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Pathian Symbol - 10 Interlocking Rings


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According to the Wiki and AOL, we know that the Pathian Symbol is 10 interlocking rings. I have a few questions you kind folks might be able to help me answer:

1. Have we ever seen a representation of this? There are so many ways you could make 10 rings interlock, i have to assume they're in some sazed-specific pattern.

2. Do we know if there's any significance to the number 10 in this case? I know it's associated with roshar specifically, and was quite surprised to find it popping up on Scadrial in such a significant way upon my re-read. 

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3 hours ago, cometaryorbit said:

I think there are 10 because they represent Sazed's 10 rings at the end of Well of Ascension, which he drew on to save his life when Marsh shot them into him.

(Presumably he had 10 because it's one for each finger.)

Yup. Human anatomy moment. Or it's the 10 "original metals".

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Hello again ladies and gentlemen,

I mocked up something that more or less represents the pathian symbol described in the books. I mostly made it for this video, but figured you folks would appreciate seeing it as well.

The black on the outside and white on the inside is deliberate.  It was extremely annoying getting the paths to interlock like this, but I think i did it correctly.

Let me know what you think!


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On 21/07/2022 at 0:55 AM, Halyo_Alex said:

Yup. Human anatomy moment. Or it's the 10 "original metals".

I'm reasonably sure Saze had an electrum bracers, mostly because the brass-electrum mixup would have been much less likely to happen if he had not.

That being said it's absolutely certain he didn't have an atium bracer so we're still at ten

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On 7/28/2022 at 3:53 PM, cometaryorbit said:

Electrum wasn't known to the main characters until they found TLR's description of it between book 2 and 3. If they'd known electrum Vin would have used it against Zane.

Just because it was unknown to Allomancers, doesn't mean the Synod was unaware of it's Feruchemical properties.

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I found it; Well of Ascension Chapter 58:


Ten rings, embedded into his flesh. Touching him. Weight. Speed of body. Sight. Hearing. Touch. Scent. Strength. Speed of mind. Wakefulness.

And health.

So there were four tinminds for different senses, and the metals involved were iron, steel, tin, pewter, zinc, bronze, and gold.

6 hours ago, Frustration said:

Just because it was unknown to Allomancers, doesn't mean the Synod was unaware of it's Feruchemical properties.

It being unknown to Allomancers in general doesn't tell us anything, but given that Sazed knew that the metals in Feruchemy were the same as the ones in Allomancy, I can't see him not telling Vin to try electrum sometime in book 2 if he knew it.

And Sazed's copperminds contained all the knowledge of the Keepers (not just religions) so it was at least unknown to the Keepers in general.

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