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Anniversary Game 9/Anonymous Game 13: Rebuilding Tyrian Falls


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Aurelien noticed - and not for the first time - Reneau watching from a distance.

There were too many such people in Tyrian Falls at the moment. Keeping to the shadows, to whispers. Watching from a distance. He didn't blame them. After all, he himself had a deadline to meet. The smithy needed to be completed and rebuilt.

But he didn't like it.

They couldn't rely on Sidor's spies alone to find all the Spiked. The last time, the villagers of Tyrian Falls had an entire group. They'd had the Jaist priest, Su, later killed in the mists. They'd had Aethex. They'd had Ellie. They'd had Dyring. They'd had Freddie, they'd had Edeis. All the villagers of Tyrian Falls, coming together in contention, in love for the village that was their home, to defend it.

Now, a year later, it was as though they were more distant than they'd been.

Aurelien hadn't really played a part in finding the Spiked the last time. He'd been preoccupied with his family. Perhaps he was part of the problem. But you didn't choose the times you were given. You merely existed in them, merely had to do your best. Merely had to decide what to do with the time that was given you.

Too many lurked in the shadows, mingling.

As though you could find Spiked through whispers.

You had to find them in the light. You had to follow the patterns. The shadows and the ambiguity gave them greater room in which to hide, to maneuver. They had to cut that off. Playing the enemy's game was a sure path to defeat. Aurelien had learned that in a harsh slog in the highlands, when Fifth Cohort was sent to burn guarded warehouses belonging to House Erikell. That contract had come from House Tekiel themselves.

Perhaps it was time to shine a light.

He would watch Reneau. [OOC: Mint Heron]

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As Avil walked back and forth in the market square, lost in thought, he spotted a young boy crouching near the bushes out of the corner of his eye. He cautiously approached the little boy, who seemed lost and perturbed. 

18 hours ago, Amethyst Scorpion said:

“however, It m-makes m-me n-nervous s-seeing y-you grownups f-fighting (Dingo and Weasel and meerkat) and I-it m-makes me n-nervous like wh-what if s-someone k-kills m-me b-because I p-play in a d-different w-way f-from th-them? Like wh-what if I d-do s-something s-silly and g-get y-yelled at?

[OOC: Different playstyles are encouraged! Like Croc pointed out, these anonymous games are designed specifically to allow us to pursue different styles and try new things. So as long as you're comfortable and playing within the boundaries of the SE rules, it should never be an issue.]

"Why, hello there. Have you lost your parents, boy?" Avil knelt down to address the boy. "Talk of the Spiked probably has you spooked...The market these days is no place for a little boy like you. Let's get you some food." He glanced at the boy's disheveled hair and worn out clothing. "You look like you've been here a while...you haven't seen anybody acting particularly odd here lately, have you?"

Avil looked to where Willam seemed to be addressing a crowd.

18 hours ago, Cream Tuatara said:

"-Additionally, I think there is a decent likelihood that Tineye #2 is an elim. Their message appears to be trying to impersonate Rhino, and I don't believe any well-meaning villager would try to impersonate another due to the chance the elims might want to off the Tineyes at some point. I also don't think Rhino would be so obvious

[OOC: Two things about this - first, the underlying assumption here appears to be V!Rhino, which could loosely imply TMI. Second, if the eliminators might want to kill the Tineyes at some point like you suggest, would the Tineye not try to conceal themselves as much as they can? Is impersonating another player not a way to do this?

Slightly reconsidering my Tuatara read based on this.]

Dragonfly had also offered some suggestions regarding the ongoing investigations, and Avil nodded in agreement to them. He appreciated Dragonfly's initiative to get everyone involved in the investigation. It seemed earnest. 


Village: Dragonfly, Null: Meerkat, Elim: Rhino


12 hours ago, Opal Lion said:

Guy no likie Croc, [the 'of course there's a vote manip' feels like tmi and if they are I would look into it]

"Will you be formally launching an accusation against the Obli-gator, then?"

Ciril Yuanivori had plenty of thoughts to share now, which Avil was grateful to hear. He had a detailed analysis of the tally of accusations to present, and Avil could appreciate the effort. Not many were willing to devote much time to the investigations, as most people were far too unsettled by the murders. Avil was not thoroughly convinced of Ciril's innocence, no, but he would withdraw his accusation for now [Sapphire Elephant].

Avil was particularly wary of the Rhino-looking man [Plum Rhinoceros]. There was just something so off about that fellow. It almost seemed as though he was trying too hard to come off as nonchalant about the investigations. What was he hiding?

[OOC: I could possibly be persuaded onto the other exe options, though I would very much like to hear from @Indigo Weasel, @Onyx Flamingo and @Mint Heron in particular first.]

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Sorry for not being on earlier, New Year's stuff got in the way.

I see where people are coming from for saying I was hedging my bets with the Iguana votes. And, uh, yes, I was hedging. But that's mainly because I always feel a little lost in Day 1, when the material on the ground to work with is a little thin on the ground. I could have tried to go "Oh, this thing I'm suspicious of makes Iguana evil, there's no possible way that a villager would write this", but it felt more honest to admit that, yeah, I had basically nothing to go on, and was just taking a swipe at the only thing that felt off to me.

Croc also accuses me of stealing his logic and then voting for someone else, which I have two responses for. First, Iguana's phrasing stands out to me in a way that Mouse's doesn't, both at the time and with a reread. Second, I honestly must have skimmed through the thread and either forgotten or missed that Crocodile's vote/suspicion on Mouse existed, because I had to go back and look it up to figure out what they were talking about. But even if I had remembered it, I don't think I'd have changed my vote at the time.

And as I'm about to post this, I notice Meerkat's switched back to me - I've been preparing this, off and on, since before that vote, so that should address they're concerns I'm lurking.

On to my own reads, in no particular order:

(Is it just me, or is it so much harder to remember who's who in anon games without the familiarity of knowing who's who to ground you? I feel like I have to reread the thread every time I want to make a post because I've forgotten everything.)

I'd be fine with a Flamingo exe, since I agree with the logic that it matches a more Elim mindset to hide behind a poke vote, and I'm tempted to join it for that reason plus a self-pres vote, but I want to look through more people first.

Rhino I think just likes playing a little more chaotically (actually, I was tempted to come in and play much more chaotically this game just to see if a chaotic style was something that could keep me entertained, but chickened out). Anyway, I don't think it's alignment indicative.

Meerkat's been quite active, so it's sort of weird I don't feel like I have a good read on them yet one way or the other. That could mean that they're being very careful not to say anything that gives a weird vibe because they're Spiked, or they could just be one of those players that has a fairly neutral tone generally. On balance... I think I'd much prefer to keep them alive for the simple reason that the thread will be very dead if we start exe'ing the most active players.

Weasel... I was hoping to avoid talking about drama, but since they're currently a leading exe candidate I guess I have to. I think Weasel didn't have ill intent with his tone, and probably was exaggerating their frustration for a comedic affect. But it still came off way too strong and in bad taste. In particular, keeping their vote on Dingo Day 1 when it become clear he was actually a leading candidate for the exe and so wasn't just a poke vote feels very petty. But then, I think now that they know it irritates people, they've backed off, so I think the matter is resolved, and it should have no further impact on the game. (I don't consider it an alignment indicative thing, to be clear, and I can't see any other reason to vote for them.)

Croc - I also get a slightly village read on Croc - they seem like they're actively trying to solve the game. But even more than most things I say here, this is likely to change the moment I start getting more evidence, particularly voting pattern based evidence.

Mouse - I guess they are guilty of the same thing I voted on Iguana for, as Croc pointed out, so I'd be OK with exe'ing them if we don't find something better. Between them and Flamingo...

Swan - I don't like them asking for Lurcher protections N1. If they're an Villager, it's giving evidence to the Elims that they could have a powerful role, and if they're an Elim, they could be trying to pull protection away from their intended target (pun not intended). I can also read it as Swan just trying to add a little chaos to the game and deliberately confuse the Elims, but confusion hurts the Village more than the Elims, given the Villager's smaller access to information, IMO.

Toucan - Votes for the wrong person accidentally, which I think tends to be much more of a confused villager thing (especially when people are going back and forth between RP names and account names...)

Tuatara - Gave a very strong village read to Croc, and then later claims it's a deliberate attempt to see how people react. This could go either way, but I think I'm inclined to say it's a villager thing, just because "I deliberately acted suspiciously to see if anyone would call me out on it" feels like such a hilariously terrible excuse for a suspicious post that I don't think any self-respecting Spiked would use it (sorry, Tuatara, no offence meant, especially if you do turn out to be an Elim :P). Although, the first time I read it, because it was in RP, I took it to be more of an character affect than an attempt to do something sus, which may or may not mean anything. Probably just that I'm bad at reading people - I can't correctly pick up on people being sus even if they're doing it deliberately. :P

Hyena - the one who bit on Tuatara's post, and who Tuatara later accused because of weird timing (first not commenting on Tuatara's weird post, and only later mentioning it after Tuatara had a vote on Hyena). I'm less concerned about the timing, personally, simply because I've gone back and read different parts of the thread more closely and changed my opinion as my attention has been drawn to it, so I can easily imagine something similar having happened with Hyena, and Tuatara's reasoning feels a little like tunnelling to me. So if I had to guess, I'd have to say the Hyena/Tuatara thing is most likely V/V. If you forced me to pick one of them to be a Spiked, I'd probably go with Hyena.

I think that's enough for now. Sorting these into an easy to read list:

Strong Village: Toucan

Weak Village: Croc, Tuatara

Neutral: Weasel, Hyena, Rhino, Meerkat

Weak Elim: Swan, Flamingo, Mouse

Strong Elim: ...None. Still. Which is really annoying.

If I thought I was going to be on again before rollover I'd do a Swan vote to see where it goes, but I don't think I will be, so Flamingo.

Edited by Mint Heron
Clarifying an ambiguous statement
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*stumbles in, smelling of alcohol, dragging a teddy bear by the tail* M-man wh-what a g-great New Year’s Eve party I j-just had w-with my f-fellow third graders.

I th-think rhino comes off m-more as a ch-chaotic doofus who p-plays by his own r-rules than a sch-scheming s-spiked. B-but what do I kn-know, I’m only eight years old.

I vote that Mint Heron c-come out to p-play, I d-do b-believe I s-saw him ch-checking the th-thread b-but n-not saying n-nearly as much as he w-was y-yesterday. Is that s-suspicious? I dunno maybe. The threat of b-being m-murdered often h-helps people th-think of something to s-say.

now excuse me I need to go sleep off this h-hangover. I don’t k-know what w-was in this f-fruity drink I had last night. I suspect it w-was …. spiked. Ba dum tish

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27 minutes ago, Mint Heron said:

I could have tried to go "Oh, this thing I'm suspicious of makes Iguana evil, there's no possible way that a villager would write this"

[OOC: Why does it have to be either extreme? Why not just post, say you're suspicious of that, vote, and go? That's legit basically what Tuat did. I'm pretty sure Croc is overselling what he finds suspicious, too. I don't understand why you believe the only options are to use extensive disclaimers or to argue for apodicticity.

I mean, sure, I could see a world in which you are Village and still handwring because some players are like that but that's irrelevant to the point of raising suspicions and pressure voting, so I didn't bother with the disclaimers myself.]

31 minutes ago, Mint Heron said:

(first not commenting on Tuatara's weird post, and only later mentioning it after Tuatara had a vote on Hyena).

[OOC: I note this is factually wrong. Hyena IDed where she was commenting on Tuat's post.

Also, is there a reason you are giving Rhino more leeway for chaos than Swan?

I guess my final question: why is your Toucan read stronger than your Tuat or Croc read? You have much more reasons behind, for instance, Tuat than Toucan.

I'm alright with unvoting Mint Heron at this juncture. Between Weasel and Flamingo...I'm slightly persuaded by Tuat's contention that Dingo is an odd kill for a Weasel team...

Ah let's try this. Falcon.]

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8 minutes ago, Salmon Meerkat said:

[OOC: Why does it have to be either extreme? Why not just post, say you're suspicious of that, vote, and go? That's legit basically what Tuat did. I'm pretty sure Croc is overselling what he finds suspicious, too. I don't understand why you believe the only options are to use extensive disclaimers or to argue for apodicticity.

I mean, sure, I could see a world in which you are Village and still handwring because some players are like that but that's irrelevant to the point of raising suspicions and pressure voting, so I didn't bother with the disclaimers myself.]

I guess I just tend to do that as a player, I'm not sure what else I can say on that front.

9 minutes ago, Salmon Meerkat said:

I note this is factually wrong. Hyena IDed where she was commenting on Tuat's post.

Sorry, just got that wrong trying to go through everything.

9 minutes ago, Salmon Meerkat said:

Also, is there a reason you are giving Rhino more leeway for chaos than Swan?

Right, that's an important point, actually. Rhino's being chaotic in a way that doesn't really affect much about the gamestate other than peoples opinion of them. I think I made a mistake in calling Swan's playstyle chaotic - it has an actual purpose in a way that is deliberately trying to cause speculation and change peoples tactics in the game. And the tactics are changed in a way that could benefit the Elim team, by trying to misdirect Lurchers to targeting the wrong person and so allowing the kill to go through.

23 minutes ago, Salmon Meerkat said:

I guess my final question: why is your Toucan read stronger than your Tuat or Croc read? You have much more reasons behind, for instance, Tuat than Toucan.

Gut, pretty much. And the fact that I didn't want my Strong Village reads list to be empty as well, so I could say I felt strongly about something. :P

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I know I should be paying attention to this, but I'm sure you guys will understand that I'm very much enjoying Tress and the Emerald Sea right now and my brain is being entirely consumed by that. 

And yeah I'm not an elim. Cuz if I were I wouldn't have killed Dingo. After seeing the dingo kill I was kind of actually anticipating that there would be a push on me from the elims as I figure I'm pretty easy pickings. Which is weird, because I haven't really done anything interesting yet. 

And I'll say this one last time. I found the play style of reverse speaking annoying. That's it. I'm not going to hate the player, or get angry, or really do anything outside a day 1 vote. Not will I be getting upset about other odd playstyles, I just happened to find that one hard to read. I'm not sure why everyone started getting up at arms about it, because I was NEVER going to make a big deal out of it, or hurt anybody's feelings. So I'd appreciate if people would stop blowing it out of proportion. Thank you, I shall return to reading and try and get a vote before rollover. No promises though. 

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1 hour ago, Mint Heron said:

Right, that's an important point, actually. Rhino's being chaotic in a way that doesn't really affect much about the gamestate other than peoples opinion of them. I think I made a mistake in calling Swan's playstyle chaotic - it has an actual purpose in a way that is deliberately trying to cause speculation and change peoples tactics in the game. And the tactics are changed in a way that could benefit the Elim team, by trying to misdirect Lurchers to targeting the wrong person and so allowing the kill to go through.

[OOC: I've been reading this paragraph again and again, because it's really throwing me off.

I feel like you could instead make an argument for Rhino's chaos being more anti-Village than Swan's - the "doesn't affect much other than people's opinion of them" is the bread and butter of thread discussion and player analysis. Frustrating efforts to read you isn't great.

I also think that if Village Lurchers can be pulled off their target to go Lurch Swan just because he requests it, then there probably is a bridge I could sell them. There's at least a bunch of baseline considerations of reads here, and there's also a IKYK that's generated for the Elim team themselves. Is Swan, for instance, kill-baiting or not? Where will the Lurchers then go? I can't really see how this is supposed to be straightforwardly detrimental to the Village. Lurching is already a dicey proposition as it is. I've known players who haven't successfully blocked a single kill at all as Lurchers.

I feel like there's a certain clarity of perspective embedded here that I can't really put my finger on. 

Or I could be drunk and in want of sleep.

Mint Heron

Sigh. Someone please talk some sanity into me or whatever is going on here. I've probably spent the past hour banging my head on this just trying to work out what I'm thinking and all I want is sleep and exam stuff at some point, why is it so hard to focus >>


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Chameleon (1): Swan
Heron (4): Tuatara, Scorpion, Chameleon, Meerkat
Weasel (2): Dragonfly, Albatross
Flamingo (2): Rhino, Heron
Rhino (2): Mouse, Toucan

Heron in the lead, with a tie between Rhino, Flamingo and Weasel for second. Assuming the possibility of vote manip, this could go any way.

Thoughts so far:

Rhino jumping around is too obvious to be elim, which is exactly why they are elim, yes? No. Maybe. Still no response on reasoning for Flamingo vote. Slight elim read.

Heron post reading slight e. Still do not understand why pointing out the importance of reading rp is suspicious, but this will be let go for now, as it is a point inherently true, as Meerkat pointed out. Anyway, votes on Flamingo, interesting, on the tails of Rhino's unexplained flamingo vote. Inexperienced elim (Rhino) attempting to start a train and save a teammate (Heron), giving Heron an open to self-pres on Flamingo? If Heron flips E, Rhino is likely E, and vice versa.

Stones seem to be bad luck. Polished all, yet 3 villagers down. Three stones set aside shelf for now as the collection changes. Perhaps leaves? Less permanent, more attuned to change. Maybe something so impermanent will bring better luck.

Edit: aaaand ninja'd by Meerkat. VC edited to reflect change. Previously Meerkat on Falcon. First sentence is less true

Edited by Azure Mouse
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12 hours ago, Salmon Meerkat said:

Weasel reading Dingo as soft village might be a decent prelude to a Dingo kill. Ultimately I don't believe a Dingo kill happens without the Elims gauging that Dingo looks Village af or sufficiently Village to everyone off D1.

"I'm more inclined to read Weasel as village off the Dingo kill, since e!Weasel killing Dingo after the N1 debates seems a bit on-the-nose to me. I agree that e!Weasel doesn't happen without the elims thinking Dingo looks super village, and while I did read Dingo as leaning v after D1 it certainly wasn't my strongest read by any means. I also think it's possible that Dingo was killed after his post on e!Falcon.

"About Toucan, I could see their comments in an e!Toucan world, but I'd be forcing it into my e lean of them, which wouldn't be ideal."

2 hours ago, Sunburst Toucan said:

OOC: Two things about this - first, the underlying assumption here appears to be V!Rhino, which could loosely imply TMI. Second, if the eliminators might want to kill the Tineyes at some point like you suggest, would the Tineye not try to conceal themselves as much as they can? Is impersonating another player not a way to do this?

"Yes, an e!Tineye2 world I think would make a decent chance of v!Rhino. I was speaking under that assumption, talking about that hypothetical, so it wasn't TMI, but thinking ahead. Impersonating another player would be a way to hide, but it's also using another player as a shield without consent. I, and I believe most other players, would sooner conceal their own identity by using an entirely different style rather than pretending to be someone else. I'd lament the case where Tineye!me pretended to be a low-profile player like Rhino, Rhino got killed for it, and flipped village Mistborn or something of the like."

Willam walked briskly to a table, and picked up a sheet of paper where he had dictated his reads:

  • Mild Village: Meerkat, Obli-gator
  • Light Village: Swan, Weasel
  • Null: Scorpion(-), Heron(+), Cham, Albatross, Flamingo(-), Ostrich(-), Mouse, Elephant(+), Penguin, Hyena(+)
  • Light Evil: Toucan, Falcon, Lion
  • Mild Evil: Dragonfly, Rhino

"Disclaimer: The lower in the list you go, the messier it gets and the less I can articulate exactly why I think what I do. For Falcon, I think it's a bit of following Dingo's analysis of their post D1 and how it wasn't as good as it looked, but also I think that post of Dingo's might explain the Dingo kill. Dragonfly is a lot of gut, but I don't really want to give points for their three-reads thing and I don't like their voting history.

"Rhino I'm divided on because I think that they're hiding behind their CR, but I also feel like that's too easy and I don't know how I feel about the people voting them.

"I'm actually finding myself liking Heron's response, and Meerkat ninja'd me with an unvote on Falcon, so I'll tie it up by voting Flamingo to see what happens.

"Don't be surprised if that vote changes. As you may have noticed, I read people as more evil than Flamingo."

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Agolac didn't really remember much about any of the fallen townsfolk. Likely because not much worthy of remembering had happened yesterday, and that was about the best he could manage. Of immediate concern was the threat of Tineyes defacing his house. People thought that just because they were delivering messages everywhere meant they could write there own scribbles anywhere. So Agolac set about scrounging what spare lumber and nails he had lying around in order to build a proper message board for the town.

A few hours later, Agolac sat in a sprawling mess of boards near the central square, his thoughts scribbled haphazardly across them.

The following, in no particular order, can be read off the various bits of wood

  • Reneau suspicion is warranted, engagement yesterday was poor
  • Willam and Aurelian are doing more than one would expect from typical Spiked
  • The lukewarm nature of discussion toward EOD suggests either Spiked have quiet dispositions or were not threatened
  • The death of Reverse instead of someone quiet is notable, agree that Weasel probably wouldn't have made that kill
  • Weasel was also the first person to put serious kill pressure on the table, a point in their favor
  • Dragonfly's last-minute vote on Reverse also would be odd coming from a Spiked given Reverse's death
  • Nighttime discussion was derailed and less useful than the daytime
  • Onidsen starts with a weird vote on WitLees, who was definitely not quiet compared to most of the group
  • Croc's list seems unhelpful, charges against me are just factually wrong. As an attempt to foster discussion it seems to have failed
  • Death list for today is Onidsen (Coral Swan), Reneau (Heron), VarLeel (Albatross)

His work done, Agolac waited around to see what would happen.

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9 minutes ago, Onyx Flamingo said:
  • Willam and Aurelian are doing more than one would expect from typical Spiked

"Don't effort clear us," Willam said with a wink. "I believe you're safe doing so today, but that's no guarantee for tomorrow."

He paused. "Er. Figurative tomorrow. This isn't a conversion game, last I checked."


"Call me easy to sway. I think I mostly just like the lack of self pres."


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11 minutes ago, Cream Tuatara said:

He paused. "Er. Figurative tomorrow. This isn't a conversion game, last I checked."

11 minutes ago, Cream Tuatara said:

He paused. "Er. Figurative tomorrow. This isn't a conversion game, last I checked."

11 minutes ago, Cream Tuatara said:

He paused. "Er. Figurative tomorrow. This isn't a conversion game, last I checked."

[OOC: I'm out. I'm done.]

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