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3 hours ago, Ixthos said:

@Frustration and @Nameless I think you may be talking partially past each other on this. I think Frustration is talking about the oxygen you inhale that isn't absorbed into your bloodstream (as not all oxygen diffuses across the membrane of the alveoli) and so when you breath out immediately after breathing in some of the oxygen in the air you inhaled is exhaled without entering into the bloodstream, just as some of the carbon dioxide in the vessels around the alveoli remains in the body rather than leaving. I think Nameless is getting at the point that, when you breath in, any oxygen that is absorbed by the blood remains in the body until it is used, and so any oxygen in the bloodstream will remain within you and not leave when you breath out. Not all the oxygen you breath in enters your bloodstream (Frustration's argument), but any oxygen that is absorbed doesn't leave until it has been used and combined to form carbon dioxide (Nameless's argument).


@Frustration and @Bort I think Frustration's argument is that, to the soul of the person, Stormlight is like air, and is treated like a type of super air by the person's soul. Air, by design, only enters and leaves your body through our mouth and nose, rather than through the skin, and so Stormlight and the soul both see an open mouth or nose - or exhaling through the mouth or nose - as being legitimate ways of leaving the body, where as the skin is simply because the container isn't fully suited to hold that substance. Because magic - and magic associated strongly with how people perceive things, both consciously and unconsciously - is involved, when someone breaths in Stormlight they are in effect breathing in a gas, and the soul treats it as if it were a gas.

Yes that is exactly what I mean, thank you.

2 hours ago, Bort said:

Perhaps Frustration should explain that then, instead of coming out with meaningless lines which have nothing to do with the conversation at hand.

If something doesn't make sense to you, you can simply ask that I explain it a different way without getting agressive about it.

57 minutes ago, Nameless said:

I don't think Stormlight is seen as a replacement for air by the body. The healing just happens to make oxygen or "heal" your cells by making ATP. I think Stormlight works via pressure. When you inhale stormlight, it goes into your blood. However, the more stormlight you have, the more pressure it is under. Since Radiants are an imperfect container, the stormlight leaks out. Some of it goes out through the skin, but much more of it gets pushed down the path of least resistance, out into the lungs and through the mouth. Now, once you run low on stormlight, there's less pressure, meaning most of it remains in your bloodstream, meaning you can talk without losing tons of stormlight. As you increase your oaths, your spiritual aspect becomes better at holding investiture, so you leak less. Or maybe you increase your spiritual aspect's affinity with investiture, which decreases the pressure. Now,  what said about breathing being the way to expel stormlight, meaning it is unchanged by oath, is accurate. When the Radiant is trying to expel stormlight. When Kaladin was getting a tattoo, he purposefully expelled the stormlight from himself. Regardless of oath, radiants will be able to expel stormlight at the same speed. Higher oaths might even be able to do it faster.

So do you think a Radiant could forcibly expell stormlight through other parts of their body if they wanted to?

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27 minutes ago, Frustration said:

If something doesn't make sense to you, you can simply ask that I explain it a different way without getting agressive about it.

I did, and your answer still made no sense, so I asked again, and got your line about submarines, which, at least as far as I am concerned, had nothing at all to do with the question I was asking. I mean, my question was about what the open mouth had to do with anything if it was down to the soul to determine how stormlight was held by the body. You replied with something about a leaky submarine.

I can see the analogy with the body... But not what it has to do with the soul, which is what I was asking about.

Tell me Frustration, how many times do you need to be asked before explaining what you mean properly?


In response to your last point, about Radiants expelling stormlight... I know it's not being forcibly expelled at the time, just natural leakage, but don't we see stormlight leaking from the eyes of Radiants at times too? Suggests it might be possible to expel it forcefully elsewhere.

Edited by Bort
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2 hours ago, Frustration said:

So do you think a Radiant could forcibly expell stormlight through other parts of their body if they wanted to?

Probably. I would guess that they can absorb stormlight in other ways too. Kaladin realizing that he couldn’t get stormlight underwater seemed to foreshadow something like that being possible. Either that or it foreshadowed Radiants being unable to get more stormlight in a vacuum, which would throw a wrench in any radiant astronaut plans.

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