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Measuring Investiture


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3 hours ago, StanLemon said:

An interesting takeaway from TLM that I haven't noticed anyone talk about yet, is the Set was able to measure the Investiture in a Hemalurgic spike. Being able to measure the amount of Investiture something has will be very important and I'm curious how they can even do it

I'm guessing the same way we measure light absorbance. They run invested particles through the spike and when the investiture in the spike interferes it will prevent those particles from moving through. Then the machine calculates what percentage of particles were stopped and that's the percentage invested the spike is.

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On 23.12.2022 at 4:36 PM, StanLemon said:

An interesting takeaway from TLM that I haven't noticed anyone talk about yet, is the Set was able to measure the Investiture in a Hemalurgic spike. Being able to measure the amount of Investiture something has will be very important and I'm curious how they can even do it

Take a standardized allomantic grenade for steel or iron. Fill it up. Let it push on a spike. Measure the exerted force. Weigh it. Divide.


On 23.12.2022 at 7:39 PM, Frustration said:

I'm guessing the same way we measure light absorbance. They run invested particles through the spike and when the investiture in the spike interferes it will prevent those particles from moving through. Then the machine calculates what percentage of particles were stopped and that's the percentage invested the spike is.

You can do that, but it raises the question how you measure an invested particle.

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