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How to fix Parshmen?


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Hemalurgy might do it, bridge the realmic blockage/break.  But you'd need viable sources for the spikes, unless you figured out a way to Copy a Hemalurgic Spike (and you'd still need a patient Zero donor).  Ditto Feruchemy/Medallion Tech.

A Bondsmith could likely do it if they could get their Hands on something Connected to the whole race (which might be where BAM comes in).

Various Dor Magics could almost certainly do it, since they all hold the potential of a specialized Programming Language for Reality.  Any of the ones that seem to excel at self-augmentation should be able to reach it (Forgery, Dakhor, that weird alchemy that I dont think has a name).

A Returned could likely Heal some amount of them by Sacrificing their Dviine Breath, but there's probably a scale limit to how much a single one could do.  A skilled returned might be able to scoop up a bunch of Stormlight in the process (or otherwise piggy-back the Highstorm) to supplement the additional Investiture.  

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1. Presumably the Parshmen had been connected to something before Ba-Ado-Mishram or Odium, so I would try to find out what that entity was (assuming Ba-Ado-Mishram is not an ancient pre-Odium singer god-spren)

2. Then I would see about the Stormfather potentially connecting to them in some way. 

3. Maybe introducing the Parshmen to the Listeners would eventually do something if the Parshmen were eventually considered a part of the clan in a Cognitive sense. Probably wouldn't work for all, but you might be able to slowly associate and re-intigrate more and more. 

4. Ask the remaining Listeners what their stories say about how they managed to keep their identity or reforge their identity. There is probably some knowledge there. Eshoni's mother probably knows a song with the right information. 

Edited by teknopathetic
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On 9/13/2022 at 11:56 AM, teknopathetic said:

1. Presumably the Parshmen had been connected to something before Ba-Ado-Mishram or Odium, so I would try to find out what that entity was (assuming Ba-Ado-Mishram is not an ancient pre-Odium singer god-spren)

I would assume that the Listeners were simply Connected to the world and the spren at that point. 
The highstorms and spren existed pre-Shattering, so I think the Parshmen just used the Highstorm to transform at that point. Through the desolations, I think Odium warped their Connection so it was only to him (and then later, Bo-Ado-Mishram) and this may have prevented the parshmen from transforming in a highstorm due to a lack of Connection to Honor, (who at this point could've co-opted the highstorms for himself). 

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