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Hoid's goal


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"You have accused me of arrogance in my quest. You have accused me of perpetuating my grudge against Rayse and Bavadin. Both accusations are true. / Neither point makes the things I have written to you here untrue." -- Epigraph from Part Two of Way of Kings, a letter from Hoid to a Shard.

Hoid has a grudge against Bavadin, so he's on Scadrial perpetuating this grudge.

You're welcome.

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10 minutes ago, lacrossedeamon said:

Now we just need the behind the scenes (Secret History 2?) to show how Hoid being on Scadrial actively contributed to foiling Autonomy's plan.


Hoid helped Sazed cut Teslin off from Anatomy. That's why Sazed was not sure whether he would be able to do it or not. 

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On 12/1/2022 at 11:24 AM, Leuthie said:

It's could be broken up into two different sections because each section has a different main antagonist. Odium could be Splintered in Book 5 without solving all of Roshar's problems.

Especially given that splintering  can often cause problems. 

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On 12/1/2022 at 5:26 PM, Oltux72 said:

But we do know his short term goals. He is developing an alliance against Odium and is fighting a delaying action on Roshar to give that alliance time to prepare.

I have a theory about what Hoid asked Harmony to do. In MeLaan's epilogue we see people with red hair who she says she needs to help, in the cognitive realm who are probably the Unkalaki(Horneaters) and given that they are the ones who control Cultivation's prependicularity, they would be the first ones out in case of a disaster, so we guess that either Odium won and everyone is fleeing from Roshar or the Horneater Peaks were invaded by Odium and Hoid asked Harmony to send out Kandra to help the immigrants of Roshar to safety.

On 12/4/2022 at 1:26 PM, bmcclure7 said:

Especially given that splintering  can often cause problems. 

In my opinion one Taravangian is better than hundreds of Unmade and Voidspren.

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On 12/1/2022 at 11:24 AM, Leuthie said:

It's could be broken up into two different sections because each section has a different main antagonist. Odium could be Splintered in Book 5 without solving all of Roshar's problems.

Especially given that splintering  can often cause problems. 

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11 hours ago, Ati16 said:

I have a theory about what Hoid asked Harmony to do. In MeLaan's epilogue we see people with red hair who she says she needs to help, in the cognitive realm who are probably the Unkalaki(Horneaters) and given that they are the ones who control Cultivation's prependicularity, they would be the first ones out in case of a disaster, so we guess that either Odium won and everyone is fleeing from Roshar or the Horneater Peaks were invaded by Odium and Hoid asked Harmony to send out Kandra to help the immigrants of Roshar to safety.

In my opinion one Taravangian is better than hundreds of Unmade and Voidspren.

 I'm sure the inhabitants of secret project 3  Would agree. 

Edited by bmcclure7
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Just for clarification, we do know what Odium wants: to become the most powerful thing in the Cosmere. And, assuming the knowledge we have from Mistborn: Secret History, Elantris, and Emperor’s Soul, is correct, Wit/Hoid/Chephandrius/etc. wants to gain every single power possible. (Also, if he gained every power and then super charged himself with investiture, he would ascend and become Adonalsium…(I believe.))

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  • 1 month later...
On 11/29/2022 at 1:20 AM, Ati16 said:

There is a pretty good chance that Odium will win in SA5 because let's face it, what is Brandon going to write about for five books, when the main antagonist is gone. As for Hoid being needed at Scadrial we didn't see him do anything to help the Scadrians, except for picking up Wax from the sea, but maybe we'll find out more about what Hoid was up to behind the scenes. Mistborn Secret History 2 perhaps?

I feel like hoid asked for harmony's after SA5 And that's why harmony send MaLan to help the refugees from Roshar. 

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  • 5 months later...

Hoid narrates Tress of The Emerald Sea and he mentions saying "it's for your own good" with 16 other people (Shards?). If he was talking to Adonalsium and the "good" was shattering him why does Hoid seem to be gathering Shards and their powers? Is Hoid trying to recreate Adonalsium? We know that Shards can become one because of Sazed combining Ruin and Preservation so it could be possible... 

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  • 2 weeks later...

What if Hoid is back on Scadrial for the exact same reason that Marsh was poking around Bilming? If he wanted to see if a fused Godmetal, Harmonium, can be split into the component Atium and Lerasium, that could be very important for the larger Cosmere and possibly for future plans. Maybe he wanted to also see if he could get more Atium or Lerasium in the process as well, even though he's had access to them 300+ years ago. Lerasium in general seems could be useful for... whatever his plans are.

Edited by Duxredux
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