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The "Stormblade" might be more powerful than Nightblood


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There was a quote (sorry I can't show it right now, I'm on mobile currently) that said that as Invested as Night blood was, it wasn't as Invested as the Stotmfather. We also saw in Oathbringer that Dalinar could potentially summon the Stotmfather as a Shardblade. Furthermore, in Rhythm of War we hear from the Honorspren that Dalinar almost killed the Stotmfather, likely by trying to summon him as a blade. I believe this was dangerous for the Storm father because of the sheer mass of Investiture that composess his essence. After all, Night blood is less Invested and it is constantly leaking it's Investiture because it is physically impossible to store that much Investiture in such a small space without it trying to blow itself apart to relieve the pressure. But even if being summoned was dangerous for the Stotmfather, it might be interesting to see if he could prove a match, or even a superior to Night blood.

Edited by Trusk'our
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I wonder what would happen if knight blood was left outside in a highstorm. Would the stormfather just not care and tank it? Or would nothing happen just pushing the blade to hit unexpecting people vaporizing them? Would the stormfather just be like yeah I’ll make an exception for you and blow around the sword not touching it? 

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16 hours ago, Rg2045 said:

 Would the stormfather just be like yeah I’ll make an exception for you and blow around the sword not touching it? 

And so begins the Stormfather's character development, realizing that "yeah, I'm actually pretty cool with not automatically blasting everything to bits in front of me, so long as it could potentially obliterate the very fabric of my being", he soon sees his own bias, and becomes quite a quaint little storm cloud. :)

Okay, but in all seriousness, I think that the Stotmfather would actually be okay if Night blood were left out in a storm, since the Stormfather would actually be floating pretty far above the Awakened blade. Plus, the Storm itself would likely satiate Night blood's hunger (at least temporarily) by opening a hole to the spiritual realm.

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23 hours ago, Rg2045 said:

I wonder what would happen if knight blood was left outside in a highstorm. Would the stormfather just not care and tank it? Or would nothing happen just pushing the blade to hit unexpecting people vaporizing them? Would the stormfather just be like yeah I’ll make an exception for you and blow around the sword not touching it? 

I wonder how much stormlight Nightblood could take in during a high storm.  He's not a gemstone or a radiant, and so far he has to be directly touching a source of investiture to feed off it's power. And I suspect Nightblood would have to strike the StormFather's "core" in order to damage him. Similar to


When Terravangian used it to kill Rayse. Terravagian had deduced that it could only be done in a vision, where Rayse was vulnerable.

I have to admit, that this is an interesting idea that I hadn't considered before. The StormFather warned of the damage Dalinar might do by pushing him to far. I always thought he might injure the spren so much that it could interfere with high storms, which would make life unsustainable for most of Roshar. I'd just assumed that BondSmiths couldn't have shardblades.

But this is an intriguing idea.  I've held onto the idea that Kaladin would still be Dalinar's champion, despite what their conversation at the end of RoW, but this is another possibility, and a very cool idea. Dalinar is at the third ideal, and will likely reach the fourth during the next book; my money is on that he has to swear to relinquish power when it's called for. If he could summon the StormFather as a blade too, after earning his plate, well that might be even better than Kaladin being the champion after all.  

This seems like exactly the sort of thing Sanderson would do.  Subtly suggest that it's something that couldn't/shouldn't happen, and then making it work in the finale.  Interesting.

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On 8/21/2022 at 1:56 AM, Trusk'our said:

There was a quote (sorry I can't show it right now, I'm on mobile currently) that said that as Invested as Night blood was, it wasn't as Invested as the Stotmfather. We also saw in Oathbringer that Dalinar could potentially summon the Stotmfather as a Shardblade. Furthermore, in Rhythm of War we hear from the Honorspren that Dalinar almost killed the Stotmfather, likely by trying to summon him as a blade. I believe this was dangerous for the Storm father because of the sheer mass of Investiture that composess his essence. After all, Night blood is less Invested and it is constantly leaking it's Investiture because it is physically impossible to store that much Investiture in such a small space without it trying to blow itself apart to relieve the pressure. But even if being summoned was dangerous for the Stotmfather, it might be interesting to see if he could prove a match, or even a superior to Night blood.

Yes, the Stormfather definitely has much more investiture than Nightblood but I don't even think it would be a question of who would win. The Stormfather would either die right off or be in extreme pain from being summoned in the physical realm as a shardblade. But, Nightblood would win because of Intent. Nightblood is made to destroy, it killed Rayse even though he commanded a shard's power. The Stormfather is much less investited than that and has powers from Honor, which would probably be less useful in this situation. If someone who knew what they were doing fought the Stormfather Blade with Nightblood I don't think it would even be a fight. 

I do think this is an interesting line of thought with the stormfather but more investiture doesn't always mean stronger.

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9 hours ago, Mr. Misting said:

Yes, the Stormfather definitely has much more investiture than Nightblood but I don't even think it would be a question of who would win. The Stormfather would either die right off or be in extreme pain from being summoned in the physical realm as a shardblade. But, Nightblood would win because of Intent. Nightblood is made to destroy, it killed Rayse even though he commanded a shard's power. The Stormfather is much less investited than that and has powers from Honor, which would probably be less useful in this situation. If someone who knew what they were doing fought the Stormfather Blade with Nightblood I don't think it would even be a fight. 

I do think this is an interesting line of thought with the stormfather but more investiture doesn't always mean stronger.

I'm not so sure, since NightBlood's intent is to destroy evil, that it would work all that well against the StormFather. Szeth said that NightBlood liked Lift when they first met, so the intent of the person holding the sword probably matters. And I doubt many consider the StormFather to be evil.  Still, you have a point.  NightBlood's power to destroy would probably work against the StormFather in his traditional state.  

I was thinking over the idea of the "Storm Blade" last night and it gave me a crazy theory.  It relates to my earlier idea of Dalinar using the StormBlade to win the contest of champions, but what if someone needs to act as StormFather during the contest? What if someone had to cause the storms to blow while the contest occurred, which would prevent him from dying, since someone is doing the job?  It's kind of like Hercules having to hold up the sky for Atlas in Greek mythology, which is where I got the idea.  Maybe the NightWatcher could do it.  Or Kaladin somehow does it, and this is his way to help contribute to the contest. A little out there maybe, but I think it's interesting.

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