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Hello everyone!

I am here today to talk to you about Jasnah and Wit. Namely, how they are they are the most spectacular ship. If you happen to not ship them, please do not post why you don't like them here! This is a place where all who support Jasnahoid should go and talk about their opinions. The First Ideal is Jasnahoid is the best ship. 

Yes, this is now a guild.

(If I tagged you, that means I have seen you say that you supported the ship.)

@Luckspren @Lilien Kholin @stormblessed1616 @Hazekiller16 @KaladinWorldsinger

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Hello fellow Jasnahhoid Shippers :D I’m here and I’ve already spoken the First Ideal. 

I don’t know much about Hoid (yet) and I‘m still reading Oathbringer for the first time, so Jasnah and Hoid haven’t met (yet? I hope they will soon) buuuut I just feel the ship

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22 minutes ago, Lilien Kholin said:

Hello fellow Jasnahhoid Shippers :D I’m here and I’ve already spoken the First Ideal. 

I don’t know much about Hoid (yet) and I‘m still reading Oathbringer for the first time, so Jasnah and Hoid haven’t met (yet? I hope they will soon) buuuut I just feel the ship


Once you read RoW, your feeling will be supported.
In many ways.
You know, I think this deserves a spoiler box.


Edited by SymphonianBookworm
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I think it's a great ship because Jasnah is way too serious, so she needs some humor in her life; an excellent scholar, so great things could happen if he shares all his Cosmere knowledge with her, and really smart, so she needs someone who can match her intellect. It's also great for Hoid because Jasnah is awesome! 

They're both really powerful- put them together, and I'd be terrified of getting them angry at me. 

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2 hours ago, Luckspren said:


I think it's a great ship because Jasnah is way too serious, so she needs some humor in her life; an excellent scholar, so great things could happen if he shares all his Cosmere knowledge with her, and really smart, so she needs someone who can match her intellect. It's also great for Hoid because Jasnah is awesome! 

They're both really powerful- put them together, and I'd be terrified of getting them angry at me. 

They’re going to take over the Cosmere. Nothing can stop that. When (if) Jasnah becomes a world hopper the world will tremble. 

3 hours ago, Shining Silhouette said:

Hi! I'd like to join!

We should draw/create/animate a ship called the Jasnahoid to make it official

This. So much this. (Also thanks for coming-)


1 hour ago, stormblessed1616 said:

Yay! I'm so excited to see more of this ship in Book 5

I’m so touched you used your second post for this...


1 hour ago, Hazekiller16 said:

I think part of the reason I love them together is getting to see an ace person in a relationship, plus their personalities work so great together in a very fun way! 

I know! It’s nice to see representation and the way the fit together. 



Edit: I can’t believe it but I forgot to tag @WindjoggerTriggerhappy @RAFOmancer I’m sorry-

Edited by SymphonianBookworm
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I don't know. I think they go well together...

but Hoid is...

really really really really really really really really really really really REALLY old. We don't even know how old he is.

And that makes me weird.*



*(yes I know that doesn't make sense, but my family says "that makes me (weird)" instead of "that's (weird)")

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2 hours ago, Shallan Stormblessed said:

I don't know. I think they go well together...

but Hoid is...

really really really really really really really really really really really REALLY old. We don't even know how old he is.

And that makes me weird.*



*(yes I know that doesn't make sense, but my family says "that makes me (weird)" instead of "that's (weird)")

Fair point. Then again. You assume hoid hasnt taken enough head trauma to forget a few thousand years. For real though I feel like hoid is at a point where there is nobody who he doesnt have a big age difference with. Im not sure how age differences work out when we are working with thousands of years so maybe it is different.

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@RAFOmancer @WindjoggerTriggerhappy @The Wandering Wizard Yes! Welcome, new recruits!

12 hours ago, Shallan Stormblessed said:

I don't know. I think they go well together...

but Hoid is...

really really really really really really really really really really really REALLY old. We don't even know how old he is.

And that makes me weird.*



*(yes I know that doesn't make sense, but my family says "that makes me (weird)" instead of "that's (weird)")

 I feel like once you get over a couple thousand, age stops mattering. I dunno, that’s my personal view on it. They’re both grownups and... really good for each other. 

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19 hours ago, Hazekiller16 said:

I think part of the reason I love them together is getting to see an ace person in a relationship, plus their personalities work so great together in a very fun way! 

I didn’t know Jasnah is ace (I haven’t read RoW yet) but it makes so much sense and it’s amazing!

And yeees as far as my humble self can see they work excellent together (although my humble self can’t see that far because they haven’t meet yet where I am in the books… but… just trust meeee I have a *feeling*)

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3 hours ago, Casual Ati Enjoyer said:

oh... Kelsier though... that would be kind of cute. 

Didn't Kelsier try to beat up Hoid during his time sitting in the Hot Tub* of Ascension but then got completely destroyed? And now they both kinda hate each other? And Hoid did some stuff to mess with Kelsier during Mistborn Era 2? 



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5 hours ago, SymphonianBookworm said:

Hoid is my first choice as a partner for anyone. Except Shallan. And Kelsier. And [insert the names of all the characters I hate]. but other than that...

Hoid and Dalinar? Dalihoid? Kaladin and Hoid?? Kalahoid?? Adolin and Hoid? Adohoid??? Well, at least Adohoid would be fashionable I guess :D 

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