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Best Cosmere Game

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Alright. So someone on here said they were playing call to adventure: The Stormlight Archive and I suddenly wanted to buy a cosmere boardgame to play with my brother or dad or something. Y'all got recommendations for the best one? Out of the two I've found there's a mistborn one and a Stormlight archive one.

Edited by Gregorio
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Far as I know those are the only ones. Unless you count ttrpgs in which case there's also a Mistborn one I think. 

As for the best one, haven't played either but I do have the original Call to Adventure so I figure it can't be that different. 

It's pretty simple, you're doing deck-building in three acts. The game progresses as you collect cards representing events that happened to your character, or traits that they possess. They're all one-liners like, "Street fight" or "encounter with a dark power", stuff like that. 

You decide the winner by a point system once three acts are over but the fun of the game is in using those traits and events you collected to tell the story of your character once the game's over.

So the game doesn't have the most complex rules and if you only play to win it isn't really that fun. But as the rules are designed so each game becomes its own massive writing prompt, that adds another big layer to the game. 

Part of the fun for me is trying to grab the traits and events that will let me shape the character I want to make, but other players can screw you over on that, so you often end up with cards you don't know what to do with. But that usually makes the resulting story more interesting to make and tell. 

My sister and I also like to intertwine our character's stories. This one time I made a villain who rose to power and became a tyrant. She made the hero rising to oppose me. So yeah, it can be pretty fun if you let your creativity loose.

I figure the Stormlight version is a bit of the same but set on Roshar and you can make your characters Radiants which sounds cool. Also, not sure if they kept their word on that but back when they were developing it they said both games would be compatible to an extent. So if you ever decide to get both you could theoretically throw all the cards together and double your storytelling options. 

Hope that helps. 

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The largest difference between the normal call to adventure and the stormlight one is that almost all of the final fate cards are different radiant orders. It has some amazing art and I loved the original call to adventure and the stormlight one is just as fun. I think you can also work together in an alternate mode to fight a harder enemy. I know the base call to adventure has this, but I don't know if the stormlight one has that function. I would think so though since it is the exact same principle as call to adventure.

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Call to Adventure Stormlight Archive is super fun. When I first got it I was a bit intimidated because there are so many pieces and cards and stuff, but its really cool and the art is amazing. We got it when my brother was reading WoR, so it was really funny because every time we'd play it he would understand more and more of the cards and be like "Ohhhh that's what that was."

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1 hour ago, The Sibling said:

Call to Adventure Stormlight Archive is super fun. When I first got it I was a bit intimidated because there are so many pieces and cards and stuff, but its really cool and the art is amazing. We got it when my brother was reading WoR, so it was really funny because every time we'd play it he would understand more and more of the cards and be like "Ohhhh that's what that was."

I bought it. :lol: I don't have it yet, but I might get it Monday. It sounds fun and I'm excited.

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Alrighty. I just got the Stormlight Archive: Call to Adventure today and the art on it is storming amazing. I got the special edition so there's an extra Windrunner card and the Odium card with a glowy-like art style. There's also the worldhopper's guide to Roshar. It looks a bit complicated but I messed with it and it seems like it will be awesome.

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