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Copper compounding


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We still unfortunately don't know enough about what Nicrosil Feruchemy does to make a good guess. WoB has indicated that it is more flexible than we've seen.

The most popular theory I think for Copper Compounding is that it duplicates memories.

Edit: also, welcome to the Shard!

Edited by StanLemon
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On 11/4/2022 at 0:46 PM, Thunderstorm01 said:

me and my friends were discussing compounding and I was wondering if anyone knows what copper compounding does as well as what nicrosil compounding would do

No real solid explanations for either, but we have some theories. Copper compounding could allow you to copy memories out of metalminds without any degradation while they're out. It could also maybe allow you to store muscle memory or physical memory, which will be more handy when we have more unkeyed and unsealed metalminds. 

Nicrosil compounding we have pretty much nothing to go on, since we only understand the basics of nicrosil allomancy and don't understand nicrosil feruchemy really at all. One thing I think it could let you do is amp up the power of your Allomancy via investiture compounding, letting you deliver one helluva nicroburst, (or do more if you have more powers.)you could maybe use it to increase or create feruchemical or allomantic reserves. It also could be used to store abilities without losing use of them yourself, but we don't know enough about it to say anything more specific. I suspect we'll learn a good bit about nicrosil in era 3, because people will generally have more realmatic awareness then that will help with the spiritual metals, and the protagonist of era 3 was planned to be a nicroburst last I heard.

Edited by SteelBagel
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I think the fact that Hoid was able to get such a specifically incriminating memory from an enemy as the best evidence yet that Copying memories in Copper is possible.  But Hoid has a much larger bag of tricks and we now know that Breaths can store memory too.  



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17 hours ago, Quantus said:

I think the fact that Hoid was able to get such a specifically incriminating memory from an enemy as the best evidence yet that Copying memories in Copper is possible.  But Hoid has a much larger bag of tricks and we now know that Breaths can store memory too.  



Another reason biochromatic breath is awesome.  

I wonder if someone with access to both, or I should say someone who gains access to both, can remove and replace and replicate memories as they wish.  Maybe having a coppermind and breaths could allow a person to view a memory from one and copy it to the other... perhaps creating many copies of the same memory without needing to compound through the metallic arts specifically.  

I know in the case of Hoid and the existence of medallions he has access to compounding what he would like when he would like (most likely) even without breath.  But still an interesting potential mixup of systems.  

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