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Rabbit‘s Creations (You Can Still Choose)

Rabbit Unmade

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Hi there! So I have two reasons for making this.

  • I need some rep
  • Idk, I felt like doing something

Anyway, I can sort of write and sort of draw. So I‘m going to let you choose. Is this a thread where you cringe at my terrible art, writing, or worldbuilding? Or all three? Tell me something you want me to do, I‘ll hopefully do it. And it‘s going to be bad, okay? So brace yourselves.

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4 hours ago, Rabbit Unmade said:

Hi there! So I have two reasons for making this.

  • I need some rep
  • Idk, I felt like doing something

Anyway, I can sort of write and sort of draw. So I‘m going to let you choose. Is this a thread where you cringe at my terrible art, writing, or worldbuilding? Or all three? Tell me something you want me to do, I‘ll hopefully do it. And it‘s going to be bad, okay? So brace yourselves.

Worldbuilding! At least for now! 
Aaaand back to you, Rabbit!

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5 hours ago, Rabbit Unmade said:

Hi there! So I have two reasons for making this.

  • I need some rep
  • Idk, I felt like doing something

Anyway, I can sort of write and sort of draw. So I‘m going to let you choose. Is this a thread where you cringe at my terrible art, writing, or worldbuilding? Or all three? Tell me something you want me to do, I‘ll hopefully do it. And it‘s going to be bad, okay? So brace yourselves.

Writing would be something I can actively help with, put my english degree to some actual use. I can try to be brutal if you wish, but I would much rather be constructive if at all possible. 

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1 hour ago, TheHalcyonGirl said:

Worldbuilding! At least for now! 
Aaaand back to you, Rabbit!

Leian is the name of this world. It’s a utopia where everyone is happy. And it‘s not perfect, I‘ll tell you that!




The Ethereal are godlike beings who keep Leian a perfect world. They grant all ‘worthy‘ requests, but very little is known about any of them. Most people have only spoken to a Mouthpiece, not a true Ethereal.

A Mouthpiece will speak to the lower level citizens in the place of an Ethereal. Mouthpieces know more about Ethereals than most people, and you must be very trusted to become a Mouthpiece.



A Wisher is basically a normal person. They are granted wishes if they ask on Gethiera, Festival of Wishes. The Wisher is allowed to do anything short of disturbing Leian.



If you do something that in the eyes of the Ethereal disturbs Leian, you become a Disturber. Some lucky Disturbers become Granters, but most are sent to Naiel and become Condemned.



Granters are what they seem. They do the work to grant the wishes of the Wishers.



Condemned are the majority of the Disturbers. They are sent to Naiel, a place I‘ll talk about later.

Here‘s part one! I‘ll add other parts later. What else do you want to hear about first?

I‘ll do some writing too, in this world, and you can be brutal. I hate it when people don‘t have any constructive criticism, so that would be nice for once. Everyone I ask to proofread is always too nice.

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12 minutes ago, TheHalcyonGirl said:

I wanna hear about why Disturbirs can become Granters.

Got it. If a Wisher gains enough Favor from the Ethereal, and then becomes a Disturber, they will be allowed to become a Granter as long as they cause no other disturbances. Favor is basically a special gift that is given by an Ethereal if a Wisher does something especially ‘good.‘ It’s basically a special blueish light melted into the Wisher‘s right palm. 

I‘m making this up as we go, so I‘m sorry of it‘s crem.

Anything else you want to know? I‘ll start writing when I get enough worldbuilding done to write a solid story.

Gotta go now! I‘ll think about this, but it might take me a bit to respond to anything.

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1 minute ago, Rabbit Unmade said:

Got it. If a Wisher gains enough Favor from the Ethereal, and then becomes a Disturber, they will be allowed to become a Granter as long as they cause no other disturbances. Favor is basically a special gift that is given by an Ethereal if a Wisher does something especially ‘good.‘ It’s basically a special blueish light melted into the Wisher‘s right palm. 

I‘m making this up as we go, so I‘m sorry of it‘s crem.

Anything else you want to know? I‘ll start writing when I get enough worldbuilding done to write a solid story.

It’s just… it’s beautiful. 

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10 hours ago, Shining Silhouette said:

I request something music related.

(Jazz is cool)

Well, I was thinking more worldbuilding related, but I‘ll see what I can do. I might not be able to fulfill this request because music isn‘t my strong suit, but we‘ll see.

EDIT: Okay, I cannot do music, so I‘ll just work on the arts in Leian. Hopefully this will satisfy you to an extent, and I apologize deeply for my lack of musical skills. Maybe after a longer time I can figure something out. Perhaps attempt to compose something.

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1 hour ago, Rabbit Unmade said:

Well, I was thinking more worldbuilding related, but I‘ll see what I can do. I might not be able to fulfill this request because music isn‘t my strong suit, but we‘ll see.

EDIT: Okay, I cannot do music, so I‘ll just work on the arts in Leian. Hopefully this will satisfy you to an extent, and I apologize deeply for my lack of musical skills. Maybe after a longer time I can figure something out. Perhaps attempt to compose something.

OH NO SORRY, I wasn't clear. I mean can you do a magic system with music-related magic?

Lol sorry no I'm not trying to get you to learn how to compose in a day

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1 hour ago, Shining Silhouette said:

OH NO SORRY, I wasn't clear. I mean can you do a magic system with music-related magic?

Lol sorry no I'm not trying to get you to learn how to compose in a day

Thank you! Yeah, I think I can do that. I‘ve actually always wanted too! I‘ll work on it now and update you when it‘s ready. I‘ll make the Leian magic system music related. I am so relived it wasn‘t actually that musical, because that would have been a disaster.

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24 minutes ago, Coolmint said:

Didn't Mozart write a whole opera or something about a magic flute?  So why not!  

I meant I don‘t have to actually play violin/piano or compose something.

Okay, this is loosely based on Yumi and the Nightmare Painter‘s magic system. It‘s not done, but these are the basics. Feel free to ask any questions so I can dive deeper.


Spirit thing (Give me name ideas please!):

There are Spirits in Leian. They are unresponsive, floating lights that flash in different patterns and are different colors. If you speak to them or touch them the lights will do nothing. The only way to interact is through music. The Lights (we‘ll call it that for now) respond differently to different kinds of music and some specific songs trigger specific responses. Talented Musicians can control multiple lights at once and make the Lights do whatever they want.



Musicians have memorized many of the Light songs and are able to sing or play an instrument to get Light responses. Anyone can become a Musician, but talented ones are hard to find. Most Musicians aren‘t professional and use their powers for simple, everyday tasks as harder ones are beyond their abilities.

Tell me anything else you‘d like me to add to the system!

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21 minutes ago, Rabbit Unmade said:

I meant I don‘t have to actually play violin/piano or compose something.

Okay, this is loosely based on Yumi and the Nightmare Painter‘s magic system. It‘s not done, but these are the basics. Feel free to ask any questions so I can dive deeper.

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Spirit thing (Give me name ideas please!):

There are Spirits in Leian. They are unresponsive, floating lights that flash in different patterns and are different colors. If you speak to them or touch them the lights will do nothing. The only way to interact is through music. The Lights (we‘ll call it that for now) respond differently to different kinds of music and some specific songs trigger specific responses. Talented Musicians can control multiple lights at once and make the Lights do whatever they want.



Musicians have memorized many of the Light songs and are able to sing or play an instrument to get Light responses. Anyone can become a Musician, but talented ones are hard to find. Most Musicians aren‘t professional and use their powers for simple, everyday tasks as harder ones are beyond their abilities.

Tell me anything else you‘d like me to add to the system!

MagICal CrEAturEs WitH ThEIr OwN aGeNDAs?

Sorry, but yes. Do the Lights have their own agenda? Are there any other magical creatures?

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52 minutes ago, NerdyAarakocra said:

MagICal CrEAturEs WitH ThEIr OwN aGeNDAs?

Sorry, but yes. Do the Lights have their own agenda? Are there any other magical creatures?

There are probably going to be other magical creatures, but I haven‘t thought them up yet.

I‘m not sure. What would you like? Anyone is welcome to give their opinion!

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5 minutes ago, NerdyAarakocra said:

I would say yes.

Okay. So these Lights will be kind of like seons, but kind of not.

Okay, I‘ll work on geography if no one has any more questions about magic, but I‘ll wait probably an hour or so before I move one, just in case.

EDIT: And Ranryu, that‘s a good idea. I‘ll work on it. And we‘ll do geography later.

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1 hour ago, Rabbit Unmade said:

Okay. So these Lights will be kind of like seons, but kind of not.

Okay, I‘ll work on geography if no one has any more questions about magic, but I‘ll wait probably an hour or so before I move one, just in case.

EDIT: And Ranryu, that‘s a good idea. I‘ll work on it. And we‘ll do geography later.

I love the souls idea and stuff. You should put in an enchanted star or something. NO A MAGIC BIRD. THEYRE AWESOME.

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4 minutes ago, TheHalcyonGirl said:

I love the souls idea and stuff. You should put in an enchanted star or something. NO A MAGIC BIRD. THEYRE AWESOME.

Thanks Haly!

Here are some creatures I made up



A small songbird that sings so that Lights will bring it food. Torim are tricksters who hate doing work. They live near the mountains that separate Leian from Naiel. Torim will eat insects and seeds.


A small bug that makes music by rubbing it‘s wings together. Lainik live in the same area as the Torim and are able to use their song so the lights will protect them. Lainik are the Torim‘s favorite food,


A Dryad is a humanoid being that is able to listen to the Light‘s songs. People are unable to hear the songs of the lights, but Dryads can. They are the shepherds of the Lights, helping them, raising them. In return, the Lights give the Dryads knowledge.

I‘ll add more animals later, when I think of them. Any more ideas/requests? I‘d like some requests for animals.

Feel free to ask questions!

REMEMBER the Lights are able to make their own choices, but they tend to do what they are told. Lights become more cooperative if they know you.

Also, I‘m changing up the Favors.



Basically a Light with the Ethereal‘s brand. (Only Favor are blue) If you gain enough Favor from the Ethereal you will become a Granter if you make an infraction. The Favor also lets you command more Lights, and Favors are stronger. The way the Ethereal create Favor is still a mystery. To you at least.

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4 minutes ago, NerdyAarakocra said:

This would be a great setting for a roleplay!

Also, how do people treat the lights?

Imagine how you would treat something that you couldn‘t understand, but you could order around. That‘s how the Lights are treated.

EDIT: How most Lights are treated.

You can start a roleplay for anything in here, if you like. I don‘t mind. 

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17 hours ago, NerdyAarakocra said:

Are there any parts of the world that are havens from the "utopia"?

Yes. Naiel, the northern part of the continent, separated from Leian by a mountain range is not a utopia. I haven‘t decided if Naiel will be a dystopia or just a normal place though. The Ethereal rarely check on what‘s going on in Naiel, but they do occasionally if there are escapees. Also, if you report an escapee, you‘re allowed to become a Granter.

EDIT: And who thinks I should start writing and who thinks I should keep world building?

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