I’ll send in Word for you to be put into Lodgings. Thank you for contacting me.” He stood up, and grabbed Harmon’s hand, shaking it firmly. “You’re going to be the Weakness I need to destroy Altermind. Welcome to the Dominion.”



Later on, CorpseMaker stood outside an apartment building. According to Streetwise, it was home to an Epic named Leech. One who could drain Life. He held sway over near a hundred others who lived here as well. Both Protecting and feeding on them. He was the perfect foil for one of the heavy hitters of the Empire.


The wooden front door of the building broke easily under CorpseMaker’s foot. When he walked in, three people looked up, then scattered. He managed to keep his sight on one of them for the 5 heartbeats needed to kill. The Man’s body fell to the floor, tripping the woman behind him, who screamed. The last man pulled a fire alarm. No Alarm went off, but the man sped off anyway. CorpseMaker grinned at the woman. “Where is your Master?”


She shied back. “Leech is upstairs. He’s coming though. He’ll stop you. He’ll kill you, just like he killed the others. You won’t be able to kill him.”


He smirked. And targeted her. “Who said I wanted to kill Him?” Her eyes widened in fear, then she spasmed, and died. CorpseMaker dragged the two bodies to the entrance. Arranging them in front of it, with their heads facing the door. Then he assumed Parade Rest at their heads, and waited.


Within a minute, A tall man in a Tang-top came rushing own the stairs. He passed when he saw CorpseMaker.  “Who the sparks are you?” Behind him came a good dozen others, carrying small firearms.


“I took the name CorpseMaker, after my power. Perhaps you’ve heard of me?” The people behind the man stiffened. One of them, smarter or braver than the rest, raised his gun and fired multiple shots into CorpseMaker’s head. The pinged as they hit the floor. “I’m here to recruit the lot of you.”


The man in front glanced at the two bodies on the floor. “You have a pretty odd way of doing it. Killing my people. And these are my People. They came to me for protection.”


CorpseMaker smiled. So the man was Leech. He targeted the man who had shot him. “You’re doing a bad job of it so far.” As he said his last word, the man fell, without uttering a single noise. “I’ve killed three of your men, and you haven’t even attacked me.”


Leech’s eyes narrowed in rage. But he didn’t look behind himself. “I’ll give you this chance, to get out now, before I suck the life right out of you.”


CorpseMaker dropped his smile, and Targeted another man. “Counteroffer. Every five seconds you resist, I’ll kill another man.” The man fell, dead before he hit the ground. “How many men do you think will die before the rest abandon you.”


Leech roared, and charged forward. He stuck his hands out n front of him, and abruptly, White Mist flowed from CorpseMaker’s Chest to Leech’s hands. That was interesting. It surprised Leech even more. He maintained the list for a few seconds more, before dropping his hands, and staring at CorpseMaker. “No one’s ever survived that much drain before. You really are unkillable, aren’t you.” CorpseMaker merely raised an eyebrow. And Killed another man. Leech whipped his head behind him, staring at the Corpse. “Alright!” he looked back. “Alright, stop killing them, and I’ll join your Empire, but they’re coming to. You provide them their Safety, and housing, and I’ll work for you.”


That was, surprising. He seemed to actually care for these people, rather than just use them to steal Health. “Good. Come with Me. Your people can come to the Armory tomorrow, once my men have had time to find housing for them. But you get to come now. If you refuse, or try to argue, I’ll simply kill another one of your slaves.”


Leech hesitated, then nodded reluctantly, and walked over to him. He turned around. “Martha, gather the others, and have them follow.” One of the woman bit her lower lip, but nodded. Leech turned back to him. “Alright. Lead the way, CorpseMaker.”

Edited by The Only Joe
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Refill seethed at Chimera's dismissal, it was one of the only such refusals he'd had yet.

Not interested in Dominion? What the Sparks is wrong with him? All Epics want dominion.

He narrowed his eyes suspiciously at the offered gift, certain that there was some form of catch behind it, but still Chimera was too important an Epic to risk offending by declining his offer. Refill plastered a smile onto his face and acceptedd the frog.

"Well thank you for your consideration Chimera, I'm sure we'll meet again even if you are unwilling to be directly involved I'm sure we could be of great assistance to eachother."

A quick check of the sun showed that it was nearly nightfall, they needed to head back, he'd wasted too much time already on this fool's errand.

"We'll take our leave then, we have certain... plans that need attending too." Refill said, his grin genuine this time. If Chimera proved to be of little assistance they could always let those 'plans' encompass his Zoo as well.

Zip stalked his office impatiently, awaiting the return of all the Epics who'd gone out recruiting, several of them were part of the strike teams tonight and they needed to lay plans.

Yorrick entered the office, the middle aged man gave a nod of respect then swept across the room to gather the latest pile of paperwork, followed by a skull floating eerily behind him and grinning amidst an aura of fire.

"A moment Yorrick." Zip asked, stalling the Epic before he could leave.

Yorrick turned around, his cloak whirling behind him, obviously curious.

"You're part of the Empire strike team yes?" Zip asked.

Yorrick nodded, mirrored creepily by the floating skull behind him.

"No one else seemed to mind who they attacked, but you asked personally to be assigned to the museum, why?"

A grimace flashed across the Epics face, he looked thoughtful, considering carefully his answer.

"There's a certain Epic within the empire, name of Nighthound, he only entered the city a short while ago but one of the first things he did was go on a rampage, he's killed dozens. One of those happened to be a friend. That's all."

A glint in Yorricks eyes belied his statement, there was definitely something more, something unsaid still. Zip considered quietly for a moment.

"Very well then, I need you to arrange transport for the strike team to the museum, blasted things flying a hundred feet in the air. There's a graveyard just behind that church down the street a ways, appropriate what you need from there." Zip said, dismissing Yorrick.

Yorrick smiled as he left, eager for the attack to begin.

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There was no good company left in the museum. Not that Ray and Voidgaze cared much; after all they had the worst company of all, Nighthound made sure of that.


Not wanting to deal with the current occupants of the museum, he fell back on the oldest and most proven form of cruelty, having a conversation. Nothing short of the most violent torture can hold a candle to a good conversation. The three of them ultimately sat down on a patch of earth that wasn´t to overgrown. Voidgaze somehow managed to force one of the dinosaurs to rest its head in her lap and was now petting it.


Sadly, while Voidgaze did let some interesting tidbits spill, she seemed rather nonchalant about the topic of death. “Then Corpsemaker destroyed my brain… at least I think that is what happened, always hard to tell when you immediately blank out but I´m fairly confident that my skull didn´t explode, I didn´t get a single drop of blood on my clothes after all and it was painless to boot.”


One of lifes more interesting facets was that even from the most disjointed and rambling narratives it was still possible to gain information. Naturally, it wasn´t one of the amusing facets and while the talking about imploding brains properly disturbed Ray the flow of the conversation still needed to be fixed.


“Interesting, from my own experience I would say that brain damage is quite painful, in case you survive it. But enough of mundane deaths,” Nighthound turned towards Ray bringing together the fingertips of both his hands, “I´m sure both of us want it to be far far away but kitten let´s be honest, one day I´m going to get bored and will kill you.” Nighthound leaned over to Ray and put a hand on her stomach, half pinning her to the ground.


Next to them the white fluff-ball was back to giving death stares, she was disturbingly good at switching between these and brainlessly cheerful.  Kind of a shame, she would look pretty good if she ever made a scared face. Not now though, he already had a perfect meal served.


Under his grip Ray went rigid, there was still fire in her eyes but the topic of her being murdered seemed to hamper her guts a bit, a pity.


Nighthound started to tenderly stroke her stomach, “I have my own tendencies but given that it will be your last moments I might as well give some respect to your wishes.” Further pressing his attack he blew on her scarred ear.


Ray hit him right into his jaw, effectively blowing it away. From the corner of his eyes he could see white stirring up.

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Just as Rachel was going to take them somewhere, two more people, a man and a woman, showed up. The man carried himself with assurance and confidence. The woman had a blank look in her eyes and just followed behind the man. "'Lo there, Got room for two more?" The man said.

"Why would you want to join with us? Do you often approach strangers and ask to join them?" Max replied. This man was interesting. He definitely wasn't an Epic, but he seemed to have some of the traits. Or rather, he had traits that many Epics had, but he had a human version. There was fire in his eyes. There was determination in his step. There was confidence in the way he held his head. This man had something most people didn't; the thing Max was trying to give them all: a reason to fight.

Max recognized the man's fire as the same thing he felt towards Electro. Complete hatred. Max didn't know why or how the man had shown up just now, but it was the perfect moment. If he was willing to, he would be a great help to the Black Fist.
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Elizabeth Trattner had been defeated.


It was not a notable achievement in itself, but it was a small step towards a far grander goal. Lightwards nodded in satisfaction before turning to a kitchen shelf, picking out the brightest and most distinctive cookbook he could find.


Lucentia, meanwhile, was taking a far more direct glee in the situation.


“Elizabeth, dear," she began with a frosty smile, "I had the displeasure of meeting your daughter and trust me you have failed everything one could call good upbringing, it´s almost as if you wanted your daughter to die at the hands of an Epic but don´t worry, we´ll fix your mistakes.”


The other woman flinched at the words, but her close-mouthed scowl remained unchanged. Her manacles crumbled into dust as Lucentia turned away, and one of her hands seemed to twitch towards the discarded pistol laying in the kitchen floor.


Responding at the speed of thought, a toy Warrior put its foot on the weapon, sliding it firmly away from her reach. Mrs. Trattner only glared at it before putting her hands back in her lap.


Oblivious to the scene, Lucentia stopped just long enough to insult the woman's baking before striding to Lightwards' side.


“I think I should thank you," she said brightly, showing an uncharacteristic level of cheeriness. "This turned into a very pleasant excursion. Now, shall we return to the museum? I imagine our reception will be quite pleasing.”


Lightwards chuckled. "I'm glad I could keep you entertained for an afternoon. And while I'd like nothing less than to surprise the brat at the Museum, I'm afraid we must employ a touch more subtlety. I'm still unsure of how Funtimes will react to this..."


After having Pamela grab the tray of cupcakes off the counter, the Epics and the Warriors departed the building. Once on the street, Lightwards took another look at the residence.


It was quite noticeably different than the dwelling they first entered. The door and windows were all glazed with diamond, giving the building a glittery appearance that Funtimes would no doubt approve of. It occurred to him that he wasn't sure how much food Elizabeth had in the building, but hopefully his budding project would conclude before the woman's starvation became an issue. With careful planning and a touch of luck, Funtimes would be long dead by that point, her servants all committed to a far more worthy cause as Warriors.


Until then, he needed a way to keep his actions here more or less discreet. Doctor Funtimes was unpredictable; there was no telling how she'd react to his actions here. She called the goth brat, the hippie woman, the redneck, and that thing with the unicycle by one unifying word: friends. She had made her stance on their relationship perfectly clear.


But there was a difference between protecting those glorified jesters from physical harm and making an active effort to keep their families safe. With Funtimes' degree of shallowness, it seemed likely she wouldn't care. With what Lightwards had seen of her so far, it seemed likely that the drama and complications of hostage family members would only bore her. In all likelihood she'd merely get rid of her little pets out of sheer disinterest in their whining.


Even so, there was no sense in calling her attention to his efforts until he was ready to spring some kind of trap. With that in mind, he came to a decision on how to communicate the situation to the young Ms. Trattner.


"Kneel," he told Pamela Tithers. She obeyed at once, kneeling on the sidewalk just outside the crystallized bakery.


Lightwards pulled out his pistol and shot her again. And again and again and again, killing and raising her in a way that was swiftly becoming a rote habit. He felt her mind growing even more cloudy and open to his commands, and he smiled.


"Travel to the Sadry residence. Wait for me there," he commanded firmly, visualizing the directions to the house in his mind. Though in all likelihood Pamela had never been to the dwelling, she seemed to understand the directions he was imagining, and began walking down the street in the right direction, cupcake tray still in her hands.


"Right then," he said more casually to Lucentia. "Shall we return to the Museum now? I have a few more things I'd like to collect."






It had been a charming and informative afternoon, but it was time to make an exit.


Fade appeared in their midst, beginning to deliver a steady barrage of questions about the Epics of the Empire. Many of these questions were centered around Nighthound, in particular how one would go about removing him from the world.


While it was a noble cause to be sure, Aldo decided not to get involved with this one. Flashing an encouraging smile at the Traveler, he quietly slipped away when the two converationalists were occupied. He was good at disappearing when no one was looking.


Aldo began hiking along the jungle path, enjoying the fine scenery. The good Doctor had quite outdid herself in the decor; it was almost impossible to tell that this had been a stuffy old museum at one point. Only an occasional odd-shaped hill or narrow walkway in the trees would give away where stairs or halls had once been.


He continued making his way through the forest, aiming for the entrance doors to the Museum. Along the way he smiled to himself, picking out glimpses of the Empire's other inhabitants.


One such glimpse of Funtimes and Saccharine giggling like maniacs and rushing to and fro across the jungle. Saccharine's dress seemed to be somewhat thicker than before--in all likelihood she was concealing something on her person. Aldo had done the same trick at times, though these days most of his possessions fit in his sleeve pockets.


Little Max, alias "The Sandman" was gleefully following the Unicyclist into deeper parts of the jungle, the latter's bellowing bagpipe notes slowly receeding into the distance. Now that was a pair he'd have to interview someday.


Aldo tipped his hat to the Doctor's two vanilla girls, who were passing by chatting with one another. The hippie gave him a friendly smile, while the goth glared. Lovely girls, both of them. Just the kind of fire he looked for in a one-night-only stage assistant. He wondered what it would take to buy them off of Funtimes.


He finally passed an idly standing undead elephant, which was standing with its head facing the Museum's entrance. To Aldo's pleasant surprise, the Emperor and the Diamond Queen were already entering the building.


"Welcome back," Aldo greeted cordially, once again tipping his hat. "I hope your errands were successful...?"


"Quite," Lightwards replied curtly. The necromancer immediately began seeking out several dinosaurs stationed by the front of the Museum, arranging them in a row facing the wide entrance hall.


"I am heading across the river," Lightwards continued as he arranged his dinosaurs. "I've arranged a meeting with Thoughttown's administrators, and I'd like you to attend."


"I'd be honored," Aldo said, beaming. "I haven't had the pleasure to meet ol' Altermind yet. Any particular topics we'll be discussing?"


"Killing an unkillable Epic, mostly," Lightwards replied dryly. "Other than that, it's primarily an open agenda. Get your assistant and we'll be leaving momentarily."


"Right-o, Emperor." Aldo turned back to the jungle and started back on the path.


A pair of powerful faction leaders? A room filled to the brim with Epics preparing for war? He hadn't seen anything so fun since Big Metal Fan fought Magneticus the Silent.


This was going to be quite a treat.








Lightwards watched as the Epic magician disappeared into the foliage, then shifted his attention to Lucentia.


"I'll be returning in just a moment," he assured her. "I simply need to handle another business matter. It shan't take long."


Hopefully that would be correct. This particular business matter had a way of eating up his time and energy.


He found Nighthound kneeling in a jungle clearing, pinning his Epic pet to the ground with a hand on her stomach. The redheaded woman was in considerably worse shape than when he'd last seen her, with one of her ears torn and mangled. Nighthound was similarly missing a lower jaw, but it was regrowing within a cloud of dark mist.


Voidgaze sat a little way to the side, somehow having forced one of his saurian Warriors to lay its head in her lap. Her eyes looked astonishingly like what Lightwards had imagined CorpseMaker's gaze to look like, but she had somehow refrained from murdering the feral Nighthound.


"I hope I'm not interrupting anything," Lightwards began, pointedly clearing his throat. "Voidgaze, I am preparing a trip into the city to meet with your superiors. You are welcome to accompany me to the meeting place, since you have yet to reunite with them."


His eyes locked on to the now fully healed Nighthound.  The last thing he needed was for the insane Epic to wreak havoc at the meeting. It was bad enough that Funtimes would be attending.


"As for you... ah, perhaps we could find something to occupy you while I am away."


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The man laughed, while the woman was still silent and looked blank. "Only if they're with Black Fist. Rumor has it you aim to kill Lightwards, CorpseMaker, all them," the man said. He must've been in the area where Max had been talking about revolt. Only those people and the Reckoners here knew that name.

Surprisingly, the other Reckoners hadn't spoke yet. They left it up to Max so far. They seemed to realize that he was the leader of the rebellion and he would be in charge.

"I haven't met Lightwards yet, but yes, I do plan to kill the Epics. All the cruel ones, and I haven't met one who wasn't. I plan to fight back against these smug monsters who claim superiority," Max replied.

The man, like Max had moments earlier, studied Max with his eyes. He seemed to approve of what he saw and introduced himself.

"Name's Remington. This here's Alice. You?"

"Max Kennon. Glad to have you join us. I assume that is what you're doing, after all," Max implied a small threat in his words. Remington, the man named after a rifle, would either help them or die. He knew that's what happened when you knew too much. "These are the Reckoners. You may have heard of their work. Rachel here was just about to take us to a better place to talk. Join us."

Max was curious as to the man's intentions. He had seen the fire and determination that came from fighting Epics. Why he was joining now and how he had found them was another matter. Max decided to trust Remington for now. He would learn more later. The woman bothered him though. She hadn't spoken a word or even made eye contact.

"Alice, are you coming too?" He asked her, trying to provoke a response. He couldn't figure out what was wrong. Was she mentally illl? Did she get hit in the head?


Chi saw the anger grow on Refill's face. His eyes narrowed as he glanced at the frog. He then put on an obviously fake smile and said, "Well thank you for your consideration Chimera, I'm sure we'll meet again even if you are unwilling to be directly involved I'm sure we could be of great assistance to each other. We'll take our leave then, we have certain... plans that need attending too." The grin became genuine as the Epic spoke of his plans.

"I think we will meet again. If you ever need to purchase more of my creatures, come by again. Farewell, and I wish you luck in your plans," Chimera said. He smiled as the trio of Epics left the zoo. When the gates shut, his happiness faded and lines deepened on his face. War was coming. That was certain. So far, Chi had never needed to take sides in a conflict. He had been unobtrusive and, if battle ever came, he, with his guards and Chimerans, we're able to handle threats.

According to his info, the lines were being drawn throughout Portland. Altermind in his area had gathered Epics who wanted to preserve the city. Corpsemaker was gathering the powerful and most evil. Lightwards, the newcomer, had been joined by the odds and ends of Calamity's blessed, some powerful, some not as much. Now there was this faction of minor a Epics. They had scraped together a mass of weaker Epics that had always been at the bottom of the food chain, just higher than humans.

Sooner, rather than later, Chi might have to regain control of his children scattered throughout the city, ready to fight. Some of the most powerful Epics in the city had bought creatures from Chi at some point. Others, he had sent out on missions. They would hopefully be enough. If they weren't, Chimera knew that he might very well have to finally choose a side.

War was most definitely coming. Chimera knew that for certain. It was now a question of what was going to happen in Portland.
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“Gordon, have you seen this yet?” Gordon looked up at Rachel’s comment. She was looking at Max, who was talking to some people. He’d been zoning out conversations while he’d unloaded the War-Wagon and hadn’t heard the truck pull up.


“No, who are they?”


“People who heard Max’s Speech apparently. Looks like he tried his hand at recruiting before coming to us.  I guess we won’t have to run this Revolution single-handedly after all.” Rachel looked at the people. A tall man with a blonde Ponytail, and a woman with red hair. “Shall we go introduce ourselves?


Gordon watched  as the man laughed. He mentioned the Black Fist, which was apparently them. He had assumed that Black fist had just been a description. Honestly, Black Fist sounded more like an Epic than a Vanilla Rebellion. “No, I want to see how he does. If he’s as good at recruiting as he was at fighting, than we’ll actually have a chance of getting this Rebellion off the ground.”


“Alright.” She went to lift one of the boxes, but could barely lift it off the bed of the van. “What, the heck, is in this?” She dropped it back down. Gordon put his box down by the Entrance, and walked back to her.


“Not sure. I was in a Hurry when I packed everything. Just sort of threw everything in there.” He squatted down, putting his arms on either side of the box, then straightened his legs, picking up the box. His Muscles strained with the effort. Still, he acted like it was nothing. He put the Box next to the others at the Entrance for Frank to take down, and turned back to where Max and the blonde were. They were all looking inquisitively at the Redhead, but it didn’t look like she was responding.


Rachel looked over as well. “They appear to be getting along, but should we really reveal Attica to the Outsiders so soon? How did he even find us here?”

Gordon frowned. Good Question. “He could have seen us on our way over, but he couldn’t have recognized us. He was either sent here to find us, or he tailed us from the Airport. Either way, something is wrong about this whole thing. Would you mind getting Frank and Moses up here? I don’t want a fight, but I also want to be prepared for one.” He had no intention of picking a fight, he just wanted to be careful. If these people had found them, others could as well.

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Lucentia admired her work after stepping out of the bakery. There wasn´t any fancy decor on the building but the coating was a lot more pleasing to the eye than the run down store front could ever hope to be, granted, not much of an achievement but one none the least.


Gunshots made Lucentia look back to Lightwards. He was killing the woman over and over again, a weird way to deal with pent up frustration but what did one expect from a man like him. At least now she knew where the gunshots earlier came from.


Leaving his method uncommented, to spare herself whatever pitiable excuse Lightwards might bring forth, they headed back to the museum. Truth be told, Lucentia awaited the meeting at the residence. Given Funtimes apparent insanity she might very well give her enough of an excuse to murder her upon seeing her dismayed friend.



Ray threw the first punch. That should be enough a reason to make the world a better place. Voidgaze wanted to jump up but had to pause to move Lily´s head away.


 "I hope I'm not interrupting anything," she jumped a bit as Lightwards cleared his throat. "Voidgaze, I am preparing a trip into the city to meet with your superiors. You are welcome to accompany me to the meeting place, since you have yet to reunite with them." Nighthound greeted him with a muffled grunt, followed by a shrug as he remembered his missing jaw.


Right, Altermind, starting to kill people now probably wasn´t a good idea… she could though… it´s why she got involved in all of this in the first place.

What about Lightwards? He would resurrect so no harm done and it´s his fault in the first place, if he sides with Nighthound.

What about Ray? With Nighthound around she may very well die, I don´t have experience in protecting people… So? I don´t want her to die... Why? She´s my friend. Why would you care?


Smack. Voidgaze slapped her hands against her cheeks and took a deep breath. Attending the meeting probably wouldn´t be a good idea in her current mindset. It would be better to return to the museum, maybe share a meal with Big Al. That sounds nice, relaxing… safe.


She gave Lightwards a big smile, even wider than normal, “Thanks for the offer but I think I´ll just head home. Well, technically it isn´t really home but I am staying at Thoughttown, so it´s the next best thing, right? Actually, I´m not even sure, if my house is properly inhabitable at the moment, which doesn´t leave me with a lot of options but listen to me rambling. I think I´ll just go now… but I would prefer not falling down, would you mind taking me down with you?” Voidgaze ended in a slightly nervous chuckle.


Nighthound, she noticed, who was looking at her with a slight scowl, sighted and turned to Lightwards, “I might as well humor you, if you have something specific in mind. Otherwise, don´t worry, I have a whole town to entertain me.”

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Timeport whistled as he blinked down the street, disappearing then reappearing five feet down the road, then repeating. He was on his way to the city zoo in search of one Chimera. Corpsemaker had heard of the animal-combining Epic, and had sent Timeport to try and recruit him into the Dominion. 


Timeport stopped at an intersection and checked the note in his hands again that explained how to get to the zoo. Unfortunately, he had not been allowed to bring his Mech suit, something about not letting anyone know about Toymaker's powers that didn't already or other. In fact, Corpsemaker hadn't even let him bring any weapons of any sort, saying that he didn't want to scare Chimera off. Though he'd only been 15 minutes at max without it, Timeport still missed playing around in it. Just because he wasn't allowed to bring it didn't mean he had to like being without it. 


When he was almost to the zoo's entrance, he caught a glimpse of something shining on the ground. Timeport stopped blinking and knelt down to inspect a fallen body in a full suit of ancient medivial armor. It had fallen over onto its stomach, and a large battle axe was strapped on its back. Corpsemaker only said I couldn't bring a weapon, he thought as he examined the large, but not so large as to be cumbersome, axe. He didn't say anything about picking one up along the way. Timeport picked up the battle axe--hefting it as he got used to its weight--then blinked the rest of the way to the zoo entrance. 


He stopped just outside of the entrance turnstiles, then faced the zoo and raised his voice. "Chimera!" he shouted. "Come show yourself! I'm Timeport, and I'm here to recruit you into the Dominion!" 

Edited by mail-mi
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BioMed watched the veritable army of Thought Town carefully, he was to watch for patrol patterns, weapons capabilities and a hundred other things he didn't really know anything about, but Refill had convinced him to do it anyway and he would try his best. His vision capabilities didn't extend far enough to peer into the compound but it did allow him to see the weaponry of all the guards, as well as pick out one who had a malignant tumor in his lungs.

Biopsy to confirm, refer to Oncology for further assesment and treatment. BioMed shook his head, dismissing the train of thought, drilled into him during his training.

He was startled when a large group of Epics departed the building, more Epics than were attributed to even be working with ThoughtTown.

Looks like Refill's not the only one who's been recruiting.

He turned to the Epic next to him, Muffle had the ability to completely silence an area 2 metres around him.

"Muffle, head back to Zip, tell him that Altermind's taking his Epics out for some reason, it might be possible to attack while they're away to minimize our casualties."

Muffle nodded and ran to the motorbike they'd stashed on their arrival, no sound came as he started it and rode down the eerily quiet streets.

BioMed watched for a few more minutes before making his own way back, walking a considerable distance further to find the other bike, without the ability to muffle the sound he might draw too much attention from the soldiers if he'd left it closer.

He was nearly back to the school buildings when he spotted a couple walking down the street, there were a few still out but it was the dress of these two that set them apart, a purple cloak and one of those really old-style dresses.

Epics, part of ThoughtTown? No, too far, we're in the Empire's territory now.

BioMed slowed his bike to normal speeds as he approached the couple, just crossing the road as he passed. He Turned his x-ray vision back on to locate the jugular vein of the man and placed his hand on the guys neck as he passed, concentrating in the brief moment their skin touched he severed the mans jugular.

The man dropped instantly, purple cloak tangling in his legs as he fell, his breathing became laboured and filled with the gurgling noise of blood entering his lungs, there were no visible marks. His throat had been slit from the inside.

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Chi had only barely begun making his rounds around the zoo to check on all his children when another voice yelled from the gate. "Chimera!" it shouted. "Come show yourself! I'm Timeport, and I'm here to recruit you into the Dominion!" Another? When would they learn? Chi didn't want to join any group. Not unless he had to in order to keep his children safe.

As always, Argo accompanied him to the gate, and this time, Kyrie came as well. Chimera plastered on another smile, and forced himself to forget his thoughts of war. He thought of the happy moments, of his Chimerans. His smile became genuine. He signaled a guard to open the gate. A man carrying a large battle axe walked in. Chi told his two animal guards to watch closely for any signs of an attack.

"Hello, Timeport, I'm Chimera. I'm not looking for any factions to join at this time, but may I be of service in another way? I have many creatures for sale that could be of use to you," Chi said in his diplomatic voice. He was growing tired of these constant recruitment messages. What did he need to do before they stopped? Hang a sign on his gate, "No recruiters, please"?

Chimera realized that the axe in Timeport's hands had been strapped to Voidknight's back. He really should've had someone clean that up. Too late now. He'd just have to be ready to fight. He absorbed the speed of one of his cheetah combinations. His guards, both human and Chimeran, were ready to fight if Timeport showed signs of aggressiveness.
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"Max Kennon. Glad to have you join us. I assume that is what you're doing, after all. These are the Reckoners. You may have heard of their work. Rachel here was just about to take us to a better place to talk. Join us."


There was a warning edge to those words, an implied Or else we'll have to kill you. And Remington didn't fault him for it. Black Fist, this anti-Epic uprising, wasn't the sort of thing anyone wandered up to. More the sort of by-invitation-only outfit the Reckoners claimed to be. If they knew he had wandered over at the behest of an insane High Epic out for her ally's blood, the cemetery would soon be covered in his. No hard feelings. No malice. Just damage control for a risky operation. 


After a silent pause, Max looked at Alice with concern. No—not concern. Curiosity. "Alice, are you coming too?" As if he thought she would reply. As if he thought her mind was whole, untouched by a greedy necromancer who saw her as nothing more than a brave little body that might go to waste. 


He doesn't know. Couldn't know. Max wasn't there when Lightwards announced his rule. Didn't see the raptors. Didn't watch their blade-like claws tear an old man to ribbons. Didn't know who he sounded like when he called himself Emperor, trumpeted his victory over death. Max hadn't been there when Koschei declared himself a god, hadn't seen a little boy with blood on his throat chosen to announce his tyranny. 


"I tracked you down," Remington said. "Heard about you. Followed you here because of Lightwards." 


He looked not at Max, but at Alice as he spoke. She stared blankly ahead, and Remington wondered how much she understood. How much she wanted to understand. He spoke as though she could comprehend every word and take it to heart, hold it like a shield against whatever Lightwards had done to her mind. 


"Alice here? Used to be one of his. Warriors of Light, he calls them. That's after he's killed them. Raised 'em up without any idea of what he did. He kills 'em just so they can serve him. Breaks them down and builds them up the way he thinks they ought to be. Don't know how Alice got away from him, but here she is." 


It was time to lay his biggest bargaining chip on the table, but there was nothing he wanted less. Rumors had followed refugees to Portland. Rumors of the immortal despot who killed children to break their parents' wills. Who broke them down and built them up as his slaves. 


Who was gone. Dead, by the hand of a man who rarely acknowledged his role. 


Remington didn't want to acknowledge it. Acknowledgement meant questions. How did he die? How come he didn't slit your throat, too? Just you now? What're you doing in Portland?


Questions meant answers, and answers meant remembering. 


Alice. She needed him to do what had to be done. And to do it, he had to get Black Fist, these Reckoners, to trust him. To know he would stand with him if they did the same. And if earning their trust meant enduring their questions, so be it. 


"I killed Koschei the Deathless. And I'll kill Lightwards, too." 

Edited by TwiLyghtSansSparkles
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Voidgaze seemed almost flustered at the suggestion. She jumped slightly when she heard him speak, but she quickly recovered herself.


If her behavior could be called recovery, that was. Lightwards felt her eyes settle on him, looking almost sinister in their intent gaze. Finally, the woman slapped her hands to her cheeks and took a deep breath. Clearly whatever thoughts she'd harbored had disconcerted her somehow. If the air that whooshed around in her skull could be called thoughts


“Thanks for the offer but I think I´ll just head home," Voidgaze began apologetically. "Well, technically it isn´t really home but I am staying at Thoughttown, so it´s the next best thing, right? Actually, I´m not even sure, if my house is properly inhabitable at the moment, which doesn´t leave me with a lot of options but listen to me rambling. I think I´ll just go now… but I would prefer not falling down, would you mind taking me down with you?”


There really wasn't anything in her head, was there? The girl could scarcely keep two thoughts together. Lightwards smiled nonetheless. "I would be glad to help you down, Ms. Blue. Hopefully you'll be able to put your house in order soon."


He turned towards Nighthound next, who was steadily giving Voidgaze a withering stare. A stare which would probably result in gruesome murder for anyone besides a resurrection Epic.


“I might as well humor you," Nighthound said finally, turning to Lightwards. "If you have something specific in mind. Otherwise, don´t worry, I have a whole town to entertain me.”


Lightwards considered for a moment. Obviously the word "entertainment" was synonymous with "massacre" when Nighthound was the speaker... but that was not necessarily a bad thing. Massacres could be useful in the right hands.


"I've nothing specific in mind," he said finally, giving an insincere chuckle. "Though as you entertain yourself, perhaps you could work to advance our cause in a small way..."


He locked eyes with the feral Epic. "If you leave survivors in the wake of your fun, let them know who you represent. Spread word of the Empire of Light with every drop of blood you spill. Once the people of Portland associate the Empire's name with your carnage, I imagine they'll be far more hesitant about defying us."


Lightwards turned away with a faint smile. "Do this for me, Nighthound, and there will be a strong new theropod with your name on it."


He walked away, Voidgaze trailing behind him in that absurd bathrobe of hers.


At the Museum entrance, his comrades were already waiting. Lucentia stood with a regal stiffness, while Aldo twirled what looked like a miniature buzz saw in his hands. Cricket stood with her arms folded over her chest, glaring at nothing in particular.


Lightwards walked up to them with a smile. "Are you ready to bring us down, Lucentia?"


As he spoke he snapped his fingers. The dinosaurs he'd lined up before reacted at once. Several dozen tons of reptilian flesh crashed through the doorway, running with thundering steps until they hurtled off the edge of the floating fortress.


"My affairs are in order--I'm ready when you are."


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From all the Epics in the museum Lightwards choose a stage magician wielding a small chainsaw and his sourly looking assistant, definitely still better choices than Funtimes could ever be but not people that call to mind a formal meeting.


Taking away her chance to find further flaws with her companions Voidgaze awkwardly shuffled up to her, "Thank you for throwing that diamond at your brothers head, he was being a pretty big Slontz and all that. Calling your brother a Slontz probably isn´t good way to say thank you, although it´s true. Did you see what he did to Ray? “


Lucentia heaved a sigh; did that woman honestly think she acted out of the good of her hearth? “All you could possibly do to thank me is not killing him, as tempting as that might be, and think about what you want to say before you start rambling on.” The young woman did in fact looked like she took it to hearth, a sentiment she should have gotten rid of ages ago.


“As for that girl, keeping a concubine is his decision, even if this one is in bad taste. However, she´s bound to create more trouble than she´s worth, which is why getting rid of her would be the smart move. My respect, if you manage to do it without her dying.” Her brother really was taking a huge risk with keeping someone that wanted him death close at all times but even more than that Lucentia wasn´t sure how Mary would react to the woman.


This Voidgaze didn´t take quite as well, although she seemed more confused than angry, “Shouldn´t you…” she stopped and blinked a couple of times, “doesn´t concubine imply a main wife?” She managed to catch on to that little detail, so there was a working mind in her head, just a very confused one.


“It would, I imagine she knows what I´m doing right now and is squealing with joy.” The though did make Lucentia a bit happy for her friend, not that it changed the stern look she gave the naïve woman.


“That’s, wait I´ll think first…” Voidgaze lifted up her arms, opened her mouth and closed it again. “Actually I´ll just shut up.” Before she had another chance to start talking again and unleashe whatever fluff her brain might produce they arrived at the ground, where their elevator crumbled to dust, shortly filling the air with shimmering light.


Voidgaze directed a goodbye at the group and separated herself from it, heading straight towards Thoughtown, while the remaining imperialists made for the Sadry residence.

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Saccharine stifled a startled scream as her husband went limp beside her and collapsed to the ground. 


The hooded and steam-punk goggled assailant motored around in a great loop as though heading up for a charge.


Saccharine had seen the death of her loved one before, and did not fear for Jeffrey's body. 

But his mind was another matter.


Can he take another split?


She fretted worryingly as she replayed the scene in her mind. 


A quick jab to the throat, and then death, no force, no trauma around the wound, nor bruising or broken skin neither.


There was but one solution.


He is a teleporter. He must have moved something in Jeffys throat, then Jeffy couldn't breathe, couldnt scream! MY poor Jeffy in pain

and no means of defending himself. This is an outrage!


Saccharine snapped to face the vagabond and he gained speed charging toward her, revving aggressively. 




She side stepped as the ginger haired youth swung his arm out to the side in a mocking parrody of his last kill.


Touch needed. I see. Now that we are meters apart, he shall find it difficult to have such an effect when...


A loud snap and a scream of pain announced that Saccharine's move had hit, and floating toward her were all ten of the boy's fingers,

dribbling pathetic trails of blood as they dropped unceremoniously into a plastic ziplocked bag which hovered above a side dress pocket.


"What is wrong with you!" The man screamed accusingly while he clumsily attempted to nurse both his deformed hands, motorcycle forgotten.


Nothing nearly as wrong as there will be with you. Saccharine thought with a twitch in her scowl of misery. And I don't like your tone.


Concentrating, she focused her powers to sever the voice box before replacing the arteries into the correct position, so as to prevent excess blood loss.


The floating of the fingers was just for show, she could have just tucked them away at once before he even knew what had happened. But this time was a time for show, and a time to make him fear, the way Jeffrey had feared in the seconds before death. But it would be much, much longer than a few seconds for this boy.


Saccharine let the voice box hover before the cretins face and his eyes bulged, before they exploded into grizzly chunks of sinew and glooping foul liquid that ran down his cheeks and around the corners of his twisted, silently howling mouth.


It was only then that with her mind she tore out the chunks of earth behind the boy's feet and watched him fall satisfyingly slowly to the ground flailing his arms uselessly,and completely devoid of any sense of direction.


I hope you are hungry, my darlings.


She sent to the surrounding creatures, with a picture of the flailing boy, to shocked to get up again.


Turning away from the scene Saccharine knelt beside her husband, who was not yet cold, but growing stiff. 


"Jeffy, Oh my darling angel, look what has happened to you" she wailed softly.


Without much notice to what she was doing, Saccharine began her usual set up of tea and cookies and slices only this time

using her lace shawl - only a little splattered red - as the picknick rug before carefully and reverently pulling Jeffrey's body to the shadowy alcove she had prepared.


She then took a step back as her husbands body took on a dark cast and it slowly began to lose it's form becoming like a shadow itself. 

Laboriously, sluggishly, and eerily the shadows then pulled together to the form of an upright man, and once more took on the features she knew so well. The features she would follow into death.


The man, exhaled slowly and looked about him confused. 


Saccharine held her breath for a moment steeling herself for the worst. 


Holding out a doilied plate of caramel slice she wore willingly her sweetest smile, the one she had worn under her veil at the alter. 


"Good day to you kind sir. I am Saccharine, formerly Marigold Carlisle. How very good to meet you."
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Neverthere approached the Necromancer swiftly, skipping merrily along the street, her hair and clothes remaining eerily still despite the speed of her passage and the light evening breeze.

He was accompanied by an odd group of followers, what seemed to be an old Stage magician flanked by a displeased looking young lady, and on Lightwards' other side possibly the most haughty woman that Neverthere had ever seen, somehow carrying what appeared to be an arm made of pure diamond with unsurpassable grace and arrogance.
A quick mental skim of her internal list of the cities major Epics revealed no known links to these followers, although the haughty lady was either Lucentia the diamond queen or else someone attempting to imitate her to leech off of her reputation.

Neverthere skipped merrily up to the group and yelled a greeting.

"Heeeeeeeeeeeeeelooooooooo!" She said, pausing as they turned to regard her.
"Lightwards I presume?" She rattled on obliviously " Mind if I call you LW? Or Elldubs? Hmm... Wardy? Ah we'll figure it out, and who have we here? Lucentia? Ooooh! Lucy! I always wanted a friend called Lucy, and um... Houdini?"

She was met by four perplexed stares.


His eyes opened slowly, analyzing everything in his vicinity.

Alley, darkness, shadows of course, linked to capabilities. Woman, Edwardian dress, Epic? Yes likely. Assailant? Unlikely, no signs of hostility. Tea set? Linked to powers? Shelve idea til further information incoming. Blood, likely assailants.

"Good day to you kind sir. I am Saccharine, formerly Marigold Carlisle. How very good to meet you." The woman greeted.

Carlisle? Familiarity. Old name, need new name. Personality type? Analytical. Theme-name? Unknown, needs further reflection.

"Greetings Saccharine" He said, taking the proffered plate. "I am formerly Jeff Carlisle, at present I am unnamed."

He took a bite of the slice, a sensation of warm familiarity infused him.

"And apparently I enjoy caramel slice."

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