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Strongest Non-God Character


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Hello! I'm still new to the forums, but I felt it prudent to avoid spoilers in my post title for obvious reasons. What I'm really asking is this: Who do you think is the strongest character that has never held a shard, and why do you think this? For purposes of Clarity, Holding only a splinter is okay (Returned, Bondsmiths, etc) in this discussion while giving up a shard after receiving it is not (Rashek, Hoid, Kelsier, etc.). Let me know if I missed anything! 

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I can see why it would be confusing... it IS called "The Well of Ascension", and according the the Coppermind, "The act of becoming a Vessel is called Ascension."  However, since Leras continued to exist and function as the Vessel of Preservation (for 1000+ years) after Rashek's so-called "Ascension", Frustration is correct about him (and Hoid as well). 

I suppose this makes TLR Rashek a candidate as the "most powerful non-Shard" we've seen onscreen... I'd expect the God King Susebron to be another candidate.  We really don't know enough about what Hoid has been up to, but I wouldn't leave him off the list.  But others are much more qualified than I am to compare characters from different planetary and magical systems.

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As @Frustration has said, I reckon that it's probably Hoid. He likely has access to most forms of Investiture, has been a Dawnshard at one point and has eons of experience.

The only beings that could give him a run for his money, that aren't specifically Slivers like Rashek, would probably be Vasher, Taln, Ishikk and Susebron. The first three have an awful lot of combative skill (likely more than Hoid specifically) and a fine understanding of their powersets, and the later simply has a crazy amount of Investiture to draw upon. 

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1 hour ago, UnfortunatelyNamed said:

In terms of power, Ishar is probably up there. Unchained Bondsmiths are feared for a reason, and he’s actually had time to learn his powers.

It would be interesting to see how those interact with Dawnshards, and their "self protection"

Edited by Frustration
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22 minutes ago, Frustration said:

It would be interesting to see how those interact with Dawnshards, and their "self protection"

It would be. I wonder if the Connection the Dawnshard creates with it's holder would cause some kind of feedback into the Bondsmith; sort of rebounding whatever effect they were trying to impose. 

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Hoid, Rashek, Ishar, Susebron. Hoid, well, he's Hoid and he never hold a Shard, he was offerd one, and he hold a Downshard, which is not a Shard. Rashek was a Fullborn, he did not hold the Shard, just hold enough of it to become a Sliver. Ishar is unchained mad Bondsmiths who fought for thousands of years. Susebron - more than 50000 Breats is impressive.

Among other beings, there would be aethers or dragons who are powerful probably. Stormfather as well I would say - he holds some parts of Honor's shard, but not all of it. But his power is in form of raw investiture, not combat skills or usefulness.

And of course Downshards.



Nightblood! He still is a character even if in shape of the sword. He is one of the most invested object ever made, and he consumed a lot of investiture in all this years. Everything fears Nightblood! He is the strongest. I wonder, can he hold a Downshard?

Edited by alder24
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I was going to say Hoid but he has that restriction about not hurting people or animals. So I think Elantrians like Raoden, closely fallowed closely by a full born like Rashek, then a fifth oath radiant like Nale, then a fully powered dakhor like Dilaf, then an inquisitor with every spike like Marsh, then a mistborn, then a feruchemist, and last a sandmaster

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1 hour ago, alder24 said:

Nightblood! He still is a character even if in shape of the sword. He is one of the most invested object ever made, and he consumed a lot of investiture in all this years. Everything fears Nightblood! He is the strongest. I wonder, can he hold a Downshard?

Nightblood is less dangerous than Bondsmiths


Scott Beckman (paraphrased)

Which is scarier... Which is more dangerous: a sword that wants to destroy evil, or a Bondsmith with no bounds?

Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)

A Bondsmith with no bounds.

Scott Beckman (paraphrased)

Can an unbound Bondsmith take that sword's... ability for himself?

Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)

Not exactly, but something similar. Probably not what you're thinking, but he could essentially take what that sword is, yes.







1 hour ago, Sky Breaker said:

I was going to say Hoid but he has that restriction about not hurting people or animals. So I think Elantrians like Raoden, closely fallowed closely by a full born like Rashek, then a fifth oath radiant like Nale, then a fully powered dakhor like Dilaf, then an inquisitor with every spike like Marsh, then a mistborn, then a feruchemist, and last a sandmaster

Just because he can't cause harm doesn't mean he isn't the most powerful, this isn't who would win in a fight.

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If we're discussing a broader definition of power, probably Ishar - he has Unchained Bondsmith powers and essentially defined the fate of two worlds, Ashyn and Roshar - or Rashek - arguably being the absolute ruler of 100 million people and controlling a vast koloss army should count as part of his power, in addition to his already super formidable Fullborn abilities. Rashek's a Sliver though... so probably Ishar.

Most Invested non-Shard is probably the Stormfather, but he's also a Sliver. No idea whether Sibling/Nightwatcher or Rysn is more Invested. (Susebron is way up there too, but I think there's a WoB that a Dawnshard is more Invested than him.)

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