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He speaks entirely in memes. He tells people "LOL" and "O Rlly" every second of every day.


In all seriousness, these are some pretty awesome concepts! I'd love to see them in action. :D


Agreed! I just….I just have to feel sorry for a guy who has every fourteen-year-old girl's blog in his head, not to mention the more uncouth parts of the Internet, and the sheer number of blogs claiming the Web is just an elaborate conspiracy run by space Nazis who in turn control the Illuminati….


I really want to meet this guy now. 

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I really want to meet this guy now. 


Now I'm concerned over whether Thomas Cardinal kept a blog before Calamity.


I'm considering posting Epic profiles for Möbius and Slaughterhouse. They're unlikely to appear in the RP, but I did put a substantial amount of work into planning them.

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Now I'm concerned over whether Thomas Cardinal kept a blog before Calamity.





Now that would be fascinating. If Internet Guy had access to the RP's Epics' thoughts before they became Epics, can you imagine what sort of insight that would give him? Even if Thomas Cardinal didn't keep a blog, per se, if Internet Guy could access his online lessons and recite them at will….that's quite the advantage. Psychological, yes, but an advantage all the same. 

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Between his *ahem* remarks and her….um….personality, I wouldn't be surprised if Oregon was completely empty by the time the turf wars began in earnest. 

Meh, I wanted to throw the Lighthound ship a bone. :P


A troll and a lunatic for destruction without innocent victims. They are the true heros of this story.

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Oh, great. So how long until Lightwards starts calling him his "puppy of evil"? 

That in entirely up to Kobold but given that the actual RP is more serious than our rambling here.... I just realized what I wrote and the worste part is that it is the truth... I need some time to cope.

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That in entirely up to Kobold but given that the actual RP is more serious than our rambling here.... I just realized what I wrote and the worste part is that it is the truth... I need some time to cope.


It's the "can no longer deny" part that really jacks the nightmare fuel up to eleven. :o

Edited by TwiLyghtSansSparkles
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May be a moot point, as that's probably all that will be left of him once those party rockets / high caliber anti-aircraft guns / flames hit him. :P

I actually found a solution to that. However, I must step down to trolling levels myself to do so. :P

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He's a living trollface taking on a guy who can raise the dead and a woman who can turn a tree into a tank. I think we passed the line between "fighting" and "trolling" back on page 8. :P

Page 9 actually but you´ll see. Now, not that I´m complaining about all this carnage but at which point would Nathan think that a stalemate is reached? ´Cause we have well reached the "when will someone die" point.

Edited by Edgedancer
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Yeah, it's probably time to call a stalemate, or else they'll be fighting until the cows come home. 


But how could he go about getting them to stop fighting in a way that actually gets them to—you know—stop? Reasoning probably won't work, and offering them both Pop-Tarts will only be a distraction….would calmly walking out into the carnage and stating that if they keep fighting, there won't be anything left to rule and that there are other competitors for the territory work? 

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Making a bold stand, pointing out how ridiculous all of this is and acting as if this was more of a game gone boring instead of an actual death battle should do the trick for Nighthound. While Nighthound doesn´t really care about territory, pointing out that allies would be very helpful with the storm growing larger might also help.

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