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I apologize if this is in the wrong place, but here goes: 


On some other forums I've been to, we did play-per-post role-playing. It was more like the threads in the Clans/Guilds section, but more like a story, too. There was always a plot chosen at the outset (a Lord of the Rings RP had Melkor/Morgoth return several hundred years after the Ring was destroyed; a New Worlds RP focused on the villains of the story as they plotted a rebellion against a good king; etc.) with each post contributing to the overall storyline. Each player created and controlled a character or a handful of characters, responsible for their interactions with other players as well as description of their surroundings and development. So I suppose it was less like a traditional role-play and more like a chapter-or-paragraph-per-post group story.  


I was wondering if anyone would be interested in starting one like that set in the world of Steelheart. According to the "If You Were an Epic?" thread, a lot of people on here have fantastic character ideas, and I'd love to see them in action. 

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If you want to Moderate something Like that, I'll play in your little World. (And this is the Right Place for this Stuff)


Just a Story Suggestion. Megan mentions that the entirety of Oregon USA got Wiped out by Epic Battles. We should Play there! Post Apocalypse game where the Players were Responsible for the Apocalypse.

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Hmmmm. I'd have to adjust my powers..... I assume the moderator know all powers/weaknesses, but nobody else does at the beginning right? It'd make it more realistic.

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Hmmmm. I'd have to adjust my powers..... I assume the moderator know all powers/weaknesses, but nobody else does at the beginning right? It'd make it more realistic.


That would make sense. Alternatively, we could list powers and weaknesses in character profiles, which all players have access to, but leave a gap between player and character knowledge. One of the cardinal rules would be against god-modding, so anyone who tailors their characters' attacks to weaknesses said characters should not know would be crossing that line. 


If you want to Moderate something Like that, I'll play in your little World. (And this is the Right Place for this Stuff)


Just a Story Suggestion. Megan mentions that the entirety of Oregon USA got Wiped out by Epic Battles. We should Play there! Post Apocalypse game where the Players were Responsible for the Apocalypse.


Leaving the door open to human characters escaping Steelheart's regime or those in similar cities, Epics who have fallen out of favor with their respective regimes, or Epics who might be taking Steelheart as an inspiration for their own regimes. Great idea. I like it. 

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Awesome! Here's what we have so far: 


Narrative structure 

Reckoners universe 

Set in Oregon just before it was turned to rubble 

Realistic character limitations required (not just in terms of powers/weaknesses, but with what the character should logically know) 

Primarily Epic characters, but human characters are allowed 


Okay if I link to this thread in the Newcago Court? 

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Sure you can :)

How much work/posting is required in this kind of game? I'd love to join but don't have a ton of time. I may also have to reread Steelheart. :)


Good question. As my summer class gets underway, I won't have as much time as I would like, so I'd like to set a more relaxed pace. The number of interactions your character(s) have with other players would depend on how involved in the plot you want them to be, but in the case of conversations and/or fights, players would be expected to wait on their partners to reply. And to wait patiently—so triple-posting to have a character ask repeatedly if his/her conversational partner was going to say anything would not be allowed. 


If you choose a character that won't interact with other characters much, you can always have him/her work behind the scenes to engineer a few plot twists. (Just clear all major ones with me and/or the players involved.) 


And if things are moving along too fast, you can always ask for us to slow things down so you can catch up. I want this to be fun, not a time-sucking commitment monster. :P

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Good question. As my summer class gets underway, I won't have as much time as I would like, so I'd like to set a more relaxed pace. The number of interactions your character(s) have with other players would depend on how involved in the plot you want them to be, but in the case of conversations and/or fights, players would be expected to wait on their partners to reply. And to wait patiently—so triple-posting to have a character ask repeatedly if his/her conversational partner was going to say anything would not be allowed. 


If you choose a character that won't interact with other characters much, you can always have him/her work behind the scenes to engineer a few plot twists. (Just clear all major ones with me and/or the players involved.) 


And if things are moving along too fast, you can always ask for us to slow things down so you can catch up. I want this to be fun, not a time-sucking commitment monster. :P

hmm...I might try for a while then. If its too much someone can conveniently kill off my character or something :P
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And putting your character on a bus is always allowed. :P 


So here are the rules, as I've conceived them so far….


1. Any character, human or Epic, is allowed, but realistic limitations are a must. 

2. No god-modding (i.e., taking control of another player's character beyond small, essential bits for one's post). So something like "S/he said nothing, so Whatshisface went on" would be allowed, but narrating another character's actions, dialogue, and/or inner thoughts—beyond what the other player has already written—would not. (It probably goes without saying that killing another player's character without their express permission is not allowed.) 

3. Keep in mind what you know of another player's character vs. what your own character would know. So if you've read that so-and-so is allergic to shellfish, but there's no way for your character to know that, having your character fly to the Indian Ocean just so he can find and throw a giant clam at so-and-so would not be allowed. (Unless your character is an Epic who can shapeshift into a giant clam, that's just too random. Of course, in that case, I'd have to ask why, out of all the powers in the world, you chose that one.) 

4. Clear all plot twists with me and the characters involved. There's a good chance I'll say yes, because I'm more of the write-by-the-seat-of-your-pants type and I don't have a clear storyline planned out, but just make sure you get permission. Especially if it involves another player's character. 

5. It is completely okay to join late in the story. Just make sure you have a good reason for it. (And since we're dealing with Epics here, "I saw the rest of you fighting and I want in because I LOVE FIGHTS" is a perfectly valid reason.)  

6. Be respectful of other players. I want this game to be fun, so don't set a super-frantic pace. If a player asks for the rest to slow down so they can catch up, do it. If they need a recap and you happen to know what's been going on, fill them in. 

7. Give your characters realistic goals and motivations. As stated before, Epic characters can have wacky goals and motives, but just make sure they exist. 

8. Be creative. The plot line thus far is: 1) Characters meet in Oregon, 2) ?????, 3) Apocalypse. Fill in the question marks. I trust you guys. :)


So….yeah. Any questions? Concerns? Insults? Let me know when you're ready to start, and if there's anyone else who might like to join. 

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If you don't mind, I'm going to Start making my Character. He's a Minor Epic, with the power of Permanent Sight and and Short Range Teleportation. His Weakness is <PM'd to GM> He was born in Oregon, and developed Powers way after Most Epics. So he doesn't tend to like them, but now that he is an Epic, He's seriously annoyed.


Permanent Sight: He always has Perfect Vision. He has Night Vision and can see through Mists and Fog. He can also see through Things close to his Eyes, such as blindfolds and Eyelids. This does NOT mean that he can press his face into a Wall to see through it.


Short Range Teleportation:  About 20 ft Range, Line of Sight Only. When he teleports, Only what's touching his skin teleports with him. So if you want him to teleport you, he has to be in contact with your body, and all of your clothes. Akward. For this reason, he doesn't wear socks, if he did, he'd leave behind his shoes.


EPIC Name: SightLine.


Normal Name: Joe.


Weakness: <PM'd to the GM>

Edited by Hello. My name is Joe
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Joe, looks good! Here's mine: 


Epic Name: Doctor Funtimes 


Primary Power: She can transform matter with effort proportional to what she's transforming. Changing a carrot into a gun could be accomplished with a snap of her fingers; changing a cottage into a fishing boat would take a bit longer and more concentration. Of course, she'd be more likely to turn a gun into a live hamster and a fishing boat into a bouncy castle, but that's just her. 


Secondary Power: Long- and short-range teleportation 


Weaknesses: She has a few, which I will hint at throughout her arc. 


Modus Operandi: Ooooohhhhhh, you want to fight? You're funny. And now you're dressed like a clown! LOL now your handgun is a box of Pop-Tarts! What, you're not going to GIVE me one? Well, your face looks like a butt! And now the Pop-Tarts are a bag of marbles. Hahaha, don't try to throw them at me; I'll just turn them into M&M's! Okay, now I'm bored. Buttface.


Appearance: She wears a knee-legnth silk dress with thick black tulle petticoats so it poofs out a little. The silk is rainbow colored, as though someone pelted a white dress with dye-filled water balloons. (Which is exactly what happened.) She wears light-up knee-high socks, one blue and one green, and Converse high-tops, one yellow and one red. Her long black hair is nearly always sparkling with glitter, and she's nearly always smiling, but no one can say why. It scares them. 


And a human character, because Doctor Funtimes needs a sane narrator….


Name: Nathan Sperry 


Age: 22 


Appearance: Short brown hair, blue eyes, fairly tall. Wears jeans and a T-shirt with beat-up sneakers. 


Home City: Newcago 


Interests: He enjoys watching old episodes of Doctor Who (the ones that aren't banned; Steelheart wasn't fond of those where the Doctor overthrows an oppressive dictator, but he did like the ones where he never quite figures out what's going on) and reminiscing about those that he saw as a kid. He works as a waiter in one of the casinos catering to Epics, and his main concern is staying alive and out of trouble. 

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Milton was a regular guy before Calamity. When Calamity appeared, Milton gained superpowers. He began thinking he would be like the comic book heroes he always read about. Now, he doesn't care for humanity's good. He cares for his own.

Powers: Mental Illusionist and Telekinetic.

Illusions: He can cause people to believe they see things where nothing really is. His powers are all in the mind, though. The illusions are forced hallucinations. He can create auditory and olfactory hallucinations as well as visual and feeling ones.

Telekinesis: His telekinetic powers aren't as strong as his illusionary ones. He can move objects proportional to effort that are within a fifteen foot radius from him.

Weakness: [Redacted]

Epic name: Altermind

Appearance: Not many know his true appearance as he often causes people to think he looks differently than his real self.

He is a shorter-than-average, quite scrawny twenty-four year old. He has pale blue eyes and short blond hair in a buzz cut. He has a birthmark on his neck and many freckles. Only a few people in the entire country know what he looks like. Most were killed. Since he became an Epic, he has changed everyone's perception of himself.

His standard hallucination is a tall, muscular man in his late twenties. That's who most people recognize as Altermind. He is very tan and has wavy, blond hair with brown eyes.

Altermind always carries a handgun in his underarm holster and a pouch of bullets on his hip. He usually carries a rifle on his back, but not always. A bulletproof vest is what he eats, sleeps and breathes in. He can't stand not having that protection.

Hometown: Portland

Are we allowed multiple characters? If so, I'll be making a regular human as well.

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I'll join, if you guys are still excepting players.


epic character


Epic Name: Flamethrower


Human Name: Katherine Flearson


Appearance: Blond hair and brown eyes


Epic Powers: She can turn to flame, throw fire, heat things up (without fire), and generate a heat field around herself when not in flame form.


Weakness: I'm not telling. You could be a reckoner!  :D



human character


Name: Travis Malchow


Age: 25


Appearance: Black hair and green eyes


Job: Takes pictures of epics and sells them to people who want them.

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I can't think of anything cool for a character now...here's to hoping a human isn't too underpowered.


Name: Melanie (Mel) Skiffam

Age: 21

Job: Raiding closed shops etc to supply other humans who are sheltering from the fighting epics. Before Calamity she could never hold a job for long, and has stacked shelves at supermarkets, worked unofficially as a secretary for her father, cleaned floors at martial arts centres and computing companies, among others jobs. She wanted to attend university but has not yet been able to afford it. 

Appearance: Long black hair pulled into a tight ponytail, sharp blue eyes. She wears jeans and sneakers, her nails are short and her only jewellery is a thread anklet she never removes. Average height, slim build, but strong from a lot of recent manual labour. She also has an incredibly clear memory, which can be negative when she sees people destroyed by Epics, or otherwise in pain. She had close friends in other cities who she hasn't seen for many years, and she worries about them. Her parents were on holiday in Australia and she hasn't heard from them for a few months now. She never got on with them, but worries for her younger sister Brianna (14) who's with them.


Does this work?

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That looks fantastic, Delightful. I'll give everyone a chance to post their intros before bringing Nathan and the Doctor to Oregon. 


Just a few questions so I can take a vote: What time of year would you like to do? I was thinking early spring or autumn. And where in Oregon would you like to set this RP? We could go with one of the bigger cities (Portland or Salem) or, if those of you with characters already in the major cities would rather set it in a small town like The Dalles or Cottage Grove, I could have Funtimes give your characters a lift. :P It's up to you. 


And I'm very familiar with Oregon, so for those of you who aren't, I can post a short bio of whatever city/town we choose. 

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