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Anniversary Game 9/Anonymous Game 13: Rebuilding Tyrian Falls


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1 hour ago, Ivory Dragonfly said:



Crocodile votes Kangaroo

This feels very poke-y for 4 minutes until the end of the cycle.

I don't really understand why e!Crocodile would do something so arbitrary and suspicious. Confusion :P

See, it's that vote that's makes me confused about Mouse. While yes, they acted as mouth piece for a scan claim, when it was a 4 way tie for lead with Mouse being one of the those up for execution, at 7 minutes to go Croc moves from Mouse to Kangaroo, saving them by putting Kangaroo on the line. Now, other last minute votes made it Iguana v Dingo, but still, 7 minutes to go, an elim moving off one player for another? It makes me nervous.

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4 hours ago, Sapphire Elephant said:

See, it's that vote that's makes me confused about Mouse. While yes, they acted as mouth piece for a scan claim, when it was a 4 way tie for lead with Mouse being one of the those up for execution, at 7 minutes to go Croc moves from Mouse to Kangaroo, saving them by putting Kangaroo on the line. Now, other last minute votes made it Iguana v Dingo, but still, 7 minutes to go, an elim moving off one player for another? It makes me nervous.

In defense of the self, suspicions of croc were stated from D1 due to the RP comments. It would have been easy to ignore the PM chain requesting outing Croc, as it had gone through many people before, and another even offered to do it in place of the mouse

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Avil Ejir watched as the Obli-gator was led to the execution platform, a sense of relief and justice settling over the crowd. The Obli-gator had been well hidden, but the Seeker had been able to uncover his crimes with excellent precision and bring them to light for all to see. The execution was swift and mostly uncontested, a clear sign that justice was being served. It was a much-needed confidence boost for the town, which had been struggling to cope with the fear and uncertainty brought on by the murders being committed by the Spiked.

As the Obli-gator's lifeless body was taken away, Avil couldn't help but feel a sense of hope and optimism. It was a good day, and he hoped that the orphan boy Scop had planned an after-party.

[OOC: We have had an instance in the recent past where the scan result was announced by an eliminator, having no choice but to comply once they were asked to do so. Hence, the bearer of the news should not be given village cred for simply doing just that. That said, my preexisting V!Mouse credences persist.]

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2 hours ago, Coral Swan said:

So recht, ihr Engel, jauchzt und singet,

Dass es uns heut so schön gelinget!


I vote that the Coinshot finally resolve our Flamingo question







Swan votes Chameleon

Village points for facilitating discussion.

Crocodile's "why everyone is evil" post feels a bit gimmicky. This reads to me as an elim trying to be wishy-washy about their reads (e.g. "oh I know chameleon was low on my list, I just had a lot of elim reads :p").

The full post:


--Azure Mouse: Deflected my question about what was consuming their focus in the early stages of the game by suggesting they could have been parsing the roleplay, but when asked to provide receipts, they had little to show for it. Implied RL made them busy, but has yet to explain why they implied they had in-game things to organize.

-- Mint Heron: To introduce their Iguana vote, they used similar (copied!) reasoning to my push against Mouse but declined to vote with me on Mouse. They proactively undermine the quality of their vote to excuse its alleged weakness. 

-- Sapphire Elephant: Felt self-conscious pressure to explain exactly how they randomly chose their initial poke target. Deflected poke votes by stating their alleged policy to not interact with them. Took the time to figure out who hadn’t posted yet, which feels more like the by-product of elim activity than work a villager would set out to do. Regularly drops unprompted role advice to manipulate the masses.

--Indigo Weasel: Invites PMs to build their trust network, then declares PMing to be NAI to avoid scrutiny of their own behavior. Votes on Dingo for an arbitrary reason and emphasizes that it isn’t grounded in suspicion in order to justify its stickiness.

--Onyx Flamingo: Pokes the soft target of inactive Penguin, then backtracks without actually removing their vote. By undermining themselves, they reveal that their vote lacks intention.

-- Magenta Albatross: Made a nonsense post and wasn’t going to contribute more until they were pinged, which caused them to overcompensate by dumping a bunch of reads. Even if they had that post in the works already, why did they make the initial ‘eep eep’ post? The reads dump was also prompted by the elim team yelling at them to say something meaningful to establish a presence. New Albatross, I recognize that this is hard to respond to, so feel free to just say if you agree with the reads they dropped. 

-- Fuchsia Ostrich: Publicly announced they would PM everyone, which seeks to normalize their intentional spidering. Has used our PM exclusively for roleplay, which reveals a lack of game solving intention.

-- Sunburst Toucan: Weirdly announced that they’d been receiving PMs. Too easily persuaded to change from voting Scorpion to Iguana and didn’t add much to justify that vote.

--Amethyst Scorpion: Two hours after Elephant pinged the inactives, Scorpion appeared and cast a sticky, naked vote on Penguin, which responds to the pressure in an intentionally unengaging way, since Penguin was a fellow inactive. Reactive + hypocritical = evil. 

-- Pearl Chameleon: Publicly announced they would PM everyone, which seeks to normalize their intentional spidering. Didn’t follow through, which reveals that they were drunk on both horneater white and the ambition of receiving the elim alignment. Maintained a sticky, unjustified poke vote.

--Coral Swan: Cast a naked, sticky poke vote and called it a Day. 

-- Plum Rhinoceros: Filter dodging.

--Opal Lion: Has yet to contribute analysis.

--Chartreuse Penguin: Has yet to contribute analysis.

--Cream Tuatara: Expresses inclination to vote for its own sake. Discounts potential village reads from mass PMer pool, which avoids narrowing the mix pool.

-- Salmon Meerkat: Parks vote on a side train. Concedes control of the voting to the Americans instead of pushing consolidation.

-- Charcoal Hyena: Votes Cham for confidently village reading me, when I am clearly a villager. Tried to poison the pool of people who sent everyone PMs by focussing on the possibility of there being elims among them instead of their likelihood of being village. Votes Kangaroo for crusading reasons.

--Ivory Dragonfly: Casts a late vote without much justification, sidestepping the whole consensus through discussion process the game is based on.

-- Emerald Falcon: agues that multiple elim PM spiders is unlikely because they might be prone to slip ups because they forget the source of their intel. That’s one of the weaker reasons for that, but one a current elim would be thinking about.  

This is juicy stuff. Takeaways:

  1. This is more evidence for a softclear of Mouse, but Elephant did bring up that Croc took his vote off of Mouse late D1, sparing them from the exe. This is fishy, to say the least, and even though Mouse appears to be Croc's top elim read here, Croc never actually votes for them (with the exception of D1). But that D1 vote is a weird move for an elim to make -- it seems like it's way too risky to start an actual train on your teammate for village cred. (Kangaroo's vote on Mouse was just a poke, after all.) Is Croc gutsy enough to bus one of his teammates D1? I have no storming clue. Please help.
  2. I'm realizing just now that this post is really hard to analyze. But since elims generally tend to place their teammates somewhere around the Null+ area, maybe we can learn something from placement. On that alone, we seem to have a pool of <Ostrich, Toucan, Scorpion, Chameleon, Swan, Rhino, Lion, Penguin, Hyena> in which there is one or more elim. (Ostrich and lower is when Croc starts getting really flimsy with his reasoning, indicating they read these ^ folks somewhere above null). I'm reading Toucan and Ostrich relatively village, so my PoE is now <Scorpion, Chameleon, Swan, Rhino, Lion, Penguin, Hyena>. Hopefully I can narrow this down a bit more later.




Meerkat votes Heron

Dragonfly votes Weasel

Albatross votes Weasel

Tuatara votes Heron



More to come

- Me

hahahaha no.

Elephant seems to be putting a lot of effort into the game. I think effort clearing is intrinsically problematic, but the thread hasn't been very active, so I'll at least give them some village points.



Meerkat votes Flamingo

Rhino votes Flamingo

Meerkat votes Rhino

Rhino votes Rhino


Rhino feels a little like they're mocking Meerkat here, and I don't like it. It feels like they're being intentionally frustrating. Weasel's actions could maybe be explained away by new-player weirdness, but Rhino's actions don't seem dgaf, they seem malicious.

Meerkat does a frustrated rant about activity.


Rhino votes Flamingo

Again, no reasoning. C'mon. You can do better than that.



Meerkat votes Heron

Mouse votes Rhino

Toucan votes Rhino


Singular village point to both Mouse and Toucan for putting pressure on Rhino.



Heron votes Flamingo

Scorpion votes Heron


Scorpion's reasoning is that they saw Heron checking the thread but not posting, but I feel like Heron's bluetext explains that away. I'm hesitant to lean elim on Scorpion for this, though, since flawed reasoning =/= elim reasoning. Definitely keeping an eye on them, though, especially since they chose a CR that makes it difficult for them to interact with the game.


Meerkat votes Falcon

Meerkat's vote seems to be going all over the place this game.


Chameleon votes Heron

This looks really bad, especially given the fact that Heron is currently dangling on the precipice of becoming an actual train. This is the vote that pushes it over the edge. Idk if this is normal for Wiz, but.


And I'll say this one last time. I found the play style of reverse speaking annoying. That's it. I'm not going to hate the player, or get angry, or really do anything outside a day 1 vote. Not will I be getting upset about other odd playstyles, I just happened to find that one hard to read. I'm not sure why everyone started getting up at arms about it, because I was NEVER going to make a big deal out of it, or hurt anybody's feelings. So I'd appreciate if people would stop blowing it out of proportion. Thank you, I shall return to reading and try and get a vote before rollover. No promises though. 

- Weasel

I can't say how much I don't like this post, but it doesn't feel super elimmy to me. Except (epileptic trees warning) maybe Weasel is an elim trying to bait non-game arguments. That's a pretty amoral elim tactic, and it seems to be against the general morals of SE, but...


Moving on.


Meerkat votes Heron

...for the third time.



Tuatara votes Flamingo

Flamingo votes Swan


Flamingo does a lot of effort clearing in this post. Conflict with Croc could mean they're not e/e, which given today's situation is something to keep an eye on.



Tuatara votes Dragonfly

Rhino votes Dragonfly



acidental abreviashin

- Rhino (edit)

This is kind of the e!Rhino clincher for me. If you've ever heard of the fanfic "My Immortal," this kind of reasoning will seem familiar, but my point is that Rhino is either a clueless villager OR a smart elim. I don't agree with Dragonfly when they posit that a chaotic playstyle is NAI -- Rhino is making zero effort to actually solve the same, instead mocking Meerkat (see above) and mercilessly sheeping nearly every vote. And then they misspell "abbreviation" in a way that feels very much like a stealth pun. (abreviashin).

Plus, they seem to be getting a little bit more into the game lately, and a few of their posts seem to reveal that they're actually an experienced player. (e.g. saying things like "opsec" and using the "ed1t, ed2t" format.)



Crocodile votes Heron

Mouse votes Heron


Struggling to get a read on these two votes, especially in light of the recent Mouse/Croc situation.

These posts make much more sense in an e/e world than in an e/v world. Elephant's bussing theory might actually have some substance to it.


can some one explain me tin eye thing i dont understand question

- Rhino

Case in point.


Hyena votes Flamingo

If we flip Flamingo this cycle, this vote is something that could make or break my read on Hyena. For now, NAI.


Ostrich votes Falcon

Major village points for vocal opposition of the Heron train.



Tuatara votes Falcon

Hyena votes Falcon

Rhino votes Falcon


Mildly unnerved by all this sheeping, though since it's in direct opposition to a v train I'll tentatively give out some village points to both Hyena and Rhino.


Hyena unvotes Falcon




Dragonfly votes Heron

Hyena votes Falcon




Albatross votes Falcon

...and makes some good points in their post, maybe explaining Hyena's weirdness? Idk though -- the elim gambit they're positing seems terribly risky.


Elephant votes Scorpion

Last-minute weirdness. NAI.

Well, that led nowhere. *sigh*

Edited to add: my annotations are purple — everything else is from last turn :P

Edited by Ivory Dragonfly
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ftr i was not "mocking" meerkat, shortly after he voted me i pm'd him and revealed my identity and my strategy for the early game to conceal my identity, and meerkat and i began working together in secret from that point forward with him serving as a voice for my solving that i was intentionally keeping out of the thread :P it was him and i together who decided croc was the best scan for N3 and it landed us the red flip

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6 minutes ago, Plum Rhinoceros said:

ftr i was not "mocking" meerkat, shortly after he voted me i pm'd him and revealed my identity and my strategy for the early game to conceal my identity, and meerkat and i began working together in secret from that point forward with him serving as a voice for my solving that i was intentionally keeping out of the thread :P it was him and i together who decided croc was the best scan for N3 and it landed us the red flip

Bold claims, rhino. It would certainly explain your playstyle, but it also makes you sound like you're claiming to be the scanner. You sure about stating that publicly? I mean it's too late now, you've already posted, but personally I'd prefer not to trade one elim for one scanner. 

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1 hour ago, Plum Rhinoceros said:

ftr i was not "mocking" meerkat, shortly after he voted me i pm'd him and revealed my identity and my strategy for the early game to conceal my identity, and meerkat and i began working together in secret from that point forward with him serving as a voice for my solving that i was intentionally keeping out of the thread :P it was him and i together who decided croc was the best scan for N3 and it landed us the red flip

i see :P

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The deed was done, and amidst ragged cheers, the obligator was dead. Somebody procured a bloody spike and held it aloft for all to see, parading it around as clear evidence that the execution was just. There was nothing left to witness here. Aylia slipped away from the torch lights into the night, pulling her cloak more tightly around her to ward off the cold touch of the mists. The cloak was obviously expensive, a parting gift from her parents before she left on her ill-advised pilgrimage.

This town was the source of her nightmares. She was increasingly certain of it. The signs on the buildings shifted, the people changed... But the wood and stone remembered. She would remember the layout of Dyring's bar no matter what sign was on it. Somehow, this rebuilding town was the place where it all started. If she strained her ears, she could almost hear it. Something out in the mists, almost calling to her. She moved towards the sound. It lead down a dark alley.

Something rustled behind her. Aylia opened her eyes and looked around, trying to discern any movement or presence in the darkness. But there was nothing, just the empty rooftop and the night sky above.

"Is anyone there?" she called.

Aylia whirled around. A translucent clawed appendage reached for her. A pair of mismatched animal skulls leered at her from within a seemingly endless amorphous mass. It was a mistwraith! An honest-to-Lord-Ruler mistwraith!! She screamed.


Several minutes later, Aylia stepped out of the alley. She carried herself differently, and she had a giddy look on her face. Every now and then, she stopped to examine her hands, or pinch herself, or attempt to do a cartwheel for seemingly no reason.

"You have no idea how long it's been since I've had access to a proper body. Oh, this is going to be fun."


Somebody made the dubious decision of putting me at the helm of this account for the time being, and by jove I aim to make the most of it! :)

So what in tarnation is happening anyways? Apparently I (and everyone else) voted for an eliminator last turn? I (and everyone else) must be very intelligent.

What's the deal with Flamingo? And, related to that, why are we voting during the night?

Edited by Charcoal Hyena
I have been reading PMs
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3 minutes ago, Charcoal Hyena said:

The deed was done, and amidst ragged cheers, the obligator was dead. Somebody procured a bloody spike and held it aloft for all to see, parading it around as clear evidence that the execution was just. There was nothing left to witness here. Aylia slipped away from the torch lights into the night, pulling her cloak more tightly around her to ward off the cold touch of the mists. The cloak was obviously expensive, a parting gift from her parents before she left on her ill-advised pilgrimage.

This town was the source of her nightmares. She was increasingly certain of it. The signs on the buildings shifted, the people changed... But the wood and stone remembered. She would remember the layout of Dyring's bar no matter what sign was on it. Somehow, this rebuilding town was the place where it all started. If she strained her ears, she could almost hear it. Something out in the mists, almost calling to her. She moved towards the sound. It lead down a dark alley.

Something rustled behind her. She whirled around. A translucent clawed appendage reached for her. A pair of mismatched animal skulls leered at her from within a seemingly endless amorphous mass. It was a mistwraith! An honest-to-Lord-Ruler mistwraith!! She screamed.


Several minutes later, Aylia stepped out of the alley. She carried herself differently, and she had a giddy look on her face. Every now and then, she stopped to examine her hands, or pinch herself, or attempt to do a cartwheel for seemingly no reason.

"You have no idea how long it's been since I've had access to a proper body. Oh, this is going to be fun."


Somebody made the dubious decision of putting me at the helm of this account for the time being, and by jove I aim to make the most of it! :)

So what in tarnation is happening anyways? Apparently I (and everyone else) voted for an eliminator last turn? I (and everyone else) must be very intelligent.

What's the deal with Flamingo? And, related to that, why are we voting during the night?

the deal with flamingo is they claimed thug after getting attacked by a coinshot twice in a row, which means the second time a lurcher protected them; it's near impossible to tell if the elims protected a villager to waste our time or if the elims protected an elim expecting them to get shot again, so unfortunately flamingo needs to die before we can move on

at the same time we had a seeker check croc N3 and they were the elim tineye, so we all voted them out last turn when that was revealed in thread

the night votes are because we know there's a coinshot and they've been using their ability consistently, it's to give them a semi democratic target

Edited by Plum Rhinoceros
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2 minutes ago, Plum Rhinoceros said:

the deal with flamingo is they claimed thug after getting attacked by a coinshot twice in a row, which means the second time a lurcher protected them; it's near impossible to tell if the elims protected a villager to waste our time or if the elims protected an elim expecting them to get shot again, so unfortunately flamingo needs to die before we can move on

at the same time we had a seeker check croc N3 and they were the elim tineye, so we all voted them out last turn when that was revealed in thread

the night votes are because we know there's a coinshot and they've been using their ability consistently, it's to give them a semi democratic target

Understandable, thank you. This is a good summary.

How do we know Flamingo was the coinshot target and not the spiked target though? The coinshot knows, but we don't. So ultimately it's up to the coinshot. If they attacked Flamingo two nights in a row with no dice, they probably don't need us to tell them to kill Flamingo, right?

I'm liking these profile pic arts by the way.

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3 minutes ago, Charcoal Hyena said:

Understandable, thank you. This is a good summary.

How do we know Flamingo was the coinshot target and not the spiked target though? The coinshot knows, but we don't. So ultimately it's up to the coinshot. If they attacked Flamingo two nights in a row with no dice, they probably don't need us to tell them to kill Flamingo, right?

I'm liking these profile pic arts by the way.

The writeups/info posted at the start of a cycle distinguish the two types of kills.

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[OOC: Hi. Can't stay long. Sorry again.

Quick summary of all of Crocodile's posts:

D1: Pokes Tuatara, banter, votes Rhino for a one word entrance, banter, jokes, votes Mouse for deflection and argues in favour of the PM everyone crowd being village (!) using weak evidence, accepts critique of stated stance while still asserting at most one evil in the PM everyone crowd (!), votes Kangaroo for popping in just before rollover

Thoughts: The most eye-catching thing is how they really defended the PM everyone crowd. As a member of the PM everyone crowd (though I've been slacking a bit on that front, sorry), I'm hesitant to decry all of us as spike-stabbing fiends, but let's keep an eye on <me, Chameleon, Hyena>.

N1: Asks Lion about Dingo, meta discussion

Thoughts: It was really bold of them to ask Lion the thoughts on the person they would kill.

D2: Suggests elims forgot kills are differentiated, evil list which I'll be poking at in the paragraph below, jumps on the Heron train because they think Mouse and Heron are teamed, argues for the Mouse Heron team and argues against the Falcon train (!)

It's hard to know how much of this is trying to throw us off and how much is trying to seem genuine, but of their reads on confirmed villagers, I find their Tuatara read here notable: suspicion for attacking the PM everyone crowd (!). Other notable thing: While they shaded me and Chameleon for PMing everyone, they didn't shade Hyena for that (!). Instead, they shaded Hyena for... arguing that the PM everyone crowd has evil in it. They also shaded Falcon for arguing that the PM everyone crowd doesn't have that much evil in it (!), a stance they appear to agree with on some level. I don't have too much time, so I'll just quote this:


-- Magenta Albatross: Made a nonsense post and wasn’t going to contribute more until they were pinged, which caused them to overcompensate by dumping a bunch of reads. Even if they had that post in the works already, why did they make the initial ‘eep eep’ post? The reads dump was also prompted by the elim team yelling at them to say something meaningful to establish a presence. New Albatross, I recognize that this is hard to respond to, so feel free to just say if you agree with the reads they dropped. 

Bold mine.

Thoughts: I know the new Hyena just showed, but I must say that connections-wise, it's not looking amazing for them.

N2: Ponders vote manip, notes about vote manip

Thoughts: None, really.

D3: Talks about the evil Tineye (ah yes, very funny), wants to clear Flamingo's defender (by the way, I've already considered it about as close to confirmed as we can get without murder that there's an elim Lurcher, so...) (!) and votes Swan, didn't read RP (is their note about elims forgetting kills are differentiated because they keep forgetting it?), votes Weasel to provoke game thoughts and clears Mouse and Toucan for the Rhino votes which is weird considering their earlier Mouse thoughts, argues against Flamingo's exe for living (!), argues that voting Flamingo for being recalcitrant with their role is unproductive (!) and starts Lion as a countertrain, asks Elephant something

Thoughts: I'm feeling a lot worse about Flamingo, so I'm really hoping the second survival was the Lurch and not the first one so they actually die this time. Third time's the charm, right? Right?

N3: Shades Weasel, elaborates on Weasel shade

Thoughts: I think Weasel is village.

D4: Votes Flamingo, argues against evil Coinshot, new Tineye, reacts to the exe by pretending it's a reaction test they weren't told about

Thoughts: They might have been setting up Flamingo as a bus. 

So, yeah. Nothing really new. I do fully support Coinshotting Flamingo, though if any Mistborns rolled Steel, Hyena's looking like a decent target as well (sorry). I'll be off now. See you tomorrow.]

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Day Five: The Survivor's Hat Trick

Linaan had announced her presence to the entire village by bringing Agolac forward for judgment, but the man had been spared by the sudden rush onto Obli-gator. She would need to keep an eye on him again tonight while also checking in with Sidor’s agents. She couldn’t afford to lose sight of either, which meant it was time to split herself up.

Separating herself into two bodies was always a difficult process. First, she had to make serious compromises on mass. Her preferred forms possessed her upper limit of mass, so siphoning enough weight off to form a second functional body was uncomfortable and left little room for preferred features such as a tail. 

This could be alleviated with small forms such as regular cats, but tonight she would need one body capable of intervening should Agolac have another encounter with the Coinshot and a second body capable of quickly conveying information to someone without Sidor’s familiarity with nonverbal communication. The body heading for Flamingo sorely missed the thirty kilos devoted to the latter task. 

The second problem was that her Blessing of Awareness that let her fully utilize her animal senses was designed to function as a pair, and possessed greatly diminished effects with the spikes divided between her two bodies. The world felt deadened and dull, as if her bodies had been wrapped in a layer of insulation.

Third, unlike Sidor and Sidor’, she only had one mind to process all the data her two bodies were receiving as they ran to their respective appointments. Centuries of practice made the task of understanding two distinct sensory inputs manageable, but still disorienting, especially at night. 

Impressive trick, daughter. Are you sure you don’t wish to join me?

Communicating with Sidor’s agent turned out to be easy. Her status as a Kandra had been revealed, so the agent was willing to accept that she was Linaan in her current appearance as a bone-thin frail old woman. The actual communication was disappointing in comparison. 

Little progress had been made in tracking down the remaining Spiked. 

“They’re far too well-prepared for you to find without my help.”

Obli-gator couldn’t have been working alone, but his surviving companions wouldn’t be found by the same method. Receiving one final urging to track down Agolac, Linaan fled the conversation to reunite with her other body, letting the agent know she wanted to meet Sidor in person tomorrow.


Linaan found Agolac once more wandering the mists, a confused expression on his face. “Why did I come out here again,” she heard him say. “I must have forgotten to head home.”

By splitting herself up, Linaan had managed to beat the Coinshot here, but within minutes they appeared out of the mists, soaring towards Agolac whose face suddenly brightened. “Of course! I remember. I was heading to pick up my stash of boxings and leave this village!” He made a sharp reversal just as a shower of coins slammed into the ground where he’d been standing. This wouldn’t do. Sidor’s report given to her other body conveyed the urgency of confirming Agolac’s allegiances one way or another. Ignoring visions of different mist-filled paths being moved through rapidly, Linaan went to intercept him.

“Perhaps you require a demonstration of the costs of refusal.”

The Coinshot’s trajectory, which had been heading directly for Agolac, suddenly turned towards her, as did the coins that had been heading for his back. Surprised, she wasn’t quick enough to avoid them entirely and her body was quickly riddled with holes. Hardly fatal, but the shock and feedback wave of pain between her two bodies distracted her long enough that neither of her noticed where Agolac disappeared to. The Coinshot, needing to quickly recalibrate their flight path, seemed similarly confused, and Linaan made her escape before they decided that she was an enemy.


There was no time to rest. Sure, a Spiked had been found and confirmed, but it was only the beginning of Oleinda’s work. As soon as the obligator had been executed, she and Afandor had retreated to her home to start puzzling together the connections. He’d soon left to acquire some of the obligator’s documents. Oleinda trusted Sidor and her crew about as far as they could be thrown. After all, anyone could be spiked.

There was an answer somewhere in what Afandor had found. There had to be. Someone had to be connected.

Oleinda sorted through those times she’d encountered the obligator, replaying what he’d said and who had been with him. The room filled with the subtle chorus of clinking metal plates and the soft scratch of an engraving pen as Afandor searched the obligator’s files. Not everything filed away had been written on paper. What had been, though, couldn’t be trusted. Not unless they could somehow out-think the god directing the Spiked.

“I found something,” Afandor said as he slid a sheet of metal across the wood table, pulling it closer to himself. “This account doesn’t make sense.”


“It’s not clear. But it doesn’t add up. Someone was getting way more metal than they were paying for. No one would have accepted those prices. It’s clearly fabricated.”

Oleinda listened as Afandor relayed the details, while trying to connect it to anything she’d overheard in town. “And there’s this note,” he continued, “written in the margins. Something about maneuvering the pieces by providing incentive.”

Then it clicked.

“We need to go,” she said, pushing away from the table. “Take me to town board. Everything goes back to that.”

“What did you remember?”

“The owner of that account is definitely spiked. And I know how to find them.”


When Oleinda’s feet hit solid ground again, the night was strong and the mists were thick enough to dampen the sounds of the sleeping town. And any sounds of those lurking in the night.

Afandor remained tense as Oleina listened. Much of the activity at night centered around this board.

“Tell me what the messages say.”

“Something about taking the next step. A poem. A few things that look like gibberish. And an advertisement for work. There’s one buried here. Looks new, though. Evening scribe work in a factory, it looks like. Says to inquire with the shift supervisor.”

“That’s the one. Does it give an address?”


“Let’s go ask, then. I’ve always wanted to try scribing.”

Afandor laughed as he stepped close and launched them into the air.


The wind played tricks with her hearing, trying to drown out the other sounds in the night. But she still listened. Listened for anything off.

“There’s someone else out here,” Afandor whispered. Then he changed their direction mid-air, cursing Oleinda’s stomach to lurch. Within seconds, he had set her down on a rough wooden roof pulled her into a crouch.

Oleinda listened. It was there. The rhythmic puff of someone’s anxious breathing. The thump of boots on stone, pacing in front of the factory door. There didn’t seem to be any work actually going on inside, considering the lack of machine noise coming from inside.

Another, more confident set of footsteps joined the chorus from down the street, growing louder.

“Who’s there?” the person at the factory door called. She knew the voice. It was Onidsen. “I’m here about the scribing job.”

“Good,” replied the other, still striding towards Onidsen. Something was wrong. Their voice was distorted. Obscured. She had no way of telling who it was.

She was right. That was a Spiked.

“Save him,” she whispered, hoping the spiked wasn’t burning tin. She kept her own copper burning strong.

Afandor disappeared just as she heard the flick of a knife being removed from a leather sheath. It whistled through the air. She braced herself for the sound of it sinking into flesh, but it clattered against stone. Shouts filled the night, but she stayed crouched on the roof.

She listened to the fight, metal clashing, grunts and yells. And then it fell silent. Oleinda held her breath, hoping Afandor was okay.

Then something thunked onto the wood beside her, followed by Afandor’s relieved sigh.

“He’s alive, but the Spiked got away.”

“That’s something, at least,” she said, rising to her feet. “Let’s hope no one else lost their life tonight.”

Onyx Flamingo was attacked by a Coinshot, but survived!
Coral Swan was attacked by the Spiked, but survived!

Day Five has begun! This turn will end Tuesday, January 10, at 6:00 PM PST / Sunday January 8 at 2 a.m. GMT / 1 p.m. AEDT

PMs are Open

Player List:


1. @Amethyst Scorpion - Scop

2. @Azure Mouse

3. @Charcoal Hyena - Aylia

4. @Chartreuse Penguin - Donn Keihote (Insane)

5. @Coral Swan - Onidsen (Scholar, Caroler; has animal companion)

6. @Cream Tuatara - Willam (Terris Steward) Vanilla Villager

7. @Emerald Falcon - Luciel (sheriff)

8. @Fuchsia Ostrich - Koros (Secret Agent)

9. @Indigo Weasel

10. @Ivory Dragonfly - (Manic Ghostblood)

11. @Magenta Albatross -VarLeel

12. @Mauve Crocodile - (Obli-gator) Spiked Tineye

13. @Melon Dingo - Reverse (Glassblower, not psychologist) Village Smoker

14. @Mint Heron- Reneau (Former Obligator in denial) Village Smoker

15. @Onyx Flamingo - Agolac (Forgetful)

16. @Opal Lion - Guy (Internet Speak)

17. @Sunburst Toucan - Avil Ejir

18. @Pearl Chameleon - WitLees (Kandra barkeep)

19. @Plum Rhinoceros

20. @Saffron Iguana - Taltin Keriell (Undercover nobleman spy) Village Rioter

21. @Sage Kangaroo - (High Imperial) Village Lurcher

22. @Salmon Meerkat - Aurelien (Awake) Village Mistborn

23. @Sapphire Elephant - Ciril Yuanivori (Sleeptalking oversleeper)

Tineye messages:


"It is better to keep your eyes closed, that is to say, to not look or feel. When mystery comes knocking, when your vision is overtaken and then drowned in figments, when the when the night grows long and cold... The only possible step you can take, is always the next step.

The dastardly doings of detractors and defilers of the terrifyingly tragic township of Tyrian may menace and murder many.

The kabal of koloss will kill and kill until most mistings are made into meat and incoherent iron ichor.

An abundance of absurd anxieties surround and surpass spirited skaa, all asking for alarm and acquiescence.

But take heart. Keep going, and perhaps there shall be light and truth at the end of the tunnel."



A sum, insane!
Amnesia sun!
Anima sensu!
Assume nani!
Asia men USN!
A name? Sinus!
An issue man!
Annum is sea!
As is unname!
Emu NASA sin!
En mi saunas!
Nana is muse!


Edited by Elandera
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