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Insanity Clinic For The Moderately Brandofandonitis Afflicted


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As Bookwyrm walked through the empty halls of the red fortress, his sense of unease grew. The scaly biped creature, who he'd mentally dubbed Bip, walked alongside him.

There's something about this place...it could have a connection to the Prison dimension.

What secrets are hiding deeper within?

Bookwyrm kept walking. As he walked, torches ignited automatically on the wall, only illuminating the space directly in front of him.

He didn't know what the darkness held.

@The Wandering Wizard


I think you're kind of narrating this for me, Wizard, because Calano isn't here.


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1 hour ago, The Bookwyrm said:

As Bookwyrm walked through the empty halls of the red fortress, his sense of unease grew. The scaly biped creature, who he'd mentally dubbed Bip, walked alongside him.

There's something about this place...it could have a connection to the Prison dimension.

What secrets are hiding deeper within?

Bookwyrm kept walking. As he walked, torches ignited automatically on the wall, only illuminating the space directly in front of him.

He didn't know what the darkness held.

@The Wandering Wizard


As Bookwyrm walks through the halls he notices that sometimes the torches don't light and he has to back track before they wink out. The torches guide him towards the eastern wing of the castle.

@The Bookwyrm


The torches are going to lead you into a library, massive, filled with ancient, undiscovered tomes.


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16 hours ago, Nameless said:

Are you okay with Haly going to the Nayorian dimension? She seems to think it’s fine since it’s technically in the same dimension, but I just wanted to make sure you knew about it.

That'll probably be fine. Tell her to be careful though.

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3 hours ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

As Bookwyrm walks through the halls he notices that sometimes the torches don't light and he has to back track before they wink out. The torches guide him towards the eastern wing of the castle.

Bookwyrm followed the torches until he came to an ornate wooden pair of doors. They towered over him, almost twice as tall as he was. Carved on the double doors was a design that looked eerily similar to the way Bookwyrm pictured the expanse of universes he would travel; layers of connected spheres and planes. 

There was a sentence written in a strange script on the doors. Bookwyrm pulled out his Translators lenses and put them on.

The Fourth Archive, it read.

Bookwyrm's eyes widen. He replaced his lenses in the pouch at his waist, then opened the double doors and walked inside.

A gigantic library stood in front of him.

It spread for almost what seemed like miles, and was brightly illuminated by multicolored sources of magic from around the expansive room. It had a calm and welcoming air, despite the fact that it was abandoned. Bookwyrm stood on a balcony overlooking the room. In front of him, there was a large staircase that led down into the maze of shelves and books.

Bookwyrm descended the staircase, Bip at his heels, ready to find answers.


Yes, I'm adding some extra lore here. I'll detail it later.


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Cant today.

Best time to start the wedding, and when I'll be most active will be Monday. But I can do this;

The wedding invitations are sent out after some deliberation between Emma and Calano.

The Best Men/Groomsmen: @The Wandering Wizard @Thaidakar the Ghostblood @Nameless


choose ur bridesmaids and the rest of the guests, Wizard.


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11 minutes ago, CalanoCorvus said:

Cant today.

Best time to start the wedding, and when I'll be most active will be Monday. But I can do this;


That works for me as I realized that I'm going to be gone most of Saturday. I just summon the more recently active people for guests.


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The intended meaning of the word ‘Kanara’ is unknown, but the documented meaning, ‘ice that feels’, has been interpreted differently by many different people. But which meaning has been true since the beginning? Is Kanara ‘one expected to be stoic, but who feels for those they hurt’? Could it be ‘one who feels keenly for the woes of others, but is frozen and can do nothing to lend aid?’ Or could the meaning be completely different, some brilliant idea never yet stumbled upon? 

If we but had access to the ancient archives of Kella, would these questions soon be completed? 

The door banged against the wall, admitting a frazzled, excited looking Valy. 


Oh my gosh guys I just realized their names rhyme XD

Thats… kind of unfortunate, but I don’t really have any more Skyfolk who would work but Parth, and he… suffice it to say nobody likes him. So it’ll have to stay. 

Haly closed the book. “What’s up?”

Valy’s mouth moved for a moment without actually speaking, but her gleaming eyes spoke volumes. “Kodoria Taslin says to suit up. Haly… I think this is rectification. I think we’re going back to Kella. I really think we are.”

Haly’s chest froze and she forgot all about breathing. What was this feeling? Fear, yes. But the fear was only the seasoning, sharpening the excitement that crept building, swirling around in her soul faster and faster. “R…really? Really really? Are you kidding?”

”No.” Valy shook her head, her voice rising. “Haly, this is it! This is my chance! Never in my lifetime—I didn’t think—This is a dream. Do you have ANY IDEA how long—yes, yes you do. There’s no way you could not.” She drew a shuddering breath. “I just can’t believe it. I don’t even know how to feel. If he beat us once…”

“No!” Haly bolted up, knocking the book to the ground. “We’re stronger. We’re so much better this time—and we know what to expect. We won’t lose an Ancient again. We’ve got this.”

Valy nodded, swallowing. “You’re right. Do you have your things?”

Haly stood and grabbed her bag. “Yeah. I like to be ready to move.”

Valy nodded again and led her out into the corridor.

Not only was Haly Xairim. Not only did she live in the mountain. Not only did she get to be a part of this. 

She would fight in a battle for history books, one that would be remembered either as a triumphant return or a final, crushing defeat that would stamp out any hope the Xairim still had.

Life was good. 

No, life was AMAZING.


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1 hour ago, CalanoCorvus said:

The wedding invitations are sent out after some deliberation between Emma and Calano.

The Best Men/Groomsmen: @The Wandering Wizard @Thaidakar the Ghostblood @Nameless


Thaidakar smiled, he knew this was going to happen. This was going to be fun! He was about to open the door when he heard something. Dread filled him as he turned and something met him... "Well, this sucks..."

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19 hours ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:

"You don't sound very sure. Are you sure? I-" TAAron tried to sit up, resulting in pain like an electric shock running through his body. He found that he could distinguish physical pain from the soul-pain that was coming as a result of being halfway down the road to the Beyond.

The cluster of doctors conferred, examining a sheet of readings. Finally, one of them walked back to TAAron's bedside, holding a clipboard.

"Your soul has experienced severe damage. We can stabilize you, but there will be... side effects."

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3 minutes ago, Nameless said:

The cluster of doctors conferred, examining a sheet of readings. Finally, one of them walked back to TAAron's bedside, holding a clipboard.

"Your soul has experienced severe damage. We can stabilize you, but there will be... side effects."

"Side effects? What kind of side effects?" He paused. "You know, shouldn't I be experiencing some side effect other than pain right now? I'm one step out of the Physical Realm, aren't I?" 

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4 minutes ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:

"Side effects? What kind of side effects?" He paused. "You know, shouldn't I be experiencing some side effect other than pain right now? I'm one step out of the Physical Realm, aren't I?" 

"Your soul's connection to your body should be healed just fine. However, the pain you mention, well... there's nothing we can do about it. There may be other side effects as well, but the pain should be the main one."

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2 minutes ago, Nameless said:

"Your soul's connection to your body should be healed just fine. However, the pain you mention, well... there's nothing we can do about it. There may be other side effects as well, but the pain should be the main one."

"OK, well... Let's just get it over with, okay? I can't just lay here doing nothing." 

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Just now, Nameless said:

"Alright. You'd like to try standing up?"

"Yes." And so he did. He felt the shock of pain again, but he kept going. He really wished he had some pewter. Standing all the way up now, although he was supporting himself with a hand on the wall, he asked, "Have you seen a brown cloth bag around here somewhere?" 


I guess I should have asked this first, but should he be able to stand? Also, what side effects do you have in mind? 


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A young (maybe nine year old) girl opened the door and walks in, consulting her clipboard. She’s wearing a black suit with a skirt and leggings and high heels

Girl: adjusts her glasses “Excuse me if I’m intruding.” Looks up, pencil hovering over clipboard “I’m looking for Nameless, TAAron, Thaidakar, and Haly.”

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Just now, The Aspiring Archivist said:

"Yes." And so he did. He felt the shock of pain again, but he kept going. He really wished he had some pewter. Standing all the way up now, although he was supporting himself with a hand on the wall, he asked, "Have you seen a brown cloth bag around here somewhere?" 

"You will want Pewter, yes?" The doctor handed TAAron a vial of metal. "It will likely help manage the pain, although you'll have to be careful not to overuse it and become a savant."


Yeah, he should be able to stand. As for other side effects, I was thinking along the lines of fainting, maybe malfunctions with his Connections, but whatever you want is fine.


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Just now, The Halcyon Girl said:

A young (maybe nine year old) girl opened the door and walks in, consulting her clipboard. She’s wearing a black suit with a skirt and leggings and high heels

Girl: adjusts her glasses “Excuse me if I’m intruding.” Looks up, pencil hovering over clipboard “I’m looking for Nameless, TAAron, Thaidakar, and Haly.”

The smokey form solidified as it entered the room. His suit looked distinguished as he adjusted his glasses, "yes?" his eyes flickered, turning amber colored then red, then back again.

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2 minutes ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

The smokey form solidified as it entered the room. His suit looked distinguished as he adjusted his glasses, "yes?" his eyes flickered, turning amber colored then red, then back again.

Girl: “You're Thaidakar, then?” Scribbles a couple of notes “Perfect. Good to know you’re still here.” Looks around “Anybody else?”


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Just now, The Halcyon Girl said:

Girl: “You're Thaidakar, then?” Scribbles a couple of notes “Perfect.” Looks around “Anybody else?”


He nodded sharply, "yes, I am Thaidakar. Why do you want to see me?" his voice was crisp and lightly accented.

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Just now, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

He nodded sharply, "yes, I am Thaidakar. Why do you want to see me?" his voice was crisp and lightly accented.

Girl: “Taking roll. There are certain universes with very delicate equilibriums that could, if people as powerful as you clinic people were to interfere, be completely thrown off kilter. I need to make sure you’re all here.”

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Just now, The Halcyon Girl said:

Girl: “Taking roll. There are certain universes with very delicate equilibriums that could, if people as powerful as you clinic people were to interfere, be completely thrown off kilter. I need to make sure you’re all here.”

he chuckled, "we soulless happen to do things like that."

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