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On 8/19/2022 at 2:16 PM, Shining Silhouette said:

Caelus smirked. "You're funny! Clanda, good to make your acquaintance!" He brandished his knife. "Anyway, I'm not worried about this danger you speak of. I have ways of protecting myself, you know."

Suddenly, Caelus felt pain shooting up his shoulder. He looked down to find a knife puncturing his arm. "What the-" he said woozily, then fell silent, paralyzed.

Clanda smiled at the compliment (though she wasn't entirely sure it was meant to be one), while wondering what those 'ways of protecting' himself were. Her grin quickly turned to a frown when Caelus collapsed. She quickly went on her knees and examined the wound. Shoot. I thought something like this would happen. Crap. Dagger to the shoulder. Probably poisoned. Paralyzation as a side effect. Probably not lethal, but definitely not good. So, what should I do?... Out loud she raised her voice, saying; "Does anyone here have any medical experience? Can someone get me a glass of water and... Oh, i don't know... some cloth? Please, anyone step forward!" She looked around pleadingly.
Clanda then saw the man from before, looking quite pleased with himself, and suddenly Clanda started smiling. She walked up to him, now positively beaming. "I see you threw a dagger at my good friend over there. I do believe that behavior is frowned upon in these parts. In fact, if that were to happen again, maybe you'd ever be... kicked out! Now, we wouldn't want that to happen, would we..." The smiled vanished in an instant from her face, which was instead taken on by an iron mask, nothing like the pretty, cheerful girl that had been in her place before. Her eyes bored holes into his. They had turned into tunnels, leading far, far away from the place they were in, into darkness and murky depths. Her voice was emotionless and cold as a winter storm. "If you try to hurt me, I'll make a fuss and you'll probably not be able to stay here. No one likes seeing a young woman such as myself get hurt. You're already walking on thin ice. One more crack and it breaks. If you have the antidote, give it to me now. If not..." She gave another smile, but this one was just muscles moving across her face. It was... nothing. "If not..." The lights in the room all seemed to dim, and Clanda herself seemed shrouded with shadows. "Do you have it?"


What are the curses in this world? Also, hopefully i'm not misusing my powers. If I am, @EmulatonStromenkiin please tell me!


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On 8/20/2022 at 5:49 PM, EmulatonStromenkiin said:

"Your loss," Guy said. Then he grinned. "Quite literally, you already put a Nort in, and we'll keep it in the pot."


I didn't put in a Nort.

Chasm never gambles, I never said she put in a Nort, and it says in her character sheet that she doesn't gamble. You can't godmod me into doing something it says in my character sheet I won't do. That's cheating. Please stop.


Edited by Tani
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8 hours ago, Tani said:

I didn't put in a Nort.

Chasm never gambles, I never said she put in a Nort, and it says in her character sheet that she doesn't gamble. You can't godmod me into doing something it says in my character sheet I won't do. That's cheating. Please stop.

fair enough, I forgot about that on your sheet. Also, @Channelknight Fadran was right.

On 8/21/2022 at 9:39 AM, SymphonianBookworm said:

Clanda smiled at the compliment (though she wasn't entirely sure it was meant to be one), while wondering what those 'ways of protecting' himself were. Her grin quickly turned to a frown when Caelus collapsed. She quickly went on her knees and examined the wound. Shoot. I thought something like this would happen. Crap. Dagger to the shoulder. Probably poisoned. Paralyzation as a side effect. Probably not lethal, but definitely not good. So, what should I do?... Out loud she raised her voice, saying; "Does anyone here have any medical experience? Can someone get me a glass of water and... Oh, i don't know... some cloth? Please, anyone step forward!" She looked around pleadingly.
Clanda then saw the man from before, looking quite pleased with himself, and suddenly Clanda started smiling. She walked up to him, now positively beaming. "I see you threw a dagger at my good friend over there. I do believe that behavior is frowned upon in these parts. In fact, if that were to happen again, maybe you'd ever be... kicked out! Now, we wouldn't want that to happen, would we..." The smiled vanished in an instant from her face, which was instead taken on by an iron mask, nothing like the pretty, cheerful girl that had been in her place before. Her eyes bored holes into his. They had turned into tunnels, leading far, far away from the place they were in, into darkness and murky depths. Her voice was emotionless and cold as a winter storm. "If you try to hurt me, I'll make a fuss and you'll probably not be able to stay here. No one likes seeing a young woman such as myself get hurt. You're already walking on thin ice. One more crack and it breaks. If you have the antidote, give it to me now. If not..." She gave another smile, but this one was just muscles moving across her face. It was... nothing. "If not..." The lights in the room all seemed to dim, and Clanda herself seemed shrouded with shadows. "Do you have it?"



On 8/21/2022 at 2:05 PM, HOID WANTS INSTANT NOODLES said:

Nedwin runs over to the man on the ground and attempts to use fire magic to purge the poison from his system

Guy laughed "There's no antidote, mis shadow-walker. I have no intention of hurting you. With how much got into your friend here, he won't be out more than two hours. He'll have some painful cramps in the two after that, though. I've been kicked out of here before, there are lots of other taverns. And non-lethal weapons are allowed in here. Magically hurting someone, on the other hand, is not." He grins like a shark, but becomes more subdued as the bartender walks up. 

"I saw what you did, Guy. You better clear out before I'm forced to take actions we'll both regret." The bartender jerked his thumb at the door. "You just used your normal blend on that dagger, which is why I'm giving you a warning. Get." Guy hurriedly went out the door. The bartender turned to Clanda. 

"Sorry about that, miss, but your friend and the fellow I moved out of the doorway will be fine. Could you help me move them to the back room?" He points at a doorway on the back wall. As he does so, he notices Nedwin out of the corner of his eye. "Tanner, quit that!" he calls. "You'll do more harm than good, and you don't need to pay for damages on top of what you've already done and owe me."

@HOID WANTS INSTANT NOODLES, @Tani, @SymphonianBookworm,

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Lysan walked through the main park in the Earth Hextant, one of the only places truly close to being nature here in the city. In the depths, she discovers a strange overgrown structure, really a small stone hut covered in greenery, except the door, which was an empty hole.

@The Unknown Novel:

Deep in the Light Hextant, Isildore Nintal stumbled across a small white hut tucked into back alleys. Strangely, nothing was visible beyond the door, which seemed to be a dark hole in the structure.


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4 hours ago, EmulatonStromenkiin said:

fair enough, I forgot about that on your sheet. Also, @Channelknight Fadran was right.



On 8/20/2022 at 5:49 PM, EmulatonStromenkiin said:

"Your loss," Guy said. Then he grinned. "Quite literally, you already put a Nort in, and we'll keep it in the pot."

Chasm stood and left the table. Her eyes fell on Caelus and widened, her wind strengthening, shifting the cards on the table a bit as she hurried away. "Is he going to be okay? Is there a way I can help?"


Can I use air magic to make it easier to lift people, or would that be an earth thing, or would that not be a thing I can do?

Edited by Tani
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5 hours ago, EmulatonStromenkiin said:

fair enough, I forgot about that on your sheet. Also, @Channelknight Fadran was right.


Guy laughed "There's no antidote, mis shadow-walker. I have no intention of hurting you. With how much got into your friend here, he won't be out more than two hours. He'll have some painful cramps in the two after that, though. I've been kicked out of here before, there are lots of other taverns. And non-lethal weapons are allowed in here. Magically hurting someone, on the other hand, is not." He grins like a shark, but becomes more subdued as the bartender walks up. 

"I saw what you did, Guy. You better clear out before I'm forced to take actions we'll both regret." The bartender jerked his thumb at the door. "You just used your normal blend on that dagger, which is why I'm giving you a warning. Get." Guy hurriedly went out the door. The bartender turned to Clanda. 

"Sorry about that, miss, but your friend and the fellow I moved out of the doorway will be fine. Could you help me move them to the back room?" He points at a doorway on the back wall. As he does so, he notices Nedwin out of the corner of his eye. "Tanner, quit that!" he calls. "You'll do more harm than good, and you don't need to pay for damages on top of what you've already done and owe me."

@HOID WANTS INSTANT NOODLES, @Tani, @SymphonianBookworm,

Clanda nodded. "Sure." She was stronger than she looked. Working at her grandfather's clock shop had done that. She grabbed Caelus by the feet and carried him to the back room. "Sorry..." She muttered, doing her best to not drop him or anything. "This probably hurts, but you'll be better. You'll only be out for about two hours, and after that, some cramps, but you'll be fine." There was a sad kind of irony to someone being so high and mighty being taken down after bragging that they could never be. However, she'd decided that Caelus was a good person, underneath all the... the pompous stuffing. After she got Caelus in the storage room, she returned for Rith, whom she hoped wasn't hurt. After that, she turned to the bartender. "Do you get guys like... well, Guy often around here? Do they have any other tactics that they use that I should be aware of?"

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Clanda noticed someone looking at her. She wasn't sure what the expression on their face meant, but she decided to introduce herself. Best to make as many friends as possible. "Hello. Nice to meet you! I'm Clanda. What's your name?"

@Channelknight Fadran

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17 hours ago, Tani said:

Chasm stood and left the table. Her eyes fell on Caelus and widened, her wind strengthening, shifting the cards on the table a bit as she hurried away. "Is he going to be okay? Is there a way I can help?"


Can I use air magic to make it easier to lift people, or would that be an earth thing, or would that not be a thing I can do?

Making things lighter is going to be along the lines of localized/personal gravity shifting. Or someone's talent. It would be more of a earth magic, with a bit of air. You could lessen the load by doing some lifting with wind, but that would at the most make it seem lighter. The bartender can carry either one of them pretty easily, though.

The bartender sighed. "He should be fine, just temporarily paralyzed. If you could help get that other fellow by the door to the back room, that would help."

16 hours ago, SymphonianBookworm said:

Clanda nodded. "Sure." She was stronger than she looked. Working at her grandfather's clock shop had done that. She grabbed Caelus by the feet and carried him to the back room. "Sorry..." She muttered, doing her best to not drop him or anything. "This probably hurts, but you'll be better. You'll only be out for about two hours, and after that, some cramps, but you'll be fine." There was a sad kind of irony to someone being so high and mighty being taken down after bragging that they could never be. However, she'd decided that Caelus was a good person, underneath all the... the pompous stuffing. After she got Caelus in the storage room, she returned for Rith, whom she hoped wasn't hurt. After that, she turned to the bartender. "Do you get guys like... well, Guy often around here? Do they have any other tactics that they use that I should be aware of?"

"Thanks for the help," the bartender said. "Guy's one of the worst of the people that come to this bar, but the really nasty ones go to some inner city bars. They're banned here. They all mostly use intimidation, few would actually hurt someone." The bartender considered her for a moment. "You seem like a trustworthy person, so I'm going to make you an offer. I need to have someone or a group of someones to take messages to four points in the city. If you promise to do that after your two friends are awake and up, I'll care for them for free, and you can take them to help you."

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Clanda got the feeling that Cherry was judging her, and not in an altogether favorable way. So she’s on of those people... Best to still remain cheerful, though. They all think of me as a nice person... Except for probably Caelus. But he’s unconscious and saying, “Hey, this lady isn’t actually as... good as you think she is” would be pretty strange. So it’s fine. Still, though. It bugs me that Cherry seems to... not like me. “That’s a pretty name. So, why are you in the city?”

@Channelknight Fadran


Clanda grinned. She had been going to ask for a job, but it looked like she was already getting one. Excellent, she thought. Killing two- no, three birds with one stone. Both of them get taken care of, I get to go to the city, and I get a job. “Great! I’ll do it. Thank you so much! What are the four points in the city? Also... I hate to ask this, but after having this all happen, I realize I might need a weapon. Well, more of a weapon then a pen, anyway. Do you have any I could borrow for the trip?”


Edited by SymphonianBookworm
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7 minutes ago, SymphonianBookworm said:

Clanda grinned. She had been going to ask for a job, but it looked like she was already getting one. Excellent, she thought. Killing two- no, three birds with one stone. Both of them get taken care of, I get to go to the city, and I get a job. “Great! I’ll do it. Thank you so much! What are the four points in the city? Also... I hate to ask this, but after having this all happen, I realize I might need a weapon. Well, more of a weapon then a pen, anyway. Do you have any I could borrow for the trip?”


The bartender gave her a blank look. "I mean, I have a few daggers I could probably loan you, but we are in the Fire Hextant. Best Blacksmiths around. In fact, I could direct you to the best weapons shop in Fire, though it isn't well known. Called Blazing Blade It's even on the way to one of the places I need you to go." He turned to Cherry. 

"Could use your help with this too, Cherry."

@Channelknight Fadran

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1 minute ago, EmulatonStromenkiin said:

The bartender gave her a blank look. "I mean, I have a few daggers I could probably loan you, but we are in the Fire Hextant. Best Blacksmiths around. In fact, I could direct you to the best weapons shop in Fire, though it isn't well known. Called Blazing Blade It's even on the way to one of the places I need you to go." He turned to Cherry. 

"Could use your help with this too, Cherry."

@Channelknight Fadran

“Oh! Thanks, I’ll go there. It’s nice to have an insider’s view.”


If we all agree, can we timeskip until Caelus and Rith get better? I’m not sure what to say :P


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