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Kabsal Experiment - you have to see this!!!


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You all remember when Kabsal showed Shallan his proof of the Allmight existance.

Well, I stumbled upon this




An experiment similar to the one he shows, using a tone generator linked to a metal plate covered with salt.


The field is known as cymatics and many of the symbols used by Brandos were drawn from cymatic figures.


One thing I am quite certain now: Things on Roshar are liked to sound and frequency at some basic level.


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Thanks for sharing, a similar video was posted a while back but I've since lost track of where so its nice to have this for reference.


Kabsal does call what he is doing cymatics as well (not to mention its the title of the chapter where he does it).  I do think it is super cool that Brandon brings in so much real-world physics stuff when designing magic systems and such.


Satsuoni attempted to recreate some of the patterns of the "Dawncities" (as seen in one of the WoK illustrations) in this thread, but they were largely unsuccessful if I remember correctly.

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Ha! I was just coming over to post about cymatics. Glad I checked with the search button so as not to start a new thread. I think it's really cool. It reminds me of something mentioned in Elantris as well as Pattern in Stormlight Archives.

Anyway, I guess you know you're a fan when you see book elements all the time. I've definitely got the fever. At least I'm not glowing, splotchy or bald....yet.

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Yes, Tieb´sPetLurg, it did remind me of the Elatrian´s AonDor sigils.

I wonder how far it goes into Cosmere mechanics...

Maybe the magical systems resonate with each other.

Or the shards are so intrinsically connected that they ressonate with each other.

It could be a good questios for Brandon: "Are all the Shards intrinsically connected?" or "Do all the shards ressonate with each other?" 


This could shed some light on the relatioship between the shards.

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It is not exoteric, King of Nowhere, it is science. And that is the point!

I find awesome to have a fantasy setting (exoterics galore) based on good old hard physics.

Brandon weave a much more compelling tale this way.

I remember when I first read this scene,where Kabsal shows Shallan this effect and I first thought that it was just plain cognitive realm affecting the physical one. As I read the audiobook version, I did not have the drawings to relate.


Good point Red032, upvoted!

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Well this notion of vibrations across all the various worlds led me down an internet rabbit hole. (It's ok. I get stuck in those ALL the time. I'm used to it.) I crawled through some things about  Chladni's law. http://didel.script.univ-paris-diderot.fr/claroline/backends/download.php?url=L1N1amV0c19TZW1lc3RyZTFfMjAxM18yMDE0L0ZpZ3VyZXNfZGVfQ2hsYWRuaS9BSlAwMDAyNzEucGRm&cidReset=true&cidReq=36UPPE36 

So I was thinking about the Mistborn series and the metal flakes.... I came upon this site all about tuning forks and essentially, I need a nap or an aspirin. Too many thoughts.

Sometimes the patterns remind me of crop circles. *begins folding tin foil hat to wear during the nap* 

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